CrackerSlant ago

Federal should start etching bullets with "nigger faggots"

MockingDead ago


Keahiehj ago

Segregation just kicks the can further down the road.

Nosferatjew ago

It certainly does.

spongecigarette ago

kill all white supremacists 😝

PoliceICE ago

You solve the nigger problem by solving the Jewish problem. Solving the nigger problem alone won’t fix America.

Nosferatjew ago

You're not wrong, however, the nigger problem will need to be addressed no matter what.

Doglegwarrior ago

ummm much easier solution...


wgtt911 ago

Depends. Do we each get to shoot them ourselves.

Nosferatjew ago

Can we please?

Fancy451 ago

Calm down glownigger. You'll get that pension!

86USSLiberty ago

The way to fix niggers would be ending the Jewish problem. Believe me they aren’t as big a problem without the tribe whispering into their ears. Things were improving and they weren’t the animals they are today without Jew intervention and products like gangster rap.

romanstock ago

They are siding with the Communists, so clearly they want the last option. Although they're too stupid to see what's going to happen to them after their usefulness is over.

sneaksnek ago

why not both?

voatuser1128 ago

Kill all niggers


3 until #2 happens

Finsterbaby ago

Agreed and have been saying this for years.

Riste2424 ago

Sending them all back to Africa is something I would prefer. Although I’m white, so I guess the question did not apply to me. 😁

kishind ago

They'll have an advantage there and propagate. It's too much for them to live in a high tech society. They'll be the first to lose out when robots start taking over jobs.

Stahlgewitter88 ago

I heard that Liberia is very beautiful this time of the year. Only a few cases of cannibalism and only every 3rd not every 2nd woman is getting raped. We really need to organize a transport for our negro friends - so they can live happily ever after in Liberia!

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

I'm down with all three. Really. Segregation would help out a lot. Black only neighborhoods and shit would be nice. They can rob their own stores and burn down their own building when their own police shoot them for doing nigger shit.

Sending them back would be hilarious because Africans had US Niggers whole heartedly. I've been to 5 African countries. They all said they have american blacks.

And killing the ones that aren't doing the segregation thing or going back to the 3rd world shithole is just fine with me, really.

voatuser1128 ago

Segregation would help out a lot.

We tried but Jews and naive liberals put an end to that. I've given up. America will become the new Mexico or Brazil. If after the Civil War, in a far more racist, Americans did not deport them but actually changed the constitution to give them citizenship. I don't see them being deported now in a far more white guilt/social justice warrior time..

voatuser1128 ago

I have not even met one american born nigger who has been to Africa. How did African born niggers come to hate american born ones?

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

They have the same sources of media we do. Just lower bit rates.

crazy_eyes ago

They all said they have american blacks.


eatorganic_gasemetic ago

Autocorrect changed it from hate to have

wasteroftime ago

I think they meant "hate" not had. That being said, there are slaves owned by niggers in Africa. Pretty much always has been, always will be.

SpreeFeech ago

I thought segregation might work since there are nigger leaders asking to be segregated, but it just won't work. Why would we keep nigger reservations when they would just consume and never produce? Why would we try to have a dangerous place within our own borders? It seems like the choice should between the bullet or the boat. That should go for ALL non-Whites, especially the jew. This is not a call for violence. Segregation was legal and so was enforcing it. We can make America great again.

KnuckleDragonYardApe ago


RushYYZ ago

The ride or the rope.

New-World-Ebola ago

you know there's only 1 way.

Nosferatjew ago

...yeah, but, do we have enough rope?

New-World-Ebola ago


whiteboyday ago

why not give them their own medicine and throw a tire around their neck and light it

Nosferatjew ago

Oh yeah, there are billions of those just sitting around going to waste.

Phantom42 ago

Well... Kinda yeah.

kammmmak ago

The one they want for us. Death

New-World-Ebola ago

what's the alternative? do nothing and let them rape us to death?

Tallest_Skil ago

Seems like what we’re doing so far.

moarzor ago

Does it matter if it won't happen?

voatuser1128 ago

If after the Civil War, in a far more racist, Americans did not deport them but actually changed the constitution to give them citizenship. I don't see them being deported now in a far more social justice warrior time.

Nosferatjew ago
