Nosferatjew ago

I got bored and stopped going there. Too many fags. Glad to see you're taking a crack at it though.

SearchVoatBot ago

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RapidLynx ago

Why does their CEO name them on his public profile on the platform then? And the major Jewish institutions have opposed the site and shut its funding sources through Visa.

Gab is the only place online outside of Voat where I see people freely naming Jews and not getting banned, so I think that’s a good sign.

LennyMcLennington ago

People moderate their own guilds in whichever way they see fit. You're welcome to deny the holocaust in +BasedDepartment if you want. There's no site wide rule against it, it's just that specific guild.

HeehawNPepe ago

Hahahahahahah. It literally says you have been exiled! Not banned, or suspended, but exiled!

These people have their head shoved so far up their own ads, I don't understand how they can breath.

SparklingWiggle ago

There is no challenge in that quote to not tell you anything.

Angryelectrician ago

yeah kinda gay over there.

AlfonsHilter ago

Intolerance doesn't have to mean hate. Actual hating takes your whole person with it. I just don't tolerate niggers, spics, towelheads and jews. If the only way to get rid of them is the "final solution" then so be it, but it's not about hate it's about love for my own people.

Comfy_PrizonSlipperz ago

That dog one is genius. Fugging genius.

Well done bro.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

How did you even manage to post? I can't even get onto '503 Central'

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I'm banned now. Only took about 10 minutes with two posts, one about "forced labor" at the camps and one about "white lives matter". I can't get around it where I'm at, even when I change IPs with a VPN. Those people are just way too thin skinned. And DEFINITELY controlled opposition. If you can't criticize niggers and jews and can't defend White people, that should tell you it's not "free speech".

I don't believe in the "free speech" fiction anyway, but if you can't get a chance to express yourself in the marketplace of ideas, it's a sandbox and not really a forum.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I'm doing my best to rile them up. I posted about the Lagergeld, the camp scrip jews were paid for their labor in UnpopularFacts. Someone actually dismissed it out of hand because the concept conflicted with what he believes. This is going to be fun.

thebearfromstartrack ago

IT would RUIN their whole self ass kissing image about their intellect, to allow viewpoints that illustrate the absolute phallacy (pun intended) of their perspective on themselves.

VitGet ago

Keep sanding it down I wonder to see what they'll finally allow.

Try this:

Nosferatjew ago

Hmmm, perhaps I will give this a shot.

VitGet ago

Seems like you're trying to go a little more subtle with each round... This might fit in on one of them.

RaySwore ago

That sub about black violence is still up. If you make a new sub they might leave it alone.

Faggot1234 ago

I admire your ability to fuck with them

voatusernamevoat ago

forget memes, point out what jews say and do:

SparklingWiggle ago

I defy you. I think their choice of domain name was a coincidence.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago


369693936 ago

You need to make one about the crematoriums in Italy during the COVID crisis. E.g. if they could only bake something like 23 cookies a day in Italy today - how many days did it take to bake 6 million cookies back in the 1940s?

boekanier ago

Memes about jews is 'not done'. Strictly forbidden.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

I have not tried Rukkus but I did sign up for Parler. The format sucks ass.

Sexgangster ago

These are not "memes" as in funny pictures but propaganda hidden in the format of memes. Raqqus is trying to lose its rough political refugee reputation so they can have legitimacy in the internet market. You broke two rules effectively, firstly you did not post honest memes in a meme guild, secondly you were explicitly politically incorrect in an unsuitable environment. Your ban was deserved, make a new account faggot or post more here.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Man you are a whiny little shit.

Id be impressed if I werent so annoyed.

Sexgangster ago

I just looked through your post history and... oof. Yikes. Cringe. You may want to leave the internet for a little bit sweety. Your posts are extremely racists and misogynist. This is uncalled for and extremely toxic. I have reported you and am currently recovering from your triggering messages. DO NOT contact me or my wife's child again!

robot7247 ago

Thanks for doing the good work.

antiliberalsociety ago

Back when it was /pol/ discovered the servers pinged through Israel. Upon that blowing up, was "attacked by ddos" and went down. Miraculously, it came back as a .com and oh look, no longer pings through Israel.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

Have you tried posting vaguely jew-positive memes? Like those "jews have contributed to the welfare of 109 countries throughout history. Google 109!" or some shit

Broc_Lia ago

Was your account banned though?

Nosferatjew ago

Not this one, but my previous account was, for saying, "gas the jannies".

Broc_Lia ago

Lol yeah, I saw that.

It's a shame but we might as well hang out there anyhow on the off chance someone gets the message.

Neskuaxa ago

it was "Exiled"

Broc_Lia ago

Like, banned from a sub or banned from the site?

Nosferatjew ago

From the sub, so far.

Jippymausen ago

Yes Goy, don't post anything outside of Voat. Stay in your containment site.

Jippymausen ago

Anyone discouraging you from posting to Ruqqus is a kike.

turnnightmodeoff ago

your lame omega memes lack impact, your getting real movers and shakers isolated and shut down, is this what you intended?

lipids ago

These are only volunteer mods. Start your own and see if the admins ban you.

Nosferatjew ago

I won't be able to start my own guild with the current account, as there is a 250 rep reqyirement to do so, and my rep has been mysteriously frozen at -5.

Covid14 ago

Start your own and see if the admins ban you.


Tallest_Skil ago

Yep, banned. Next question.

gerberlyfe2 ago

Ruqqus is just as bad as reddit. That's why it will fail. The internet doesn't need another shitty moderated forum that will slide into consensus with a ratcheting series of bans and bland advertiser-friendly groupthink.

FannyCraddock ago

That’s not a meme

Nosferatjew ago

Which one? Be specific.

FannyCraddock ago

Any of them

Nosferatjew ago

Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

beefartist ago

You are performing the definition of pissing into the wind...if you could find something that improved your life 0.01% you would be better off

frankenmine ago

2 Fast 2 Furious reboot called 2 Dank 4 Ruqqus

shitface9000 ago

You have been infected by 10 wrong-thinks. Your privileges have been restricted accordingly. You will not be notified when they are restored. Have a nice day.

Nosferatjew ago

Only 10? bruh.

SilentByAssociation ago

Ten which have been documented. You'll catch up to 109 documented, and then soon surpass that as well.

RapidLynx ago

Ruqqus is the “controlled opposition” to Reddit just like Parler is the “controlled opposition” to Twitter. That’s why those platforms are popular and being pushed by (((conservatives))).

They never mention sites like Voat or Gab where there’s actually no censorship of opposing views which expose what’s going on.

Goat7 ago

What do you think of

MaunaLoona ago

Literally overnight everyone was talking about parlor. That shit can't be organic.

observation1 ago

Twitter was the same way. Busted onto the scene like the Beatles

Broc_Lia ago

They never mention sites like Voat or Gab where there’s actually no censorship of opposing views which expose what’s going on.

Isn't gab the same?

RapidLynx ago

Not in my experience. I’ve tried out Parler and Gab recently and only Gab has users openly naming Jews and not getting banned. I could repost anything I see on Voat over there and not be banned.

Broc_Lia ago

Good to hear.

Nosferatjew ago

Last I checked, (((gab))) has censorship.

BadBoyBubby ago

gab was also heavily shilled by everybody right of Mao

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Gab is shilled by billy badasses

frankenmine ago

You can't name the Jew or post porn but short of that anything goes.

RapidLynx ago

That’s just a lie. Most of the major accounts on that site name the Jew every other post, with a ton of them liked and reposted by the CEO. Have you ever been to Gab?

Marou ago

To hell you can't. That's all I've done there since it's inception. If you start going all RAHOWA they'll get ya though.

Doglegwarrior ago

so the only thing that matters we cant do on GAB aka naming the jew? the only thing that will save this coutnry we cant do? fuck gab then.

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits

frankenmine ago

You might be able to get away with that last one on Gab but get into CEO ethnic distribution or Holocaust feasibility and they send you bye-bye.

Nosferatjew ago

If you can't name the jew, then you don't have freedom of speech.

frankenmine ago

I mean, I agree with you, but it is what it is. It's still better than reddit. Not everyone is quite ready for Voat.

Nosferatjew ago

Ruqqus is a containment board, for people who recently left reddit, that keeps them from learning about the jew, while giving them the false impression that they have the freedom to say whatever they want.

frankenmine ago

Could be. I'm much more suspicious of Parler because of its terrible privacy policy and flood of conservative celebrity endorsements. Ruqqus could just be trying to figure things out, like Voat's early days.

Nosferatjew ago

Parlor is one of the most obvious honeypots of all time. Right up there with

ReAwakened ago

Those are so nonspecific. They got their spidey senses out looking for it.

smokratez ago

Beta faggots can't deal with jew criticism.

Wheatstone ago

I got my post deleted from anonall just days ago for saying "goy lives matter"

I'm not even joking. Ask revbilly

Nosferatjew ago

Hey @revbilly, is Wheatstone not even joking?

RevBilly ago


rumorhazard ago

This goy

TrueGoy ago


romanstock ago

that's a very mild meme too

jewer ago

True, very tame, but it refers to Jews.

Ruqqus (Cuqqus) is just Reddit 2.0

Ruqqus Bans most things that upsets Jews, or mentions Black Crime statistics

The site does indeed ban people and IP addresses, and phone hardware IDs, and worse, it MOVES innocent FACTUAL posts on lies promoted by Jews posts to hide visibility by shoving them into +TrashCan

The site is overrun by censoring leftists.

It has no room for center and right of center comments.

Anything derogatory of jews is shoahed and person eventually banned.

TRY GLOBAL SITE for the word "Jew" !!!

SEE? ON 2020.07.10 you get these lame results, only 47 in total , and many are NOT critical of Jews!

look! at "Jew" post search results of entire site, 47. Here are the top-most today::

ONE TAME POST A DAY about Jews allowed and remaining in "search" using

Bwahh hah hah hah ... only tame results! Tame! I wonder why? Its not a coincidence!

Its a Cohencidence.

Technically less than one post a day not deleted or hidden.

I love how a few of the leftists on Ruqqus want to censor HATE THOUGHT in a big thread today :

Ruqqus is not a haven for hate.:

Bwah hah hah hah!

our local user @poopdawg15 has an account there and in under 3 days got -178 rep!

our local user @El_Syd has an account there and AMAZINGLY got -60 rep IN TWO HOURS!

our @Literally-Oppressed got banned there, but never on

our @Nosferatjew and his IP block got banned there for fairly mild stuff, criticizing censorship by mods (jannies or janitors).

our @Tallest_Skil got an account there and was censored and banned.

our @Covid14 got BANNED for creating guild +whitevictimsofblackcrime !!!

our @Nosferatjew using a new account got BANNED for sharing three very tame Jew memes to +dankmemes. Look at them: !!!

Hah! refer to his thread :

See? tanukihat will defend all those above bans and call them spamming, not hate thought bans.

"tanukihat" is a deep insider of Ruqqus, maybe even a cofounder. But he lacks integrity and honesty and does not know the meaning of the phrase "lawful free speech" or the meaning of the word "banned".

Ruqqus the "reddit 2.0 clone" bans if you merely discuss illegal aliens or things Jews dislike, and you upset a main mod :

banned for discussing modern germany! BANNED!


Then there is THIS image Titus posted to Ruqqus, i assume that is "antisemitism" though factual :

Yes, BANNED for that!

Try posting it yourself there in a prominent area and see what happens to it.

This poor user Titus was shadowbanned or de facto banned on Ruqqus and some of his posts moved by mods to +TrashCan :

many here mantion how leftists brigade and slam rep of new people to negative 200 within days and hound anyone that it not in a leftist clique

RUQQUS IS A CENSORING CLONE OF REDDIT that disallows pissing off Jews no matter what depravity or jew lie is being discussed.

@Nosferatjew does not like hate-thought mods (janitors) and Nosferatjew wrote :

Gas the jannies

BANNED!!!! He got BANNED for that

Nosferatjew might have also agitated the jannie mods on ruqqus by talking about his preference to not have sex with negroid Hominids:

@Covid14 got BANNED for creating guild +whitevictimsofblackcrime then posting a total of 20 shocking videos into it. Just 20.

They not only banned Covid14's Amalek account:

They not only banned Covid14's PavementApe account too :

And banned his guild :

read more about Covid14 here :

TL/DR : Ruqqus (Cuqqus) bans mentioning Black Crimem and Ruqqus protects Jew lies about pre-war germany

Nosferatjew ago

Exellent post, as always. Thank you for keeping track of all this.

I do need to clarify a couple things though about what is happening with my latest account... I have not been banned again sitewide, I am just banned from +DankMemes. They have however frozen my rep at -5, which restricts me from creating my own guild, which would be an option if I were to reach 250 rep. I suspect this is connected to @Covid14 getting banned for making the guild +whitevictimsofblackcrime. Can't let people like us make guilds on their precious containment board.

Also, one of the cofounders responded to an accusation I made about their censorship:

"We're not having users come on here to tell others "let's kill x group of people" or to "kill yourself". Sorry."

Screencap showing comment chain

Covid14 ago

They have however frozen my rep at -5,

Can confirm, my rep is frozen at -5. The admins of that site are are pretty fucking shady. It’s a “free speech for me, but not for thee” attitude, but what do you expect from redditors.

They’re either a part of Reddit’s admin, or they’re just so used to reddits censorious culture, that they can’t help shadowbanning/censoring people who hurt their feelings. Either way, the site is hostile to anything right of jewish neocons. Hand rubbing intensifies

Splooge ago

Seriously, you only get it if you get it. There are plenty of better, more direct memes; if Ruqqus is this sensitive to even the mildest ones, I can only imagine how kiked things are behind the scenes.

LennyMcLennington ago

The moderator who banned OP doesn't work for or run Ruqqus though. He just moderates a guild. There are already alternative guilds that oppose the censorship on +DankMemes and you can post on those without risking a ban.

Nosferatjew ago

I chose those three speficially because of how tame and indirect they are. I'll be hitting up the other memedrop guilds later to see what it takes to get banned. I'm guessing it won't take much.

speedpunk ago

Honestly the last one is tame to us but not to normies. People have been under 75 years of holohoax propaganda, their reactions to anything questioning it is about as extreme a reaction as you can get. Breaking that programming takes a long time before it can really be approached by the average person, maybe never for most.

blain_Damaged ago

Lots of AstroTurf companies lately.