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SearchVoatBot ago

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crunky_from_podunky ago

Sup guys. Proud Racist and ashamed ruqqer here. DM me your most horrific racist memes and videos and I'll do what I can with 'em. Or if you just have one big linkdump of 'em somewhere throw that my way, I'm not picky.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Mallet22 ago

Can you copy what you got banned for? Disappointed in ruqqus

tallarn ago

Did you call them niggers?

CheeBooga ago

Its jewd, Jim

bbylon ago

They just gave your +Nationalsocialismgeneral sub away to some random bloke who made it nsfw and blocked me from posting in it.

Covid14 ago

Thanks, I just checked it out. Thing is, I never got a ban reason on either account. Lol.

tanukihat ago

I would like to see some screenshot of your sub and your posts please.

tanukihat ago

Yep, there's always more to the story. Enjoy your ban, spammer.

He was spamming with multiple accounts and posting like once per minute in general at one point. like 15 posts in 20 minutes.

I don't think he should have been banned but admins need some way of preventing people from dominating the main page with a single person's content. In addition, I'm not sure if there was any vote manipulation happening with his sockpuppets but it wouldn't surprise me.

Anyway he had an account on voat days before he was banned so it seems like he may have been here to raid anyway. I don't understand why people from voat want to make a clone here.

Covid14 ago

Lol. 15 posts in 20 minutes deserves a site wide ban. Sure thing faggot.

iDontShift ago

what did you do?

seems that you omit your behavior as if it was for nothing.

i've been saying shit and not had shit happen to me.

seems some say you were posting excessively, and trying to dominate the front page using puppet accounts.

Covid14 ago

what did you do?

Created the sub WhiteVictimsofBlackCrime. Did you even read the OP?

I made twenty posts total on that sub. Hardly excessive.

iDontShift ago

inciting violence. case closed.

literally isn't helpful. I am not going to debate the obvious.

Covid14 ago

No. Didn’t happen. But take the admins at their word.

iDontShift ago

you promote videos of people hurting each other.

i'm not really interested in it either, so there is that.

you claim it doesn't cause more.. or folks 'need to see it' ... i dunno.. i see insane people every day every where I go..

so some insane people act insane you selectively group them together claiming something hoping for something..

what are you hoping for?

you pretend like folks can see where this is going.

Covid14 ago

you promote videos of people hurting each other.

Niggers attacking people.

i'm not really interested in it either, so there is that.

I’m not interested in the truth. Lol

you claim it doesn't cause more.. or folks 'need to see it' ... i dunno.. i see insane people every day every where I go..

Leftist rambling. This makes no sense.

so some insane people act insane you selectively group them together claiming something hoping for something..

13 = 50. You are retarded.

what are you hoping for?

14 words.

you pretend like folks can see where this is going.

Non retarded leftists can. Go back to reddit faggot.

iDontShift ago

you are a 7 day old bitch .

go home and take your racist shit with you.

Covid14 ago

you are a 7 day old bitch .


go home and take your racist shit with you.

I’m not the one in the wrong place.

iDontShift ago

you've always been wrong.

Covid14 ago

No u

iDontShift ago

exactly. you simply invert what is right and good.

quartertomidnight ago

So they don't understand the concept of free speech and they are repeating the mistakes that made reddit the way it is now? Not that reddit was ever anything but a leftist shithole. Seems like it's just a net to catch the escape goyim and keep them from "waking up" to their jewish masters.

hang_em_high ago

Seen 5 threads on this so far. Clearly ruqqus is just another censorship hellhole.

whyamIevenhere ago

It's a shame to hear about libertarians not supporting free speech just because they don't like what they're hearing. I got banned from an ancap sub for questioning the Holocaust and I wasn't even straight up denying it or calling it the "Holohoax" the way I would here. I was just questioning it.

waucka ago

Our security warlocks have cast an impenetrable shield spell around this page.

That's the gayest thing I've seen so far today, and I saw that story about the literal niggerfaggot on the Playboy cover.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

the literal niggerfaggot on the Playboy cover.

--we are gonna need more info on that

RaySwore ago

That place is just a bunch of lefty faggots larping as centrists

voatdied ago

it's called ruqqus. the fuck did you expect.

QuickAnims ago

I hate Ruqqus because their servers are made of potatoes.

Glory_Beckons ago

When Ruqqus started up, it looked like a good opportunity to gently redpill normies who aren't ready for Voat level unfiltered realities.

This rapid transition from "we're leaving Reddit because of censorship" to "we need more censorship" is a direct result of you people going in there and flinging shit at everything and everyone, muh dikking about how you're the basededest, competing to see who can get banned the fastest, so you can come back here waving your ban around like a trophy for virtual attention points.

Absolutely zero subtlety, finesse, or forethought. Like a bunch of niggers.

You successfully behaved so repulsively that you pushed them back to the left, instead of pulling them right.

So, congratulations, I guess. You did the jews' work for them.

RaySwore ago

Good I don't want those faggots on my side. Build a fucking wall.

Wowbagger ago

Almost immediately upon getting a decent user base somebody said they didn't have enough porn guilds. I'll be happy to watch that shit eat itself. I give it a year.

RaySwore ago

I saw guy saying that he was a mod for "a bunch of gone wild type subs" on reddit. It's doomed.

kammmmak ago

It's a site that gives the illusion of choice but delivers the same eventual censorship. Must be a jew in there somewhere.

RoundWheel ago

All of the leftist communist controlled sites are experiencing mass exodus. They are attempting to provide controlled alternatives so they flee to new sites which are still controlled.

VicariousJambi ago

one of our security warlocks

jew language manipulation in a thinly veiled cloak of "humor"

fuck that site

JoesLegHair ago

Very cringy.

Marou ago

Saidit is more fertile ground and is a free speech site. It just requires effort posting, so you can call everything like it is, as long as you're willing to do that.

I've spent some time over there, but dismantling pilpul can be tiring; and it's onerous to effort post all the time, so it's a mood based endeavor.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

voat is still better, you can say pretty much whatever

common_sense ago

But go against the echochamber and people want to cut your dick off. It’s fucking annoying.

Example: Jews don’t control the world and immigration is a net benefit.

syrupbl-ster ago

It really isn't, especially when you don't even vet for IQ or emotional intelligence.

Marou ago

I agree, but if you are spreading truth Voat is preaching to the choir. Other locations serve other purposes.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Yeah, but there are many newfags here from the Great Reddit Exodus. They need to be brutally blackpilled.

DishingShitLikeA ago

I noticed a very small uptick in newfags. It didn't seem like past migrations.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Many are lurkfags, too timid or low IQ to post content or comments. I am BigBrain and gorilla-dick.

Boltsky ago

The saiddit forum I check out has plenty of racial content, the only stuff they ban is violence related.

Broc_Lia ago

I don't really care about other users whining, blocking or banning so long as the admins aren't hostile. If the admins are hostile then there's no point hanging around other than for trolling purposes.

Marou ago

The admins are not hostile. The site owner was posting today about Mossad controlling the issuance of US school textbooks for over 30 years.

Broc_Lia ago

On saidit or ruqqus?

Marou ago


Gorillion ago

"ruqqus" has the same revolting shit-sniffing homo vibe as "yiffing".

Covid14 ago


TIL that there is no end to degenerate depravity.

Moon_Central ago

I bet ruqcucks is owned by righ-wing jews.

Tallest_Skil ago

right-wing jews

So… Leninist jews, rather than Marxist jews.

CheeBooga ago

I've been trying to get people top understand this for years. Its right-winged jews VS left-winged jews and the goy be damned

SendMeYourTitties ago

Ruqqus is meant to herd the conservative but not far right wing people into one place for easy control.

smokratez ago

Ruqqus seems to be a place where faggots jerk off to cat pictures. It's still reddit.

Covid14 ago

100%. The site is full of degenerate faggots and mentally ill redditors. But I like to call faggots faggots, so it has that going for it.

Goat7 ago

degenerate faggots

Ellen DeGenerate

Timur9000 ago

Good job

smokratez ago

There is some mild redpilling going on, so it's not a complete loss yet.

Aceishigh ago

I don't like the fact that I had over 500 pts yesterday vs 69 pts today. This is some fuckery to keep the new subs from being unleashed.

Covid14 ago

No, it’s not a complete loss. You’ve been doing some very good, subtle, red pilling on there. There are few other goats trying similar tactics as well. I’ll be back helping you guys soon :)

DishingShitLikeA ago

It's all so tiresome.

Sometimes... sometimes.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Some ruckus if you don't allow opposition to exist.

turnnightmodeoff ago

happy friday

feel better soon

Nosferatjew ago

Welcome to the club XD

I just checked on the guild you made, and it appears to still be up. It even still lists your two accounts as "active" guildmasters, even though when you click through to their profiles, it says they are banned.

Covid14 ago

Thanks bro :)

Whenever I try to interact with the page it gives me that 403 message. Perhaps it’s just because the account is banned.

Nosferatjew ago

I think that's probably what it is. Does it give you that message when you use an unbanned account?

Covid14 ago

Yes, you’re right. I can access it with the unbanned account. I can also post and comment. Thanks.

voatusernamevoat ago

The bans are hardware based

What are you referring to, the mac address? They are configurable.

Covid14 ago

The ban is by device, not IP. I assume it’s similar to a HWID ban. I changed my device identifier and was then able to create a new account.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Desktop, mobile? Rooted, unrooted? Got a site or app link? That way we know here how to bypass their bans

Moon_Central ago

I'm sure there are apps that mask all that shit, from browser to OS to mac address.

Covid14 ago

There are a lot of ways around it, but it helps to know what you’re dealing with going in.

Argumentative ago

someone with an account over there go see if that maxwellhill has an account lol just out of curiosity

invisiblephrend ago

she's a little preoccupied with planning to not kill herself, at the moment.

Argumentative ago

head on a swivel so bad would be surprised if it didn't turn right round eh :^) seriously though i have no idea how old ruqqus even is why i asked

Covid14 ago

Don’t think so mate

Argumentative ago

was worth a look, cheers for that speedy response good sir

Covid14 ago

No worries.

Nosferatjew ago

Actually, someone made an account with that name 2 days ago:


Covid14 ago

Good catch.

Broc_Lia ago

Wonder if it's her or not, could be a squatter.

Covid14 ago

Probably a squatter if it’s only 2 days old.