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jewer ago

Everything OP typed is a half truth, a lie.

The site does indeed ban people and IP addresses, and worse, it MOVES innocent FACTUAL posts on lies promoted by Jews posts to hide visibility by shoving them into +TrashCan

The site is overrun by censoring leftists.

It has no room for center and right of center comments.

Anything derogatory of jews is shoahed and person eventually banned.

TRY GLOBAL SITE for the word "Jew" !!!

SEE? ON 2020.07.10 you get these lame results, only 47 in total , and many are NOT critical of Jews!

look! at "Jew" post search results of entire site, 47. Here are the top-most today::

ONE TAME POST A DAY about Jews allowed and remaining in "search" using

Bwahh hah hah hah ... only tame results! Tame! I wonder why? Its not a coincidence!

Its a Cohencidence.

Technically less than one post a day not deleted or hidden.

I love how a few of the leftists on Ruqqus want to censor HATE THOUGHT in a big thread today :

Ruqqus is not a haven for hate.:

Bwah hah hah hah!

our local user @poopdawg15 has an account there and in under 3 days got -178 rep!

our local user @El_Syd has an account there and AMAZINGLY got -60 rep IN TWO HOURS!

our @Literally-Oppressed got banned there, but not on

our @Nosferatjew and his IP block got banned there for failure mild stuff, criticizing censorship (jannies or janitors).

our @Tallest_Skil got an account there and was censored and banned.

The OP " tanukihat" is a deep insider of Ruqqus, maybe even a cofounder. But he lacks integrity and honesty and does not know the meaning of the phrase "lawful free speech" or the meaning of the word "banned".

Ruqqus the "reddit 2.0 clone" bans if you merely discuss illegal aliens or things Jews dislike, and you upset a main mod :

banned for discussing modern germany! BANNED!


Then there is THIS image Titus posted to Ruqqus, i assume that is "antisemitism" though factual :

Yes, BANNED for that!

Try posting it yourself there in a prominent area and see what happens to it.

This poor user Titus was shadowbanned or de facto banned on Ruqqus and some of his posts moved by mods to +TrashCan :

many here mantion how leftists brigade and slam rep of new people to negative 200 within days and hound anyone that it not in a leftist clique

RUQQUS IS A CENSORING CLONE OF REDDIT that disallows pissing off Jews no matter what depravity or jew lie is being discussed.

@Nosferatjew does not like hate-thought mods (janitors) and Nosferatjew wrote :

Gas the jannies

BANNED!!!! He got BANNED for that

Nosferatjew might have also agitated the jannie mods on ruqqus by talking about his preference to not have sex with negroid Hominids:

TL/DR : Ruqqus protects Jew lies about pre-war germany

Nosferatjew ago

You forgot @Covid14, who was banned for starting a guild names +whitevictimsofblackcrime. He talks about it in this recent post of his.