blain_Damaged ago

What about infogalactic?

Goat7 ago

Not sure.

But they appear only to have three active users.

blain_Damaged ago

If it's not another fake Jewish ripoff, the poor guys might just be starting out.

Maybe voaters should penetration test their free speech stance.

Maybe get some legitimacy.

Goat7 ago

Good idea. But requesting an account costs a fee of a few dollars last time I checked.

Metapedia certainly FAILED the criticism test.

blain_Damaged ago

That explains the 3 users. They're just trying to screen out bullshit posts to keep maintenance low, but it's obviously not a great strategy. They're in purgatory until they figure that out.

I don't use any wikis for anything, and they are no longer top recommendations for my searches. It's like they don't even exist to me anymore.

Goat7 ago

I take things on controversial topcs written on open wikis with a grain of salt and check sources.

anoncastillo ago

Why not make a list of sites that actually are free speech for the far right? It'd be shorter.

Goat7 ago

Voat, Poal, that's it?

blain_Damaged ago

I had zero problems at gab, and I pushed the limits.

Mostly, Christians just blocked me. They hate Isaiah 60 12.

Goat7 ago

Note: The founder Andrew Torba is christian.

blain_Damaged ago

Interesting. There was a smear that he's Jewish.

The Christians absolutely hated what I had to say, so if he took it and let my account live, they look legit.

They need to slow down and fix their code first.

Goat7 ago

I see. But other users reported unreasonable bans. But thanks for sharing your experience.

I will link your comment in the list.

somebody112 ago

I second the above opinion, I'm on gab, I unironically say nigger or whatever the fuck I want TBH. Never had a problem, never had anybody even bitch at me about anything. I would say that gab is as free as voat to say whatever you want. People are less overtly racist on gab though, they don't say nigger/kike or whatever as often as voat does, but you won't get banned.

Goat7 ago

I see. Thanks for commenting.

blain_Damaged ago

Really? All I saw was Patrick get kicked off.

I was dancing on the line so good. Never a peep. Some Jews and white knight Christians would come in and demand gab ban me, but nothing ever happened.

It's pointless to censor if there's a fully operational block feature which they have.

Goat7 ago

Users can block/mute each other on pretty much every platform, which is normal.

But platforms proclaiming free speech should not be lying about it.

blain_Damaged ago

Not on the leftist shitholes. Jews are definitely in charge of YouTube since they don't have a block feature. Sites without one want you to be forced to listen to their drivel brainwashing.

Now, a "block" feature on wikis would be something. Imagine it being so well managed that you could block that psycho Jew doing 25% of everything on Wikipedia.

Goat7 ago

You mean this guy?

blain_Damaged ago

Yeah, could you imagine someone making it so that all of his trash can be blocked out, leaving all other edits etc in place as if he never existed?

All the work across the internet the Jews have done to try to control how people talk and think would be undone immediately.

The Jew fears the block feature. I blocked them all on gab. It was a great experience.

Goat7 ago

But kikes also block a lot.

blain_Damaged ago


They will eventually block everyone with everyone else blocking them.

They isolate themselves by nature. It has spread to the internet.

Goat7 ago

Hard to do on a collaborative project, but there is already this.

Tallest_Skil ago

Literally every single one.

Goat7 ago

Also Voat and Poal?

GenderPronoun ago

There are multiple reports about Poal around Voat lately about specific users (that are admins on the site) being rather shifty. Not sure what to make of it, but do a search on "Poal". I had an account and was posting about 6 months ago when there was a big clam up with one of the admins moving a bunch of postings out of major subs to obscure the visibility of post that they didn't like or agree with (especially if it's anti-china for some reason). In the incident that got me most concerned, it was a mod of a sub, posted in his own sub and the site mod complained about the posting and then moved it from the sub mod's sub to some obscure sub that would get no visibility. There was a big blow up about it and then some other user claimed they were going to report the site to ADL. I had only been there a month and it rubbed me the wrong way so I deleted my account because I didn't need that kind of stupid drama.

I still lurk there from time to time and the same drama happens at poal quite often (seemingly every couple of weeks or so you'll see 10+ "XXXX user is a faggot" posts from the same few people with some really immature shit). They don't condone downvoting there so the drama gets traffic and causes more attention than it should. Here on Voat that garbage gets downvoted and is easily filtered out. Not sure what the drama there is all about because I'm not part of the conversation but it seems one of the main admins and a couple of other users team up on other users when a small ecosystem starts growing. This theme and the same usernames has been mentioned here on Voat several times regarding Poal.

I have never had any of these problems here on Voat, but there are some fairly aggressive characters here and some will coordinate downvoats if you have an opinion they don't like. This is far different than coordinated agitation and site mod over reach.

Now, regarding saiddit, there seems to be some interesting agitation between the Poal users and saiddit users. Do a search on Poal for "saiddit" and on saiddit for "Poal" and you'll see what I mean. I actually search both sites for the keyword "Voat" and keep an eye out for the other keywords here on Voat. Interesting shit. Anyway, it seems that both saiddit and poal users complain about site mod overreach as the reason they are upset and there's a lot of rage quitting. It also seems that on both poal and saiddit they complain mostly that they don't like downvoating. That said, poal allows downvoating but it triggers a label on your username and resets your score so your account features are limited while saiddit removed the downvoat button altogether.

No site is perfect but it seems that no moderation like Voat seems to fit the category of "free speech" the best. It might be nice if there was a tad bit of moderation here, given the technical problems.

Goat7 ago

Thank you for the thorough observations!

GenderPronoun ago

No problem. Glad I can help.

Tallest_Skil ago

If Poal would allow me to log in again, I’d say probably. SaidIt bans you for violating its pyramid of faggotry, but only if you tell the truth. If you say left-wing content, you can say anything you want.

Goat7 ago

That login thing looks like a technical problem, not sure what caused it. But I have added Saidit to the list. And Gab.

Tallest_Skill ago

I am just glad grinder has not banned me, it gets lonely on the weekends.

Goat7 ago

You must be very skilled.

Tallest_Skill ago

hahahaha @Tallest_Skil

TripleZ ago

You're a faggot?

Tallest_Skill ago

no @Tallest_Skil is he does disgusting things to our shared body

TripleZ ago

So both are. Explains a lot.

GenderPronoun ago

Look closely at the usernames in this sub-thread. One has one too many L's.

TripleZ ago

Lol, that guy got me before too. It's OK, Tallest probably is a faggot.