eronburr ago

LOL So sue Putt in Delaware already.

Why would I sue? What losses would I claim? How old are you to even think suing is a worth any effort?

argosciv ago

So basically, you seem to be admitting to attempting to game the voting system and are pissed off to discover that there's something in place to combat such a thing? That sure sounds familiar...

Wonder of wonders, here you are attempting to hide in plain sight in that very same thread linked above:

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @kevdude @PuttItOut

Vindicator ago

Why is the one guy spamming the same comment over and over "Hello, I live in France..." Bot, maybe?

argosciv ago

You replying to the right comment?

Where ya seeing this?

Vindicator ago

Oh, yep. Woops. Should have replied to this comment:

eronburr ago

Ugh you dumb lame piece of shit.
If I were gaming it I wouldn't admit it and post details. I did all of this after posting a suggestion this needs to be done, but needs to be public/semi-anonymous. I did all of this after being told numerous reasons why they wouldn't do what I suggested and learning they lied.

You're either too fucking stupid to see this or you're just another voat admin account shilling to distract people from the point that voat is compromised and has no good intentions.

argosciv ago

You're either too fucking stupid to see this or you're just another voat admin account shilling to distract people from the point that voat is compromised and has no good intentions.


You are transparent as fuck.

Imagine my surprise that you just happen to be around to reply to me within ~17 minutes.

eronburr ago

Imagine my surprise that you just happen to be around to reply to me within ~17 minutes.

I had posts minutes before you commented so no reason to think I wasn't around, shithead.

you got 1 upvote on a weeks old post within minutes.

Enough said. Should have known voat was a shill board when it begged for $6k/mo to keep online.

argosciv ago

I had posts minutes before you commented so no reason to think I wasn't around, shithead.

I wasn't stalking your comment history.

I put a pin in your bullshit days ago. I told you and your ilk not to push me, but, you kept pushing...

you got 1 upvote on a weeks old post within minutes.

Perhaps because I made sure some users were aware of my comment? Dunce.

Enough said. Should have known voat was a shill board when it begged for $6k/mo to keep online.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah man, that totally seals it. You done cracked the case, flawless logic.

^^^ cc: @Vindicator, @Crensch, @kevdude, @srayzie, @PuttItOut

SearchVoatBot ago

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PresidentSkroob ago

Wow. Someone doesn't know how web servers, browsers or generically how the web works...

So - your browser makes a connection and says "I'm x, give me y". X=your IP address along with a few other things. The web server replies to said IP address (kind of like your home mailing address) and hands you info (web page packets). The web server usually logs the IP address in generic logs (usually for security and site analytics). The application maintains info on your browser, usually your IP and a few odds and ends and packages that info up in a cookie or session identifier.

Then you add in load balancers, CDN's (aka: Akamai, CloudFlare/Front, etc) and your IP is everywhere. Those little facebook/pinterest/twitter badges that are all over the place - those track you as well.

So, as nearly everyone else here is saying, this is normal. Stop arguing and calling everyone that doesn't agree with you a shill.

eronburr ago

Show me you've coded, done devops, or ran an ASN and we'll talk. Until then you're just fucking around and avoiding the details, likely a shill or idiot not knowing they're a free shill. Logging your IP isn't necessary and it's why it wasn't in the code from 2012-2017 and was only added when the code went dark.

Ignore the 'ideasforvoat' saying they won't log your IP for this and that, when it's to make you think they won't while they actually do.

I've run webhosts and isp's. When you prove you've done anything professionally I'll go tit for tat

PresidentSkroob ago

The IP restrictions were actually there when I joined up under an account a few years ago (I randomly del accounts) as the site use to prevent you from creating multiple accounts unless you were creative. I've already done more than prove I'm in the industry and know what I'm talking about.

Tell you what twinkle toes, you keep on telling yourself you're right and everyone else is wrong. Eventually we'll all believe and care, right?

ElementalPee ago

It's public knowledge that you can't vote from the same ip address with multiple accounts. I vaguely recall when there was an announcement about that starting. If I recall, it was mainly to help combat spammers and shill accounts and that sort of thing. He acknowledged it wasn't an ideal solution and that they'll need to come up with a better solution down the line but for now it fixed a lot more problems than it created.

I think with the small development team and more pressing concerns, it probably got pushed to the backburner and I'm not even sure it's directly on the radar anymore.

eronburr ago

You're either shilling with vague 'we know but I can't remember or be bothered to look' to avoid the fact that if this was KNOWN they wouldn't be lying about logging in a 2 day old 'idea box'.

There's no code for identifying a visitors IP in the source. The source on github shows 2012 - 2017, With NO IP LOGGING. Then all of a sudden it's "necessary" but publicly ridiculed when suggested they log.

Voat has an agenda other than to protect free speech.

70times7 ago

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled ip cannot be used as an identifier.

Not gonna prevent you from getting on a list or having some .gov goons kick in your door and then your teeth, but when you go to court they will need a bit more then that.

eronburr ago

Yea we're going to court. It's to either sell your info or to censor or monitor you by IP.

70times7 ago


RG72 ago

Full proof way to stay anonymous on the internet. Step 1. Stay off the internet. Step 2. See step 1.

TheBuddha ago

You're an idiot.

Of course it logs the IP. No, you're not privy to that information. Nobody but the admins are. You are not an admin. you will never be an admin.

B3bomber ago

Ehh... I've seen too many arts degree people in high places for IT... Some don't even need that, they just must be not white.

TheBuddha ago

Alright, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the topic? I suspect the OP is absolutely not in IT and the source they looked at might as well be Swahili as far as they're concerned.

And, if you're curious, programming isn't really usually considered IT. IT is server infrastructure, networking, etc... You really don't want IT workers doing programming and you don't want programmers doing IT - though the idiots have done it and call it DevOps. DevOps works about as well as you might imagine.

Though, these days, the historical context is largely missing and I've seen the help desk referred to as IT. The old graybeards are, of course, quite miffed by this.

B3bomber ago

Exactly. Those people should not be placed in these positions. So yeah, OP can be worthless and still get a job in such a position (Equifax? as an example).

SearchVoatBot ago

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clamhurt_legbeard ago

How does your suggested idea prevent spam and DDOS attacks from returning to destroy voat?

eronburr ago

  1. My suggestion only logs 3/4 of your IP, so there's always plausible deny-ability in a court, and protects your free speech.
  2. Nothing prevents DDOS, DOS is a single IP, DDOS is multiple. Logging a whole class of IP prevents DOS and some DDOS. Logging a SINGLE IP prevents nothing, only identifies who's who

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Uhhhh, sounds like you don't know anything about our history...

[Member for 3 months]


So we've been specifically attacked more than once by the most powerful enemies. Many of the things you're complaining about were specific safeguards put into place AFTER these attacks as a direct countermeasure.

Since you know of no way to stop the DDOS attacks we've already fought and won against, it sounds like you should do more reading before criticizing things you don't understand the history of.

eronburr ago

Uhhhh, sounds like you don't know anything about our history...

I know your source was published on github 2012 - 2017 and has no visitor IP logging in the code.

What else would you like to dismiss without proving?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Wow, I did prove you don't know what you're talking about, Mr, Three Month, and anybody who knows how Voat works can click and see for themselves. If you spent any time here, you'd know what a dumb attack you just made and how readily disproven you are.

But why are you avoiding my question from an hour ago?

How are we to stop DDOS attacks after you remove the protections we put in place that stop them?

How? Take your time, it's a difficult problem. That's probably why you aren't providing solutions, only complaining.

SteaksUSA ago

Every site logs your IP, but they should at least automatically mask the last 6 digits.

eronburr ago

Every site logs your IP, but they should at least automatically mask the last 6 digits.

Bullshit generality and avoids the point of this. They lied about logging. That should be looked into. Why lie about it when it was publicly suggested to log part of an IP? Why point to "open-source" and dismiss there's zero logging in the source up until December last year?

Think about it. When did the source go dark? Shortly after that qanon popped up on the channels. Where did "qanon" shuffle people? To a board that claims to be anonymous on a site that pretends it doesn't log.

Most of you think qanon is mossad, now you see Q pointed people to voat and voat isn't honest about changes in the past year.

THINK ABOUT IT. Everyone here is being herded. Goats vs sheep, sheep can be herded and goats are solitary animals. This is a site to heard goats!

elitch2 ago

Of course they are logging your IP. How the fuck do you build a message board that doesn't, yet still has modern features?

If you are on this site without a VPN, minimum, you are a fucking moron.

Newmemba ago

from what I have read VPN isn't much of a shield better than nothing but if NSA types come after you, you are toast.

elitch2 ago

What have you read?

Citation needed.

Newmemba ago

sorry I cannot give an education here

elitch2 ago

No, I suspect you cannot.

Difficult to give what one does not possess.

eronburr ago

You're either a shill protecting them or stupid. They lied in the request board, linked in main comment, to protect themselves from identifying this. They claimed they won't log IP because it's against their agenda, now you're saying its OK to do it and lie about it?

They aren't open source like they started, source is over a year old.

You all mostly complaining about (((them))) and all signs point to (((them))) taking the board when creator disappeared

PraiseIPU ago

"i can't refute your claims so I'm just going to yell my original point louder!!!!"

elitch2 ago

COncern troll is concerned.

Tell me another story, rabbi.

eronburr ago

Gotcha, shill. Make excuses for a platform keeping secrets sounds exactly how (((reddit))) started.

elitch2 ago

Yeah, retard. I'm a shill. Good luck with that.

You can fuck off back whence you came, now.

Diggernicks ago

I wear one of these, im safe

PraiseIPU ago

tin foil hats amplify the signal from the CIA gamma radiation

you are just tuning in the signal even more

Thisismyvoatusername ago

That’s why you should use aluminum foil.

PraiseIPU ago

YOU FOOL! That amplifies the FBI Omicron frequencies

RG72 ago

Crap that made my teeth hurt!