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Go the fuck back to reddit with this bullshit. We're not trying to make it easier for janitors to delude themselves into believing things will be better if they take on the role of power-mod like they did over there. We don't even get that much spam so what's the point?

eronburr ago

Go the fuck back to reddit with this bullshit.

Would be great if voat had an age minimum.

We don't even get that much spam so what's the point?

Shills you dumb faggot. Maybe you want the suggestion box nothing but gamer ads and sKiNz?


If you think free speech is not the highest priority for voat then you dont belong here.

If you think mods should be empowered to make it easier for them to ban people they consider shills then you dont belong here.

If you think that voat is ip logging everyone then you need to learn more about voat. This is not reddit.

If you think anything significant can be accomplished by tracking or logging ip's for wrongthink shillposters then you need to learn more about technology. There are numerous ways around this.

Would be great if voat had an age minimum.

Why dont you think before you post and take some accountability for your own laziness. You could easily have googled "HOW DOES I CHANGE IP??" but you didnt. Of course your response is to sarcastically comment that voat should change to be more accommodating to your incompetence.

This is a free speech site. There will always be shills, trolls, and shitposters. You deal with it the same way you deal with people you see waving signs on the street or knocking on your door trying to get you to vote for this or that: do not engage if you dont think they have anything to say that would interest you.

eronburr ago

Confirmed you log by IP.
"Denied - Vote has already been registered (Comment Vote Identity 2.8)".

Create account-A and account-B, on separate devices, same network. UPvote some random comment with one account-A, see gray UPvote turn blue. Check post on account-B, see gray UPvote, try to UPvote and get error "Denied - Vote has already been registered (Comment Vote Identity 2.8)".