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Jiggggg ago

Here's something cool - I actually read your e-book before I found this post. I kept thinking, man this sounds familiar....! Ha! Your work is spreading!!

Seriously, excellent, excellent job. I saved your e-book to share with others. Let the truth shine.

zxcvzxcv ago

Thanks! I appreciate it.

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zxcvzxcv ago

Here is link to the pdf version with added content: 50 megs, or so

PoshAF ago

MODS: This is worthy of a STICKY !!

Anons could then add their research and we can get a final version spammed throughout the internet for normies.

Great work anon OP !!!

A credit to us all.

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zxcvzxcv ago

Give me a week or so and I'll try to get one put together with images.

Walooington8 ago

This all makes a lot of sense I usually lurk on all forums and have for years but I made an account just to post and to be anonymous too

I feel like I’ve been totally BLACK PILLED

I accept and swallow that this is actually possible, I’ve looked up some of the sources randomly here and there just to verify truth and it looks accurate,

Not to mention some of the scandals that come out such as Epstein and knowing that jews have so much influence already.

I feel like I can’t talk to people about this or I’ll be labelled a crazy, and maybe lose friends, but the truth is unsettling, I also made an account to post because this post is so well made and has clearly had time and effort put in

It’s also why men’s testosterone levels are lower and they are fucking with the food and making fertility rates drop, making women not feminine and feminising men.


How do I cope with this information and how can the public be informed

ALSO throughout history jews have been kicked out of countries countless times, and over 100+ countries im sure, I’ll add a source when I find it later.

The Romans’ and the Greeks were notorious for having failing civilisations due to sexual and other forms of degeneracy

This is a mega black pill and nobody could take this unless they were willing to accept that a lot of people have been lied to and we were wrong the whole time.

zxcvzxcv ago

You are making sense.

Will people wake up?

The world is not doomed as long as courageous Aryan men and women still walk its surface. That is why they want us dead.

If enough of us awaken, then (((they))) are doomed.

the_art_collector ago

The book of Kabbalah is the Zohar, not the Talmud.

gardella ago

commenting to read later

Zenhael ago

Thank you.

Retro_Reflector ago

Great compilation. Thanks.

Afterlife ago

That does just about sum it up. Excellent work. I’m in for a sticky on this as it is the ultimate in current red pill technology.

Broc_Lia ago

There's so many things here I hadn't known before. Thank you for posting this.

How did your friend respond?

MrTotenkopf ago

OP will get Shoa'd for this, RIP.

zxcvzxcv ago


Rawrination ago

Hail Victory brother in arms!

May we all die with such works to show for a life well lived.

MrTotenkopf ago

OP will get Shoa'd for this, RIP.

Broc_Lia ago

Aryans (in the sense of Indo-Europeans) settled Europe long long long before Cyrus the great. He is not our common ancestor by a long stretch. I'm also pretty certain the germanic peoples had split from the proto-iranic peoples before that point.

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PolishKing ago

The Truth is coming to light.

Thanks, you haven't a clue how important you are to me.

You're about to find out.

ldsanon ago

If you like this, you should also read the Unabomber's manifesto! Nutjob.

SnazzyD ago

Is that your counter-argument? Try harder if you have an actual point to make...otherwise, fuck off.

ldsanon ago

If you believe this anti-Jew and racist crap, you are going to kill America, you stupid Nazi.

Broc_Lia ago

As if America isn't already being killed by (((someone)))

ldsanon ago

A bunch of pseudo-scientific crap trying to intellectualize anti-Semitism and racism. Such thinking will cause God's spirit to withdraw from America and leave us powerless against our enemies. The most powerful asset we have is love for our fellowmen and love for our country.

Broc_Lia ago

and leave us powerless against our enemies

You can't even control your border. How are you powerful right now?

The most powerful asset we have is love for our fellowmen and love for our country.

That's literally two of the prime charactaristics he supplied for national socialism.

nonanonanon ago

What is your source that Qabala is equivalent to Babylonian talmudism? To my understanding, qabala only deals with the Torah and Song of Solomon.

albatrosv15 ago

There's not millions to kill.

kdragon ago

I wish there was some kind of community wiki where this information can live and evolve with updated contribution from the community. Voat is great for discussion but a wiki would be great for this.

Qanonplus1 ago

Is this SB2? This teaching and phrases sound familiar.,

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NevadaDesertPatriot ago


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Libtardscum ago

Ok this is epic

ExpertShitposter ago

Thank you for your war effort.

slumbermachine ago

Excellent work.

proker ago

Well done, a very thorough and well-put-together intro to these topics.

Only a few quibbles: the Benjamin Franklin quote is allegedly a 'hoax', just like the Protocols are alleged to be. There were a few typos I noticed while reading but I didn't track them so if I re-read I'll post those as well.

Also, if you haven't watched the ten-part video series Europa you'd probably find it worthwhile.

zxcvzxcv ago

Thank you. Although I was initially surprised by Franklin's quote, but I had also been surprised to hear about Luther's book as well. Yet, Luther's book proved to be true, and given Franklin's high level of intelligence and the fact Luther came before Franklin, I realized that I should not be surprised that Franklin knew about the JQ.

I had heard the Protocols were a 'hoax', but when I started investigating them, I realized that all of the "evidence" supporting the hoax theory was very jewish in nature; i.e. "this jewish professor proves it's a hoax, and this jewish news company reported on the hoax, and this jewish hollywood actor believes they are a hoax, and so stop being so antisemitic you racist white trash, etc..." The jews do this a lot, so be careful when dismissing things as a 'hoax' too soon. Carefully look at all of the evidence presented on both sides. Having said that, if you have proof of either being a hoax, please send it to me and if it is conclusive, I'll remove those links.

And Europa is next on my list of videos to watch.

Jiggggg ago

You'll love it. It's a great doc.

proker ago

Wikipedia claims both are hoaxes and has references. However, "hoax" or not, The Protocols have proven prescient indeed. If they predicted a real future we are experiencing, how much of a "hoax" can they be?

VoataoV ago

You're on your way there but you'll need to establish the full history of these devil worshippers. You are only scratching the surface of the thousands of years of Moloch worship. Look into Manasseh and the rampant child sacrificing that became the norm of Judaism. You should check out the book "King Manasseh and Child Sacrifice" to learn more.

Norseman ago

In Part 1 - Actually not even Abraham's line is God's chosen people anymore because all of that ended at the cross. It was a temporary solution. Jesus said plainly that now any and all men can be God's chosen if they simply repent and follow Him.

kneo24 ago

So, what did the person you wrote this for think of it? Did they outright reject it? Argue? Question it?

goatsandbros ago

Wondering this myself

Spez_Pizza_Service ago

Good work!

TerrifiedTyphlosion ago

I saved this web page for offline viewing, taking advantage of Voat's image embedding feature. That way, one can read this report and be able to immediately read the information in the image referenced by the link, as well as have a local copy of all the files referenced. For files that are not embedded into the web page itself, they are available in the files folder.

This also has the upside in that in the unlikely event that catbox drops dead, the information referenced is still accessible, unlike the PDF version of this report, which only has links.

(tar.gz file, ~100 MB, 4 mirrors) (haha funny because if catbox died this would also be dead hahahah)

Rawrination ago

Before I saw your comment I did a less awesome version of the same

jtreddit ago

BS propaganda

MoteMoteKek11 ago

Again, another amazing read from you my guy. I’ll be spreading this around also. Doing God’s work.

observation1 ago

Bookmark to fact check later. Quotes in particular

registerinsecond ago

Thanks for your efforts summarizing this for todays world consumption. Everything I read is to my knowledge accurate and reflect what I learn pre 1980s as well as family stories passed on.

I found very few typos. Overall good job. Time to PDF this, print it, and distribute it everywhere

mostlyfriendly ago


  1. Get this peer reviewed here.
  2. Post this as an e-book with a nice format for printing. (Nice tools for this exist...)
  3. Provide a donation (or payment) link with bitcoin, and 'normal' payments. (or only bitcoin if you need remain anon.) (Most decent humans will pay to support good work.)
  4. Promise to donate 1/2 the proceeds to voat.

.. Think you'd have a few purchases.

Rawrination ago

I would buy the shit out of an e-book or even more a nice printed copy. Especially if it was something I could finally put in front of my normie friends and family and have some hope of the truth entering their mind.

NatSocTemplar ago

This needs to be stickied. Amazing job!

369693936 ago

Great post!

Phantom42 ago



Guy, I don't even know what to say. If you haven't completely nailed everything someone needs to either be redpilled or remain a traitor to their own kind, I don't know how it will be...

I'm blackpilled as fuck, like Skil, but damn it reading this... I can't help but feel a sense of pride deep down. I'm glad I got really into politics in high school, I'm glad I got to reading, and put Truth above all else.

I'm glad, and proud, to be a National Socialist. Even if I am one of few, I am glad to know my purpose in a world where so many seem to be ever lacking in it.

Thanks, z. I needed this read.

Hail Victory, and God with us!

zxcvzxcv ago

Sieg Heil! o/

chirogonemd ago

Excellent piece of work you created here, brother. The effort and organization are highly, highly appreciated. I gave it a relatively faster read this morning, but I plan on giving it a more thorough treatment this evening.

Til_My_Last_BREATH ago

good job, very well written. I will save..

My10thaccount ago

Is this all your own original work?

zxcvzxcv ago

The text and organization, yes, I put it together. For the linked images, all credit must go to the good goats who posted them here on voat for me to find, collect and organize. If it wasn't for those goats taking the time to teach to me the truth, I'd still be a brainwashed zionist. This post is a tribute to them.

registerinsecond ago

Cant believe people learn that stuff on voat. I guess free speech does work. I learnt all this decades ago in books that are no longer printed and from family members who fought the war and died since. I've mixed ango and deutsch descent, including the neck birth mark if you know of that obscure detail.

TechDumb ago

Yo what's this birthmark of which you speak?

ninjajunkie ago

More info on the birthmark? I have one.

Nosferatjew ago

Neck birthmark? Like, on the back of the neck? My mom calls it a "stork bite"..

My10thaccount ago

You did a great job. I would keep out part one when trying to red pill anyone who isn't really religious. It will turn them off right away. I have made that mistake before when trying to educate people.

Bool2k ago

Very well thought out and put together. Loved every bit of what you wrote.

One thing though which is often not mentioned is that Cyrus the Great was not the first to mention the Aryans. By the time Cyrus the Great established the Persian Empire, those lands were already devout followers of Zoroaster. What we call "Shah Goshtasb" was the one who first followed Zoroastrianism belief in a monotheistic deity, rejecting idols and statues, and "false gods" (these same false gods are also mentioned in the Bible as well).

Ancient Zoroastrians were in a perpetual war with the non-Aryans who they considered their enemy in a "holy war."

What should also be mentioned is that modern Iranians are not necessarily all descendants of the original Aryans of ancient Persia. Even though all Iranians proudly claim themselves as Persian, it's the equivalent of a nigger-spic mongrel claiming they're American and thus take pride in being early settlers. Only 3 cities in modern Iran are relatively genetically pure, those cities are primarily Zoroastrian. The rest of Iran is an amalgamation mongrelization of modern Turks, Arabs, Indians, and Semites.

Skin color also does not necessarily bestow Aryan blood. Tan people had higher fitness in more hotter climates and thus Aryans in Persia / parts of modern Iran may be mudslime-ish, but once migrated to parts of Europe, were later selected for fairer skin as fairer skin does better in colder climates.

Ischyros ago

Indo-Aryans were almost certainly Middle Easterners since the beginning. The first known Aryan group were the Mitanni who probably hailed from around Lake Urmia in modern northwest Iran. Certainly they were of a lighter Middle Eastern type, but they were not Europeans. It's unlikely that modern Iranians, that is, ethnic Persians, look much different from ancient Persians. Especially the ethnic Persians of northwest Iran and Azerbaijan probably represent the closest match to ancient Persians. Not only were the Mitanni mentioned in connection to the Lake Urmia area, but Assyrian sources from the 9th century BC also refer to early Persians (Parsuwaš) as hailing from that region.

So in a racial sense, ethnic Persians/Azeris today living near the southwestern coast of the Caspian sea are likely to be the best match for the ancient Persians. Ultimately, however, Indo-Aryan usually represents a linguistic classification. For example, Caucasoid-Australoid hybrid Indians of South Asia are Aryans in that they speak an Indo-Aryan language whereas a blond Scandinavian is most certainly not an Aryan. I understand that people in the 20th century had a poorer understanding of ancient peoples, their migrations, languages and racial qualities, but we should know better today than to throw around words like "Aryan" so recklessly. Europeans are neither Indo-Aryans by language or by ethnicity. Europeans are Europeans.

Bool2k ago

Oh, one thing to mention. Both Hitler and the Persians believed in Aryan being in a sense "spiritual," as in, it wasn't just strictly blood. The term Aryan just translated to noble roughly, or "enlightened." I always understood that more so as "human" or "not spic, jew, nigger, mongrel amalgamation."

In a sense, Europeans are Aryans and aren't. They are in a spiritual sense considering they're human and not so in blood.

Bool2k ago

The Avesta written in Old Avestan mentions the holy war between Aryans and non-Aryans. Wikipedia also mentions this (although wikipedia is (((controled))), so take that how you will: "The earliest known foreshadowing of the major legends of the Kayanian kings appears in the Yashts of the Avesta, where the dynasts offer sacrifices to the gods in order to earn their support and to gain strength in the perpetual struggle against their enemies, the Anaryas (non-Aryans).")

This was also passed down from generation to generation in both sides of my family (we're Zoroastrian).

Rawrination ago

Dude please put the info somewhere. If this is actually original family history, then we need some sort of corroboration and for your family's information to be preserved.

Bool2k ago

Somewhere so I can get (((commended))), right?

I actually think the kind (((jews))) ruined Iran first with the puppet regime followed by reinstating a mudslime regime just to suppress a Zoroastrian-controlled state, otherwise known as an Aryan-controlled nation. This part is just my personal theory though.

Rawrination ago

Its a good theory.

Nosferatjew ago

This needs to be permanently front page stickied.


toobaditworks ago

I stickied it to /v/alexjones and /v/infowars.

bcboncs ago

AJ and IW is Mossad... lol

toobaditworks ago

Cool. Then they will love that I linked that.

MelatoninDreams ago

I've got a good idea!

Every time socialism is implemented it fails.

So let's call it national socialism this time! It won't fail this time!!!!

ScannerDarkly ago

I do not think you understand what is meant by national socialism. Hence all your downvotes.

ForTheUltimate ago

you ruined it when you had to bring your religious textbook.

KikesOnTrikes ago

What the fuck have you contributed?

ForTheUltimate ago

More than you'll ever be.

zxcvzxcv ago

I wasn't very pleased with part 1, but based on my personal experience, there are a lot [a LOT] of jewcucked Christians, and so I felt it was necessary. I'm open to suggestions.

Rawrination ago

As a former jewcucked Christian with a family full of them you have my thanks!

Since you're taking flak you're probably over target. :D

Norseman ago

You did exactly what was needed. Ignore idiots like this guy who think the only opinion that matters is his own.

ForTheUltimate ago

suggestions? learn econ 101 and watch the truth about the fall of rome: modern parallels.

vonHugenbuben ago

It is not a novel if it is true.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

This is absolutely incredible. I have my own research to do to verify some information that is presented here, but overall, it seems sound. I'll come back later with questions if I have any.

Broc_Lia ago

The only part I can immediately shoot down is the bit about Cyrus the great. He ruled far too late to be a progenitor of the Aryans (in the sense of Indo Europeans). They were already all over europe by that point.

zxcvzxcv ago

Thank you. If during your research you find that I made any errors, let me know so I can correct them.

poopdawg15 ago

Your pro-Hitler rhetoric makes you seem like a Mossadi, no offense, but there's substantial evidence to indicate he was a Soviet spy, a Zionist and Jew.

Rawrination ago

Link to evidence to refute evidence else you seem like the Mossad agent yourself.

poopdawg15 ago

From Douglas Reed:

Non-Zionist Jews At this period he had to deal with a greater difficulty than any offered by the Western politicians: the alarm, and hostility, of that "World Jewry" which he and his associates from Russia claimed to represent. The emancipated Jews could have offered effective opposition to the Zionists if they had formed an anti-Zionist organization. They feared to do so, and this was their undoing. They did not want Zionist nationalism and a Jewish state, but they did want the Judaist Mecca, the cultural and religious centre, and feared that the term "anti-Zionist" would imply antagonism to that. Through this chink in their armour Dr. Weizmann unerringly reached.

His whole undertaking in Palestine was then near collapse. The "Mandate" provided that the British government would recognize his Zionist Organization as "an appropriate Jewish agency for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the administration of Palestine" in matters affecting "the establishment of the Jewish National Home". However, there was a qualification: this agency was "to take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish National Home".

As masses of Jews were openly opposed to Dr. Weizmann's Zionism, even he could not pretend that he spoke for them. Thus he transferred his canvassing from the antechambers of the Gentiles to the Jews and for eight years sped about the world in search of a solution to this problem, The great mass of emancipated Jews of the West resolutely opposed any project that might turn out to be one for the recreation of "a Jewish nation".

Then Dr. Weizmann found the riddle's answer. He coined the term "non-Zionist". The Jews in Britain remained aloof but those in America fell into the trap. "Non-Zionist" seemed to offer the best of both worlds; it would enable them to oppose Zionist nationalism while supporting the Judaist-Mecca idea.

In 1928 a group of Jews announced that they represented "the non-Zionists" and would work with Dr. Weizmann for "the upbuilding of Palestine". On this basis Dr. Weizmann in 1929 set up his "Enlarged Jewish Agency", thereafter claiming that, by including "non-Zionists", it fulfilled all provisions of "the Mandate" and that he once more represented "all Jews". The dilemma from which Dr. Weizmann was rescued is shown by his words: he says he regarded the Zionist situation as "hopeless and helpless unless the non-Zionists came to the rescue".

The Arabs at once saw that this "enlarged" Jewish agency would be the true government of Palestine and intensified their resistance. The result was that at last a British government felt forced to admit the fiasco and in 1930 the Passfield White Paper undertook to suspend Zionist immigration and to curtail the authority of the Jewish Agency. The "set" policy was "changed"! Dr. Weizmann, his authority reinforced by the recruitment of the "non-Zionists", struck at once. He gave audience to the British prime minister, then Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, who behaved like a man held up by a gun; he not only revoked the White Paper but humbly asked Dr. Weizmann whom he should appoint as the next High Commissioner in Palestine.

Thus the years that the Zionists have eaten continued. What these politicians feared, none can confidently say; their memoirs are uniformly silent on this central mystery and their capitulations are unique in history. Mr. MacDonald's surrender re-established the principle that "policy" in this matter was "set" and immutable, and during the ensuing twenty years this became the paramount principle of all British and American state policy. The politicians of both countries evidently held Dr. Weizmann to be the emissary of a power which they dared not disobey; their demeanour resembled the African Native's rolling-eyed fear of the witchdoctor.

Mr. MacDonald's submission restored the situation in London to its former shape, but in Palestine the "national home", an artificial growth forcibly implanted in a hostile soil, continued to wither. In ten years the Jewish population increased by less than a hundred thousand immigrants. In 1927 three thousand more emigrants departed than immigrants came. A small revival followed in 1928, but the average yearly exodus from Palestine, up to 1932, was almost a third of the immigration.

The Zionist adventure was in collapse, as all qualified parties had foretold. Left alone, the Jews of the world clearly would never in any substantial numbers go to Palestine; if events took their natural course the Arab population evidently would increase its preponderance.

Nothing was to take its natural course. At that very moment the mysterious Hitler arose in Germany (and at the same instant Mr. Roosevelt in America) and the Second World War loomed up ahead.

Hitler was arrested with Jewish Communists in Munich in 1919, from Reed, again:

In these days, when the infiltration of all parties, classes and governments by the agents of the revolution is a known and proven thing, it is of interest that the mass of literature about him ignores his early associations and the strong evidence of his Communist background. The Viennese police dossier of his early days has apparently disappeared. His later Brown Army commander, Captain Roehm, told a Storm Troop leader (who told me) that when the Bavarian troops drove the Bolshevist Government out of Munich in 1919 the unknown Adolf Hitler was taken prisoner with the bodyguard of the Moscow emissary Levine, and saved his skin by turning informer (this might explain why Roehm, the possessor of incriminating knowledge, was killed by Hitler after he came to power). Hitler's own original proposal for the name of the National Socialist party was “the Social Revolutionary Party”; he described himself as “the executor of Marxism” (not its executioner); and he told Hermann Rauschning that he had built his organization on the model of Communism. I met Hitler once or twice and studied him at close quarters for many years, before and after his rise to power; I believe that no genuinely informative work about him and the part he played has yet appeared.

51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis Paperback – March 16, 2010 by Lenni Brenner (Author)

Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War? Hardcover – August 1, 1990 by Viktor Suvorov (Author), Thomas B. Beattie (Translator)

Adolf Hitler Zionist and Bolshevik Christopher Bjerknes (the "Look Inside" feature on amazon has a good read contained therein)

I have not read this (these books are pricey), but I know it's along those lines. Hline, best I know). Of the parts I've read it speaks of Hitler meeting and being glad to know James Warburg and also of the Jewishness of his likely grandfather, a man named Frankenberger.

The Bruning correspondence with Churchill: "I did not and do not even today, for understandable reasons, wish to reveal that from October 1928 the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith, and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany." More at link:

This document suggests he was installed "Le Mussolini allemand" meaning "the German Mussolini":

I don't know if I completely trust this man Makow, but you're certainly free to weigh and consider this information yourself:

All this, without mentioning Antony Sutton, who some people might mention first, because I have none of his books.

History becomes very difficult for someone trying to get to the truth of it, because the truth-seeker on the hot leads is who encounters the propaganda and disinformation.

Just as a final thing, I'm willing to be persuaded by the evidence if others disagree.

p.s. I had to delete all the amazon links to the books I mentioned because voat doesn't allow them posted. I guess you can just copy paste if you're interested enough.

LordHuggington ago

Only halfway through. I'm not a Bible afficianado, but a quick search on "John 8:44" didn't yield anything about Jews - can you clarify where'd I've err'd in my search?

zxcvzxcv ago

John 8:44 does not specifically name the Jew. Jesus is making accusations against a group of individuals in chapter 8 starting at verse 42 and continuing through verse 47. Then in verse 48, those individuals respond to Jesus's claims. Verse 48 begins, "Then answered the Jews..."

I hope this clarifies things!

Native ago

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” ‭‭John‬ ‭8:44‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Jesus is talking about Jews

Goat-Master-5001 ago

I would argue that he's talking about the "Synagogue of Satan", not Jews. Most of today's so-called "Jews", are not Jews at all....but something else.

Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Native ago

The Synagogue of Satan ARE JEWS it literally says that in the damn verse. "Which say they are Jews"

Here's another crystal clear quote:

Revelation 2:9 9I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

GoyimNose ago

Jesus did not say that Jews did not exist, just that there were people pretending to be Jews but weren't REAL Jews (heard that one to many times before)

Goat-Master-5001 ago

You're wrong.

Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

You're quoting a different Bible, a subtly different translation.....and you're still interpreting it wrong. I'm quoting the King James Bible. Meanwhile, I was discussing Revelation 3:9, but for reasons that escape subtly changed the subject, and shifted it to Revelation 2:9 instead....while refraining from using the same Bible that I did. Why did you do that?

But if you want to discuss Revelation 2:9 instead, that is where Christ identifies a group of blasphemers which say they are Jews, but are not. What are they? They are the Synagogue of Satan, not Jews.

It's right there.

NatSocTemplar ago

Here's the probelem. Even the KJV is wrong. It should say "Those that claim to be the sons of Isreal but are not. Which is exactly what the people we know as Jews are. Isrealis during Jesus time were White Scythians. The mixed race mongrels occupying Isreal now, are not.

Prussian ago

No. Jews are the Synagogue of Satan as a race. The Judeans were white Israelites, like the Whites today, and the Edomite Jews infiltrated Judea, calling themselves Judeans, which the Bible simply translates as "Jews" everywhere in the New Testament. It's like saying all "Americans" are racially the same, it's not true. There were the Judeans who were white and then there were Judeans who were "of their father the devil" and the "synagogue of satan" (jews).

NatSocTemplar ago

Close. All of Isreal was once White. The Northern Tribes mostly followed Christ and left to the North at the time of the Assyrian invasion. Most ended up in modern Ukraine and we know them as Scythians. The southern tribes including the tribe of Judah, remained, and racemixed with the Cannanites, Assyrians, and Edomites, who had already racemixed themselves. Then, after Rome drove them out, they racemixed with their host countries, until becoming what we know today as Jews, which was originally slang for Judeans. So anyone known today as a Jew, is part of the Synagogue of Satan.

Rawrination ago

This is the best explanation I've yet read on the subject. Any sauces for the Scythian / Israel connection?

NatSocTemplar ago

LordHuggington ago

Thanks for spoon feeding it to me.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Wilco. Over and out.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Fuck Plebbit and their jew gold. This goat deserves a nice, juicy, tin can!

Lylox ago

Very well written. Simple and straight to the point. Thanks for sharing!

zxcvzxcv ago

Part 2: Races, Aryans, IQ, Kalergi Plan, Luther

It is important to point out that there is much contention over the specifics of these ancient peoples. Some have suggested that the Negros are actually Semitics, whereas the Asians are the descendents of Ham. Unfortunately, I am not well enough versed in ancient history to offer any further advice as to the accuracy of this information.

However, what is important is understanding that the races of men have developed distinct racial characteristics and distinct behaviors which are unique to their race. For the purpose of this report, the race and behaviors which concerns us the most is that of the Aryans. Their defining racial trait is their desire to live free in this world.

And that trait poses a terrible problem for the elite Jewish bankers. Remember that these Jewish bankers want to become the masters of this world, and their religious texts demonstrate that they view all other people as mere cattle to be enslaved. Unfortunately, Aryans have a bitter distaste for enslavement, and because of this, the elite Jews view these Aryans little more than "cattle" fit for the slaughter.

...but more on this in a moment.

First, I'd like to point out a few more defining characteristics of the Aryan race. These racial features are what causes Aryans to so desire freedom.

The first important racial attribute is that Aryans are a trust-worthy people, and because of this, they are very trusting of others, and tend to form strong emotional bonds with those around them. These bonds result in a kind and generous people who are strongest when they are with their friends and allies. Here is a great example I found of Aryans being Aryans:

The ability of Aryans to empathize with others is the Aryan's greatest strength, but it is also their greatest weakness, because it makes them easy prey for shysters, liars and smooth-tongued scam artists, who view Aryans as little more than an easy mark. Aryans are a trustworthy people, but this has allowed non-Aryans to infiltrate into the civilizations they have built, corrupt them, and then eventually bring about their ruin.

A second defining trait possessed by fair-skinned Aryans is the fact they have managed to preserve a high level of IQ. Here is a graphic showing the results of IQ testing performed on white Americas, black Americans, and the African race:

The following graphic is provided simply to illustrate the authenticity of the previous graph:

It should not need to be noted that 'skin tone' does not cause low IQ, but the correlation between these two features is clear, and for a distinct reason: both skin tone and intelligence are racial features; that is: they are genetic. Since both skin tone and intelligence are genetically inherited, it should not surprise us that they correlate with such a high degree of accuracy. More over, since high IQ levels are required for self government and criminal abatement, it should also not surprise us that low IQ directly correlates to both totalitarian forms of government as well as the degenerate criminal actions. All of these points are demonstrated in the following graphic:

A very common misconception is that individual IQ is determined by socio-economic factors. However, while socio-economic factors do play a very minimal role in intelligence, an individual's racial traits play so much larger of a role as to make socio-economic factors negligible:

It is important to note that the threshold for one to be considered 'mentally handicapped' is having an IQ of less than 85. As suggested by 'skin-tone' graphic above, this number was selected seemingly because once a population's IQ drops below 85, they lose the ability to satisfactorily govern themselves and can no longer survive except only under totalitarian forms of government which control these people through a draconian justice system.

Of course, these scientific facts suggest that most blacks and almost all Africans are born 'mentally handicapped' and ought to be considered unfit for equitable citizenship within any free state.

When this inconvenient truth was discovered by IQ testers in the 70's, the threshold for "mental retardation" was quickly and silently adjusted down to 70:

The important take-away that I am trying to make is not that skin tone leads to criminal behavior, but that skin tone, IQ and behavior are all racial attributes. The correlation between skin tone, IQ and behavior is a direct result of them being racial attributes. The importance of this fact will come into play shortly when we discuss the Kalergi plan, but until this, I will offer one more piece of evidence to support this thesis:

One last thing that should be noted about the above data is that our current racial classification system does not account for Aryan descent nor skin tone, but instead uses a very subjective and vague qualification system that merely uses an individual's racial self-identification. That is to say: many who are classified as "white" are not actually Aryans, and this can lead to distortions in the data. For example, the amount of crimes committed by "whites" in the above graphic is disproportionately high, and that the criminal behaviors of actual Aryans is much lower than the above data suggests. This is demonstrated by the following example consisting of four "white" criminals:

Despite these complications surrounding racial IQ, the most important take-away is that different races have differing IQs and differing racial behaviors, both of which result in different races have different capabilities of adequately governing themselves, and it is for these racial reasons why Aryans are willing to fight for their freedom.

In short, Aryan empathy and trustworthiness, plus Aryan high IQ, plus the Aryan willingness to fight for their freedom, all work together to pose a very serious threat to the elite Jewish bankers' plans for world domination. As a result of this, Jews intend on bringing about the complete genocide of the Aryan race.

Aryan Genocide is sometimes called 'White Genocide', but originally, this plan was called the Kalgeri Plan.

Their plan is two-fold: first, eliminate the strongest and bravest Aryans through repeated wars. Then immigrate low IQ Africans into Aryan cultures with the intent of race-mixing so that the next generations will be a new race of brown people, who have a high enough IQ to work, but a low enough IQ so that they will never present a threat to Jewish financial enslavement.

In short, by eliminating the white Aryans, the Jews will have forever established their rule over this Earth:

To sum up: these international banking Jews believe that they are the masters of the world, and their religious texts demonstrate that they view all other people as mere cattle to be enslaved. They also believe that if any cattle resist their enslavement, those cattle must be slaughtered. Since the Aryan people pose a threat to this Jewish plan, the Jews have begun implementing the Kalergi plan in an attempt to genocide white people by replacing the freedom-loving Aryan race with obedient slave-race of mixed Negroids.

The Kalergi plan is not the first time the Jews have attempted to seize power over others. Historically, the freedom-loving Aryans have always fought back against Jewish subversion, and time and time again, patriotic Aryans have thwarted the Jews' plans. As a result of this, the Jews have come to desperately hate Aryans. In fact, they hate Aryans so much so that a term has even been invented for this hatred: loxism. Here are a few examples of loxism in action:

Everything which has come before this has been intended as background for understanding everything that follows.

Next, I will provide several examples of the Jewish Cabal implementing their plans throughout the world.

Martin Luther in his book, The Jews and their Lies, (which is found here, Luther claimed that if this Jewish Cabal ever managed to seize control over an entire nation, then the massacre of Christians would soon follow. In Luther's time, he did not foresee it as a possibility that the Jews could seize total political power in any nation; however, over the next few centuries, the elite Jewish bankers would rapidly increase their wealth, and with it, their ability to seize political power.

The Jews finally gained direct control over their first nation in 1917. The elite Jewish international bankers financed, infiltrated, and then instigated a national coup in Russia, and after assassinating Tsar Nicholas II, they had finally done what Luther never thought possible: they seized absolute power.

Luther's words would prove to be terribly and horribly prophetic, because the first task of the new Jewish rulers was to create the greatest mass-murder of white Aryan Christians the world had ever seen.

bcboncs ago

Your screenshot caught my eye.

"He also proposes another tool to prevent white solidarity: a revival of American patriotism. Civic nationalism must be revived so that loyalty to America will outweigh any ethnic loyalties among the Gentile populace."

Trump's definitely restoring American patriotism but he's also supposedly doing a mass round-up on illegals. What are your thoughts on Trump? Is he in bed with the Zionists?

Trump signing Bill 672 was a giant no-no. Also, the Ben Garrison incident seems pro-Israel or perhaps it's a Streissand Effect tactic.

Onto part 3...

zxcvzxcv ago

What are my thoughts on Trump? I honestly don't know with any certainty.

Trump's pro-Israel actions could be misdirection. It is also possible that some jews have awakened to the (((jews))) and Trump is showing support for them (think Bobby Fischer). I want to believe Trump is /our guy/ because without him helping us, then we have a lot more work to do.

Qpost 998 gives me a lot of hope, especially considering Epstein's recent problems (see qpost 1000 and 1001).

RoundWheel ago

Trump's efforts are well established. He placed himself above reproach. The only children who complain are literalists, who do not understand the world around them and who believe that evil is in itself entirely genetic - no exceptions - ever.

Trump is bullet proof from Jewish criticism. For all the reasons he is criticized today. And they have already been ramping up criticism against him. Especially the Rothschilds; who's makes also appear in Epstein's black book. Which infuriates them further.

Small minds claim this is proof he is working with evil. An average iq can confirm this is a well tested tactic by Trump. You need only be capable of thought. He has frequently assisted and even complimented his enimies while destroying them. In doing so he shelters himself. Which is essential given who actually owns the media.

Bluntly, anyone who thinks anyone has a chance to take down jewish control of the world without first playing kissy face and dress up, is dumb as fuck. Yet dozens of these dumb as fucks are here in voat.

bcboncs ago

Glad to see you're following current events and Q too. Lots of shills and autists reject the phenomenon but for me I've deduced either Q/Trump is saving mankind or Trump is pacifying mankind for a 5g extermination.

I'm almost finished with Part 3. More reading tomorrow. Thanks for the insight.

zxcvzxcv ago

Part 3: Bolshevism, Weimar, Poland, Hitler

It is vital to understand that the Bolshevik revolution in Russia during 1917, which led to the mass genocide of Russian Aryans, was really a Jewish revolution:

Here is a British report on the danger that Jewish Bolshevism represented, and the fear that if left uncontested, the Jews would spread their power across the world in hopes of world domination:

An American Intelligence report stating that 79% of the Bolshevik Commissars were Jewish, most of whom were American Jews who went to Russia for the purpose of establishing Jewish rule in Russia:

Bolshevik leaders were Jews:

Further proof of Karl Marx's ancestry:

After seizing power in Russia, the Jews starved over 7 million Aryans as part of their plan to secure their power. This terrible atrocity later came to be called Holdomor. Why did the Jews intentionally bring about this genocide? ...because is was "good for the Jews."

Their plan, which allowed them to so effectively seize power in Russia was also attempted in Germany at the end of WW1. In 1918, the Jews led an army of over 2 million people in an attempt to seize power over Germany so as to create a second Holdomor in Germany. It is no coincidence that all of the revolutionary leaders of this coup in Germany were Jewish:

Unfortunately for the Jews, the Germans were more aware of the Jews' sinister ploys, and a free company of German Aryans rose up to quell this Jewish insurrection. After this insurrection, the Weimar Republic was set up in Germany.

After their failed attempt to seize complete political power in Germany, the Jews began the process of weakening the German people by infiltrating the Weimar Republic. They accomplished this with the wealth from their international bankers, and used that wealth to gain control over the German media as well as to buy influence with the German politicians. They used their wealth to gain control over German schools as well. Through these three areas, the Jews began to push degeneracy into the Germany culture.

Understand that Aryans are a trustworthy people, and this included the Germans who were of Aryan descent. It also explains why the Germans were so trusting of the powerful bankers who suddenly took such interest in their nation after the fail coup. Many Germans did not realize what the Jews were doing to them until it was too late.

The following graphic explains the degeneracy that the Jews pushed upon the unsuspecting and trusting Germans. You may not want to read all of the following, but to gain a full understanding of the vileness of the Jewish plan to sow degeneracy and discord, I suggest you at least read up until the part involving the poor, poor goose.

Why create this kind of degeneracy? It is because of control. For the Jews, it is always about how to take control over the goyim. A degenerate population is easy to control and enslave. When Aryans are left to themselves, they grow large, happy and industrious families, who in turn, build large, powerful and free nations. These nations are difficult to control and will put up resistance when their freedoms are infringed. On the other hand, a degenerate population is too busy pursuing their degenerate desires to much care whether or not anyone has suppressed their freedoms.

Degeneracy is about control.

So the Jews pushed degeneracy upon the German people, and these Germans, who falsely believing these international bankers were like themselves, allowed them to degrade their nation and their children, realizing only too late what was happening.

The degeneracy being pushed by the Jews during the Weimar Republic was the key factor that led up to the events surrounding Hitler's Third Reich and WW2. For this reason, it is important to understand the terrible conditions that the German people were facing while under the rule of Weimar.

Besides moral depravity, the treaty of Versailles (which was enacted after WW1), resulted in an economically destroyed Germany. This treaty unfairly and unduly punished the German people for a War they were not even responsible for starting. It also disarmed the Germans to the point that their enemies were capable of (and did!) march onto German land and enslaved Germans at gunpoint. This happened in the Ruhr between 1923 and 1925. Moreover, the treaty seized German lands and delivered those lands to other nations. This forced the German people living on those lands to fall under the jurisdiction of those other nations. One particular point of contention was the Danzig Corridor, where Polish Jews used their political power and influence to massacre the newly annexed Germans. So many German men were murdered and so many German women were raped by the Polish Jews, that over a million Germans were forced to flee their homes.

Why did Poland lead the attacks against Germany? Could it be because there was a veritable army of Jews in Poland with which the Jewish Cabal could command to do their bidding?

With wanton moral decay infecting the heart of German, coupled with the financial ruin of her countrymen, and combined with direct attacks against the German people from enemy nations on every side, Germany during the Weimar Republic was on the utter brink of despair.

Then Hitler rose to power.

The first thing Hitler did was expel the Jewish central bank so that the German people were no longer enslaved to Jewish usury. Then he prevented the Jews from controlling the media to once again free the minds of the German people. Last, he then put an end to the tyrannical reign of Jewish degeneracy that had been push upon his people:

By simply eliminating Jewish influence in Germany, Hitler turned the worst economy in Europe into the strongest in the world. It only took five years!

From the brink of utter despair, the Germans rose to become the mightiest nation in Europe, and all it took to accomplish this was to give these Aryan people 5 years of freedom from Jewish enslavement.

But the Jews would not have it. They could not allow any Aryans to live free. Moreover, what if news of their freedom began to spread to the enslaved Aryans in other nations? What if other Aryans awoke to the chains the Jews has secreted over them in the black of night? The entire Jewish plan for world domination might come to ruin! And so the elite Jewish bankers declared war Germany in 1933:

Before WW2 even began, Jews were demanding the extermination of all white people: starting with those in Germany. Was it really Hitler who started WW2? Or is that just what the Jews want us to believe? Was Hitler really the aggressor, especially since the Jews had been waging war against the German people for the past 6 years?

I wonder (((who))) wrote the following: "nothing but the complete extermination of whites" ...of WHITES???!

And then there are these:

“The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany…” – Valadimir Jabotinsky (Jew), in Mascha Rjetsch (January, 1934)

“Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child.” – Jewish professor A. Kulischer (October, 1937).

“Our fight against Germany must be carried to the limit of what is possible. Israel has been attacked. Let us, therefore, defend Israel! Against the awakened Germany, we put an awakened Israel. And the world will defend us.” – Jewish author Pierre Creange in his book Epitres aux Juifs (1938)

“Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year War.” – Das Morgenthau-Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Diary (p. 11)

“Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German — wipe them out!” – (jewish) Ilya Ehrenburg, Glaser (p. 111)

“In losing Germany, Jewry lost a territory from which it exerted power. Therefore it was determined to reconquer it.” – Louis Marschalko, The World Conquerors : The Real War Criminals

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zxcvzxcv ago

Part 4: WW2, Holocaust, 6 Gorillian

After reading these quotes, is it really all that shocking the Polish Jews attacked and murdered Germans who were now, because of the Treaty of Versailles, living in Polish territory? Is it really shocking that these Germans fled for their very lives into Germany, begging Hitler to protect them and their children?

Of course it is not shocking at all.

What is shocking, however, is the extreme patience with which Hitler responded to these Jewish attacks. Time and time again he pleaded to the League of Nations that Poland should immediately cease its genocide of Germans. Twelve times, Hitler negotiated for a peaceful solution to prevent the ruthless murder of his people, and 12 times his offers were rejected until at last there remained only one means left for him to protect his people...

The international Jewish Bankers were headquarter in London, and they controlled the media outlets across most of the world, but must assuredly in England. They used this power, coupled with their puppet Churchill, to manipulate the English people into bringing war to Hitler. War was what the Jews wanted. Nothing else would suffice:

Others knew that Hitler wanted peace but that the elite Jews demanded war. Here are a few examples:

"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it, even if it wants to.” – Rydz-Smigly, Chief inspector of the Polish army in a public speech in front of Polish officiers (Summer 1939)

“It will be the Polish army that will invade Germany on the first day of war.” – The Polish ambassador in Paris (August 15, 1939)

“We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not.” – Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast)

Hitler never wanted war, but he was given no other choice. Moreover, Hitler knew what the Jews had done to the Russian Aryans, and he saw the Jewish hand in what was happening now. He knew they would not stop until every German Aryan was exterminated. But mostly, Hitler knew that the Jews were beating the war drums in Soviet Russia, and they had only one goal in mind: world domination through the subjection of every nation to Jewish communism. Hitler knew it, and we know that he knew this because he wrote about it in Mein Kampf. The fact that he recorded all of this is precisely why the Jews have demonized and banned his writings. The Jews feared that if others read his works, then they might also wake up to the Jewish plans for world domination.

Historical fact #1: Hitler never wanted war. Although history books claim Hitler was the war monger who was met with concession after concession until the final declaration of war only after Germany invaded Poland without any reason, the reality is quite different. It was Germany who was under attack by the Jews, both financially by the Jews in London, as well as direct attack by the Jews in Poland. Hitler merely wanted to free his people from Jewish financial enslavement; he merely wanted his people to taste freedom that they might live as men ought to live.

...and for 13 years, the German people knew what it was to be free.

Hitler's great sin was to free the German people from Jewish enslavement, and for that dastardly crime, Hitler was demonized and the German Aryans were genocided.

But wait...Hitler is still a terrible person for genociding 6 million Jews in the Holocaust! Even considering that the elite Jewish Bankers wanted to genocide the Germans, the poor Jewish women and children did not deserve to be murdered in gas chambers!

Well, this leads to historical Fact #2: Hitler did not systematically kill anyone. The "holocaust" was a great propaganda lie used to deceive the masses. It's purpose was to demonize Hitler so that no German would again dare stand up to their Jewish overlords. Yes, Hitler put Jews into internment camps, just was Americans put Japanese-Americans into internment camps. And yes, many of those people who had been placed into these camps did unintentionally die from disease and later from malnutrition which resulted from allied bombing of the Germany supply routes; but no, Hitler did not intentionally kill anyone.

In fact, Hitler even attempted at great expense to use gas chambers to save the lives of the Jews and other inmates at the concentration camps. This occurred because deadly typhus was spreading among these camps. Typhus is carried by lice. In order to protect the inmates from contracting this deadly disease, Hitler had decontamination gas chambers constructed. These chambers were designed to gas articles of clothing so that the lice would be killed, thereby protecting the inmates from the deadly disease. The lice was gassed so that the inmates could live.
Delousing Chambers:

But aren't there records of Hitler ordering the deaths of 6 million Jews?
-Actually, no. No such records exist:

In fact, the very opposite is true. There exists records which show Hitler was desperately attempting to keep the prisoners alive!

But what about all of the dead bodies they found in mass graves?

Again, the opposite is of this is actually true. No mass graves of Jews slain by Germans were ever found. Here is one example:

But what about all of the eye witnesses? Surely they wouldn't all be lying!

Actually, all of the major holocaust story-tellers have actually be caught in their own lies, time and time again. Here is one example of many:

More over, every supposed "eyewitness" who has ever been brought to testify at court concerning the Holocaust has admitted his on the stand that his eyewitness testimony concerning the Holocaust was fabricated. In fact, the cross examination of Holocaust 'survivors' was so devastating to the holocaust lie that immediately following the court hearing, it was made illegal to require holocaust "eyewitnesses" testify in court. Why should it be made illegal to call Holocaust survivors to testify under oath?

But what about the terrible living conditions at the camps?! The concentration camps themselves were a crime against humanity!

Actually, concentration camps were relatively nice places to live, considering the circumstances. The inmates had rabbits, could garden, and went on picnics outside the walls. The Germans built schools for the interned children and nurseries for the babies who were born to the inmates during internment. There was a hospital and an advanced dental facility equipped with the latest equipment. The inmates even had access to a swimming pool to relax in, got weekends off, organized an orchestra, watched movies in the theatre, put on plays, competed in soccer leagues, they even earned money for working, and could relax on their off-days with a dip in the swimming pool. And they were never charged for rent.

What do the contemporaries of the day say about the horrible holocaust: oh, that's right... there was no mention of it at all, as if it never happened.

In fact, in this image of a 1965 encyclopedia, the Holocaust, which is today's defining event of WW2, was completely excluded as if it never happened:

But didn't 6 million Jews really die?

No, 6 million Jews did not die. The Red Cross regularly visited the concentration camps and they reported the number of deaths at 271,304 of all prisoners, including both Jews and non-Jews.

We also have records from various almanacs and other sources who tracked this data:

If 6 million Jews were not killed, then why are we constantly told again and again that 6 million Jews really did die in a Holocaust?

Well, we can answer this question by first asking why have the Jews claimed that 6 million Jews have been repeatedly holocausted hundreds of times just in the last century:

In fact, they are still at this today:

The reason why they say 6 million is because this number is a religious number that has spiritual meaning in their religious texts. The number has nothing to do with truth or reality; it is simply the number that is used when the Jewish leaders want to put forward a particularly important agenda. The question we should ask is what agenda are they trying to push this time?

In summary, no, a Jewish holocaust of 6 million Jews never occurred. Yes, Jews (and non-jews) were placed into interunment camps. Yes, Jews (and non-jews) did die during the war, and yes, some Jews (and non-Jews) did die while inside internment camps, but these deaths occurred due to unintentional disease that the Nazis were putting every effort into preventing. Deaths also occurred due to unintentional malnutrition as a result of the allies bombing the civilian supply routes which the Nazis were using to transport food to the camps.

On the other hand, a very real holocaust did occur after the European theatre of WW2 came to a close. The real holocaust happened to the German soldiers who surrendered. As many as a million German soldiers were starved to death after Eisenhower signed an order which the allowed the allies to circumvent the Geneva Convention requirement that POWs must be fed.

TechDumb ago

In fact, in this image of a 1965 encyclopedia, the Holocaust, which is today's defining event of WW2, was completely excluded as if it never happened

Fuck me, I was just at the recycling place and saw a whole encyclopedia set from before WWII, why did I not grab it out of the trash?

Rawrination ago

Go back after it and any other old books you can find.

zxcvzxcv ago

Part 5: Nazis

I am hoping that by this point I have convinced you the Holocaust (the intentional destruction of the Jewish race by Nazi Germany) has been fabricated to disguise the fact that the war against Germany was contrived by Jewish bankers in order to defeat Germany's economy before the rest of the world woke up to the idea of freeing themselves from their tyrannical usury. However, if you still have lingering doubts about whether or not the Holocaust happened, feel free to visit the following website for additional verification of these facts:

Regardless as to your beliefs of the holocaust, I wanted to ensure you were given the above link as a reference. It contains an overwhelming amount of invaluable primary-source information on the subject.


After speaking with various Germans he had taken prisoner, and after witnessing the atrocities committed upon the Germany people by the Bolshevik Jews who captured Berlin, US General George S. Patton realized that the United States defeated the wrong enemy. Patton felt the U.S. should have allied with Germany to destroy the Bolshevik Jews. For his beliefs, the Jews had Patton assassinated. Why was the greatest US General smeared in the US media and then murdered? He was killed for the same reason Hitler was killed: "The best of the Gentiles should be killed." -Abodah Zara 26b

The best Gentiles pose a threat to Jewish world domination. Therefore, they must die.


"Ok, so the Nazis didn't start WW2. They were simply defending themselves from the tyranny of oppressive Jewish bankers hell-bent on world domination. Moreover, the Nazis didn't actually intentionally kill any one. They did not even intentionally kill the Jews, despite the fact the Jews had actually been intentionally massacring Germans in the Danzig Corridor. But, weren't the Nazis still evil racists since they thought they were Aryan supermen and therefore better than everyone else?"

Actually, this is not true either. The Nazis simply wanted to live free, but they also wanted this for all races, not just the Aryans:

"But what about all of those pictures of those evil Nazis doing all of those evil Nazi things to other people?"

Actually, those are fake images created by the Jewish Bolsheviks as part of their propaganda efforts. In fact, the following image is actually what first caused me to doubt what I had learned in school about WW2. When I saw this image, I recognized several of the photos in the left column from my high school class about the Holocaust. When I then realized that the images on the right were originals (e.g. when the female was added to the 4th image down, the gun on the truck behind her was removed so as to better accentuate the female by making her profile more pronounced and startling; this would only have been done if the image on the left had been faked for the purpose of causing a negative emotional effect on the viewer). Since these images on the left were fake, and since they were being used to "educate" people in American schools, it caused me to wonder why "faked" images were even necessary. After all, if the Nazis actually did commit mass-atrocities, then certainly there must exist images of them committing said atrocities, and so faked atrocities should not be necessary. There should only exist faked atrocities if the Nazis never committed mass-atrocities. And yet, the fakes do exist...

Then there is the actual mass-atrocities committed by the Jewish Bolsheviks, such as when the Bolsheviks dressed up in German uniforms and then took photos of themselves committing war crimes to be later used as propaganda:

Notice the soviet gun in hand of the shooter, and also notice the men in the photo had distinctive narrow facial structures often seen in eastern Europe as opposed to the wider facial structures which are more often seen in Germans:

Historical Fact #3: all of the terrible things we are told the Nazis did during WW2 were actually committed by the Jewish Communists:

-Holdomor = a real holocaust of Ukrainians

-Torchman command = real holocaust of more Ukrainians 

-Danzig Corridor = real holocaust of Germans

-Churchhill demanding war when Hitler sought peace with the British

-British air bombing of civilian targets

-French enslavement of Germans at the Ruhr

-Eisenhower death camps = real holocaust of Germans

-American bombing of civilian targets, including German supply routes that caused mass-starvation in the concentration camps  

-and many others...

When I realized that everything I had been taught about Hitler and the Nazis was a lie, it made me wonder what the Nazis really were like? After a bit of research, I learned the interesting fact that they are not even called Nazis. They are National Socialists. The fact most people do not even know the real name of the Nazis is a good indication that something foul is afoot. How is one supposed to perform proper research about National Socialism if one does not even know National Socialism exists? If one researches Nazis (instead of National Socialism), one's research will be limited to only the Bolshevik and American propaganda which was created about the Nazis, and one will never locate the real historical accounts of National Socialism.

This is intentional.

So, what is a National Socialist?

To be a "Nazi", one must desire unity among his family, friends, and fellow citizens. He must establish equality of rights among his people, the securing of private property for the individual, and he ought to aspire to the practice of honorable citizenship in the patriotic service of his people. A Nazi is someone who opposes illegal immigration, and is vehemently against abortion, which only serves to hinder the growth and strength of families. A Nazi must have a desire to fervently work to improve the lives of his children, must support traditional family values while promoting individual responsibly. A Nazi strives for free-market capitalism by opposing economic policies based upon either monopolies or socialism. He is also against any form of slavery, particularly financial slavery commonly called 'usury'. Nazis expect that children ought to help their parents and those that went before them, just as the parents ought to help their children and those who come after them. To be a Nazi, one must uphold righteous law by opposing immoral criminal behavior of every kind, and take the necessary steps to prevent immorality, decadence, lasciviousness and depravity. A Nazi opposes degeneracy in all of its forms, whether moral degenerate acts, or the degeneracy of ill health within his people, and actively work to eliminate both. He must also expect that children deserve and should receive an education worthy of their ability, and one that is capable of helping those children to become patriots and soldiers who are willing and able to defend their families against foreign aggressors, domestic criminals, and anyone else who seeks to harm their people. Nazis believe in living a healthy lifestyle. They understand that no one is perfect, but that excellence should always be pursued. Nazis believe that lies and deception in all forms should be opposed. A Nazi is one who is willing to sacrifice even his own life if it is for the good of the community. And above all, a Nazi loves freedom and will put his belief of God into practice by working to protect, strengthen and secure the future of his noble race.

If you agree with any of these ideals, you are probably a Nazi.

As an illustration of what a Nazi is likely to look like today, Reddit has provided the following image. It show group of evil Nazis posing in front of the camera. Moreover, this is not a group of just any old Nazis, but rather, it is a group of FULL NAZIS! In this following image, you will clearly see the unwarranted support of evil nationalism that they portray. You will also see in this picture the evil racist homogeneity of ethnicity that these FULL Nazis love so much, as well as the violent evil smirking with which these kinds of evil Nazis have infected this world. Moreover, the evil smirking of these Nazis is accented by the evil flag that they are holding aloft, apparently for some, unknown but certainly vile and evil Nazi reason:

That uppity FULL Nazi gang in the above picture certainly looks like they are preparing to commit some terrible shoah upon many poor innocent and unsuspecting Jews. They are likely planning on killing those poor Jews with penis-smashing machines and then turn them into ladies gloves after feeding them to bears and putting them in a death-rollercoaster that drops them off into an Indiana Jones-style death trap room, after which, their babies will be gassed in death showers.

Now, if you think such a thing is ridiculous and absolutely unbelievable, well...

Jewish claims about Jew-penis-smashing machines:

Jewish claims about Jew-skin soap:

Jewish claims about Jew-eating bears:

Jewish claims about death roller coasters built on an incline:

Jewish claims about Indiana Jones-style death traps:

Jewish claims about gassing Jew-babies:

Actual real photographs of Jewish babies at the internment camps:

bcboncs ago

Why was the greatest US General smeared in the US media and then murdered? He was killed for the same reason Hitler was killed: "The best of the Gentiles should be killed." -Abodah Zara 26b

I'm pretty ignorant on Patton but if you could provide some sauce to the smearing in US media, that'd be make this so much more comprehensive. I think those learning the truth of WW2 will find Patton's journey pivotal and intriguing.

I also read that portion of the Talmud but I didn't see where the best of gentiles should be killed. My work web filter stops me from accessing a certain online Talmud but others aren't reflecting this. Can you clarify?

zxcvzxcv ago

Patton admitted to the smears in his letters to his wife. That is where I learned about it. In fact, Patton said that any general who mentioned attacking the Communists was also smeared, not just Patton. I don't have a link to the actual media smears, though, since I learned about this by reading Patton's writings.

Concerning the talmud, I've verified many of the crazy things it teaches, but some of the quotes seem to be missing from the online searches. Also, make sure you are reading the footnotes. Several times I didn't find the quote in the verse but in the footnote to the verse. I also discovered that not all of the Talmud is posted online (sometime footnotes are excluded), and even less of it is translated into English, so to verify some of these verses, you need to speak Hebrew and have access to certain libraries in Jerusalem, neither of which apply to me. However, the sources I was able to verify were so awful that I am assuming the others are likely to be valid as well.

Happy digging, and I hope you speak Hebrew.

bcboncs ago

Thanks for that clarification. Great job with the post as I just finished it all. I need to re-skim though, I mix up WW1 and WW2 events at times. Another item that you may want to consider adding (if you wish of course, may expand it too much?) is the background and assassination of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Do you have any recommendations on sources to learn about this information?

zxcvzxcv ago

You're welcome. I left out the background on Tsar Nicholas because I don't know much about him nor his reasons for involvement in WW1, other than he was white and so the Jews hated/murdered him to seize power, likely raped his kids and (I'm guessing) ritual-sacrificed Anastasia after drinking her adrenochrome-infused blood.

My best suggestion for additional sources would be to utilize the goats here. There are some geniuses that use this website. If anyone makes a post or comment about him, ask for more info. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a free speech environment.

bcboncs ago

Definitely. That's why I'm here. To unlearn, get perspective, and make sense of where we are today because of events in the past :)

Cheers once again for your insight. I'll leave you be (for now :)

ForTheUltimate ago

A national socialist is one who supports thieving form his fellow man for the purported benefit of the nation like Venezuela.

For example he will support forcing workers to pay into pension schemes.

zxcvzxcv ago

You do realize that Venezuela practiced democratic socialism, and that national socialism is the exact opposite of democratic socialism. Right? ...oh, you probably don't. That is why I included the link to Mein Kampf. It explains it well enough.

ForTheUltimate ago


wrong. They both share things in common. Like the state depriving people of economic freedom and property rights and dictating economic activity.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Wrong. National socialism is a more controlled and state owned authority. Democratic socialism is a more vote centric form of the same thing, but it's really just a cover for a different form of communism.

ForTheUltimate ago

Did national socialism force part of people's paycheck into a pension fund?

AlexanderMorose13 ago

That I don't know. I need to research to answer that.

ForTheUltimate ago


Really so besides making a statement you do not know is true, you're at-least sincere enough to admit it.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

No, I just didn't know the fine details of what you asked earlier. I did know that national socialism vs. democratic socialism are two different things.

ForTheUltimate ago

know that national socialism vs. democratic socialism are two different things.

Ok and? Maoism and stalinism are also too different things.

This changes absolutely nothing about national socialism.

zxcvzxcv ago

Maoism and stalinism are not direct opposites. Nationals socialism and democratic socialism are. If would know this if you read Mein Kampf.

ForTheUltimate ago

Maoism and stalinism are not direct opposites. Nationals socialism and democratic socialism are. If would know this if you read Mein Kampf.

They both violate property rights in the name of the public good and they both think they can violently interfere to make the economy run better.

zxcvzxcv ago

Part 6: Jews

"Wait, so are you saying the Nazis were the good guys in WW2?!!"

Well, I am not saying this. The historical facts are saying this. I am just the guy who is pointing out the historical facts, and yes, that is correct: the historical facts demonstrate the Nazis were the good guys, at least in the sense any innocent person who tries to defend himself is the 'good guy'.

Think of it like an analogy: the Nazis were like the little boy on the school playground who was bullied and was constantly hit and abused by the angry Jewish upperclassman. The Jewish bully stole the little Nazi boy's lunch money day after day and as a result, was forced to go hungry day after day. He was shoved down and humiliated in front of his peers, day after day, until one day, the boy realized he simply could not and would not take this abuse any longer. He stood up from the dusty playground, balled his little fist, and with all the glorious passion his great heart could muster, that little Nazi struck back at the Jewish bully. But then that bully wailed and wailed and wailed. He wailed so loudly that his mother, the schoolyard teacher, came running over to his aid. "What a nasty and wicked and vile little Nazi he was for striking her poor innocent child!" she wailed. She wailed this so loudly and so long that the other teachers at school soon came to believer her. Nor would she be appeased until after they all united to expel forever from school that wicked and vile little Nazi boy.

Likewise, after Hitler's retaliatory strike against the Jews, the Jewish international banking Kaballah wailed and wailed and wailed, and they will not be appeased until the entire Aryan race is genocided from this planet. They fear losing control. Hitler stood up to their bullying, and they got the school teachers of the entire world to unite to make an example out of him and his people.

For more information on Germany, Hitler and WW2, and for additional confirmation of the above historical facts, see the documentary: Greatest Story Never Told

This is a 6 hour documentary that was edited together from other WW2 documentaries. Although this resulted in a lower-quality work, this documentary itself is filled with vital facts and worth every minute of your time to watch.

Fact #5: (and the most insidious of them all): the Jews are still up to their dirty tricks today.

The Jews have decimated the Aryans from Germany, and they are even now trying to eliminate the last remnants of Aryans in Europe and the United States, and like the schoolyard teacher, they will not be appeased until all Aryans are wiped from the Earth.

Concerning Jewish involvement in the United States, I want to provide a brief history of Jewish subversion in American affairs. To begin, the American Revolution was not actually about throwing tea in the harbor to protest the high taxes of the English King George III; rather, it was about getting out from under the financial tyranny of the elite Jewish bankers who were preventing the colonists from controlling their own money supply:

And after winning the Revolution, Americans had won the ability to control their own money, and with it, they and won their freedom. For the next 100 years, the Americans lived free, though not without Jewish attempts to retake control over American currency. Eventually, after electing the most pro-Jewish president in American history [Wilson], in 1913, Americans once again lost their freedom when the international elite Jewish bankers created a private bank in the US that possessed the sole monopoly on issuing US currency. This privately owned Jewish bank was called the Federal Reserve in an attempt to deceive the masses into imagining it was somehow connected to a government entity.

After establishing the Federal Reserve, over the next century the Jewish banking elite proceeded to steal for themselves 95% of the value of every dollar that they issued [at interest] to the American people:

Using the proceeds from this stolen American wealth, the Jews bought control over key assets within the USA. First, they created a state of their own within the US (a state within a state).

This 'state within a state' was made of up elements within the FBI and CIA. It consisted of a group of Jewish Americans whose first loyalty was to the state of Israel and who, through their American citizenship, gained access to powerful positions within the CIA, FBI and other agencies. They used their positions of power to manipulate the thinking of American nationals:

"When EVERYTHING the American people believe is false." Would 'everything' include the Holocaust? Would 'everything' include National Socialism? Would it include Hitler?

To further their agenda, the elite Jews used their stolen wealth to gain control over the US news media, social media and Hollywood. This was done to further seize control over the thoughts of Americans:

Controlling Americans through Hollywood:

Example of the impact the news media has over the minds of Americans:

'Truth' is now irrelevant in the news media:

Here are examples of social media bias to support the Jewish Kalergi plan:

  1. Saying that you want to, intend on, and will shoot, stab, rape and murder white people is completely allowed and NOT considered "hate speech" on Twitter:

  2. Telling someone that you will find him and kill him "does not violate community standards" on Facebook:

  3. Telling others to 'hunt and murder white people in order to bring about their total and complete genocide' is perfectly OK and not considered "hate speech":

On the contrary, saying that you support traditional marriage, well this is very clearly evil bigoted hatred, and your personal beliefs are so revolting and vile that they must be censored as hate-speech:

Saying, "It is okay to be white," is obviously hate-speech, according to the Human Rights Commission:

How about saying the word: "Honk"??? ...well, no question about it; that's clearly hate-speech:

I saved the best for last: speechless music is "hate speech":

Here are some examples of the lies pushed by the Jew-controlled media enclave:

Lie #1. Whites are a 'majority':

Lie #2. 'White Pride' is evil and racist:

Lie #3. Whites are 'privileged':

In reality, being "white" is a disadvantage, not a 'privilege':

Lie #4. Immigrants from the colored races are just like you white people and their only differences are let them all into your countries: You many not want to read this one:

Examples of how the Jew-controlled media pushes the Kalergi plan. Notice that time and time again in the media, it is suggested that white Aryan women are supposed to mate with African men:

However, notice what happens when it is suggested that Jewish women ought to mate with African men. Such posts are now suddenly considered vile 'hate speech' and must be censored:

The above censorship of Jewish race-mixing while simultaneously pushing Aryan race-mixing is intentional. It is the Kalergi plan in action. To make things worse, the Jews who are pushing this genocide of your children are using money stolen from your bank accounts and out of your tax dollars to accomplish it.

Effects of Kalergi plan:

A few examples of who is supporting and benefiting from the Kalergi plan:

But isn't Israel our greatest ally? If Israeli is an ally of the United States, then why do Israeli Jews celebrate 9-11 as a victory over their enemies?

I wonder why pictures like these don't make it to the US news? Answer: Jews own the US news

I wonder why pictures like these don't make it onto social media? Answer: Jews own social media.

Certainly, the Jews do not have this much control over the American people! Someone would have said something, right?

zxcvzxcv ago

Part 7: JFK, References

Are the Jews really a part of a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, and are they really covertly expanding their influence throughout the world by means of infiltration, intimidation, subversion and with guerrillas by night? Certainly, no serious mind would say such words...right????

If, by those words, Kennedy wasn't implying "the Jews", why do you think Kennedy believed this?

What the international elite Jewish bankers are doing has always been about control over the world. They want a world all to themselves. They will gain control over it by genociding white people by replacing them with low IQ brown people. This will be and has been accomplished by our financial enslavement through the creation of the Federal Reserve, and by then using the proceeds from control over the money supply to seize control over our news media, our history book publishers, our social media platforms, and our education system. All of this was written in their playbook many, many years ago: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (this is a 70 page document that explains the step-by-step plan for Jewish world domination; I have included it only as a reference, but feel free to read it when you have time)

And like Kennedy, those who spoke out against the Jews were smeared as antisemitics, and those who refused to submit to them were then killed. As was said before: "The best of the Gentiles should be killed." -Abodah Zara 26b

And Kennedy was one of the best. ...

What should be done next:

So, in summary: the Jews, who, according to Christ, worship Satan, are trying to seize control over the entire world by implementing the Kalergi plan to genocide the entire Aryan race and replace them with low IQ brown slaves who lack the intelligence to resist their Jewish chains of usury. The elite Jews have seized the money supply of the world through international finance by establishing privately owned central banks in every nation in the world. The wealth stolen through world usury is used to buy the media outlets of the nations, and those media outlets are then used to control the minds of its citizenry. Through the media and through their bribed political puppets, they sway the events of the world toward their ultimate goal: permanent and everlasting control over Earth.


Holocaust References:

Greatest Story Never Told:

Protocols of the Elders of Zion:

The Jews and their Lies,

Mein Kampf:

PDF of this Report:

Rawrination ago

I went through the post and clicked on each image to enlarge it.Then I saved a pdf of this with the images enlarged.

CinderBiter ago

Terrific write up!

I'm of the understanding that the version of Mein Kampf that you want is translated by Murphy bevause he was paid by the Nazis to do so.

zxcvzxcv ago

This is everything I have learned about the Mein Kampf translations. Let me know if you have additional info about these translations:

"There is an ongoing debate among National Socialists and white nationalists generally over which English language translation of Mein Kampf is the best. We believe that the Ralph Manheim translation published by Houghton Mifflin, while not perfect, is superior to all others. Despite his undisguised hostility to Adolf Hitler and the NS worldview, Manheim’s translation is the most accurate and best captures the spirit of Hitler’s message. There are some people who prefer the James Murphy translation, first published by the British publishing house of Hurst & Blackett in 1939. Sadly, this preference is not based on the quality of the translation, but rather on the dishonest claim made by the publisher that the Murphy translation is the “official version” and “authorized” by Hitler himself. But that is not true. In 1936, the German government contracted with Murphy to do a translation of Mein Kampf, and Murphy made an initial rough draft. It contains numerous errors, and the prose is stilted and awkward. However, Murphy was ill and did not have the energy to complete the project. His rough draft was obtained by Hurst & Blackett, which they published, without corrections or modification, in 1939 as the “authorized” English edition. But neither the German government nor Hitler himself ever approved Murphy’s initial draft. But it gets worse: because he was ill, Murphy hired one Greta Lorke as assistant translator to help him out. Unbeknownst to him, Lorke was an operative of the “Red Orchestra” (Rote Kapelle, in German), the notorious Communist espionage and sabotage ring run by the Soviet Union.

"The Manheim translation has its faults, to be sure. Along with some useful technical notes on translation and others on historical context, it also includes a number of gratuitous, negative footnotes, as well as an anti-Hitler introduction. More troubling are Manheim’s downright errors, however. For example, on page 490, when discussing the SA, Manheim translates Kampfgemeinschaft as “combat group,” whereas the proper translation is “fighting community,” a small but significant difference; Hitler goes out of his way to make the point that the SA should NOT be a military-style “combat group” (pp. 538-543). On page 623, Manheim inexplicably substitutes “Jewish” for “German” in one phrase, reducing the sentence to nonsense. (Manheim’s version reads “national folkish Jewish intelligensia,” whereas Hitler’s original is “national folkish German intelligensia.”)

"I recommend that every intelligent person interested in knowing the true character of Hitler and NS learn german and read the original. The english and german languages are quite different and it’s hard to translate from one to the other. Modern english is loaded with cultural baggage that is alien to the german spirit. I recently had a chance to look through the Ford translation. It is a simplified or dumbed-down version of the German original, presumably for readers who feel that an exact translation is too challenging for them. It is not really wrong or bad, but is lacks the precision of the Ralph Manheim edition. It is best to read MEIN KAMPF in the original German.

"The “Stalag Edition” was translated into English before the war by an unknown National Socialist. After the war broke out, it was distributed to POW camp libraries for English speaking prisoners. Interpretations are an art and can be done but the original German is different even than present German, suffering from the plague of occupational anti culture. The ‘Stalag’ edition has its own problems. It retained all of the original flaws of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The result is a very difficult read unless one has ready access to a German-English dictionary. The Stalag edition published by Ostara fixes many of these problems, but still reads poorly.

CinderBiter ago

Thank you very much for your insight, I will check out the Manheim edition!

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KosherHiveKicker ago

Upvoated the truth and effort put forth here!

I salute you my fellow Goat!