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19815023? ago

For such a tiny minority, they sure do get around don't they? And always right in the middle of every shitshow.

19818042? ago

Yeah. Amazing how this tiny population of people (who we are constantly being told here on Voat are inbred, inferior, etc) is able to outsmart and outmaneuver everyone, everytime. Huh. Weird.

19819262? ago

When speaking from the "Race" standpoint of different races having different characteristics, they manipulate a strength of the Aryan race when it comes to them as a group - Trust. We are too trusting. We see the good, and want to believe everyone is good at the core. I, personally, am very guilty of being too trustworthy. Always have been, always will be. Usually it works out in my favor as people appreciate being trusted and often will go above and beyond to help fix a shitty situation (at work, for example) if they know you'll stick your neck out for them. Jews know that is the case...that most Aryans will give the shirt off their back to help a person who may literally need that shirt. But they don't need the shirt, they just want it, and have no qualms in taking it and calling it their own so long as you are willing to give it to them under any pretense. - very good read if you haven't read already

19820266? ago

That's exactly what Miguel Serrano wrote about, how the Aryan is innately good and helpful, and the Jew knows this and takes advantage of it. You may want to read his works because he expounds on this theory in great detail, e.g NOS, the golden thread and Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar.

19829052? ago

love his peppers