19823885? ago

If they want to have their traditional beliefs and stuff that is fine. Nobody sane wants to just exterminate people for being different. But they want to destroy the surrounding culture And weaken it to prop up their ego trip of being “God’s chosen.” What part of “Love your neighbor” don’t these kikes understand? You look to foreigners and support their invasions but fuck the locals. That is why people hate you. You destroyed the integrity of culture after culture by being traitors.

19827133? ago

I feel our best reaction at a stage of a game such as this, is to not wage war against them directly and risk the optics fallout, simply wage war against ALL treachery and corruption and they will begin to stand out everywhere, hunt the symptom and the disease will rest while you are curing it.

19818071? ago

I don't think Jews should be sent back to Israel, and I'm not a Jew.

I think the problem is the Nazi echo chamber at Voat has you thinking everyone who isn't a Jew, hates Jews and wants to see them punished because of there mere genetics. That's completely ridiculous.

And I've had enough conversations with anti-Jews to know they sure as hell aren't Q supporters.

19818088? ago

this guy gets it

19821813? ago

You both miss the mark so hard it's like you found a goat on your way and couldn't help yourselves.

19817720? ago

The Jew probably is a Q fan, trump seems like he's full on ZOG more and more everyday. Why would the Jews not love these traitors?

19818217? ago

Thanks for disproving the OPs talking point, that Jews hate Q, when in reality it's the Nazis.

19818236? ago

No problem my nigga home G

19817669? ago

“The people who quote Q are shills”

See the sidebar on the right, shill.

19817545? ago

Q said "They want you divided" by religion, race, and any other way you might think of. You anti-Semitic bigots are on the wrong side. Do you really think that the God of heaven and earth is going to bless a movement that hates the children of Abraham? Do you think Q and POTUS are fighting to liberate the world from the Cabal so you can wear your bigotry out in the open? America will never be a socialist country, but by God, it's not going to be one run by Nazi fascists either. If you deny that God loves all his children, including blacks, Jews, Muslims, Mormons, Catholics, and every other faith, color, and whatever, you are on the wrong side. God will judge the wicked. Racism and bigotry are wicked--just as wicked as the sins you accuse these "different" people. Repent now or you will destroy America.

19834556? ago

show me where "racism" or "bigotry" is defined in Scripture. i'll wait...

19844323? ago

You need to love all people--all are God's children. See below:

1 Thessaonians 3

12 And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men****, even as we do toward you:

13 To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.

John 13--

34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

1 John 4--

20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

If you ask, "Who is my brother?" I suggest you read the 10th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, about the Good Samaritan.

If you have hate in your heart toward any individual or group, you don't have the love of God in you. Your soul is therefore in jeopardy of hellfire. Repentance is the cure. Follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and love others as he loved us.

19848230? ago

agreed, racism and bigotry is not in Scripture (or at least, is not promoted in Scripture as how we are to behave).

19817422? ago

why do you always include a group ... I am jewish this is just bs...i fully support Q and out president and THE usa...stop with the jewish bs its not working..the only one that divides are people like u

19827248? ago

They probably arent after you then. Keep your nose clean though, because your brothers have tainted the reputability of your affiliations.

19816768? ago

They are raised from children to believe they are god’s chosen people. Imagine how that could rot your sense of self in relation to everyone else. It breeds greedy disgusting people just as Islam breeds jihad.

19817395? ago

That's true they are raised that way. Thing is, they are NOT the Jews of the Bible anyway though - they are (mostly) of Ashkanazi/Khazarian decent, hence from a long line of Talmud following Luciferians who follow old Babylonian teachings not the word of God!

19821807? ago

Imagine being so petty that you write a book saying how you're "Gods chosen people".

Nigga, why the FUCK would "God" choose anyone? For Fucks Sakes, he's Omnipotent, he is the single source of all things, why would that nigga choose a favorite?

19827066? ago


"We've got one that can seeee!"

Well played sir.

Furthermore, why would an omnipotent creator of all things REQUIRE and PASSIONATELY DEMAND the meager worship of tiny apes? What purpose would it serve? What mechanism provides God a benefit from these things they demand? None whatsoever, other men benefit. Ah... therein lies the ruse.

Stay woke.

19816738? ago

Jewish people are raised to believe they are better than non-Jews. This is just fact regardless f what anyone thinks of the religion. They publicly state that they are “gods chosen people”. What is there left to talk about? Not all religions/cultures/people are equal.

19816720? ago

Tryhard divisionfags

19816461? ago

Always the Kikes LARPing in this cause screeching "MUH DIVISION" when someone stands up for White UNITY.

Where Whites Go One Whites Go All.

Follow the 14 Words to Freedom.

19816439? ago

isnt trumps family jewish.
why do you nazis try so hard to out yourselves as never trumpers?

19818007? ago


19818763? ago

actually no, hes scottish. and his kids and grandkids are jewish...

19822033? ago

It's only his daughter who converted so his kids aren't all jewish, just his daughter and her 3 kids. He may say he's Scottish, but his ancestry is German. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_of_Donald_Trump

19824699? ago

his mother was born in scotland.. stupid

19825758? ago

I was talking about his father's side.. stupid.

19816409? ago

A Jewish woman can be a Q follower. Prove me wrong

19817364? ago

You might not be wrong.

At that point, though, maybe it would be more accurate to call her a (((Q))) follower? Hmm... Where have we seen that?

(((+))) on the back of the VIP Anon Picture???

19822917? ago

Dear shill, if every Sunday in the synagogue they talked about ruling the work, don’t you kinda think that would have leaked out by now? Take you “MAHHH JEWS!” BS back to GAB. It’s Good VS Evil. Not all “X” are Evil you greenhorn.

19828111? ago

ruling the world

Is that what you meant?

Well, that's just the thing; there's something called "demoralization". Those who are demoralized cannot assess true information -- facts mean nothing to them. At this point, it doesn't matter what "leaks" out. In fact, the truth is already available, and there are those who -- rather than demonstrate how the facts are not what they seem -- accuse others of shillery merely because they do not accept the lies. This is hardly different than the so-called "normies" and NPCs.

Shill? Maybe you're just projecting.

19816297? ago



19816279? ago

I've caught jewess posting as black men before.

19816108? ago

You"re doing the good work patriot. My hat is off!

19815846? ago


19815799? ago

Like muh divided by race shill that posted on every qrv post that questioned the chosen ppl. Color me shocked we need yellow stars

19816338? ago

No counter points?

19815692? ago

A subversive kike? No way!

19816155? ago

In terms of looking ratlike, I guess the look really does match the behavior.

19815653? ago


"Spamming with the word "divided"?"




19816352? ago

Perfect example of a kike posting, 10/10.

19822314? ago

You would know, kike.

We see you kikes and know your comms.

Here's a shekel for you.

19824791? ago

🏆 Excellent!

19815488? ago


They think they have the right to Israel but the indigenous French have no right to France.

They want to genocide you.

19815417? ago

So some random Jewish chick on Twitter speaks on behalf of all the satanic elite masquerading as influential jewish, muslims & christians.


19815396? ago

You fucking bigoted commies and your Orwellian bullshit.

Commies want us to turn our back on foundational American principles of individual rights and merit.

They need us divided and distracted, or they're impotent. This is why the left started calling Trump "Hitler", and any who support him "Nazis" the moment they realized Hillary lost. This is why every instance of anti-semitism turns out to be some communist Jew's false flag event.

So who does it serve for you to turn your back on American principles, and be a pathetic cowardly bitch? They need you to be their boogieman.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

19816377? ago

Who are the commies? Same people, every time.

19818083? ago

I am a Jew. I'm not a commie. I'm an American.

And it doesnt matter how much these nazifags cry and bitch and moan. It actually is kind of amusing.

19819616? ago

I am a Jew.

Correct! I prefer kike, but that's close enough.

And it doesnt matter how much these nazifags cry and bitch and moan. It actually is kind of amusing.

Subversive and condescending! A perfect example in the wild.

19822309? ago

No, not at all. I stated a fact. Your reply made it that much more true.

19816816? ago

But there are many many Jewish people who have not broken any laws. Are we supposed to throw away what makes America great? That’s what they want us to do. Stop generalizing. All individuals are responsible for their own actions. Religion, race, genetics are not an excuse for someone’s actions.

19816962? ago

Commies want us to turn our back on foundational American principles of individual rights and merit.

Yes, this country was founded to be white and the commies/Jews want that changed.

19816973? ago


19816993? ago


19817007? ago

Are you retarded?

19817025? ago

If it's so obvious prove it.

19817344? ago

I'm not the person you are disagreeing with, but I can answer you - take your head out of your ass long enough to open your eyes and it's all around you. Just look...

19817626? ago

just trust me bro

Got it.

19816557? ago

Most of the politicians in the US.

We need to drain the swamp!

19817005? ago

The answer is Jews, every time.

I agree.

19815334? ago

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Race_bait.exe" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "race_bait.exe" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


19816410? ago

Nice Downvoats, faggot. 😆😆

19816171? ago

Disinformation is necessary......Israel is last.....

19815890? ago

Every time I see Jew-hating post, I know they are not true Q followers. Q never suggest or encourage to hate any race. ANY race. These are just Democrats trying to make some troubles.

19816364? ago

So don't condemn the people stabbing you in the back repeatedly, who control most of the media and banks, and who take every opportunity to use our similarities as tools against us and our differences as shields. Got it, now am I a true Q follower?

19823647? ago

Don't blame the race. Most of them are Democrats. And nope, you are and you cannot be a true Q follower. You need to have a sincere love for God and humanity to be one. Your race baiting tactics is a sign of having a serious TDS.

19815688? ago

Who do you think (((they))) are?
Who do you think is bringing droves of non-Whites to divide and replace White, Christian- Americans? (and White Christians in very White nation) Who do you think controls the Media, Hollywood, pedo rings, banks and our educational systems? Who is pushing anti-White/anti-American agenda?

Why do Jews feel- Jews are "different/superior" race? (((Divided by Race))) Why does Q only post Christian bible verses? (((Divided by Religion?)))


(((THEY))) have always been against us. JEWS are Children of Satan.

Your fucking yamaka is showing, kike.

19818602? ago

Easy, Moishe ;)

19819140? ago

Oy Vey, did I expose (((myself))) again? uhhh uhhh you're an antisemite! Hey everybody! We got an antisemite here! Call the ADL this guys on to us!

19820587? ago

Settle down now, big guy. You already sound super bad ass and hilarious and everyone thinks you’re a cuck destroying, red pilling alpha male bro! MAGA!!

19815495? ago

You forgot ((())) around "They"

(((They))) want you divided.

19816420? ago

I knew there was something wrong with it, I fixed a few errors but you had the final solution I was looking for.

19815023? ago

For such a tiny minority, they sure do get around don't they? And always right in the middle of every shitshow.

19819625? ago

in before the caps-lock kike yelling about patriotic jews and muslims and MUHJOOS.

god that faggot has foreskin-breath radiating trough the fucking intertubes, and out my monitor.

anyway, there's no such thing as a 'good jew' and there never will be.

19818042? ago

Yeah. Amazing how this tiny population of people (who we are constantly being told here on Voat are inbred, inferior, etc) is able to outsmart and outmaneuver everyone, everytime. Huh. Weird.

19821265? ago

They do have Mossad & the CIA on their team, so there's that.

19819262? ago

When speaking from the "Race" standpoint of different races having different characteristics, they manipulate a strength of the Aryan race when it comes to them as a group - Trust. We are too trusting. We see the good, and want to believe everyone is good at the core. I, personally, am very guilty of being too trustworthy. Always have been, always will be. Usually it works out in my favor as people appreciate being trusted and often will go above and beyond to help fix a shitty situation (at work, for example) if they know you'll stick your neck out for them. Jews know that is the case...that most Aryans will give the shirt off their back to help a person who may literally need that shirt. But they don't need the shirt, they just want it, and have no qualms in taking it and calling it their own so long as you are willing to give it to them under any pretense.

https://voat.co/v/politics/3332859 - very good read if you haven't read already

19820266? ago

That's exactly what Miguel Serrano wrote about, how the Aryan is innately good and helpful, and the Jew knows this and takes advantage of it. You may want to read his works because he expounds on this theory in great detail, e.g NOS, the golden thread and Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar.

19829052? ago

love his peppers

19816712? ago

The Jewish population is much larger than what is claimed. It is more like 10 to 15%. The claim of only 2% reinforces their victim-hood status. After all, how could a tiny minority be a threat to anyone? The 2nd advantage is a tactical plan in warfare.

Sun Tzu stated:

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

This is the same as stating:

When [your army] has superior numbers to that of the enemy, deceive the enemy in believing it is inferior in number to theirs.

When [your army] is inferior in number, deceive the enemy in believing it is superior in number than theirs.

19821765? ago

There are six million

19829043? ago

we have the technology!

19821274? ago

So, what you're saying is we need to reduce that number down to zero? I totally agree.

19820186? ago

This is what Ive been saying. Supposedly theyve been only 10ish million since 1900. I've read there were large numbers in certain countries including many in South America. It has to be around at least 30 million. Its amazing how there are always a few families in every small town in the U.S. too.

19816265? ago

19816217? ago

They preach openness, individualism, and trust to goys while their values are the opposite. For a country of only 9 million or so, Israel sure is involved in a lot of global crime: child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, drug trafficking, etc.

19821282? ago

and we're (U.S. taxpayers) paying the tab too.

19816974? ago

"Is Mental Illness the Jewish Disease?", Psychiatric News, Oct. 25, 1972.

In a study entitled "Mental Illness: The Jewish Disease" Dr. Hutschnecker said that although all Jews are not mentally ill, mental illness is highly contagious and Jews are the principal sources of infection. Read more here.

19820733? ago

Dr. Hutschnecker pointed out that mental illness peculiar to Jews is manifested by their inability to differentiate between right and wrong. He said that, although Jewish canonical law recognizes the virtues of patience, humility and integrity, Jews are aggressive, vindictive and dishonest.....

The article ties it in with a desire to see persecution everywhere....

Food for thought: how does this tie in with political correctness, as there is both a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia and environmental stressors, meaning genetics and thought?

19815394? ago

The only ones better at this are trannies!

19821287? ago

You mean there is a difference?

19814841? ago

Exactly, I've never felt more United with so many different types of people. All United for 1 common goal. Fight evil. More specifically fight to expose the evil jew

19817431? ago

ya go right ahead and expose me;;;;;i am a big bad jew...u idiots

19817463? ago


19816785? ago

What about the Jews who have not broken any laws? Specifically the American citizens.

19816975? ago

Funny reply.

I said

fight to expose the evil jew

So I don't really understand your question.

19816997? ago

Just wanted to know what you thought about law abiding Jewish Americans.

19817293? ago

Why did I say something about that. If I said we need to explain the evil islamists would you then randomly ask "what about the law abiding Muslim Americans? it's an odd question to ask based on what I said.

But since you did ill answer. My fight is for exposure and awareness. Jewish kryptonite. We don't need violence. Jewish power relies on the obliviousness of their host. The tribe really does operate as a parasite. It's structured that way. Once the host identifies the parasite, the parasite can be nullified. With simple awareness to f the Jew the Jew is no longer a threat.

I'm reasonable, I'd be happy for them to just have to wear a bell in public. Like a cowbell. Or to be dressed a certain way. Like a collective vaccine for uus Goyim against a parasite.

It's really difficult to be subversive and deceptive when you've lost the powers of chameleon.

19830611? ago

Everything you spew is about as anti American as you can get. Congratulations.

19830819? ago

Be specific; I'm a counter semite

19817317? ago

Not condoning everything else they did, but the Nazis had the right idea with one thing: make them wear a yellow Jew star on their arm. Easier to spot then...

19814770? ago

Or maybe she's just a regular Q follower and one of the more insular piece of shit Jews out there?

19814575? ago

How exactly is she "masquerading" as a Q follower? I get all of your points except that one. Yeah, she posted that image several times, but how do you know she doesn't follow Q?

19816326? ago

They're doing their mirroring thing again, because they really really want q to be percieved a pro nazi board

19815381? ago


19816330? ago

Yup, that and nothing else. Trators.

19829008? ago

i fill in the worm holes with tractor beams

19816794? ago

I love trater tots