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Ghost777 ago

After being here for long enough, I eventually became able to identify Jews solely from facial characteristics. It is like white genetics, but with assorted varieties of corruption.

voatuser1128 ago

It's so strange that despite generations of interbreeding with whites in Europe, Jews still retain their Jewish faces especially the noses. I've seen people who have an Asian grandparent or even an Asian parent and they look 100% white.

WhiteJewishMale ago

My family is Jewish, we had some mixed marriages a few generations back. Grandmother has blond hair and blue eyes.

My nose is not hooked, no hapsburg jaw.

And no love for Globalist Liberal Jews.

I stand with White Christians, with the exception of the types of radical antisemites on this site of course.

Nothing wrong with being a Jew or a Christian.

Jesus was a Jew after all.

Many of you hate the people of Jesus and shame your Lord and Savior, but I digress.

zxcvzxcv ago

Jews practice judaism. Jesus whipped the jews because of their fake religious practices hurt people. Therefore, Jesus wasn't a jew. You need to renounce your Judaism and their lies now. Do you honestly think the Christians will save you when they realize that jews have been murdering them for centuries? jews did 911. the holocaust never happened. You need this:

zxcvzxcv ago

Thanks. Have you seen this one:

(it is the easily shareable pdf version of that post)

Ag47 ago

Yeah, you added the pdf at the end after i had copied and pasted every bit of text into a word file, downloaded all of the images/assets and converted to pdf! Lol.

Awesome work though and thank you.

I shared that with an Christian (Israel is our greatest ally!) friend of mine who I had been debating the topic with for weeks and he now sees.

He sees everything, everywhere, and was a bit overwhelmed for a bit but he sees it.