Herkules97 ago

I thought half of it was talking about what they think ICE is doing, so either she thinks ICE is molesting kids or she's actually just saying that they should be molested.

Groomzilla ago

"At first, they just bullied him for being a jew, but when they found out he was gay too? oh boy"

7e62ce85 ago

What's new? Sounds like family court to me.

Join up if you want a different life: /v/emergencynation/2130938

Cat-hax ago

Hope you get raped by you're pet niggers

InTheWideningGyre ago


MagnusVeritas ago

Here's hoping.

Drenki ago

What's she trying to take?

MagnusVeritas ago

The biscuit.

Drenki ago

The only way she can have my biscuit is by having sex with all the people who have biscuits but are uglier than me.

HeebSlayer ago

Aww... poor little faggot snowflake is being picked on.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The basic notion of Western decline as a function of Jewish plots and hostility is absurd. The jewbad narrative though has just enough truth to it to be blown beyond all proportion of its actual importance.

SpaceAgePimp ago

What's ludicrous is you expect anyone with a triple digit IQ and the slightest semblance of pattern recognition to ignore what's happening in front of our eyes.

KYS jew.

hollywood2020 ago

Another slit squad member, who thinks these cunts get elected? They are place carded

MagnusVeritas ago

Probable given their over-representation. Brought to my attention earlier that San Antonio's mayor is Jewish as of 2017. All of a sudden San Antonio is getting bombarded with African refugees from the Congo.

Joe_McCarthy ago

"No one" is objectively, absurdly false. Borne of angst and agenda driven hostility. Grow up.

What you really mean is that idiot Jew haters don't like me. I'm very comfortable with that. The only concern is keeping these malicious downvotes within reason so I'm not driven into negatives. This is ridiculous.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OccidentalEnclave submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

Posted automatically (#57938) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@MagnusVeritas: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Joe_McCarthy)

geovoat ago

Never again.

MagnusVeritas ago

These blood-thirsty hypocrites will massacre us again and again for sport.

NoRoyalty ago

And you want our guns you cunt?

MagnusVeritas ago

Knowing what they have planned it's ludicrous to disarm.

Happymarie3 ago

She mite live in texas but she isnt a texan

MagnusVeritas ago

The Jew is native only to hell.

Doglegwarrior ago

San antonio we gotna fucking kike mayor some how.. ron fucking nuronberg! I couldmt make that last name up if i tried.

MagnusVeritas ago

He's a weird looking mix. Ashkenazi Jew and Malaysian.

Fuck. Steele might just get her way if with those Gulag camps if Texans keep on electing commissars into power.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ya he was hard to label. Peice of shit liberal sjw for sure. Typical jew along every front.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Up to 283 upvotes. Lulz.

So many retards...

killallofthem ago

Always a Jew, Never fails.

MagnusVeritas ago

Every single time.

GoyimNose ago

Remember gentlemen our grandfather's fought and died for these kikes who wish their offspring raped and dead. Remember this well.

MagnusVeritas ago

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

This account's Tweets are protected.

Only confirmed followers have access to @daynasteele's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request.

So if a jew calls for violence against whites they get protected? wtf

MagnusVeritas ago

Yes, ordinarily. In this case, she done it herself. All Twitter users can protect their tweets via their account settings. It means your tweets are viewable only to your current followers.

boomersarecylons ago

She is a human trafficking advocate. The police should take her threat seriously.

MagnusVeritas ago

Could be construed as incitement.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

Seems about right yeah

MagnusVeritas ago

Imagine my shock.

Xax ago

How is this enemy combatant not facing a military tribunal?

MagnusVeritas ago

Her people controls the government that controls the military.

Xax ago

That needs to change.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

So, just like the jews did in Germany after WW2....

MagnusVeritas ago

It's covered in the Hellstorm documentary on Bitchute:

A documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II.


"We jews give gifts in multiples of 18"

She then mentions 36

666 staring you right in the face. That six pointed star of remphan. Chuck Schumer "intelligence agencies have SIX ways to sunday to get back at you"

Children of satan are always signaling. Its in their blood.

Groomzilla ago

Nah dude, it's just a typo. She really meant "We jews give gifts in multiples of 18 %, no money down for 36 months." the fine print does, however, go into penalties. Which included repossession of any children and/or foreskins"

MagnusVeritas ago

Can't help themselves.

zxcvzxcv ago

Nice graphic

MagnusVeritas ago

Thanks. Not much to it.

zxcvzxcv ago

That is what makes it so effective. Most people link each part separately, and then for me to save it, I need to open each section, and copy-paste them into a single image. But you did this already, and so it cut out a lot of work for me and I appreciated it. You also included all of the important sections as well: the faggoty-jew quote, the quote proving she is a jew, and the image showing she ran for office...all savable and organizable with a single right-click/save.

WhiteJewishMale ago

She is an embarrassment to our people.

I am curious why you only name the race when its a Jew or Muslim doing wrong, but never state WHITE CHRISTIAN when its someone like Clinton, Warren, Biden, and so on and so forth?

Not defending Steele. I think we should do to her what she is suggesting she wants done to others. And im a Jew as well.

Internethitch_hiker ago

Christian's don't support abortion u kike faggot

killallofthem ago

Just gonna go ahead and report your shill account.


You just named three shaboz goi. Thats why.

Those are puppets controlled by israel. Therefore we just name the jew controlling them.

AgentHitler ago

Not Texan, just Jew. Texan implies she has any loyalty whatsoever to something not Jew-centric.

MagnusVeritas ago


Dayna Steele, a Jew parasitizing Texas who ran for Congress, calls for white people to be rounded up and interned in concentration camps and to have their children abducted, molested and starved.


vanievilgenius ago

We all know how gays are created.

drj2 ago

Well she lost so that’s good. Is she running for anything else at the moment ?

MagnusVeritas ago

Her last run:

Democratic candidate for the US Congress in the 2018 election for Texas Congressional District 36. Her opponent was Republican Brian Babin.


No indication of present/future political ambitions as of yet.

drj2 ago

Yeah she did get blown out. Hope she doesn’t run for anything else.

vanievilgenius ago

Pass the Likes. All 20 million of them.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

annnd this is why jews want to disarm us. Bring it, kikes!

MagnusVeritas ago

They've done it before. They'd do it again.

DexterM1776 ago

What is with Jews and molesting children? It's bad enough she wants to round up white people, but no that's not enough. She wants that two year old little girl to be molested as well. And who's going to do the molesting?

This bitch needs to fucking die.

MagnusVeritas ago

It's genetic. They're a long line cunning and despicably depraved deceivers. Were they not, such a physically frail people wouldn't have survived as long they have.

Food_Stamp ago

At least the kikes are now being honest about their desire to abduct and molest white children.

MagnusVeritas ago

The more a gentile nation capitulates to the Jew, the more the Jew's mask will slip.

bloodguard ago

She bah-leted it and issued the obligatory and always effective "It was just a joke, bro" tweet with added "I'm the victim" spin. Which is getting hilariously ratioed.

MagnusVeritas ago

Oy, vey! She's claiming she's a victim of white supremacist domestic terrorism due to the Twitter backlash she's received.

Currently ratioed at 1.5k to approx. 100 retweets/likes.


bloodguard ago

And now she's locked her account. Deary me. Poor misunderstood woman. I imagine she's half way through a box of wine wondering why her minions haven't rushed to her defense.

MagnusVeritas ago

Dumb kike thought deleting her tweet would end her woes.

KosherHiveKicker ago

And then one day, for no apparent reason...

MagnusVeritas ago

Surprised that's on YouTube. There's a video with similar footage scored to the /POL/ anthem that's routinely deleted.

MagnusVeritas ago

Anybody suggesting her remarks are mere hyperbole is naive, historically ignorant or disingenuous.

Her tribe perpetrated the very things she's calling against ten of millions of Russians and European within the past century.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Steele? You mean winklstein right? Lying IS evil.

MagnusVeritas ago

What's the significance of "Winklstein"?

thebearfromstartrack ago

Just some retard who CHANGED his/her name because. You KNOW what I'm saying right? Fag.

ALIENS2222 ago

sounds like a holohaust...

MagnusVeritas ago

Sounds like the Gulag camps.

Qutiee ago

Fuck you bitch and take your ass fucker with you!! The one most glaringly obvious point that they fail to see is that white people do not go begging for handouts from other countries! What we have we have worked for and earned.

FracturedButWhole ago

Tweet is gone, searched it's page & can't find it

MagnusVeritas ago

Deleted about an hour ago. Here's the archive: https://archive.fo/9Z6Lm

FracturedButWhole ago

Thank you

MagnusVeritas ago

Their degeneracies are manifold. Their spawn follows suit.

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Right we’re the Nazi’s Bwahaha Try wearing a MAGA hat in public. That’s like being a German Jew in the 1930s coming out of the attic to greet the SS goose stepping down your street. The Nazis would gasm to have the propaganda machine of the left today. National SOCIALISM folks.

chips_and_dip ago

you better get your boomer ass back to the Q subverses

Yuke ago

Oh America...you let it go way too far.

MagnusVeritas ago

It nears the point of no return.

con77 ago

a jew should be careful what they wish for

MagnusVeritas ago

Our patience has its limits!

YouAreASlave ago

It's great to watch these jewish subhumans glitching out under the pressure of the goyim knowing.

MagnusVeritas ago

They'll fly too close to that sun.

9ismine ago

Too bad his people have never experienced that.

fluhthreeex ago

literally everyone on the left is saying this shit. is she some serious contender for anything in her area/tx or something?

MagnusVeritas ago

She's politically ambitious.

MagnusVeritas ago

Moreover, they've perpetrated it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that she’s still alive.

carlip ago

Solve the problem then nigger. Or just do more fake air quotes.

Tallest_Skil ago

Or, you know, keep proving me right. Feel free to do that. You clearly don’t give a fuck about the problem, as I said.

CrudOMatic ago

Kike subversion is as natural as rain on a Sunday morning. This is just one more thing in a long list of things that lets me know that we were the bad guys in WW2. That evil won.

MagnusVeritas ago

Missing a crucial "n't" there, soldier.

CrudOMatic ago

I'm a burger, anon.

fluhthreeex ago


MagnusVeritas ago

My mistake. I misinterpreted who "we" refers to.

Improbablyanasshole ago

What vile creatures.

And then one day for no reason at all, the people voted Hitler into power.

jimibulgin ago

Hitler was appointed, not voted into power. The National Socialist Party that appointed Hitler was voted into power. Get your facts straight.

Doc_Shotgun ago

It's a meme. You would be getting too wordy if you tried to fit that all into a quickie one liner meme.

jimibulgin ago

Agreed. But it is not historically accurate. And this is one area in which we MUST be accurate, because the counter-narrative is a lie.

And the meme is just a bastardization of the jew meme "and then one day for no reason at all, they started throwing people into camps" anyway.

Doc_Shotgun ago

Fair enough. But one thing I am unsure of, are people talking about Hitler's actual rise to power? Or are they referencing a modern Hitler like figure getting elected as president?

InTheWideningGyre ago

They are referencing Hitler's actual rise to power and the reasons for it, but there is also the implication that the same thing could happen again because of a repetition of the causes.

MagnusVeritas ago


waucka ago

Screenshots can't be trusted. Do you have links to the tweets in question?

Ftw7969 ago

See this is what just dumb found me. Ohh so by your religion doesn't make you white?

CrudOMatic ago

Pretending this hard that race is only skin color, and that Ashkenazi Jews differ from whites only by religion.

Read a book, nigger. Not only that, but how many times do Jews have to do the "fellow white people" thing, then pivot back to "I'm not white, I'm Jewish" before you get it?

Tallest_Skil ago

Jews aren’t white, genetically. Learn before posting.

MagnusVeritas ago

Ohh so by your religion doesn't make you white?

What are you asking?

SumerBreeze ago

Even crazier is liberals who say Trump isn't really Jewish. Askenazis aren't really even Jewish as well, yet those Turkish aryan khazars control Israel and are ethnically cleansing semitic peoples.

Tallest_Skil ago

But Trump ISN’T really jewish. You don’t know what jews are. Ashkenazi aren’t aryan. What the hell are you even saying.

SumerBreeze ago

You have no idea what the word aryan means. The khazars were Turkish aryans. Trump is just as Jewish as the people who control Israel.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you’re a lunatic.

SumerBreeze ago

Actions are louder than words.

Tallest_Skil ago

And they're jews.

SumerBreeze ago

Call them whatever you want - which is whatever they want you to, it seems.

Tallest_Skil ago


Kill yourself before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish you had.

SumerBreeze ago

Go cuddle with your synagogue of satan followers, faggot. The worst people in this world are white people that believe they are special niggers, and Trump and his fellow ashkenazi supremacists are no different.

Tallest_Skil ago


Kill yourself. Now.

SumerBreeze ago

This white kike nigger is quick. You spend all day on the Internet, bitch boy?

Tallest_Skil ago

You’ve already lost. Bow out and get a new account, because you’re not going to be able to hide with that one anymore.

SumerBreeze ago

Hide what? The fact that idiots like you play the kikes game?

Tallest_Skil ago


Kill yourself before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish you had. Your account is forfeit.

SumerBreeze ago

Your account is just another of several. Why do you young faggots have to take the internet so seriously? Only you will be to blame when you get yourself killed.

Tallest_Skil ago

Enjoy being raped to death by the niggers you love so much, jew puppet.

SumerBreeze ago

Enjoy being raped by your former slaves, kike.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because… uh… lol i say so

Great argument.

SumerBreeze ago

learn to quote you retarded child

Tallest_Skil ago

Fun fact: it’s the jews. You’re wrong. Kill yourself. You don’t belong here.

SumerBreeze ago

Fun fact: you are a kike

Go back to practicing mohels

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because you refuse to defend and support jews

Okay, kill yourself. No one fell for your lies.

lettersofmarque ago

Then can I be deported to the country of my exclusive ethnicity please.

MagnusVeritas ago

Poland, Hungary or Iceland.

Overdriver ago

Denmark or Iceland please.

MagnusVeritas ago

Permission granted on the condition that you go forth and multiply with a beautiful, traditional and ethnically European woman..

Overdriver ago

Already have 1... and a 6 week baby girl (more planned)

MagnusVeritas ago

Congratulations. You're doing your part.

Overdriver ago

Not unless I parent parent correctly... Got it covered ;)

dontmindthemess ago

Hitler wasn’t wrong.

dontmindthemess ago

The jews will continue to give their male children herpes with each circumcision. They’ll eventually kill themselves once they’re done with us goy. Or the brown people will chimp out and kill them.

Wooden_door ago

Well, he didnt kill off the people who started a war with him so I'd say he was wrong.

rosshk ago

that ratio though

MagnusVeritas ago

Many of the responses are correlating her remarks to what the Jews done to Russia and Ukraine (Red Terror, Holodomor, Gulag etc.)

toobaditworks ago

What responses? All I see is a screenshot... as usual.

toobaditworks ago


MagnusVeritas ago

She's locked her account. That's a recent development. Was live within the past hour. Likely a temporary measure.

Yeah, she recently deleted her tweet though we still have the archive and screen-shot.

Blood-is-Nature ago

At this stage I take jewish envy as nothing more than a compliment.

MagnusVeritas ago

Talk about a fatal attraction. Their grudge spans millennia.

zxcvzxcv ago

and less child-rapey ways

MagnusVeritas ago

That too.

WhiteJewishMale ago

I don't know, I have no issues with White Christians and have never met anyone in real life who is like many on this site.

Most of my friends are White Christians. So is my GF.

Ghost777 ago

It cries out as it strikes you

Blood-is-Nature ago

They are responsible for the death of billions and yet mankind still doesn't question their own lack of natural identity, which is telling us to struggle for survival at all costs. On the positive side; you can't ignore a predatory parasite forever.

voatuser1128 ago

Why do Jews undermine their host countries? They probably won't experience as much persecution if they were well behaved. Look at the Chinese, huge diaspora but well behaved population that built businesses and infrastructure (e.g. railroads in America).


FUCK the chinks too...they destroyed Western Canada...they took over Vancouver by flooding it with heroin. And if you think a penny on the ground will start a riot in a Jewish ghetto just wait until you see what happens with the chinklets, it's like Tiananmen square...BUT...any culture that eats cats and dogs can't be all that bad.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Because parasites exist in nature, so why wouldn't there be human parasites? In fact; exploiting and destroying this ecosystem, which sustains our existence, puts humanity itself in a parasitical relationship with it's host. Anyway, let's dive into this...

1. jews are just a front for criminals to hide their crimes. You can call yourself a jew speaking any language, living in any country, following any religion, or no religion at all, being born into any race, and having any bloodline you want. What combines them as a group is fear of persecution and hatred towards the persecutores, which are both based on the crimes the so called jews are committing.

  1. Why do they do it? It's pathological at this point. Thousands of years of living uprooted, with no homeland, and while using inbreeding, race-mixing and any degeneracy known to men, to hide themselves, corrupted them physically and mentally. The entire child sacrifice/blood libel/Baal worshiping angle is based on combating bloodline corruption with fresh blood (which is desperate move that will fail anyway).

  2. What started it all? That we don't know, because we have no access to verifiable history anymore, but there are many different explanations like the origins of the khazarians (which became the modern askhenazi and sephardic groups) , who allegedly were kicked out of Asia for being inhumane savages, then we have the big unknown that is the Saturn worshiping angle, which somehow connects all their crimes to symbology and numerology. As for my self...as stick to the natural laws and see them as a natural counter reaction of this ecosystem to combat humanities parasitical behavior, in an act of sustaining it's own survival. Just like our own immune system, this entire ecosystem is creating antibodies to fight off parasites.

They probably won't experience as much persecution if they were well behaved

All the persecution comes from their behavior and you only have to look at what they did to Germany, after Germans let them in and gave them the opportunities to prosper like they never have before. The jews undermined, corrupted and destroyed Germany since the first day they stepped in. Nothing will stop the destructive behavior of jews, it's deeply pathological, like a kleptomaniac (which many jews are). They build an entire cult around the method of lying and deceiving, and they had millennia to perfect it. They are also operating in a caste system that is tightly controlled top to bottom, where the different layers are separate by how much access to truth they get, because they created a world of lies, that is so big that they need to protect themselves from too much truth.

webster_warrior ago

More Marxist/Leninist rabble rousing. Seems to be a specialty.

MagnusVeritas ago

Rabble-rousing the culminated with the deaths of 60 million Europeans but a century ago.

webster_warrior ago

Reason enough to not dismiss this as idle chatter.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Gee, it's not as if she's being facetious with reference to liberal gripes about how illegals are being treated by the border patrol or anything. She's really calling for your kids to be molested.

20 upvotes on this so far. Let's see if we can get a couple hundred retards to upvote this thread. C'mon - you can do it!

Food_Stamp ago

Your tribe sucks baby dicks.

PuritySpiral ago

The kike might be facetious here, but let's not pretend that it's not yet another one of (((God's Chosen))) pushing for unlimited Mestizo immigration into the US.

CameraCode0 ago

Remind to just downvoat and ignore any comments or posts by this user I am replying to, don't engage and fall for the bait.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You do that. Meanwhile, I'll keep laughing at you.

oneinchterror ago

Gas yourself

LettItBurn ago


MagnusVeritas ago

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.

LettItBurn ago

Blood and Soil.

HeavyBrain ago

Zäh wie Leder flink wie Windhunde hart wie Kruppstahl.

MagnusVeritas ago

Kapitulieren werden wir nicht!

Ghost777 ago

After being here for long enough, I eventually became able to identify Jews solely from facial characteristics. It is like white genetics, but with assorted varieties of corruption.

CaptnObvius ago

I always just drop a coin in a crowd and see who tries to pick it up. Another very easy trick, they can't resist shekels.

PeopleAreReading ago

Yup. My wife was watching this movie recently and one actress looked weird. I said "she looks like a jew" so my wife checked the personal life part on her wiki and yes, I was right. I call this skill the jewdar.

recon_johnny ago

First thing I look for now.

voatuser1128 ago

It's so strange that despite generations of interbreeding with whites in Europe, Jews still retain their Jewish faces especially the noses. I've seen people who have an Asian grandparent or even an Asian parent and they look 100% white.

jimibulgin ago

DNA dominance, yo. /s

everlastingphelps ago

That's just it. They don't interbreed. The inbreed. Hell, Einstein married his own cousin.

RoundWheel ago

Didn't he go through two cousins?

everlastingphelps ago

Not just two cousins -- his own cousin, and then that same cousin's daughter.

WhiteJewishMale ago

My family is Jewish, we had some mixed marriages a few generations back. Grandmother has blond hair and blue eyes.

My nose is not hooked, no hapsburg jaw.

And no love for Globalist Liberal Jews.

I stand with White Christians, with the exception of the types of radical antisemites on this site of course.

Nothing wrong with being a Jew or a Christian.

Jesus was a Jew after all.

Many of you hate the people of Jesus and shame your Lord and Savior, but I digress.

Bigdickedelf ago

Gas yourself yid

recon_johnny ago

Nothing wrong with being a Jew or a Christian.

Oh. Nay, Nay.

Throwawayx123 ago

You can't serve 2 masters and serve Christ. Otherwise you're just like your father, the father of lies.

zxcvzxcv ago

Jews practice judaism. Jesus whipped the jews because of their fake religious practices hurt people. Therefore, Jesus wasn't a jew. You need to renounce your Judaism and their lies now. Do you honestly think the Christians will save you when they realize that jews have been murdering them for centuries? jews did 911. the holocaust never happened. You need this: https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com

zxcvzxcv ago

Thanks. Have you seen this one: https://files.catbox.moe/az9dx9.pdf

(it is the easily shareable pdf version of that post)

Ag47 ago

Yeah, you added the pdf at the end after i had copied and pasted every bit of text into a word file, downloaded all of the images/assets and converted to pdf! Lol.

Awesome work though and thank you.

I shared that with an Christian (Israel is our greatest ally!) friend of mine who I had been debating the topic with for weeks and he now sees.

He sees everything, everywhere, and was a bit overwhelmed for a bit but he sees it.

hang_em_high ago

Oh look out for that "antisemitism"! Fuck off with your fantasy bullshit. No other group has a word that is pulled so fast to shield themselves.

BlowjaySimpson ago

You would throw 10 goys under a bus to save 1 of the tribe. Don't lie to us.


Fuck off kike vampire.

satisfyinghump ago

This is a topic of interest for me as well. Havent been able to figure out what's going on, possibly genetic, that's giving their faces/bodies that distinct look (& smell).


The jewish Habsburg jaw confirmed to me she was a kike immediately, you should look up the condition it's an interesting read.

Secondary characteristics such as the hooknose, deviated septum, beady eyes, sunk in eyes, narrow nasal bridge, protruding forehead or under-bite by protruding under-chin, attached earlobes, pointy and or flapping ears, shitty nigger variation curly hair.

The name Steele immediately made me suspicious, Steele is a common name jews used to make them-self appear American as business people when they invaded the US after the 1860's.

Name > Jaw > overall appearance. Red flags everywhere.

Hans, get the Luger.

But when i saw her profile picture i was like yup it's one of these coincidences again, only later did i see someone reply with a screen-grab of the 'happy ~~hanukah~~ genocide'.

rndmvar ago

While facial recognition for individuals may still be inaccurate.

Could facial recognition be used to determine Kike-probability?

MagnusVeritas ago

GoyimNose ago

She looks like an alien

vanievilgenius ago

Yup she looks like a hideous disgusting inbred monster.

MagnusVeritas ago

She is.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Bruce Springstein has this jaw yet he claims he isn't jewish


Her jaw could be realigned with 3 months of skeletal restructuring involving a daily 2hr period of deep friction anal pounding.

MagnusVeritas ago

Always a pleasure speaking with world renowned orthodontistry expert, Dr. Newcom Bludgeonbottom.

CrudOMatic ago

Good info

MagnusVeritas ago

It's an acquired skill but generally reliable.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I've honestly seen some jews that don't look stereotypical at all. Hell even Netanyahu could pass as your average white restaurant manager

MagnusVeritas ago

Sure. Netanyahu could pass as Greek. That being said there's certain instances where certain physical distinguishing characteristics are very reliable predictors of ethnicity.

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Absolutely. Jews tend to have very goblin/troll-esque features

MagnusVeritas ago

Imagine saying the same thing about "suspected Jewish supremacists". That would entail every last one ofl of "God's Chosen People".

Nosferatjew ago

To the camps!

MagnusVeritas ago

Imagine saying the same thing about "suspected Jewish supremacists". That would entail every last one ofl of "God's Chosen People"

123456butts ago

That’s literally what they want you to say... not only because it makes you look naughty, but because transportation and camps are how jews SURVIVE pogroms. They’re tickets away from the violence and it appeals to western empathy.

MagnusVeritas ago

Rats abandon sinking ships, but Jewish rats are the sinkers of the very ships they abandon.

They done it in Nazi Germany and South Africa, they're doing it Europe and they'll do it in America and each an every time they'll frame their strategic exit as flight from persecution.

Nosferatjew ago

If that's what it takes...