Jews population b4 & after, gold teeth, lampshades (Jews)
submitted 5.4 years ago by TheyLie
How do I prove the 6 million myth? I got into a discussion with a good friend as I was trying to get him to watch an expose on Auschwitz. He wouldn't watch. He said, essentially, someone related to him (I forgot if it was grandfather or what) served in the war against Hitler and saw first hand a chest full of gold teeth, lampshades made of skin (he harped on this point multiple times) as well as repeating the question over and over where did they go? Did they just disappear? They had to go somewhere. In the moment I looked up the Jewish population and the only thing I could find (not even Google some other engine) confirmed that about 6 million Jews in Europe disappeared. I'm looking through my piles of research and can't find the answer to his argument quickly enough. Is there a concise list of facts so I be prepared for this kind of situation? My short term memory isn't the best. He is a good friend because he's the only person I've ever met that can get into a heated discussion like this with me and we can flip it off and continue doing something else as if nothing happened.
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grandmacaesar 5.4 years ago
TheyLie 5.4 years ago
This... Is... Incredible and the comments. Holy crap this really blew up.
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grandmacaesar ago
TheyLie ago
This... Is... Incredible and the comments. Holy crap this really blew up.