Crackrocknigga ago

The SS did not tolerate abuse of prisoners and embezzling prisoner property. Col. Koch was put to death for it.

TheyLie ago

This... Is... Incredible and the comments. Holy crap this really blew up.

carlip ago

Did they just disappear?

They must have. According to jewishvirtuallibrary.org1 there were 23 main camps, these would be where they had the alleged death rooms and crematorium. If 6,000,000 jews were killed that means that each camp had to deal with around 260,869 bodies. A human body will take up around 160 cubic inches per 175 lbs 2. There are 1728 cubic inches in 1 cubic foot, this means that each camp would have to have dug a grave that could hold 24,154 cubic feet of ash. This also assumes that the cremains were pulverized into dust as is done today, other wise the bones are not completely broken down and would take up more space. There was no imagery released of such a machine, so we must assume that it did not happen. Just as a reference an olympic sized swimming pool is 88,000 cubic feet. 3

Certainly a hole as large as 30-40% of an olympic sized swimming pool would be easy to find as transporting the cremains else where would be a waste of resources. So where are these pits? There should be AT LEAST 23 of them.

TheyLie ago

Thanks for your reply. I'll see if I can shape this into a concise point he can absorb.

zxcvzxcv ago

also, of the 20 concentration camps secured by the allies, Eisenhower sent in scientists to record facts about the death camps. the scientists discovered that all 12 camps secured by the Americans and British were not death camps at all, but simply work camps where no one was put to death. Strangely, every single camp seized by the jewish bolshiviks happened to be a "death camp" and scientists were denied any access to prove whether or not the camps now within soviet territory were really death camps. this explains it fairly well:

also, muh jews:

AnthraxAlex ago

yeah if your friends dad was in the allied forces they never would have found those things. The allied forces only ever found work camps. All the death camps were in territory captured by the russians. Look it up even wikipedia will assert the camps found by the non russian allied forces were not death camps and the dead that were found during liberation died from famine and typhus caused by the collapse of the german supply chain in the last stages of the war.

TheyLie ago

Thanks. Will do.

AnthraxAlex ago

Hes making shit up or his dad lied to him.