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letsdothis3 ago

More about St. Barth's Yacht Club here:

Have you ever wondered what it looks like in St. Barths (St. Barthelemy) on New Year's Day? Here is an amazing drone footage showing you some exciting yachts berthed in St. Barths on New Year's Day 2016.

Luxury yacht charter St. Barths is a magnet for celebrities, the rich and the famous. So it is no surprise that the megayacht ECLIPSE measuring 533 feet has been spotted with the owner Roman Abramovich arriving via a helicopter as well as Leonardo diCaprio, Chris Rock, Paul McCartney, Russell Simmons, Brett Ratner, LA Reid, Lyor Cohen, Guy Oseary, Rick Rubin, George Lucas and many more including tycoons like Steve Tisch, David Geffen, Vivi Nevo, Barry Diller, Michael Ovitz, Jeff Bewkes and Len Blavatnik.

Art world fixtures included Larry Gagosian, Samantha Boardman and Aby Rosen, Brooke Garber Neidich, Richard Prince and Jean Pigozzi, while designers included Stella McCartney and Diane von Furstenberg who spent their holidays with a yacht charter in the Caribbean.

061916 ago

Great research and connection of the dots!

maurice1 ago

I haven't had time to add to this yet and dig more, but I did come across the "cow tunnels" legend.

Both Serafina restaurants, one at 55th and the other near the museum, plus Epstein's apartment complex being at 66th, which is relatively close to Serafina's on 55th and all three locations form a north-south line, if looked at on google maps. The possibility of old underground tunnels connecting all of these sites is there.

061916 ago

cow tunnels

This article puts the cow tunnels quite a ways south west of epsteins house (9east 71street) to 12 Avenue and shoreline to 39 street. But you could very well be onto something.

His house is right down the street from St. James church, might be a tunnel or connection there but I'm sure it's been discussed and I missed it

maurice1 ago

Here's one I just came across. The tunnels still in use but goes under 71st to Ravenwood.

maurice1 ago

Look into the construction on Little St. James and Greater St. James. Epstein goes for small construction approval, then does whatever he pleases and alters floor plans as he sees fit, without approval. That's what got me thinking about the underground of NYC. I knew the old cow tunnel legends and they match up relatively close to the general area his building is in and those restaurants of his buddy.

fogdryer ago

Sounds typical of any builder, trust me

maurice1 ago

Epstein goes far beyond what typical home owners do when making small changes.

fogdryer ago

You are talking about tunnels at the very least.

I get it.

letsdothis3 ago

Here's another post for you:

Serafina was conceived while Vittorio Assaf and Fabio Granato were traumatically lost at sea. Suffering from bitter cold, violent weather and severe hunger pains, the two stranded friends fantasized about creating the perfect pizza. Using Fabio’s architectural genius to construct a revolutionary oven and Vittorio’s artistry in Neapolitan cuisine, the Serafina idea and brilliant partnership was born. With an uncertain immediate future, they swore to open a restaurant serving the best pizza and pasta in the world if they were to survive the terrifying ordeal. In 1995, they fulfilled their promise by launching the very first Serafina.

So I noted the strange references and so I looked under philanthropy:

Yeah. So they donate to a loooot of children foundations.

I went onto the site for the island and found this mention of a "Yacht Club" - yes that was in quotations: This mentions how 400 kids kids a year go here to learn to sail.

So I looked up Colombier beach and according to this, it's still referred to as Rockefellers Island, because they owned large pieces of property here:..

Yet another yacht club for me to add to the growing list..

maurice1 ago

Thanks man, great finds. Sorry to ping you guys, I know you got tons already, but didn't know who else to ping.

I'm going to try looking more into this rabbit hoe as I get time and try to think around it all to find anything likely hidden in plain sight, bank connections, etc.

letsdothis3 ago

"Serafina" Disney Books Series About Children Disappearing at the Vanderbilt Biltmore Estate -- They show us what they do, in Subtle, Hidden Ways

More Vanderbilt estate pics/paintings surface (pizzagate) by @darkknight111

Serafina has never had a reason to...venture beyond the grounds of Biltmore Estate...she and her pa have lived in the basement for as long as Serafina can remember.

Clarification: They live in the basement of the Biltmore Estate

Basement? The address of the NY restaurant is 55th Street: See: Apart from SPiN who else is situated on Park Avenue above those tunnels? The MI6 firm Hakluyt, the Core Club, the Blackstone Group, the Seagrams Building...

Apparently 55th Street houses a ventilation structure for the tunnels.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Remember visiting the vanderbilt estate .......the basement had large murals all over the wall of goblins and ghouls. Tour guide said it was decorated for a halloween party. would certainly pay more attn. now.

maurice1 ago

Yeah, I came across that book but wasn't sure if it connected. Didn't look into any book passages or author, etc.

Remember back when everyone was trying to connect museums to smuggling art and funneling money and trafficking? Serafina Meatpacking restaurant in NY is literally across the street from a museum. Whitney Museum of American Art,-74.006657,15z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xf411458d82f39bb5!2sSerafina!8m2!3d40.739633!4d-74.006657!3m4!1s0x89c25894ea097337:0xc63f52f9d53d7889!8m2!3d40.7395876!4d-74.008863

maurice1 ago

Seeing two of these high dollar boutique style restaurants within one mile of each other, owned by the same guy and one next to a museum, got me thinking about Pegasus museum again. I can't find a Alefantis connection to these people though. I got to thinking with the undergournd tunnels known and forgotten all over NY.

Also, a side note, one of their chefs is a great great great grandson of Victor Hugo, the poet.

maurice1 ago

@new4now @letsdothis3

Don't know anyone else to ping, but thought you two might find this useful.