letsdothis3 ago


Sant Singh Chatwal is an Indian-American businessman and founder of the Dream Hotel Group where he serves as chairman of the board. He has founded numerous hotel brands including The Chatwal, Dream Hotels, Time Hotels and Unscripted Hotels, which operate in the United States and internationally.

Chatwal is close to former US President Bill Clinton and his family, and has made substantial financial donations to his election campaigns, as well as to other causes and campaigns of the Democratic Party, with many of whose prominent representatives he is on good terms. He has accompanied the Clintons on several journeys to India, and is a Trustee of the William J. Clinton Foundation.[10] In April 2014, he pled guilty to giving illegal campaign contributions to three federal candidates, including Hillary Clinton, between 2007 and 2011.[6] He was fined $500,000 and sentenced to probation and community service.[11]

Hampshire Hotels & Resorts rebranded in 2015 to Dream Hotel Group.[12] Chatwal remained as the chairman of the board and a new CEO was appointed to the group


fogdryer ago

a note on Andre : his father was Endre Alexander Balazs MD. He devoted seven decades to exploring the therapeutic potential of hyaluronic acid.

this ties to ford modeling agency. Balazs was married to katie Ford. Ford was a model and went on to own her own modeling agency.

( Gerald Ford daughter) Andre was also involved with Chelsea Handler. Jennifer Aniston/Justin Theroux/Hon. Cosima Frances Vesey/Chelsea handler are in Epsteins black book

Aldridge, Saffron/chelsea handler /katie ford/Balazs, Andre/in epsteins black book

maurice1 ago

At this point, I think it's likely easier to just figure out who isn't connected to these people!!!

Through 6 degrees, we are all somehow connected, but the guilty ones here are first and second degree connected, with tons of money and vacationing together, between them. Or so it seems.

How many 501(c)s are just shells to give someones kid a useful idiot job, while laundering human trafficking funds?

maurice1 ago

Connections to Eisenhower? I'm beginning to seriously think, how many historical names, we've all been indoctrinated or at least seeded through mass media to all know, are just good old boys, that have all been apart of this mess for centuries.

maurice1 ago

Some of you blow my mind with the amount of stuff you can dig up. Great work as usual.