letsdothis3 ago

Buckingham Palace Declaration leads to illegal wildlife products seized - https://www.royalfoundation.com/buckingham-palace-declaration-leads-illegal-wildlife-products-seized/

As President of United for Wildlife, The Duke of Cambridge brought together more than 40 leaders from airlines, shipping firms, port operators, customs, NGOs and charities to work collectively to combat illegal wildlife trafficking, through a ‘Transportation Taskforce’ under the chairmanship of Lord Hague of Richmond.

Lord Hague..LOL

The Royal Mail, China Southern Airlines, TAAG Angola Airlines and Mediterranean Shipping Company will today be the latest organisations to sign the Declaration and pledge to implementing the 11 commitments it contains to combat illegal wildlife trade.

Caged ‘Monkeys’ Protest Against Primate Trafficking - https://www.peta.org.uk/blog/caged-monkeys-protest-against-primate-trafficking/

China Southern Airlines ships monkeys from their homes in the wild or from squalid breeding facilities to laboratories in the EU and the US, where they are imprisoned in tiny cages, force-fed chemicals, crippled, cut into and killed.

PETA supporters took part in a striking protest in Whitehall today to shine a light on this shocking practice. The demo was planned to coincide with an aviation conference attended by Tan Wangeng, the president and CEO of China Southern Airlines.

The sight of these compassionate volunteers wearing monkey masks and squashed into cages was an embarrassing reminder for China Southern Airlines that it is one of only two major airlines that still transports primates for animal testing (Air France is the other)...

Voat post: Pictures were taken from the Chongqing China Minsheng Bank in Guanyinqiao Bridge, JiangBei District China. Here is why I know that.

There was only one flight that i see that landed at 6:42pm February 14th at Chongqing Airport, China it was Flight CZ 6950 out of Kunming China on China Southern Airlines.

letsdothis3 ago

This is getting quite interesting.

Khalifa Port to double container volumes in 2019, official says

A new terminal operated by China's Cosco Shipping Ports was inaugurated on Monday

Voat post by @theooeht , comment by @carmencita $21.6M Allegedly Passed by Chinese Businessman to Fugee's and then Funneled to Barry Soetoro -- Same Businessman Okayed to Lease 2nd Largest Container Port in Long Beach

US security concerns force Cosco-owned Orient Overseas to sell Long Beach port in California..The buyer was identified on Tuesday as an unlisted North American fund called Macquarie Infrastructure Partners (MIP)....

OOCL https://www.oocl.com/eng/Pages/default.aspx Refrigerated Cargo Is Our Business oh brother this needs to be researched!..

MAQUARIE Group https://www.macquarie.com/us/corporate What the HECK is THIS? Strange page.

theooeht ago

Yes. this really is a global takedown. Strategic locations and people are being targeted. It's interesting to see it unfolding.

Thanks for this.

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, very interesting.

truthdemon ago

Highlight.. Syga thomas.. ..one degree separation from mediteraanean shipping company...and james alefantis..

...is.james alefantis a logistic front of this deep state ...

What r these US diplomats connections to UK deep state..

Does Syga thomas and his ilk have connections.to former UK ambassador ..who got.kicked out...

This is truly Monster inc...being peeled away...

...MSC credit line for Dubbai ports...is it in exchamge...for deposits created for.JP morgan via.drig money laumdering....

Drugs r essential for the debt currency system...

High salaried class..eg Wall street, hollywood..etc...r encouraged to this drug culture..to mop up inflation ... ..if left as deposits inside banking system..there will be a higher credit inflation...

..to pay for.drugs requires paprr currency...one dollar note.equals one dollar of debt... So to create.notes..the govt had to go into.debt... Big budget spending is the requirement...on fake industirrs and.unaudited govt spending contracts.. Eg : 1 million dollar toilets for Nasa..Nasa fakery...military spending etc...

These projects...create the necessary US paper dollars required when cash is taken out for drug payments... The drug dealers as low end logistics...transfer it to.wholesalers...that them launder it via cinema tocket hall box office hits.fakery ...mibile phome shops..the usual money laundeting enterprises... bu creating fake client receipts...

The money laundered thus goes back to the bankig industry as depostis...and via fractional.reserve.system.can create more debt

...and the circle of life of deflation and inflation...inside the debt system has at its bedrock....the criminal human trafficking and dtug money system ...that generates the most profit and can be co trolled by warehousing the products , children and drugs...

The empirr was built on opium...as payment for merchant debt... Our bodies and consumption are the modern day opium.. The masses are the opium for the religion of the bankers It will continue unttil we accept that we r driving this..and we can end it..by using our credit to destroy debt at the US treasury..instead of lending it to banks ...

letsdothis3 ago

and also see: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1660400

keep in mind the connections with Ed Rendell and Tony podesta.

letsdothis3 ago

Syga thomas.. ..one degree separation from mediteraanean shipping company...and james alefantis..

Does Syga thomas and his ilk have connections.to former UK ambassador ..who got.kicked out...

Yes, via Tony Podesta.. looking further into this at the moment..

Will continue to read through your comment..

letsdothis3 ago

The world’s second largest container line Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC) is to invest close $1.1bn in Khalifa Port in the UAE. Witnessing the signing (pictured above) His Excellency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of State and chairman of Abu Dhabi Ports


Al Jaber has been the Chairman of Masdar since March 2014 and served as the CEO and Managing Director before. ...

Before his work with Masdar, Al Jaber worked on projects in energy, utilities and other industries at the Mubadala Development Company. Masdar is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mubadala, where as of 2015 Al Jaber serves as CEO for Energy.

Voat related post re Mubadala:

Israeli busted for child prostitution ring in Portugal was active in Cartagena - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3245440/18867413

According to information available at the Colombian Chamber of Commerce, DynCorp Aerospace Operation (UK) LTD. is based in the Untied Kingdom and has a branch office in the city of Bogotá....

Dyncorp complaint - Department of Justice...DynCorp chose to subcontract several of its obligations under the CIVPOL contract to Corporate Bank Financial Services, Inc. (“Corporate Bank”), including requirements to provide lodging accommodations and local national (i.e., Iraqi) security guards, drivers, and translators....its affiliate, The Sandi Group (“TSG”)..Dr. Rubar S. Sandi, Chairman & CEO..

ICIJ Offshore Leaks data base relationship diagram for TSG https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/12192512..PO Box 3444 Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Google map showing proximity of Tortola to St. Thomas and Little St.James

that address is close to Port Purcell. In that area of the world the best way to get from one little island to another is by yacht. Googling Port Purcell, the first company that pops up is PEGASUS IX yacht charter... https://www.charteryachtpegasus.com/

CAPTAIN - WARREN EAST [ Managing Director of East Yachts Ltd.]

CHEF - ELIZABETH LEE (Warren's wife)..On her FB page she has hundreds of friends so I didn't go through many.. stopped at this one: Margot Franssen Co-Founder and Co-Chair at The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking. She co-founded the centre along with..Sheila O’Brien. ...Ms. O’Brien has held executive positions in the areas of human resources, investor relations, public affairs and government relations with Amoco International, Petro-Canada and NOVA Corporation.

NOVA Chemicals Corporation is a plastics and chemical company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, with Executive Offices in the Pittsburgh suburb of Moon Township, Pennsylvania and Lambton County, Ontario.

On July 6, 2009, the International Petroleum Investment Company (since 2016 IPIC merged with Mubadala), which is wholly owned by the government of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, completed the 100% purchase of NOVA Chemicals, and transferred its place of incorporation to the Province of New Brunswick.[9][10] In the United States, NOVA Chemicals has focused recent expansion in the Gulf Coast area.

According to Google, Global Foundries is owned by Mubadala Investment Co. Then I found this article linking Mubadala to Rothschild & Co.

@kestrel9 re your question here: https://www.voat.co/v/politics/3049884/16924556 . I think the answer is YES.

kestrel9 ago

A lot to dig into and to review, Great work thank you! earlier today I ended up (as a side note) looking into Hillary visit to UAE in (with Huma, Cheryl Mills, Doug Band I believe) in 2011 and other bits, mention of JP Morgan, Abu Dhabi, Libya, that may end up tying into this somehow. https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3325629 Also William Hague, Queen Elizabeth II, John Kerry, oh heck! I'll check it tomorrow if time permits ;)

letsdothis3 ago

Carlyle to buy up to $4.8 billion stake in Cepsa from Abu Dhabi's Mubadala

ABU DHABI (Reuters) - U.S. buyout firm Carlyle Group has agreed to buy between 30 and 40 percent of Spanish energy company Cepsa from Abu Dhabi state investor Mubadala, valuing the stake at as much as $4.8 billion.

..Mubadala, with assets of $225 billion including a stake in Carlyle, will remain the majority shareholder of Cepsa.

Madrid-headquartered Cepsa is Europe’s largest privately-owned oil and gas company. It reported a 15 percent fall in annual adjusted net profit to 754 million euros last year.

Rothschild was sole financial advisor to Mubadala while HSBC and J.P. Morgan advised Carlyle.

Equity for the Cepsa investment will come from Carlyle International Energy Partners I and II, Carlyle Partners VII, and Carlyle Europe Partners V and co-investors.

Voat related post re Carlyle:

CIA's connection to elite pedophilia - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2415622

Bill Clinton was involved with CIA in Iran-Contra and Bush groomed him to be the next president. Upon leaving the White House, Bush became affiliated with the Carlyle Group which made him a billionaire.

fogdryer ago

sounds like we were tipped off. we all know the harbors are bought/bribed. was jp morgan one of the banks that declined trump in the past? were they in Clintons foundation or global initaitive? where were they coming from? Italy by chance

fogdryer ago

1.3 says yes. That much drugs of course there is " more'

DuskGrader ago

What a house of cards the banking cartel is.

They shouldn't have been so arrogant.

Anon331717 ago

They most likely are.