GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Another member of the ¨tribe¨ stealing babies.......this is a historical story repeated over and over. Where there is smoke?

Piscina ago

Wow, all that dirtiness in Pennsylvania. Savitz was one sick f@cker. It seems that the one good person in Pennsylvania, AG, Kathleen Kane was indicted for releasing the porn images that showed commonwealth supreme court justices, state prosecutors assigned to investigate Sandusky and his pedophile ring at Penn State, and state police officials sent and received.

Orange_Circle ago

Wasn't there something in Hillary or Podesta's emails about the fight over the kids?

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Every day I read more of these stories and become more discouraged.

These fucks are literally evrerywhere in the upper levels of power. Is there truly anything we can do to stop them...?

jml1201 ago

More powerful than John. Hmm

palmitespo910 ago

Okay, so I followed the lifesay link, and it took me to this page. On the right hand side, there's a link to the instagram. Searching @taralifesay on instagram, I found this post The black girl looks smiley and waving, but the white girl (in my opinion) seems actually distressed to be left in that cage. I decided to look at the comments. I found @aprilsalvant ( April has a few pictures that are...odd.... and where @taralivesay comments "Omg - Jadon is my fave"

Any way to look deeper into Livesay?

jml1201 ago

I haven't really looked into it much. Not sure what's going on with the cage. Possibly mentally unstable? I'm not sure. I did a quick look but haven't noticed anything that caught my attention. I could be wrong but I'll try looking into it when I have more time.

palmitespo910 ago

Alright thanks. I am trying very hard not to reach, and just using what I know and seeing things I previously would/may have overlooked.

Votescam ago

Haven't finished reading your post as yet, but knew the name of police officer, Daniel Faulkner sounded familiar. That goes back to the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal (1982) -- a journalist -- who was convicted of having murdered the officer Faulkner though many suggested he was corrupt and involved in criminal activities. Looks like they were right! Abu-Jamal has been in prison almost 35 years for this crime which no one believes he committed!!

"He now claims to be at the center of a conspiracy and "political coverup" involving Sandusky, the Second Mile, Philly police brass, murdered cop Daniel Faulkner, the state Attorney General's Office, Ed Rendell, the Union League, the Mafia, Savitz, Abraham, a deceased Brooklyn high school football coach, former Penn professor Scott Ward and former Daily News sports columnist Bill Conlin."

jml1201 ago

Wow that is very very interesting. That needs some digging.

Eastwood350 ago

I'd like to know how the Governor could assure the officials the children would be well cared for when there is a high percentage of abuse in the foster care system & adoptions in the US and the reported abuses fall on deaf ears.

jml1201 ago

Exactly, good point.

Eastwood350 ago

Here's a video of the actual flights back to the states from Haiti with all the children.

RecycledUser ago

What looks shady to me is like what G Webb says, these 'white hats' do good in the day, but at night is when they round up all the children they are illegally taking. Notice how these flights are all at night? And it seems strange that they have so many guards/security surrounding them...

Eastwood350 ago

Awesome work OP. I don't know why people aren't all over this one. It's more than obvious there's child trafficking going on here connected to the White House & the Podestas. And it just so happens that 47 of these 54 children were in the adoption process and it just so happens that all from were from the same BRESMA orphanage? Really??? Well, I for one am not falling for their claims.

jml1201 ago

I mean it's definitely something to look into. Things don't add up, at least to me. This reminds me of Silsby (another article I found on this)...

" Using contacts in the White House, Homeland Security and the US military, Rendell and his wife, a federal judge, chartered a jet and flew into Haiti’s packed airport[xx] The rescue mission and the plight of Haitian children went politically viral. The next day, while Rendell, his wife, the McMurtrie sisters and the 53 Haitian orphans were in what the governor described as a “tense standoff” with Haitian officials, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was back home announcing that, “One area we are urgently focused on is the plight of Haitian Orphans,” and that “we will not let red tape stand in the way of helping those in need.” The French president Sarkozy was organizing his own rescue missions as were the Dutch and even Florida Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart.

If anyone had been scrutinizing the situation they would have noticed some problems. The Bresma orphanage that was SMS’ing for help was not destroyed. None of the children were killed or even hurt. And as those of us in Haiti at the time knew, if they needed food they could have bought it just about anywhere: on the street, at the wholesalers in Petion Ville, or in any of the supermarkets that reopened within a week of the earthquake. It would turn out that all of the orphans had at least one parent, some of whom didn’t even know their children were being taken out of Haiti. No one knew how much money was exchanging hands or bothered to ask, but with total fees reputedly as high as US30,000 per child, it must have been a massive windfall for someone, perhaps the McMutrie sisters who claimed to own the orphanage or, if not them, the Haitian woman, Margarette Saint Fleur, who really did own it.

Something was indeed rotten about the orphan crisis and no one knew better than UNICEF and the child protections agencies that had initially exaggerated the numbers and panicked us all with images of traffickers prowling the rubble. But by the time Rendell had safely landed back in Pennsylvania on January 19th, politicians from President Obama to his French counter part Nicolas Sarkozy were jumping on the bandwagon. The Haitian Government conceded as well."

Needs some further digging.

Eastwood350 ago

Exactly, the pics of the Bresma orphanage looked like it was all intact and it's a well known fact that many in Haiti put their children in orphanages when they are having difficulties with caring for them financially. I read an article where it stated most of the children in orphanages in Haiti have at least one living parent so to remove so many from one orphanage gives one pause as to whether they actually were orphans to begin with.

derram ago :

Heather Podesta, a Storm in the Summer of the Lobbyist :

Haitian orphans rushed to new homes abroad -

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