16814430? ago

There it is again.......... a reason to wade thru all the shilly bullshit on VOAT.......... Congrats Patriot, there's more investigative reporting in your one post than a year of CNNMSNBCABCCBSNBC.......... thank you........

16813956? ago

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16795328? ago

Amazing journalism. But the broad picture is lacking in my mind.

16803518? ago

Thank you. Just a stepping stone along the path.

16794823? ago

Outstanding work!

16793060? ago

You are the news.

16792094? ago

Researched that too, just before noon, EST. Are you sure that's not Shenzhen B'ao from the plane? Note the railway. If you research the airport, its exact. Port, river, exact. The railway runs to Qhongdong. All of this is in the "silicon valley" of China, to include Chongqing where Hiwaei, ZTE, and China Media Corp (CMC) are located. CMC is one of the largest media investment groups in the world, and own most of PedoWood. All proximity. DiFi was "tracked" there in #2345. Is she the "running" target? I believe [HRC] is at Gitmo.

16792577? ago

I changed the airport to chongqing plane CZ 6950 landed and 6:42pm.

16790114? ago

She pulling some Snowden shit.

16789765? ago

Great job thank you.

16789720? ago

Thanks for the research. Love all you fact diggers !

16789564? ago


Is there a passenger list?

16789812? ago

I don't know how to get it but maybe we have someone here that can.

16787901? ago

Thank you OP. Great work!!

16787833? ago

sorry for being an insufferable faggot but why is this important and what is the context? HRC & wreckin' crew tried to flee to China now that Barr was confirmed and the chinese picked them up for tomorrows trade negotiations?

16788778? ago


16787790? ago

I searched facebook and they told me orange man bad

16787747? ago

There was only one flight that i see that landed at 6:42pm February 14th at Chongqing Airport, China it was Flight CZ 6950 out of Kunming China on China Southern Airlines.


16786881? ago


16786711? ago

Is the lady getting in the car Diane Feinstein? Maybe Barbara Boxer?

16789658? ago

My very first thought was it looked like it could be Feinstein.

16786673? ago

As I am human and was working on this for hours. I am sorry but plane landed in Chongqing Airport not Shenzen Airport. Rest of data is correct. I appreciate canons help pointing this out. With so many window open I tried my best.

16786583? ago

Dig this shit, you beautiful autistic anons. Unleash the matrix on those motherfuckers.

16786517? ago

Awesome Intel work!

16786452? ago

Excellent post\work OP !! ... some very good comments here also :D

Need MOAR of this in QRV - anon thinktank ftw

16785960? ago

You are correct! I spun it around to get the perspective of the Q Drop. https://www.imgoat.com/uploads/5d8ce590ad/196829.png

You can tell by the lines across the road, the trees in the foreground and the unique shape of the roof line. Picture was taken from the building in the lower left of this picture. Upper right hand corner of your pic with gold sparkle on top.

Good dig buddy!

16785693? ago

Tremendous find! Let's see what clever Anons can dig out further!

16785628? ago

Excellent digging!

16785473? ago

Pat on the back patriot, outstanding to say the least...

16785396? ago

Your bank is 18 hours by car from Shenzhen airport.

“That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works”

You should invest in a subscription to Duck Duck Go

16787834? ago

here was only one flight that i see that landed at 6:42pm February 14th at Chongqing Airport, China it was Flight CZ 6950 out of Kunming China on China Southern Airlines.


16786931? ago

Was Chongqing Airport my mistake.

16785367? ago

Pull all views +/- [10] Scan P-P100z Narrow/+wide Q

IMO that means the first picture is a downloaded picture from someone riding in the back seat of a car. Simultaneously pulled as someone is taking a picture from the roof top.

Q or whoever was able to pull all data from phones within that centralized area? That would be some serious tech.

16785846? ago

Might be something. I did a search for 7B-DS earlier this morning and came up with a chip, and also a camera.

16784999? ago

Now piecing together the script and players will be great.

16784906? ago

The three planes that you have in your links are actually the same plane. If you check the link for MU5351, you will see that it codeshares with CZ9391 and EY1053.

16785061? ago

Thank you for your help.

16784835? ago

All three “flights” were the same plane

16785046? ago


16785106? ago

No not probably, they were the exact same China Eastern aircraft.

16784786? ago

I'm impressed!

16784759? ago

I think these were posted for 'them' not the Anons. We have been allowed to ride along, so to speak, on their stake out ! Great job on the above article, always appreciate intelligent and resourceful frens. WWG1WGA

16787138? ago

Q and NSA pulled these pics off their phone to make the shit themselves.

16784704? ago

Q2706 includes "7B-DS". Does that refer to the HRC 7 you mention?

Q2707 has "[3]". Is that your 3 planes? Me, I was scanning the pics for a group of 3 peeps.

I imagine this is silent surveillance, not active apprehension. Like the Lisa Page pics from London.

16785015? ago

3 planes , HRC was from december.

16784554? ago

Great work. I just wanted to add something more. You can take it or leave it...

The clock pics give us a clue as to when this operation went down. The sun sets in between when the first pic of the clock was taken and the second. Knowing that it sets between 6:42 and 7:00 we can estimate when this all went down. That puts the op taking place somewhere in the month of August 2018.


Seems like whatever went down there has already wrapped up otherwise I don’t believe it would be safe for Q to release this intel.

16792593? ago

Read Q's post today. Q says exactly that mate. Already over, and QTeam want (((Them))) to know it.

16790430? ago

Good catch, now go back to Q post 2978 on Oct 9th where posted pics of the limo in China, an anon asked Feinstein and he said yes but also implied 8 targets. Hillary was there weeks before at the Hyatt in August, Q posted that in October.

Very interesting

16784687? ago

That is a thought but the three planes landed today. I certainly do not know the whole picture here and welcome any thoughts. Thank you.

16784781? ago

I understand that your plane theory has to do with today but that just isn’t possible. As you can see here the sun set in Shenzhen at 6:18 yesterday.


The most recent time this could have occurred is in Aug 2018. Unless you think Q team has somehow managed to alter sun rise and sun set? It just seems much more logical that Q team is giving us info on a op that has already completed otherwise they would risk tipping off the person of interest.

You did great work. You were just working under the assumption that this happened yesterday when that isn’t possible.

16796073? ago

doesn't matter what happened in Shenzhen with sunset. China uses a single timezone for the entire country based on Beijing and no daylight savings either. Chongqing is halfway across the country about 1-2 USA timezone equivalents difference. But the clock always reads Beijing standard time.

16811537? ago

OP made a mistake about the city and edited it to Chongqing from Shenzhen. Was not aware of the time zone situation in China so thanks. I wouldn’t think that the website would tell me when sunset was in a city using a different time zone so I don’t believe that to be an issue. So having corrected data from OP then yes this operation could have taken place within the last week or so. Facts matter and I should have confirmed his research before posting.

16785318? ago

Many flights always land at the same time no matter the day, week or month. They operate on a regular schedule.

16785532? ago

I dont find it that strange either but I live where I can see planes going in for landings. They line them up in a line and send one after another to land. Very possible for 3 to land back to back. I think that OP was just trying to connect those three flights to the target. They are on to something and have a real chance of figuring out the person of interest is but the dates need to be adjusted. Looks like it could only be a two week period from August 8 - August 26 2018. That expands the search a lot but still not impossible to figure this out.

16795830? ago

Q now says that the purpose was to let the target know that we know. Fear makes people crazy. See Q2712.

16784450? ago

What is funny regarding Jiangbei, shortly after the Q posts, I was on an old online G@@gle map and it showed this as the industrial dump and garbage town. it showed no signs of life whatsoever. So the businesses and development had to be within the last 10-15 years I would think. I wonder what HRC & DiFi & any others have tied to this district, the bank, and the Cabal??

16784703? ago

It is a new sustainable area that they built.

16784404? ago

Works out great except Chongqing is 900 miles from Shenzhen

16787842? ago

There was only one flight that i see that landed at 6:42pm February 14th at Chongqing Airport, China it was Flight CZ 6950 out of Kunming China on China Southern Airlines.


16786948? ago

My mistake it was chongqing airport.

16784433? ago

Look at the map. That is the name listed on the building. It is in Guanvinqiao Bridge.

16784297? ago

Dumb question, but what is the significance of a flight touching down at ~6:42pm and subsequent photos of downtown areas? Unless they have gateless exit for VIPs, they'd still have to go through the airport meaning they couldn't likely get from A to B so fast. Or are these photos indicating a VIP/Q-related arrival, and what's going on downtown simultaneously?

p.s. the two clocks aren't digital and show an approximate delta of......17 minutes ;)

16796077? ago

doesn't matter what happened in Shenzhen with sunset. China uses a single timezone for the entire country based on Beijing and no daylight savings either. Chongqing is halfway across the country about 1-2 USA timezone equivalents difference. But the clock always reads Beijing standard time.

16786396? ago

I thought the same

16784913? ago

Were they in a 'desperate' hurry?

16784373? ago

3 planes all left at the same time, same gate, same airport and all landed at the same time. They were probably all in that taxi.

16784202? ago

it would be nice to have ears on the ground there looking for news of police teams searching the buildings ?

anyone speaking Mandarin?

16784186? ago

How do you think this relates to the trade negotiations with China that are resuming tomorrow?

16784350? ago

Not sure

16784069? ago

incredible dive!!

16783662? ago

Great work

16783495? ago

Very nice!

16783111? ago

Okay so nice work on finding the location. If you were able to find that, Chinese intelligence has also found that and sent in PLA SWAT teams to lock it down and start arresting anyone with an American passport in the area including anyone regardless of ethnicity who is staying in all the hotels and especially the Hyatt.

Who is being Doxxed here and for what reason?

16785509? ago

Chances are, they are an American diplomat. DiFiChiSpy possibly. Hope they are tortured with 1000 cuts. They are up to no good.

16786607? ago

Fucking Jimmy was just too lazy to pull out his Driver's License, now he submitted to the beast.

16785658? ago

Of course!!!

16785596? ago

Hey maybe it was Zuck going over to beg the CCP to let him back into their AI bed? One can only hope. Someone tell our subs to get warmed up for his trip home. BOOM.

16784476? ago


16783363? ago

Huh you think Chinese intelligence doesn’t know these photos were posted? Haha

16784184? ago

The implication being they WOULD know.

Who did Q dox and why?

16783497? ago

That is what I said. Learn how to read.

16783560? ago

You are telling op that they doxxed the people in this photo. I’m saying to you Chinese intelligence knew about these photos before op figured out location. Op did not doxx Anyone

16787046? ago

If it was difi...fuck it. Dox em. Lol

16783645? ago

I didn't say OP doxxed anyone. I am saying the LARP did.

16786642? ago

I love this LARP! Finally a LARP on the chans with substance and OG pics other than just "I'm an ayyy/gov't insider/milint insider/angel/demon, I don't care whether or not you believe me because I'm right!"

16785495? ago

Oh gotcha

16784247? ago


16783038? ago

Good work, thanks!

16783132? ago

Thank you.

16783216? ago

Great help, now searching for itineraries and ticket holders! Cargo manifest

16783246? ago

Thank you