USAMatters ago

Good discussion - thank you.

kestrel9 ago

You're welcome.

moderator99 ago

You're forcing me to read! I just got used to watching videos for my news! Damn you @kestrel9!

USAMatters ago

Nader in 2006, Nader Enterprises is focused on continuing to build and manage a portfolio of SUSTAINABLE investments, projects and operating companies.

Note: whenever you see the world sustainable - know the UN is involved - if the UN is involved so is soros.

Question: the clinton foundation has an "Energy & Climate Committee of the Clinton Global Initiative, focusing on clean and renewable energies." Could this be the source of the chemtrails?

kestrel9 ago

It's all deepstate, "sustainable" corruption. On the chemtrails, some of them are military applications and testing, but the ones you mean, who knows? They aren't happening after Trump got into office, not for some time in the area I frequent.

USAMatters ago

Not all chemtrails have stopped. President Trump is aware of the chemtrails and put Pence in charge of getting them stopped. I do not have much faith in Pence doing anything other than giving speeches.

USAMatters ago

Lots of DS corruption in PR - lots of US citizens dying in DR -

kestrel9 ago

Dying in vacation resorts from bathtub gin? If that's the reason then there should be a lot of cases of non Americans dying as well.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

The Clinton Foundation- The money washing machine.

Saudi Arabia has a copy of HRC and Huma's videos? So that lil romp in the hay of torture was for Middle East policy. During the campaign HRC moved one billion dollars to Qatar! The market rocked and markets wondered what the hell was going on? Then they realized and said, Oh, Hillary moved a billion to Qatar. None of this is discussed. It's part of the bigger pic of Epstein, the foundation and laundering the kiddie dollars around the planet for everyone....and skimming their share. That's my take....and I'm sticking to it.

kestrel9 ago

So Snopes couldn't find a link to substantiate the billion dollars to Qatar statement, so I read the rest of the links in the article where, according to Snopes, that claim originated. Here's a recap of the links:

About BIS (Bank for International Settlements) - overview

Our mission is to serve central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks. Established in 1930, the BIS is owned by 60 central banks, representing countries from around the world that together account for about 95% of world GDP. Its head office is in Basel, Switzerland and it has two representative offices: in Hong Kong SAR and in Mexico City.

The link for "the Qatar Central Bank is the bank of that Gulf State nations government and their “bank of banks”" is a now a dead link. But here's info about them

"JP Morgan Chase & Company is the United States largest “megabank” links to an October 15, 2016 article [JPMorgan Chase & Co: Here Is Why JPM Stock Is Going Crazy] (

JPM Stock in a Class of Its Own

When it comes to U.S.’ “megabanks,” JPMorgan is the leader. The organization holds $2.051 trillion in assets, with is 20% more than the $1.69 million held by second-place Bank of America Corp (NYSE:BAC) and almost five times more assets than fifth-ranked U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB). (Source: “Large Commercial Banks,” Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, last accessed October 14, 2016.)

"Clinton Foundation is an international criminal money laundering organization whose clients include the Russian mafia." links to
Judge Jeanine: 'Clinton Foundation a Money Laundering Op, Not a Charity'

Judge Jeanine Pirro went off this morning, calling the Clinton Foundation nothing more than a "money laundering operation used as a slush fund."

She was asked on Fox and Friends for her reaction to a new August 11, 2016 report, Top Clinton State Department aide helped Clinton Foundation that Clinton's former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, went to New York in 2012 to interview job candidates for the foundation.

(CNN) — A top aide [Chief of Staff] to Hillary Clinton at the State Department traveled to New York in June19, 2012 to interview job candidates for a top job at the Clinton Foundation, a CNN investigation has found.


Roger Stone's October 15, 2016 article: Russian Mafia Money Laundering, the Clinton Foundation and John Podesta in which he states:

Podesta is at the heart of a Russian-government money laundering operation that financially benefits Podesta personally and the Clintons through the Clinton Foundation.


Don’t confuse me with John Podesta’s brother, Tony Podesta, who runs the firm that got $180,000 from Uranium One {see John Podesta’s Brother Bagged $180,000 from Putin’s Uranium Company, the Russian government’s uranium company to which Hillary Clinton transferred 20 percent of U.S. uranium.

Just how much money did Viktor Vekselberg, a controversial Russian billionaire investor with ties to the Vladimir Putin and the Russian government, launder through Metcombank, a Russian regional bank owned 99.978 percent by Vekselberg, with the money transferred via Deutsche Bank and Trust Company Americas in New York City, with the money ending up in a private bank account in the Bank of America that is operated by the Clinton Foundation?

Suggested reading as there is a lot of info in that article worth revisiting.

So the originating article without the link to the claim about the 1.8 billion dollars moved to Qatar, continues on in depth with many links of worthwhile info as Snopes cuts off any interest in those stating "the article linked to a number of news sites and blogs but conveniently failed to link to the alleged Kremlin report that would support its main claim." then repeatedly bashed the site and as always, told everyone to quickly look away when coming across one of their articles, which, for anyone paying attention, start out with a teaser click bait type claim, but yet provide a lot of info that actually is worth looking into.

Such as (in this same case):

The Clinton Crime Family. “Hillary is the Most Dangerous Presidential Aspirant in US History” Hillary Vulnerable to Indictment on Federal Racketeering Charges


and On Saturday 15 October (2016), this report notes, the SVR reported to the MoF that Hillary Clinton and John Podesta met with JP Morgan Chase & Company CEO Jamie Dimon at Clinton’s Chappaqua Compound outside of New York City—and who, in 2009, both President Obama and Hillary Clinton allowed to break US laws by his, [Dimon’s, being able to buy millions-of-dollars of his company’s stocks prior to the public being told](JPM CEO Jamie Dimon Securities Fraud and Insider Trading ) his JP Morgan bank was receiving a Federal Reserve $80 billion credit line—and that caused JP Morgan’s stocks to soar and that have had an astonishing 920% dividend growth since 2010.

Within 12 hours of the Hillary Clinton-John Podesta-Jamie Dimon meeting at the Chappaqua Compound, this report continues, the BIS registered the transfer of $1.8 billion from the Clinton Foundation to the Qatar Central Bank. (no link given)

To why the Clinton Foundation transferred this enormous sum of money to Qatar, this report explains, is due to the longstanding ties between this Islamic neo-patrimonial absolute monarchy and then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who “oversaw/managed” the “massive bribery scheme” that allowed this Gulf State nation to secure the 2022 World Cup—and that the Qataris were so appreciative of they donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, and incredibly, in 2011, gave former US President Bill Clinton $1 million for a birthday present—bringing Hillary Clinton’s total “cash grab” from these Persian Gulf sheiks of $100 million—all occurring as recently released secret emails revealed Hillary Clinton’s knowledge that both Qatar and Saudi Arabia were, and still are, funding ISIS.

To what Jamie Dimon “related/said to” Hillary Clinton that caused her to suddenly transfer $1.8 billion to Qatar, this report notes, revolves around his JP Morgan bank being told by the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in April (2016) that this “megabanks” master plan to save itself had “serious deficiencies”( that could “pose serious adverse effects to the financial stability of the United States”.

That last link in the article was broken but I found one to what they were referring to. Then next section with it's links warrants it's own thread but I'll skip to this quote as it mentions the 1.8 billion:

Critical Note: A highly classified SVR amendment to this MoF report states that upon Qatar receiving Hillary Clinton’s $1.8 billion earlier today, one of that sheikdoms royal places was “ordered emptied” in preparation for the “early November arrival” of a “high value” dignitary—Hillary Clinton perhaps?

While if true, I doubt that refers to Hillary, but it would be interesting if indeed a 'dignitary' arrived in November in Qatar and stayed in a palace prepared for them.

There are many more links in the article worth reading, whether or not you can peg exactly how the claim about the 1.8 billion was made and whether to believe that it happened. But how would one know when people are warned off of them so fast and adamantly by Snopes?

kestrel9 ago

I said:

While if true, I doubt that refers to Hillary, but it would be interesting if indeed a 'dignitary' arrived in November in Qatar and stayed in a palace prepared for them.

I found this, although I don't know that John Kerry stayed in a palace, maybe someone else involved did.

feckyerlife ago

seems like Bluhdorn was also tied to Sumner Redstone who has been mentioned on these boards a lot

kestrel9 ago

I guess I should have known that somewhere in the details old families are bound to appear. In the link about Altos de Chavón not only is the Casa de Campo resort (pizzagate info to be found on that) nearby but this info:

Adding authenticity to the project is the charming St. Stanislaus Church (Iglesia San Estanislao de Cracovia in Spanish) with its plaza and sparkling fountain that is a popular wedding venue. The Church of St Stanislaus was named after the patron saint of Poland in tribute to Pope John Paul II, who visited Santo Domingo in 1979 and left some of the saint's ashes behind. It was in this church that Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou married Venezuelan heiress Maria Margarita de Vargas y Santaella on November 6, 2004.,_Duke_of_Anjou,_Duchess_of_Anjou (FWIW Gloria Vanderbilt also wore a Maltese cross),_Duke_of_Anjou#/media/File:Louis_XX.jpg Prince Louis Alphonse de Bourbon, Duke of Anjou[1][2][3] (Spanish: Luis Alfonso Gonzalo Víctor Manuel Marco de Borbón y Martínez-Bordiú, French: Louis Alphonse Gonzalve Victor Emmanuel Marc de Bourbon;[4][5][6] born 25 April 1974 in Madrid) is a Spanish Prince and member of the Royal House of Bourbon, and Legitimist heir to the French throne as Louis XX. ...Through his mother, he is also a great-grandson of Spain's caudillo, General Francisco Franco and through his father, a great-great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

Marie Marguerite, Duchess of Anjou (née María Margarita Vargas Santaella; born 21 October 1983) is a Venezuelan heiress and wife of Louis Alphonse of Bourbon, Duke of Anjou, who is considered by Legitimists to be the head of the French Royal House, making Marie Marguerite the Legitimist titular Queen Consort of France and Navarre.

Her father is Victor Vargas, a Venezuelan banker and businessman, best known for being the owner and president of the 14th largest private bank in Venezuela, Banco Occidental de Descuento.