17529982? ago

Look say the Eminem post and the Pdiddy one. Search the user names of those who commented...very odd

17529510? ago

Forgive my ignorance, but what picture are you referring to?

17529644? ago

The pool pic with Bill Clinton and Tony pedesta

17531082? ago

It's absolutely not Tony Podesta and it's also NOT the George Nader who is the Mueller witness/convicted pedophile.

The guy in the picture is the wrong George Nader. This is a Dominican businessman, he is not a Mueller Witness https://naderenterprises.com/leadership/

The George Nader we have been hearing about is the Lebanese fixer, adviser to UAE/Saudi Arabia, Mueller witness who was convicted in the Czech Republic. He is short and has a round face https://amp.businessinsider.com/images/5b0336d21ae6625f008b47d6-750-375.jpgJPG

The picture is not at Epstein's place, the picture is from the Dominican Republic. Here's the original source of the picture.


17537444? ago

True Pundit is a fake news site and the sooner you learn that the better.

The old guy with his back to the camera is one of Bill Clinton's friends from college, like 50 years ago. That's why he's vacationing with these guys.

The Nader who is born in Lebanon and is the Middle Eastern fixer/Mueller witness is balding and spent his career in politics. The Dominican Nader has a full head of and is the description in the article translates to "artsistic entrepreneur." He's a businessman who owns a concert promotion business among other things.

17537502? ago

Sure sure. Why don't you put that on twitter.

17529467? ago

Do you guys even Q? He clearly said, FOLLOW THE ATTORNEY. And gave a link to a story in which an attorney named Nicholas J. Lewin is representing two anonymous indiviuals in the case. Jezz, do I have to connect the dots???

This guy's practice is in representing Congress critters who get in trouble with the law.


17534624? ago

"Nick also served as the Special Counsel for former FBI Directors Robert S. Mueller, III and James B. Comey."

17546772? ago

And this from the Miami Herald: "Two mysterious parties, labeling themselves Jane Doe and John Doe..." https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article228199149.html

So one is a man, one is a woman, and both are connected to Epstein. Gee, any guesses? Clintons, maybe?

17529360? ago

It could be Doug Bands. He went with Bill there several times according to the flight log. Check out his wiki.


17531910? ago

It could be Doug Bands. He went with Bill there several times according to the flight log.

This is not true. The flight logs do not show this. Every time Bill Clinton is in the flight manifests for Epstein plan, they were going to places like Africa, not the Virgin Islands. Clinton borrowed Epstein's plan for a multi country trip to Africa in 2002. This is how he met Epstein. Clinton went to Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Mozambique and South Africa and gave speeches about the AIDS epidemic.

This is the type of stuff he was doing. https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/mandela-and-clinton-join-forces-against-aids-95143

President Thabo Mbeki and Clinton met in Pretoria and discussed ways in which American business could support Nepad and South Africa's role in conflict resolution in Africa.

Clinton, who is on a five nation-tour of Africa to promote the fight against HIV/Aids and bolster economic development, was accompanied by a delegation of US businessmen and Mbeki was joined by Alec Erwin, the trade and industry minister.


FORMER President Bill Clinton of the United States arrived in the country today to participate in the launching in Accra of the Foundation for Building the Capital of the Poor.

The foundation, which was set up by the government to implement a property reform programme, will be launched by President Mr J. A. Kufuor.

The picture is not at Epstein's place, the picture is from the Dominican Republic. Here's the original source of the picture.


The guy in the picture is the wrong George Nader. This is a Dominican businessman, he is not a Mueller Witness https://naderenterprises.com/leadership/

The George Nader we have been hearing about is the Lebanese fixer, adviser to UAE/Saudi Arabia, Mueller witness who was convicted in the Czech Republic. He is short and has a round face https://amp.businessinsider.com/images/5b0336d21ae6625f008b47d6-750-375.jpgJPG

17529140? ago

Hillary took the picture.

17528759? ago

who funded the dead Maxwell? Born a name like Ján shekelsteinmannLudvík Hymann BinyaminHoch? killed dumped in an ocean, body turns up after a while.....why dead suddenly? burial the most expensive site at the height of Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery, Jerusalem...but he's English or British?

17528508? ago

Good attempt anyway but how can you check the manifest if you don't know the names to look for. Perhaps the manifest would show location? “Clinton is seen here kicking back at a beach day in Jan. 2017 in Palmilla, Bayahibe, an exclusive haven of warm waters and refuge, near the so-called Paso de Catuano, very close to Isla Saona. This resort is only in accessible by private boat.

17528398? ago

The picture is not at Epstein's place, the picture is from the Dominican Republic. Here's the original source of the picture.


The guy in the picture is the wrong George Nader. This is a Dominican businessman, he is not a Mueller Witness https://naderenterprises.com/leadership/

The George Nader we have been hearing about is the Lebanese fixer, adviser to UAE/Saudi Arabia, Mueller witness who was convicted in the Czech Republic. He is short and has a round face https://amp.businessinsider.com/images/5b0336d21ae6625f008b47d6-750-375.jpgJPG

17532160? ago

Yeah. TruePundit is a fake news site. The quicker you learn that the better. The old guy in the photo is a guy Clinton went to College with, Rolando Gonzalez-Bunster. From Wiki

Gonzalez-Bunster was born circa 1947 in Argentina. He graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. in 1968. While he was in college, he was friends with Bill Clinton.

Here's the article auto-translated from Spanish.

The former president of the United States, Bill Clinton, is on vacation in the Dominican Republic.

He is spending his vacations in Casa de Campo, La Romana, in the residence of his friend and fellow student Ronald Gonzalez Bunster,.... ...In the photos appears the artistic entrepreneur George Nader and Ricardo Cheaz, Dominican businessman, of oriental descent.

The Mueller George Nader is not an "artistic entrepreneur." The Dominican George Nader has a lot businesses including concert promotion.

17531071? ago

You fucking shill. Leave.

17531955? ago

Why does the truth make you cry?

17528290? ago

Had to be Dershowitz.

17529572? ago

If Dershowitz were that dirty, Q would have called him out instead of telling him to get in line

17531200? ago


17528216? ago

You autists... You... You're good you! Yes you!

17528176? ago

Are you all really so far off the mark and incapable of following?

The picture isn't from Epstein's island and it was never suggested as being from there. Stop being retarded and wasting people's time.

17528261? ago

No, you.

17528172? ago


17528270? ago

He's a dirty little boy, that jew.

17540864? ago

Apparently 2 of Epstein’s victims of lawsuit names Dershowitz as having raped/molested them at Epstein’s Palm Beach house. Jane Doe #3. & #4. But Dershowitz is asking to also have case unsealed to prove his innocence, so it could all be speculation.

17527744? ago

My bet is on Jimmy Buffett.

17533758? ago

I recall how disgusted I was with him when I saw him doing appearances with and supporting Killary. I can only guess what they got on him.

17528277? ago

It's five o'clock somewhere right?

17528597? ago

He built a multi-billion dollar empire off of one decent song, right. I've been researching him for years, my belief is he made money and connections as a trafficker, and not just from smuggling drugs. He spends a lot of time in St. Barts, about 100 miles from Epstein's island, and Buffett is a private pilot.

17528860? ago

Dude is in deep I've heard.

Very very deep. It seems everyone famous is also perverted.

Or some sexual tick, no wonder they so quickly convert.

Blackmail is a useful tool they use all the time.

17531235? ago

I knew there was some reason, other than it sucks, that I didn't like that song!😡

17527743? ago

Here are those who have been identified in the photo. Seems this trip occurred after the Epstein case, so this trip may not be included on the attached manifest.


17527514? ago

This is why Israel will be last, all dark roads lead to Israel. When all threads have been pulled and unraveled, Mossad and the Rothschilds will be proven to be behind it all. The question is, what happens then? 110th expulsion? Send them to Mars? Stick them on a barren island? IMO, that's also why Trump did the whole move the embassy to Jerusalem, it placed him in a position where it makes it much more difficult to point to him as going after Israel. It would be interesting to find that Kushner is also a bad guy, and Ivanka marrying him was part of the whole plan. With kids involved, I doubt it, but it would make for a great story. Plus Ultra.

17535898? ago

Israel is a black site like NK, operating cleverly under religious cover but the people involved are not religious.

17547671? ago

Not even human, from what I hear...

17619127? ago

oooooh im interested. can you explain what else you heard about it???

17619660? ago

In a nutshell: Amoral ETs are overwriting human minds with their own minds to extend their lives. Sometimes permanent sometimes temporary. The temporary ones (usually false flags like mass shooters) get serious brain issues after the ET leaves.

Check /r/reptiliandude for where I was cued into the idea.

17533146? ago

I don't understand how people flow in and out of blaming Mossad and Israel one second, and then when it comes to dealing with it the recommendations are "stick them on a barren island or send to Mars".

Mossad/government of Israel is not a synonym for the entire Jewish race. You're conflating the two and it weakens your argument. It's no different than suggesting every white American be punished because Bill Clinton is a pedo.

17534221? ago

The core of Judaism is the belief that the entire world will eventually come to be ruled over by Jews. An eternal one world totalitarian theocracy where all non-jews are there to serve the Jews.

Jews are always either Communist/Socialist or Zionist. Look/Ask for yourself. Communists want one world government from the bottom up, Zionists want one world government from the top down. Same goal, but attacking the barriers to their goal (Nationalism & Christianity primarily) from opposite sides. It's central to Judaism, that is indisputable for anyone who has read at least the Torah and knows the Talmud branched off from that point. They believe that if they fail to rule over all non-Jews and take all the land, God curses them to be dispersed among nations. They only gain God's favor by gaining rule over the nations they are dispersed amongst, then God will smite the host nation and hand over all they built to the Jews. If the Jews slip from their duties, it starts over.

Communism/Zionism is the Liberal/Conservative dichotomy for Jews

Jewish politics all stem from the central tenet that the Jews must rule over all.

As a dispersed nation that means subversion and inviting conquerors into the host nation. Sound familiar???

17538213? ago

The core of Judaism is the belief that the entire world will eventually come to be ruled over by Jews.

Paraphrased, the average Jew walking down the street is part of a hive mind that intends to destroy the world. Bullshit.

Pull your head out of your ass and listen to your own propaganda. What you just said is no different than suggesting all whites in America should be held accountable for overthrowing every other country in the middle east. You and I had nothing to do with that, and the average Jew walking down the street has nothing to do with the cabal.

Jews are always either Communist/Socialist or Zionist.

Bullshit. Furthermore, it's the democrats who casts entire groups of people as one monolothic entity that has no individuality, no volition to do things differently. About 25% of Jews support Trump, and without those 25% of Jews you would be saying Madam President right now. That's likely why you're here, to chase escapees back to the plantation.

It's central to Judaism, that is indisputable for anyone who has read at least the Torah and knows the Talmud

Yes, I know of the Talmud, from your ilk pasting it all over. Somethin somethin about marrying 3 year olds. So here's a question. Have you ever heard of a Jew marrying a 3 year old? Link to some credible article. If you can't, then your understanding is wrong. I've read the pasted crap. "Talmud says this, Talmud says that." Backed by no evidence any of that has ever happened. Again, a very democrat stance -- to blame people for stuff the imagine happened.

Show me the Jew who did the thing you're pissing and moaning about and put him in jail (you can't, can you?) Then explain why you think every other Jew who is not affiliated should be simultaneously held accountable.

They only gain God's favor by gaining rule over the nations they are dispersed amongst, then God will smite the host nation and hand over all they built to the Jews

The real danger in your rhetoric is that there are very specific people doing very specific things that they should specifically be held accountable for, and you take the focus away from that, you take their sins and then you spread it among a group of people who had nothing to do with it.

There is absolutely no doubt that the handful of fuckers who are in control of the cabal are very happy with you taking their sins, their lawbreaking, their murders, their treason -- and spreading it among Jews who had nothing to do with it.

17533497? ago

It's obvious isn't it? Israel has its deepstate just like the US.

Mossad and CIA were corrupt organizations controlled by the 13.

Netanyahu and Trump have the same battle.

17533924? ago

Netanyahu have the same plan???? Hahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahnahahahahahhahahahahah

17528625? ago

Great story indeed. Nothing like a little imagination.

17528600? ago

Israel or Rome. All roads lead to Rome.

Going deeper and think they’re linked tightly. Perhaps the re-establishment of the “Roman” Empire, geographically centered in Israel.

17528634? ago

I've always felt there is some very secret reason why Christians, jews and muslims all want Jerusalem. Like there's something important there that can't be moved.

17536859? ago

It has to be a satanic thing. The Jerusalem the matters is a spiritual concept. I don’t fully understand it, but I can kind of wrap my head around it. Nothing in the physical world matters greatly to the Father.

17533709? ago

If you read the Bible you'll find out why Jerusalem is important to Christians. If you read the Qur'an you'll find. . .actually you won't find anything because Jerusalem isn't mentioned. Btw, Jerusalem and 3rd Temple is also very important Masons. The higher degree you achieve, the higher the importance.

17531938? ago

That land is held sacred by the babylon mystery religions, may they all die fighting over it!

17531179? ago

There is - the Temple Mount. I highly doubt more than 0.00000001% have any clue why because the truth would completely destroy two of those religions.

17532420? ago

Go on.....spill it

17528593? ago

Friends close, enemies closer.

Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Trump clearly plays with both these anecdotes in mind.

17527455? ago

Royalty took the pic. The price was payed. Pain, I feel its coming soon.

17527444? ago

Who gives a shit, make some arrests

17527805? ago

Ok let's start with your arrest. Hands up and wait.

17527299? ago

Ricardo Cheaz, Bill Clinton, George Nader, José Calzada, Rolando Gonzalez Bunster.

Source: https://truepundit.com/busted-muellers-new-star-witness-trump-caught-partying-exclusive-island-resort-bill-clinton/

17529196? ago

I am guessing that either Tony Podesta or Nick Lewin took the picture. They are in similar shots in that same photo series. Nader is the convicted pedophile that was a former Trump administration associated and was to be Muellers star witness against the President. Mueller got Nader released from jail and he fled the United States and escaped. All of the others are also reputed to be known pedophiles.

17529798? ago

That's quite a story. Got sauce?

17541295? ago

Go to https://truepundit.com/busted-muellers-new-star-witness-trump-caught-partying-exclusive-island-resort-bill-clinton/

Guy on right is misidentified as José Calzada. That looks nothing like José Calzada, do a Google search on him. It is in reality, Tony Podesta. In the bottom pic, the guy on the far left is Nicolas Lewin.

17527269? ago

I could do that if I knew who everyone is. It's hard to tell, except for the real white Bill Clinton. It isn't a very sharp photo.

17527238? ago

Speculation. Nicholas J. Lewin?

Nick co-founded the firm after serving for more than a decade as a federal prosecutor and senior FBI official — including as the Special Counsel to former FBI Directors Robert S. Mueller III and James B. Comey, and as Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.



Related discussion at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3109184

17527180? ago

Another photo with a different angle https://i.postimg.cc/cHYYP6Hn/i0000z3r-13l8elijpg.jpg

17528121? ago

Anthony Weiner

17527897? ago

Is that ted cruz on the left lol

17527400? ago

The guy on the left isn’t in the other group photo. Wonder who he is?

17527260? ago

Well that's bill obviously, and who else? where and when? this is supposedly on Epstein island?

17527393? ago

doesn't look like pedo island to me, too many trees.

17527611? ago

its not, what it is is the start witness of the mueller investigation (black necklace) getting all chill with Clinton... at a resort..

17527920? ago

Lotta fuckery and shit with that group. Still, Q asked who was behind the camera, and furthermore I'd ask why the pic was taken(blackmail pix that leaked). Then Clinton/Obama economist kills self. Must be the economist behind the camera.

17527377? ago

Doesn't one look like Tony Podesta?

17528193? ago

He does. That’s who I thought it was until I read the article.

17527555? ago

no, but one of them is the star witness in the mueller investigation I believe.

17528329? ago

George Nader. His lawyer is Victoria Nuland, former State Dept under Obama while Spygate was going on. No conflict of interest there

17528371? ago

isn't he also a convicted pedo

17527079? ago


17527650? ago

Doubtful. Bill is smiling...as are the other guys.

17533722? ago

Maybe it’s hilldog taking the picture, they are smiling because she’s topless.

17527327? ago

Yeah, I'm sure Slick Willy dragged Hildabeast on this boy's club pedo vacation in the tropics - LOL!

17533468? ago

6 times for hillho

17533484? ago

Yeah, not saying HRC never went to the island. Only saying that it was reported in the local news (where those photos were published) that on this particular Clinton vaca that neither Hillary nor Chelsea accompanied Slick Willy. At least that was what was reported in the news.

17531058? ago

That TruePundit story is false.

The guy in the picture is the wrong George Nader. This is a Dominican businessman, he is not a Mueller Witness https://naderenterprises.com/leadership/

The George Nader we have been hearing about is the Lebanese fixer, adviser to UAE/Saudi Arabia, Mueller witness who was convicted in the Czech Republic. He is short and has a round face https://amp.businessinsider.com/images/5b0336d21ae6625f008b47d6-750-375.jpgJPG

The picture is not at Epstein's place, the picture is from the Dominican Republic. Here's the original source of the picture.


17527564? ago

Pedo vacation, or ritual, and Hillary is a high priestess? See Cathy O'Brien's book.

17528022? ago

I'm familiar with Cathy O'Brien and know about Killery's Satanic ritual shit. It just looked like these guys were WAY too happy in this pic for HRC to have been there. This looks like a boy's club vaca where no spouses would be allowed. When has Bill ever looked that happy in the presence of HRC? Just my opinion though.

17527463? ago

Flight manifest does have both of them once or twice.

17531003? ago

This article reported that Billy went on this vaca solo - without Hildabeast: https://acento.com.do/2017/actualidad/8417102-bill-clinton-esta-pasando-vacaciones-casa-campo/

17528088? ago

Yes, I'm aware of that. Billy boy just looked far too cheerful for his hag wife to have been around on this particular day. He always looks like he wants to kill himself whenever he's seen in public with HRC, except for that one millisecond when he thought she was going to win the presidency (but that was obviously exhibiting excitement about his own self-serving motivations - not happiness for HER).

17526927? ago

I'm guessing Epstein. The host.

17527355? ago

I was assuming it was [Nick Lewin] in the next post from Q. "Nick Lewin represents individuals and institutions in criminal and regulatory enforcement actions, congressional investigations, and complex civil litigation."

Lewin is currently representing a "John Doe" client in a Jeffrey Epstein related suit. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/03/20/jeffrey-epstein-related-lawsuit-1229908

17531032? ago

Representing himself mayhaps?

17528011? ago

There was also specific mention of Lewin being involved in cases concerning national security. Not sure what side he was on in those cases, but if he's representing the Hilldawg, that would make some sense.

17531963? ago

He served as Special Council under Mueller and Comey.

17527341? ago

I was assuming it was [Nick Lewin] in the next post from Q. "Nick Lewin represents individuals and institutions in criminal and regulatory enforcement actions, congressional investigations, and complex civil litigation."

Lewin is currently representing a "John Doe" client in a Jeffery Epstein related suit. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/03/20/jeffrey-epstein-related-lawsuit-1229908

17527254? ago

Or Hillary?

17526850? ago

Logical thinking. Are flight logs available?

17528413? ago

Some more hints from Q: https://qmap.pub/read/3133 https://qmap.pub/read/3134

Rachel Chandler?

17526921? ago

Here a text searchable version: https://u.teknik.io/MLerg.pdf

17526886? ago
