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letsdothis3 ago

WATCH THIS VIDEO: Bill Viola: The Road to St Paul's

This work was commissioned for St.Paul's THREE years prior to Grenfell. The Grenfell memorial was held at St. Paul's.

Voat post: Factory owned by firm that made the cladding for Grenfell Tower catches fire. Bilderberg connections

..Klaus-Christian Kleinfeld was chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Arconic. Kleinfeld is former chairman and CEO of Alcoa Inc., and former president and CEO of Siemens AG.. Kleinfeld stepped down as chairman and CEO of Arconic on 17 April 2017.

He is a member of the Bilderberg Group Steering Committee,[ the Brookings Institution Board of Trustees, the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, the Board of the World Economic Forum USA, and the Metropolitan Opera Advisory Board.

About Bill Viola: Grenfell fraudster story - something is not right with it.

the Rothschilds have quite a strong connection with St. Pauls : Sponsored choirboys and VIP seating for St Paul's donors

Bill Viola also is connected to the Rothschilds. LOOK:

Sir Evelyn and Lady de Rothschild and Blake Viola, Andrei Viola, Bill Viola* at Banqueting House. Whitehall. 19 June 2006.:

(*Bill Viola was a digital artist invited to submit some odd contemporary works for St. Paul's Cathedral

We also have a Rothschild connection with the poet (Bren Okri) who penned a poem about the Grenfell fire tragedy :

Blake Viola, Andrei Viola, Bill Viola and Ben Okri at the same reception :

and this is his poem about the fire:

@think- @carmencita

carmencita ago

From the poem:

Residents of the area call it the crematorium.

I cannot get past the contemporary work of Bill Viola. Martyrs. It speaks volumes of what they think of us. And the Martyrs of Grenfell. Sacrificed is what they were.

Flame-retardant cladding could have been fitted to Grenfell Tower for just £5,000 extra, it emerged yesterday, as Kensington and Chelsea council was accused of carrying out a cut-price regeneration project.

Knowing the cladding was faulty they still went ahead with the project. The price was just too much to save the residents of Grenfell. They knowingly put their lives in danger. Criminal. They should be in jail.

letsdothis3 ago

I cannot get past the contemporary work of Bill Viola. Martyrs. It speaks volumes of what they think of us. And the Martyrs of Grenfell. Sacrificed is what they were.



In September 2017 Celotex, the supplier of the deadly insulation implicated in the Grenfell Tower inferno, recalled and suspended sales of five of its PIR foam insulation products following the failure of Celotex RS5000, which was used on Grenfell Tower, to achieve the required Class 0 fire ratiing in independent tests conducted in April 2017. The reasons why Celotex decided to independently test RS5000 just two months before the Grenfell fire are as yet unknown but another Celotex product FR5000 had previously been certified as class 0 following tests in 2011.

..So here we are. The evidence as it stands is clear and indisputable. The entire process of certification of the insulation in which Grenfell Tower was shrouded has been exposed as deeply flawed and illegitimate – so much so that its legitimacy was rejected by Dr Lane and Celotex Ltd felt compelled to withdraw the certification it had earlier issued.

Celotex was acquired by the French company Saint-Gobain in 2012

CEO is Pierre-André de Chalendar

Other activities include: BNP Paribas, Member of the Board of Directors (since 2012).... He is is a Knight of the Legion of Honour and National Order of Merit. De Chalendar married in 1989 Leticia, daughter of Sir Peter Petrie, Baronet of Carrowcarden.

Sir Peter Petrie,_5th_Baronet

He was posted to the Cabinet Office 1965–67, the UK Mission to the United Nations in New York 1969–73 and was Head of Chancery at Bonn 1973–76. He returned to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as head of the European Integration Department 1976–79 before being appointed Minister in the Paris embassy 1979–85 and finally** British Ambassador to Belgium 1985–89.**

His son Wilfrid was CEO of energy company Engie UK

Isabelle Kocher is the CEO there now

She is member of the board of Suez, Axa and International Power. She is chairman of Terrawatt Initiative, a global non profit-organization

Axa was the company that insured the art in the Notre Dame Cathedral.

Grenfell Tower - The Truth Will Out

Council leader Nick Paget-Brown, affectionately known as ‘Piglet’ to those who know and love him, is shown on the left in the picture above. Beside him is the infamous Robert Black, CEO of Kensington and Chelsea TMO, and on the right is Rock Feilding-Mellen, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Housing, Property and Regeneration. Rocky is not so affectionately known to the Grenfell Action Group as ‘Little Lord Rock Weilding Felon’.

Rock Feilding-Mellen has resigned his job as councillor and has disappeared from the public eye as angry Kensington residents look for him.

This is where the story gets bizarre:

He is the son of the Earl of Wemyss and March... and this is his mother: The crackpot countess (who drills holes in her head to get high) using £550,000 of YOUR cash to prove magic mushrooms are healthy

..Perhaps such eccentricity is not surprising since the Countess of Wemyss and March is best known for her belief in the health benefits of magic mushrooms and trepanning (drilling a hole in one’s head to ‘expand the consciousness’). Preferring to call herself plain Amanda Feilding, she lives in Beckley Park, a hunting lodge built in the time of Henry VIII which was used as a backdrop in a Harry Potter film.

..She has tried so many drugs — including cannabis, magic mushrooms and LSD — that she says when it comes to her research, ‘I have always considered myself my own best laboratory’.

..The most prominent is Professor David Nutt, who was sacked as the Government’s chief drug tsar in 2009 when he claimed that Ecstasy was less dangerous than horse riding. Today, together with the countess, he runs joint-research programmes between Imperial College London and the Beckley Foundation.

..Old Etonian and Oxford graduate, Joe Mellen — who also swore by trepanning, and he became Amanda’s next lover, as well as father of her two sons Rock and Cosmo...

It was on a Sunday afternoon in December 1970 that the 27-year-old art student sat in front a mirror in her Chelsea flat, shaved her hairline, put on a floral shower cup to keep the rest of her hair back — and injected herself with local anaesthetic. She then peeled back a patch of skin with a scalpel, held a dentist’s drill to the bone above her forehead and pushed its teeth into her skull. She continued drilling until she had got through the bone, and stopped when she reached the ‘dura mater’ — the thin membrane between the bone and the brain itself. At this point, a geyser of blood shot out of the opening. Then she bandaged her head and mopped up the blood and went to a party in the evening. She even set up a camera for a movie of the operation, a clip of which can now be seen on the internet. It is not for the faint of heart.

Before long, however, she had met and married Jamie Neidpath, six years her junior and heir to the earldom of Wemyss and March. They wed in Egypt..Wemyss, an Oxford don who once taught Bill Clinton, was known for hosting amazing parties at Stanway, his Jacobean stately home in Gloucestershire, which made boho-aristo groupies like Mick Jagger go weak at the knees.

..Yet despite this decadence, since setting up her foundation she has travelled the world enlisting the support of presidents, made depositions to the House of Lords, and collected big-name scientists around her.

carmencita ago

Ya gotta love it. David Nutt, drilling holes and LSD magic mushrooms and even Bill C. Wow. These people have connections to Grenfell and the money that they glean from it they dabble in insane discoveries. All well and good if she makes a discovery to help us all, but the insanity of head drilling I just can't understand. Total insanity.