Vindicator ago

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I guess Kushner is a free mason. He has his arms folded. One of their well known signs. Posing with the hand underneath the chin is another masonic sign.

HollandDrive ago

Bannon and Kushner have made up says Zero Hedge. Maybe Bannon whooped his ass.

Laskar ago

Of course he did. Same club.

Kushner's father, Charles Kuschner, went to prison on federal charges (hiring a prostitute in a witness tampering scheme for one).

Jared's father is also a major contributor to Clinton: "More than a decade ago Kushner was one of the biggest behind-the-scenes players in New Jersey’s real estate-obsessed political establishment. In the early 2000s, through his relatives and companies, Charles Kushner could be personally linked to almost 5% of the donations collected by then-N.J. Gov. James McGreevey’s 1997 and 2001 gubernatorial campaigns. He was also the largest single donor to Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Robert Torricelli.

In return, McGreevey had rewarded Kushner with a nomination to chair the board of directors of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the powerful bi-state transportation and real estate infrastructure agency now at the center of the Bridgegate scandal. Kushner was on track to become the agency’s chairman (a job later held by David Samson) when his candidacy was derailed by intra-family lawsuits alleging that Charles had made many of those Kushner-tied donations by improperly using business funds without the permission of his partners – who just happened to be his relatives, including his brother Murray. Murray filed suit against Charles in state court over the matter, but the suit was under seal and off-limits to the New Jersey lawmakers who vetted and eventually backed Charles’s Port Authority appointment. But before it could be finalized, the Kushners’ top accountant filed a whistle-blower suit in federal court alleging that Charles had fired him after learning that he had provided evidence of the campaign donations to Murray. Moreover, the suit’s allegations went well beyond mere donations; the accountant charged that Charles had used his family’s company money to do things like buy out an insurance firm briefly owned by Gov. McGreevey’s chief of staff, the sale of which earned that official more than $350,000."

Source of above quote:

If that's not bad enough, Jared bought an office building at 666 Fifth Avenue, NY for $1.8 billion back in 2007.

Yes, you read the address correctly: 666 5th Avenue.

Some people think the building looks like a phallus or a middle finger salute but then some re-imagined it as the eye of Sauron:

Jared Kushner looks to be the one in power and certainly in dominant position, not Trump,in this photo:

Jared Kushner is** Senior Advisor** to President Trump. What could his qualifications possibly be? What political knowledge or experience does he have to advise the leader of the country?

ForestTygerPeach ago

That would explain Ivanka's chip.

garouwarrior ago

No condemnation of Zionism can ever be complete without mentioning the role of their "Christian" counterparts.

And by Christians, I would guess most people will know who that is referring to.

20Justice4All17 ago


ForestTygerPeach ago

Jews are awesome, Kafka is a Jew, so am I.

redditsuckz ago

This is so sweet...Jews exposing Jews...just like equineluvr and minusco2...

Too bad you guys wont touch the truth about Jewish Ritual Sacrifice with a 10000 foot pole...

Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult [FULL & HD]

And if you you ever get around to that then you can explain to the goyim that all they are is food/cattle to you...

ForestTygerPeach ago

PS: minusco2 is a reference to the Immortal Peach in Blake's forest of the geometrical tiger.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Yeah we do, it's Talmudic shit. I'm a Torah, Knights Templar Jesus Blood Jew.

ForestTygerPeach ago

I love the Catholics.

I don't love idiot bastard reprobates.

20Justice4All17 ago

Cernovich said direct attacks on Kushner will not work due to Ivanka. He says the way to bring Kushner down is to go after his associates who apparently have sexual deviancy in their background and Cernovich is sitting on this info.

20Justice4All17 ago

Kushner's prized property in his real estate portfoliii is 666 Fifth Avenue...this is where he has had weekly family business meetings.

Madwack ago

WTF... is going on with this post...if I down-vote it says 1 and if I up-vote it goes to 23...WTF is this weird shit,

ForestTygerPeach ago

23 skidoo!

abortionburger ago

I have no idea why you think I'm a jew.

HollandDrive ago

You are a "crypto jew," you know, everyone is.

reasonedandinformed ago

Armyseer is a known shill

abortionburger ago

What is happening in this thread? These are some obvious forum sliding techniques. Nearly every comment is either antisemitism, anti me, or a response to one of those.

redditsuckz ago

What is happening in this thread? These are some obvious forum sliding techniques. Nearly every comment is either antisemitism, anti me, or a response to one of those.

If you are not Jewish then the Jews are trying to discourage you from being a mod here...simple as that.

DrTeethateJanice ago

Jews take care of each other, big surprise there.

redditsuckz ago

We are 2 days away from Passover...please keep your children safe and as far away as you can from any Synagogue...

Children Sacrificed (McDonalds Baby Meat) Interview with rabbi Abraham - Passover Sacrifice

garouwarrior ago

Jared also owns the 666 5th Avenue building in Manhattan, which also houses Lucent (Lucifer) technologies.

A possible Anti-Christ figure???

ForestTygerPeach ago

I stand corrected. You are right.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Trump Tower is the 666 building as far as I know?

DrTeethateJanice ago

Nope, Trump tower is 725 5th Ave.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Does Jared intend to run in 2020?

DrTeethateJanice ago

Why not? Everyone is Hollywood is saying the will. It's going to be a race of complete shitheads.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Yeah, I acknowledged my mistake.

reasonedandinformed ago

@JewBurger669 = CTR/ShareBlue

ForestTygerPeach ago

So the mod and burger 2 are the same.

reasonedandinformed ago

Evidence on abortionburger?...I have seen none except from a CTR troll trying to claim.

ForestTygerPeach ago

In folklore, Saturday was the preferred day to hunt vampires, because on that day they were restricted to their coffins. It was also believed in the Balkans that someone born on Saturday could see a vampire when it was otherwise invisible, and that such people were particularly apt to become vampire hunters.

Silverlining ago

Saturn Day

ForestTygerPeach ago

Yes. The Red Moon.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Well, Voat is based in Switzerland isn't it? They also allow API access to various cointelpro bots.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Nobody doxxed anyone guys.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Let @JewBurger669 speak @abortionburger

Your names are as bad as each other.

20Justice4All17 ago

Jew burger needs to be less obnoxious

HollandDrive ago

He's a shill.

keyboard12 ago

The amount of shilling in this thread leads me to think we're onto something here. Has anyone really looked into kushner?

HollandDrive ago

Same reason they ain't sacrificing a bullock. Or keeping the feast days. Or the feast of tabernacles.

ForestTygerPeach ago

For I am Saturday's child.

AngB23 ago

Please tell me this isn't true. If it is, I can only hope Jared found out what an EVIL ASSHOLE Soros is and can give Trump info to bring Soros down including his little evil in training son Alex.

AngB23 ago

I thought I read somewhere that deal didn't go to well. I could be mistaken but if true, I'm sure Trump could tell Soros is a corrupt asshole.

In order to take down Soros, we really need to scour Wiki, Panama Papers and any other dirt we can dig in regards to money laundering, tax evasion, off shore shell companies, insider trading or something along those lines of illegal activity. The guy is not CLEAN and we all know it.

JewBurger671 ago

Trump was owner of Resorts International, after the jew mafia e.g., Meyer Lansky sold it to him. Of course he knows his bro Soros is corrupt, that's why they do business together.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Trump needs to purge Kushner and Preibus ASAP

HollandDrive ago

He needs to listen to the latest Michael Savage clip, he's about to lose everyone.

JewBurger671 ago

You mean the Michael Weiner clip?

HollandDrive ago

LOL. I know, but he goes by Savage now right, you crypto jew you.

Azagthoth ago


HollandDrive ago

huh? You mean the "levies," if it keeps on rainin' ....

ForestTygerPeach ago

He can't purge his son in law.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Sure he can. Just re-assign him to a less important role.

gentlemanadventurer ago

I'm sure counting the gold will keep him distracted for a loooooong time. (((They))) can't refuse that job.

fogdryer ago

He will purge him The pressure on him is tremendous The saudis...

JewBurger671 ago

Yeah right, I'm sure that's going to happen.

abortionburger ago

I deleted that comment and banned him. If you see another of his alts pop up, feel free to ping me.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Why are you censoring people @abortionburger? Let him speak.

abortionburger ago

Because he doxxed me in that comment. I'm not censoring free speech.

JewBurger671 ago

You've censore free speech here hundreds of times bitch, that's why I doxed you. Stop being a filthy jew cunt with a filthy name, and stop being a filthy jew liar too bitch.

20Justice4All17 ago

Why do you have to speak so obnoxiously. It distracts from whatever of substance you might have to say.

equineluvr ago

Thank you, OP!

Trump is a Tribe of Dan crypto Jew, a Freemason (see "open mic" video), and of royal Jewish blood (he and Hitlery are cousins). Now, only 2-1/2 months since inauguration, we are on the brink of war with Iran and Russia (via Syria proxy) based upon a FALSE FLAG "Sarin" attack.

(Prepare for lots of downvoats from the Trump Kool-Aid drinkers here.)

HollandDrive ago

Forget the downvotes, why don't you give a little sourcing instead of always bitching about how stupid everyone is about the Jews.

Wouldn't it be easier for you just to tell everyone here who is NOT a "crypto-jew"? Serious questions.

And ... ever got any good news?

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