think- ago

The Vril was another secret occult group that many of the Nazi leadership belonged to.

I am sorry, but this is fake news (lol). Imo the Vril society never existed. It's only a Nazi myth spread on the internet.

Is the 'Theosophical Society' identical with the 'Thule Society'. The latter was a theosophical society (;-)), whereas I have never heard that Hitler was member of a 'Theosophical Society'. But maybe this is lacking knowledge on my part. (?)


letsdothis3 ago

You're right. I've relied too heavily on that source without really verifying the claims. I'll delete the post.

think- ago

K! Unfortunately, at least half of what you'll read on the internet about Nazi occult stuff is made up. :-/ Sometimes it's hard to figure out what's legit.

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, I should have known better :-(

think- ago

No worries, it has happend to all of us! ;-) :-)