CardinalOfKek ago

Enlighten me then. I have years of research on this. Are you telling me these Pizza peddlaers are not Thelemites? Are you telling me there is no connection between the cults, secret societies and these sick elite pedo satanic rings? Or are you a plain Pizza shill?

CardinalOfKek ago

What is there some kind of contradiction you wish shine a light upon? I read and learn about the enemy following the injunction to, "Be wise as Serpents and as harmless as Doves"


CardinalOfKek ago The Most Holy Trinosophia

by Comte de Saint-Germain

Yup read many of their texts too. They are dangerous heretics to Christianity like the Masons of whom they are deeply connected. They inspired the Golden Dawn and have influence of Theosophy.

The West was not built by these people, they seek to subvert and pervert what Christendom has made.

Again there is no good Majik. 'White' Majik is deceipt.

strix-varia ago

Wow, you write and sound like you know everything!! Good for you.

rail606 ago

Yes they are. Anything organized generally is. Jesus asked you to study scripture not go to church. There is nothing at all about church in the bible. Please stop going unless you are trying to find a wife.

thomccc ago

The sad thing about it is it's all b.s.

There is no magic. All this is, is people making deals with entities who were here before us. Entities that hate us because our Ancestors rose up and drove them off their spot. Entities with technology. The reason why no one on earth will do anything about T.I.s or gangstalking is because a deal was cut by the Elite to leave some of us for entities to do with as they will. The same with the wars and sex slavery and regular slavery.

The only power the freemasons have is that they are united in a goal and they have put themselves in positions where they can control what happens when anybody tries to challenge them. That's it. These dummies think they are going to get something from entities that don't even have the power or courage to come out in the open with their shit. They are afraid of mankind. You can take any group and do what the freemasons do. Don't need to sacrifice children and people to control-- at least your sphere of interest.

They don't even have the power to bow their enemies on this earth like Iran and North Korea, or even tiny Cuba.

They won't even look at China or Russia.

They are deluded fools who think they have evidence of things seen when all they are , are dupes. They can get all that stuff themselves.

We are an occupied species. No different than what we see in all these science fiction movies of aliens. But we are way more powerful than these entities and their minions on earth. They just have us believing different through propaganda, fear and smoke and mirrors.

Ten million people doing a peaceful march in the u.s. would bring down the whole house of cards

siegnagel ago

The thing is the Occult is a tool, it can be used for good or ill. Regardless of the system employed, it all boils down to intent. The ritual high magick of the OTO or even the esoteric Buddhist schools are basically the same as the blue collar 'Chaos Magick'. It's intent, all of it. The blame Theosophy or Crowley for anything is beyond absurd. Posts like this make my skin crawl, nearly as much as Podesta. To understand the Occult takes many years of learning, it's not easy and it's what Jung called the ultimate 'dark night of the soul'. If you believe in orthodox Christianity fine, that doesn't bother me in the least, but preaching from that narrative about subjects you're simply not equipped and not knowledgable is going to drive well-meaning folk who aren't Christians into believing you're simply batshit crazy.

CardinalOfKek ago APHEA: Alifantisis' Hellenic Secret Society.

CardinalOfKek ago

Evil is to be feared. I would recommend you read up on the actual beliefs held by these groups as key to their motivations to kill. You will find nothing in Catechism nor the teachings of Jesus that supports any of this. You will find sanction in Judaism (Talmud) and Islam (Koran and Haddiths) on non-believers. You will also find significant exegesis in Occult works. To not fear the very powerful occult is crazy. But Satan need fear God, therefore I have not fear facing up to these fuckers as a HATE of evil is a very good and necessary thing. You shall know the truth and it shall set you free. The truth is there are two sides in this. If you have knowledge you must chose. Tolerance exists in civilised society so that there maybe a diversity of the good. it does not mean we should accept all ideas as good. In a society that views good as evil and vice versa, moral clarity is vital now more than ever.

awake4646 ago

This is a very well made point. I think the key here is to understand that EVERY institution has been infiltrated by this darkness. That is the goal. We are trying to fight this battle from so many angles, but I think we are forgetting the most powerful weapon we have. Our thoughts are real and material and have power of their own. I think we should all look to understand that rituals across pretty much any group (Christianityas well) have a deeper meaning and they are purposefully constructed to have value even if those participating don't understand the effects. So, how do we fight this? We all need to spend time raising our consciousness. The collective consciousness of even just a few can have a huge impact on darkness. Their Majik works because we ahthorize it through blindness and acceptance. I realize there are people who won't believe this, but I came across PG after almost 20 years of research into the religions of the world, the occult, philosophy, theospophy, secret societies, etc and how they all tie together. At the root, they all agree that our minds and our souls are quite powerful and especially so when we focus. I say it is time to set up mass daily meditation aimed at sending thoughts of light and love to all of the people fighting on the front lines for this, all of the victims touched by this, and even the predators involved.

Edited to add this link

CardinalOfKek ago

This material veil is not all there is to our existence. If you will not pray to the one God who loves us all and opposes this, then yes send your good intentions into the fight, but please look deeply into this. If Evil exists in such a vile spiritual form, then it can not be too much of a stretch to believe in the good and God. I firmly believe that if you ask for revelation, for God to show himself to you, you will be satisfied in ways you can not know. There is a good reason why Christendom built the West, the greatest material achievement in our history, the Gospel working through the hearts and minds of men for 2 millenia. Embrace your heritage,

rail606 ago

A majority of the freemasons are being used by the pedophiles at the top FYI. Your friend probably is a very nice person but hes mixed up with a bad group ;(.

rail606 ago

Dude if there is Muslim people willing to blow themselves up to get "virgins in heaven" then how hard is it to believe people sacrifice humans ritually for their own stupid religious beliefs. I am with OP here. Don't be a fucking idiot dude. Children's lives are at stake.

pizzaequalspedo ago

We can blame Crowley all we want, but the fact is Satan himself is pulling the levers running all of these secret societies and the evil acts that they perpetrate.

mergen ago

The magic/mystery part of mystery religions is to filter out (blind believers)

from (people who know this is to spook the former and enlightenment is up to you)

Justin_TeroG8 ago

You're right, this is nothing new! As I stated earlier on another thread these modern day practices of the Podestas, and others,. Anyone who is willing to look for themselves can see this is historical fact. Zevi was a false Messiah and insane. His contemporary Jacob Frank rose up worse than Zevi. He teamed with Adam Weishaupt and Amshel De Rothschild to form the Illuminati. Using perversion as both a recruiting tool and as blackmail, they infiltrated the OTO, The Masonic Lodge, the Vatican, and the Aristocracy of Europe. Their teachings have endured to this day. People scoff at so called conspiracies until the evidence rains down on us all like a DELUGE. People refused to believe the stories about a shocking amount of priests abusing kids back in the 1980's just like they are refusing to see this now. Somethings are too horrid for any of us to imagine, so we resist it. We need to keep digging. It's no accident that similar conspiracies surround the aristocracy of many countries, world bankers, "Bohemian Grove" types, the military, and Hollywood. These groups are all owned and influenced by the elitists of this world, who have been using Frank's tactics/theology since the late 1600's/early 1700's. So keep digging and sharing.

awakenaware ago

How long will this post survive? And why was the post about spiral symbols related to pizzagate deleted I wonder?

strix-varia ago

Yes, the Catholic Church is one of the worst, alongside islam, oh and the right beside all the rest of them.

putinhimself ago

I logged in especially to downvote you. Unfortunately I don't have enough karma points.

bopper ago

I got him.

equineluvr ago

Still doesn't explain all the "atheist," nonbelievers who are involved in this crap!

CardinalOfKek ago

Not so surprising. Satanists of the LaVey type are Atheists. What was the greatest lie the devil ever told? That he does not exist. Its all about a love of self and a belief in Will as supreme.

rail606 ago

You don't get it though. An atheist is already a satanist even if they don't believe. To be a satanist is to put the middle finger up to god. Atheists do just that through their beliefs. Not to mention atheists have no difference in sexual drive compared to a theist. Both could be pedophiles!

The occult doesn't need to convert anyone. Or convince anyone to do anything religion wise. Most Christians are already under their control(catholic church!.) The occult would lose all of its power if everyone knew of it. Only reason it works is its the best kept secret in history. And its so fucking out in the open its ridiculous.

thomccc ago

Wrong. Christians are Satanists. As well as all those worshipping anything other than the unknowable Creator. If you call it a name, you are a Satanist. Satanists are just people who keep this kingdom of the devil going instead of opting out of it with all support. The bible says the whole world is under the power of the wicked one and that's exactly what it meant--not because it's the word of god, but because the magicians who wrote it know what they are talking about. If you are not off grid some where, living off the land you are a Satanist, unless you are actively opposing the agenda like North Korea, Russia, Zimbabwe Iran, and maybe, China

CardinalOfKek ago

I think you will find the stats on Child abuse between Protestant and Catholic churches is very similar

None of this is good, but it plays right into the hands of those that would seek to further divide Christianity to play the Catholics are all child abusers card. Having been brought up in the Church, neither I nor any of my friends had any problems with Clerical abuse. The only guy I know who suffered was Irish and at least 20 yrs older than me. It was not sexual abuse but brutality of the Christian Brothers that ran his school. In Ireland you must not forget the context back then. Parents would not believe their Kids over the priest. They held a place of special reverence in the community. Now that reverence for preists has all but evaporated. There is going to be a very long time before the people of Ireland will give Priests that benefit of the doubt again, nor will the Church ever be so entwined with the institutions of state.

Anyway, all humans even priests are fallible. In institutions and places of work where one is ostensibly supposed to be working in the interests of vulnerable and needy people, one is usually viewed as a humanitarian. Pedos and other such pondlife will be found there.

Look at Pizzagate. Where are the Child Traffickers? Are they in organisations called Child Killers R Us? No. They are Human Rights Lawyers and NGOS supposed to be combatting this shit.

Ihatepizza2 ago

BTW. As much as I agree with the OP that these freaks use and believe in the powers of Majik, I saw a doco on aleister crowley the other day. He couldn't even summon his powers to win a court case. He ended up powerless, penniless and hated. So when I wonder if these guys have real power through their nefarious acts, it'll seems not. I'm still smiling. Hey aleister- is it warm down there buddy?

YingYangMom ago

Upvoated, great comment.

Ihatepizza2 ago

I think that there is very valuable information here for those interested in the occult aspect of PG. That said it makes me think of the lines "one step ahead of the posse and your a genius, two steps ahead and you are insane". I am lost in all the information here so respectfully request the OP to work on this thread and make it more accessible to those of us with less knowledge.

TweedleDee3000 ago

I think you're right on the money, bro. Great research. Whether one believes in this shit or not, the key point is that THEY do, and they ACT on their beliefs. To understand and ultimately defeat these scum, you need to understand their motivations. "Be wise as serpents".

strix-varia ago

Yup they believe like we could never imagine.

PrincessCinderella ago

Yes, I believe everything you've posted. I've read/researched all this by myself for the last 2 months, as well.

But I have a question. Where I live (in a Southern State in the USA) our Freemasons are not secretive that they belong to that group. I don't know any of them on a personal level - more of passing acquaintances. But none of them are secretive. We all know who is a member of the Freemason Lodge and who isn't (it is a small town).

From all I've read, this is supposed to be a secretive group. Why is it different in my town?

TweedleDee3000 ago

It's not different in your town. They are pretty much open everywhere (though some do hide their affiliation). You have to remember something about the United States: This was the FIRST country in the world to have a government that wasn't the Church (or other spiritual entity). This country is where all the heretics, satanists, and every other wacko sect came to escape the Church. I grew up here thinking things like the Quakers, the Amish, etc. were just normal. They're not - they're the wacko cults that fled Europe (not knocking them necessarily, just pointing out the history).

So Freemasons were just another group like this. In the US, they were free to be open about what they do. The PR they promoted is that we're just like a club, like your local bowling league, just some guys getting together for a good time etc.

The things they kept secret until pretty recently were the rituals. Now that a lot of their shit has been exposed, they're getting a lot more reluctant to broadcast their affiliation. But for the most part they're still relying on their All-American reputation, e.g, Jerry Sandusky, and he's All-American Penn State sports guy, he's a regular guy just like you and me etc. etc. They're not really able to get away with that now that so many have been exposed and everyone's on to them as satanists.

PrincessCinderella ago

Well, I'm 49. My mother knew back in the 1980s that the Freemasons were into the occult. I remember her always talking about it. That is why I never became friends with anyone in our town who was a member. Like I said, I knew them as passing acquaintances (said Hello to them), but that is all. I think my mother heard all about it from Pat Robertson (t.v. preacher). My Mom used to watch him a lot during the 1970s and 1980s. So people were aware of it 30 years ago.

I have to admit, I wish I would have befriended one of them - to try and find out what exactly goes on inside their meetings.

CardinalOfKek ago

Problem is, they take blood oaths from initiation. Its not easy to infiltrate in that way. At the 33rd degree one is required to curse their offspring for 7 generations.

Much easier is to read their literature. Try Albert Pikes Morals and Dogma on for size...... its Illuminating

CardinalOfKek ago Hampstead case. Kids Mum speaks up.

WTF are the kids doing in a US superbowl ad? Surely illegal to move them out of the country?!

CardinalOfKek ago

You can dismiss theres as unworthy of your idea of rationality, but cannot dismiss them as being a motivation to their actions. What do you not understand about that? How can you hope to stop something if you do not take a forensic approach? Dont be stupid!

CardinalOfKek ago

Caution contains footage of Human Child Sacrifice.

CardinalOfKek ago

Whos imagination? Not mine. You are welcome to disbelieve what you like but not discount what others believe as a motivation. That is not rational. Yes I have read and understood all you say and way more. Is that not what someone seeking the truth does?

CardinalOfKek ago

4) Pizza **MARINA ABRAMOVICH **is a THELEMIST priestess. There is no doubt about it.

Those involved in her circle likewise. Do not forget Thelema comes up in the Podesta emails! Direct linkage to Pizzagate

I think Alefantis is OTO or A.A.given the Sex Majik Pizza thing and that EWS style pic of them kneeling in masks, but these things are linked. You can adhere as Crowley did to numerous Majik rites.

The Pizza Cannabalism theme links into all of this. If you watch Game of Thrones you will appreciate the power of blood majik **(ABRAMOVICH IS 70!!!!!!) ** what does George know of Pizza? Mellisandre is just like her... there has to be something to this connection. I know that D&D and things like Yu-Gi-O are gateways to satanism. See Zachary King.

Zachary King: Former High Satanic Priest: Officiated Bohemian Grove

I have cooberation on this guy who was a Satanic High Priest who officiated at Bohemian Grove, from someone who moved in the same circle who came to the demonic element through YU-Gi-O, him through a D&D club. She didnt know him as a Satanist let alone reformed. I urge you all to watch his videos... very conspiracy theory light, more religious. The Magic Circle in Britain is likely well, well into this shit too.

5) Religion V Pizza Anyway blood Majik, even Monotheism is based around sacrifice. For instance Catholics and Orthodox literally believe in transubstantiation. Of receiving Jesus' body and blood, as the one and everlasting conventional seal. Jews of the temple times sacrifice animals, Abraham was told not to sacrifice his son but was Willing. So it was that link to the power of blood sacrifice has largely passed into the realms of Meta today. Please start exploring properly what these sickos believe. By exposing their beliefs and Holding them up to light we destroy their power. If you dont believe me look how Crowley, Disney, Werner Von Braun, Jack Parsons and L.Ron Hubbard connect in the Babylon workings. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to beleieve this shit, or maybe it does.......

Remember the original name for the Illuminati was The Order of Perfectablity.

That is a lie of the Serpent. Only God is perfect. You atheists, except but pray all you can do here is expose their idocy and hold up the light of Skepticism to their beliefs. Trolling Christians wont stop Pizza. I am Catholic myself, I believe in this stuff. I believe this is BIBLICAL evil. You need not. As for the corruption of the Catholic Faith, I am of the camp that yes P2 (a masonic lodge)

has done its best, alongside others to get in. Clerical Sex abuse is a 'Satanic Cult' as I believe Francis or Benedict said. But all institutions that deal with the vulnerable are subject to this, the Church is one, but we will always and have always opposed the Cultists. I can smell Pizza a mile away because I understand the minds of these folk being in absolute opposition to my faith. 6) Spiritual Warfare For you Christians and those of any faith that oppose this, Pray. This is a spiritual war too of extreme importance. The rosary can grant intercession of special grace in this dark time. Even Jesus’ Mother Mary is speaking of this today!! The Virgin Mary on Freemasonary and Evil in our times, quoted from officially recognised apparitions

Please reply with interesting connections through Majik or how we can combat this through Faith and Reason. BurnTheWitch

User2060 ago

I know that D&D and things like Yu-Gi-O

Stopped reading there. If anything D&D, Shadowrun and if we're gonna speak card games, at least mention the EVILLY named Magic : The Gathering made me develop my mental arithmetic prowess and as a Game Master, helped me develop actual theatrical skills, try making 6 non-player characters talk to each other and actually make it funny by changing voices for all those people. It also helped me with architecture where I had to buy octagonaled paper (not squared, so all angles are there and someone moving on a map in diagonal wasn't such a headache once I bought a lot with my coffee fuelled huge paperboy money. I remember telling him some priest on usenet back in the late 90's in a newsgroup where this guy was literally trolling with his bullshit only speaking about the spells and creatures in the "Black" colour (MTG has 5 colours, I'll let you find that out as I am feeling very tired and I should, stupid 8 am doctor's appointment and it's close to 1 AM.

CardinalOfKek ago

And thats how they get you. Look I am not saying that all people involved in Magic the Gathering etc are satanists, nor that even all D&D clubs are undercover satanic networks, but some are and for good reason.

Yes picking up social skills, even acting experience is great for excersising your imagination and public speaking abilities. Excellent stuff. I think I would play D&D if I knew of others that played. However the dark obssessional side I can see you are aware of it and that there are dark forces actually involved. Me I have no expirience with that stuff, so can only go by what I have been told. I had other good personal cooberative reasons to believe Zacary Kings conversion, but the Evil side was beyond me.

Interesting the link between games, imagination, obbession, spells and the occult. Its something to be wary of. I would not mess with Ouiji for instance.

The Yu-Gi-O girl started seeing demons after getting obssessed with Yu-Gi-O, but knew of that Zach King who moved in D&D circles somehow. She did not know that he was a Satanist nor had reformed.

Hope you are getting better

redditsuckz ago

I think Alefantis is OTO

He is at minimum a Freemason...

Metro Interiors was located at 1531 33RD ST NW Washington, DC. That is also where his gallery for "Strand on Volta Art Gallery" was located.

James Alefantis used to own a DC Art Gallery named Strand on Volta! Now owns Transformer gallery. MUST SEE its disturbing!

Strand on Volta is an art gallery that James Alefantis owned from 2005-2007 and its a host to plenty of sicko artists

Then Metro Interiors from 2007- 2009(?)

The Gigantic red "M" stands for "Mason" and the place just happens to be located on "33" street masonic butt-fucking symbol.

key feature of the number 33 is that the familiar Arabic numeral representation is a cartoon graphic of a pair of buttocks, positioned as two people engaged in sodomy

Metro "M" Mason symbol also looks partly like a reptilian snake;

M for Mason;


CardinalOfKek ago

Thankyou. Great work!