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CardinalOfKek ago

4) Pizza **MARINA ABRAMOVICH **is a THELEMIST priestess. There is no doubt about it.

Those involved in her circle likewise. Do not forget Thelema comes up in the Podesta emails! Direct linkage to Pizzagate

I think Alefantis is OTO or A.A.given the Sex Majik Pizza thing and that EWS style pic of them kneeling in masks, but these things are linked. You can adhere as Crowley did to numerous Majik rites.

The Pizza Cannabalism theme links into all of this. If you watch Game of Thrones you will appreciate the power of blood majik **(ABRAMOVICH IS 70!!!!!!) ** what does George know of Pizza? Mellisandre is just like her... there has to be something to this connection. I know that D&D and things like Yu-Gi-O are gateways to satanism. See Zachary King.

Zachary King: Former High Satanic Priest: Officiated Bohemian Grove

I have cooberation on this guy who was a Satanic High Priest who officiated at Bohemian Grove, from someone who moved in the same circle who came to the demonic element through YU-Gi-O, him through a D&D club. She didnt know him as a Satanist let alone reformed. I urge you all to watch his videos... very conspiracy theory light, more religious. The Magic Circle in Britain is likely well, well into this shit too.

5) Religion V Pizza Anyway blood Majik, even Monotheism is based around sacrifice. For instance Catholics and Orthodox literally believe in transubstantiation. Of receiving Jesus' body and blood, as the one and everlasting conventional seal. Jews of the temple times sacrifice animals, Abraham was told not to sacrifice his son but was Willing. So it was that link to the power of blood sacrifice has largely passed into the realms of Meta today. Please start exploring properly what these sickos believe. By exposing their beliefs and Holding them up to light we destroy their power. If you dont believe me look how Crowley, Disney, Werner Von Braun, Jack Parsons and L.Ron Hubbard connect in the Babylon workings. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to beleieve this shit, or maybe it does.......

Remember the original name for the Illuminati was The Order of Perfectablity.

That is a lie of the Serpent. Only God is perfect. You atheists, except but pray all you can do here is expose their idocy and hold up the light of Skepticism to their beliefs. Trolling Christians wont stop Pizza. I am Catholic myself, I believe in this stuff. I believe this is BIBLICAL evil. You need not. As for the corruption of the Catholic Faith, I am of the camp that yes P2 (a masonic lodge)

has done its best, alongside others to get in. Clerical Sex abuse is a 'Satanic Cult' as I believe Francis or Benedict said. But all institutions that deal with the vulnerable are subject to this, the Church is one, but we will always and have always opposed the Cultists. I can smell Pizza a mile away because I understand the minds of these folk being in absolute opposition to my faith. 6) Spiritual Warfare For you Christians and those of any faith that oppose this, Pray. This is a spiritual war too of extreme importance. The rosary can grant intercession of special grace in this dark time. Even Jesus’ Mother Mary is speaking of this today!! The Virgin Mary on Freemasonary and Evil in our times, quoted from officially recognised apparitions

Please reply with interesting connections through Majik or how we can combat this through Faith and Reason. BurnTheWitch

redditsuckz ago

I think Alefantis is OTO

He is at minimum a Freemason...

Metro Interiors was located at 1531 33RD ST NW Washington, DC. That is also where his gallery for "Strand on Volta Art Gallery" was located.

James Alefantis used to own a DC Art Gallery named Strand on Volta! Now owns Transformer gallery. MUST SEE its disturbing!

Strand on Volta is an art gallery that James Alefantis owned from 2005-2007 and its a host to plenty of sicko artists

Then Metro Interiors from 2007- 2009(?)

The Gigantic red "M" stands for "Mason" and the place just happens to be located on "33" street masonic butt-fucking symbol.

key feature of the number 33 is that the familiar Arabic numeral representation is a cartoon graphic of a pair of buttocks, positioned as two people engaged in sodomy

Metro "M" Mason symbol also looks partly like a reptilian snake;

M for Mason;


CardinalOfKek ago

Thankyou. Great work!