Exern ago

How come this post isn't getting any more traffic, this is crazy since Harbin was referenced in the Emmanuel Macron leaks.

9217 ago

Yes it is. Will PM you.

paulieweb ago

very important, upvoat and share!

Dressage2 ago

Great research! When I think I cannot be shocked anymore, I always am. Pedos are rampant. So disgusted.

equineluvr ago

JOSEPH CAMPBELL, the CIA religious disinfo agent, was also on the staff at Esalen.


"Joe met and befriended Jiddu Krishnamurti, the young messiah-elect of the Theosophical Society,"

he sold his first short story (“Strictly Platonic”)

Over the years, he edited The Portable Arabian Nights (1952) and was general editor of the series Man and Myth (1953-1954), which included major works by Maya Deren (Divine Horsemen: the Living Gods of Haiti, 1953), Carl Kerenyi (The Gods of the Greeks, 1954), and Alan Watts (Myth and Ritual in Christianity, 1954). He also edited The Portable Jung (1972), as well as six volumes of Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks (Bollingen Series XXX): Spirit and Nature (1954), The Mysteries (1955), Man and Time (1957), Spiritual Disciplines (1960), Man and Transformation (1964), and The Mystic Vision (1969).

Clinker ago

Regarding Gary Dillon's art: Do you remember the Wikileaks Podesta photo where he drew a 14 on one hand, and a fish on the other? Some theorized that is a reference to the ancient Egyption god Osiris, who was chopped up into 14 pieces. Osiris's sister and lover Isis then found the 14 pieces except the penis, which couldn't be found because it was eaten by a fish. ( See the Father of Horus section of the wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris ) Well, back to Gary Dillon. Take look at the artwork called 'Everybody has an assassin' which is in the center on the bottom of this artwork page: http://www.heartcoretouch.com/gary-dillon/art/ See the body chopped up and the fish eating the penis? This is a thing with these people.

Piscina ago

Dear Lord, those poor people. Great work. Thank you.

Vindicator ago

Wow. Amazing research here. That Ecstatic Living program is naaaasty. Couldn't even believe people are falling for that crap.

Here's a sample teaser of the wide ranging content about elite pedos explored:

HealthWrights was cofounded by David Werner

Werner "has been a consultant for UNICEF, WHO, the Peace Corps, UNDP, and UN-ESCAP and various state and federal governments ... Werner is a founding member of the International People's Health Council. ...

Werner's author page on Amazon

Werner listed at Boston University School of Public Health

Werner listed as a McArthur Fellow in 1991

He has also been accused of sexually abusing young boys. "Werner resigned from the organization in 1993 after board members voted for his dismissal following allegations that he had sexually abused teenaged Mexican boys in his care."

No charges were filed - in the wake of the accusations he created Healthwrights. Which Jason Weston is then on the board of.

Giving you a "New Evidence" flair for documenting these child Californicators.

9217 ago

Thank you! My instinct says Lin Chase (Hai Global, tech expert etc) may be running either a child porn operation or something along those lines, as well. Couldn't prove that, am not tech enough. Needs more investigation! Her website for child parties/ "private lessons" is lilboppers, but then she also has "illegal rodeo" where the only content are two songs titled "hot burrito" and "don't ease me in,".... should not be also working with four month olds.

Vindicator ago

Will pass this info on to an Anon who may be able to research her. Tweeted your Steemit, also.

9217 ago

Also for any mods - this post does not go into findhorn and ARK etc in depth, (too long already) this is part of that ring and I believe this may have been part of what FBIanon was referring to (possibly) with a few of the comments last year. Also Esalen /MKULTRA/ CIA / Ritual Abuse and definitely the pedophilia here etc are relevant to the architecture of how pedogate operates.

9217 ago

I'm exhausted forgive me if I repeated myself. Had to post before it became a book.