16507822? ago

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16159199? ago

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15211094? ago

Feminist and socialist Annie Besant was the founder of the Fabian Society, president of Le Droit Human (co-freemasonry), president of the Theosophical Society after Blavatsky's death and was attempting to capture various rites of Freemasonry. According to Aleister Crowley: "In the early part of 1913, my work had apparently settled down to a regular routine." On March 3rd, the "Ragged Ragtime Girls" opened at the Old Tivoli. Most of my time was devoted to developing the work of the OTO In May I took a short holiday in France and the Channel Islands. my beloved Forest of Fontainebleau for a walk One morning, climbing the Rocher d'Avon, I saw the serpent cross my path.

I took it into my head that the Masters had this as a warning that treachery was working in London. I returned and found that Cremers was intriguing against me; and that, in particular, she had corrupted the heart of Leila Waddell. The OHO, moreover, had found out that the Grand Hierophant of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Masonry, John Yarker, had died some months earlier and that his death had been concealed from his colleagues by the machinations of a sort of man named Wedgwood, in the interest of Annie Besant who wanted to get control of the Rite. The exception was baroque, it being the first condition of membership that the candidate should be a freemason in good standing under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of England. However the conspirators had illegally convened a secret council at Manchester to elect a successor to Yarker. I was deputed to attend and conveyed the protests of the various Grand Masters on the continent. I did so. I challenged the legality of the council. I showed that Wedgwood was not a freemason at all. I exposed the whole intrigue. At the conclusion of my speech (printed in The Equinox, vol. I, No. X) the meeting was adjourned sine die. A council was then legally convened; and a man designated by Yarker himself as his successor in one of his last letters to me was Grand Master for Britain, with myself as his principal officer. Yarker's office as Grand Hierophant was filled by Dr. Encausse (Papus), the Grand Master of France. "Https://hermetic.com/crowley/confessions/chapter73

15209200? ago

Lucis trust used to be called Lucifer trust. Alice Bailey and Blavatsky are indeed the crux of the UN. Excellent post. WIsh people would wake up.

15206893? ago

Linked to Tibetan Buddhism through the spirit guide (demonic being) that dictated 43 books to Alice Bailey, Alice married Foster Bailey when he was the US General Secretary of the Theosophical Society headquarters in Hollywood at the time. They moved to New York City and established the Lucifer Trust Publishing Company (later changed to the Lucis Trust) which currently has offices on Wall Street and a number of years ago became the primary publishing arm of the United Nations.

Lucis trust also a primary focus in the move to create a one world church through the 1990's and into 2000s. The one world church had at its focus Lucifer, but was heavily based in Tibetan Buddhist prophecies. In the early 2000's they also spearheaded a revival of and recruitment to Masonic in the North East US as part of the formation of the one world church, This is just a very brief snapshot of my research and interaction with the organization in the early 2000's.

Some of the stuff I published about them on the internet back in 2002 and 2003 would cause changes to their website the very next day, or lengthy explanations that what I had said about them was incorrect but then what they would say in response was even more incredible that what I had first commented on. During this time they also would occasionally take down their site for a while when they were being criticized or realized they were exposing to much information of their evil.

15209228? ago

Excellent post. Great info.

15206345? ago

They were originally called LUCIFER trust, and shortened the name. Let that sink in.

15205905? ago

It started out as Lucifer Publishing in the 1920's, then they changed their name to Lucis Trust. They do all the publications for the UN.

15205387? ago

Finally, another genius post by someone that gets it.

Sadly this is way beyond most people's comprehension level.

RIP Bill Cooper

15832985? ago

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15208010? ago

Abramovic is an agent of these folks.