MercurysBall2 ago

Just wondering if you picked up our work on Soros and Belgrade?

Biljana Djurdjevic (Belgrade, 1973), painter She completed her painting department at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 1997, in the class of Professor Cedomir Vasic, she completed her master's studies with the same professor in 2000.

The first annual exhibition by the Soros Center for Contemporary Arts was held in October 1995 at two alternative venues in Belgrade: the Veljkovic Pavilion and Cinema Rex.

Themes For Big Cities consisted of two exhibitions: Branko Pavic was the only one exhibiting in the Pancevo gallery. He exhibited large format graphics in wood, combined wood cutting and photography and hand-made paper. The second part of the project was in Cinema Rex by several artists. It included three large graphics made for the exhibition (Branko Pavic) with art college professor Cedomir Vasic, the SKART group - Dragan Protic and Djordje Balmazovic (designers) and Ivan Kucina (architect) called in to help.

The work with graduate students of art at the Department of Multimedia Arts ā€“ young artists whose primary education belongs to various areas of art ā€“ was for me a great challenge...I am nonetheless concerned primarily with the sonic layer of multimedia projects, sharing the responsibility for their overall content with Professor Čedomir Vasić..

Together with my vice-deans Zoran Erić, Fern RaÅ”ković, later Zorica Dimitrijević-StoÅ”ić, I managed, especially after the signing of the Dayton Accords and loosening of the sanctions, to secure the most essential means for work, for artistic and scholarly activities; we even managed to maintain modest international cooperation. We were given occasional support by certain individuals from the establishment, and after 1995 by the Soros Foundation.


voat links on Soros and contemporary art:

..I've been doing a little research on Soros, his art museum in Kosovo which champions this type of art and how he uses contemporary art as one of the ways to destabalize nations.

I've not got much time at the moment but there are connections between Nitsch, Abramovic, Viennese Actionism, Action Research, the Tavistock Institute...

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @Heisenberg123.

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Truthseeker3000 ago

These schools seem to be in almost every country where certain chosen kids are sent under the guise of ā€œartsā€. There are a couple in particular in New York where many, if not all, kids went to at some point who became famous later in life, for acting, art, music, all that stuff lumped together. Saint Annā€™s School in Brooklyn Is one of them.


With you there. Tatnall School next to Bidens house seems like a pre (m)k if you catch my drift.

Whatevahh ago

Lots to process here. Great dig!


Massive manhunt for pedophile suspect in Serbia

Police in Serbia have launched a massive manhunt for a convicted pedophile accused of kidnapping a 12-year-old girl a week ago

Belgrade: Three French citizens were arrested in Serbia Friday after kidnapping a two-year-old girl in the capital Belgrade, prompting a movie-style police chase.


Freemasonry in Serbia, Belgrade, Slobodno zidarstvo Srbije, Beograd



In her speech in the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia on April 29, 2020, Nada Kostic, MP, internist and professor on the Medical Faculty in Belgrade, presented numerous conspiracy theories on coronavirus, its emergence, situation development but also on the world in future.

Besides the well-known conspiracy theories, she referred to the theory on Satanists and cannibalism, particularly child cannibalism. She mentioned the ā€žadeno drugsā€œ (as she called them) that Satanists allegedly use for rejuvenation. Dr Kostic probably thought about adrenochrome, a hemostatic agent that promotes clotting, preventing blood loss from open wounds. It is true that there is a constant debate about adrenochromeā€™s psychedelic effects, but it was never determined whether it has an impact on rejuvenation, as considered by conspiracy theorists.



Aug 12, 2020 8:51am PT Marina Abramovic Reflects on Her Emotional Return to Belgrade in Sarajevo Doc ā€˜Homecomingā€™ (EXCLUSIVE)

When Marina Abramovic left Yugoslavia as a young artist in the 1970s, she could have hardly imagined what the years ahead would bring. Her homelandā€”a communist state ruled for nearly 40 years by Marshal Josip Broz Titoā€”would dissolve amid the geopolitical reshuffling of the post-Cold War era, while Abramovic herself would go on to become one of the most acclaimed, influential, and, at times, divisive artists on the planet.

Her return to Belgrade, after more than four decades of self-imposed exile, is at the heart of ā€œHomecoming: Marina Abramovic and Her Children,ā€ director Boris Miljkovicā€™s intimate documentary portrait of the artist as she stages her retrospective, ā€œThe Cleaner,ā€ in the city of her birth. Produced by Belgrade-based Action Production, the film, which was slated to open the Summer Screen Program of the Sarajevo Film Festival, will have its world premiere on the festivalā€™s newly launched VOD platform. Taskovski Films is handling world sales.


Recently, Belgrade added its name to the exclusive list of chosen global metropoles that can boast with a Buddha-Bar restaurant. It now stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Paris, London, and Dubai. In an exclusive location, in the heart of the city, Belgrade Waterfront promenade, on November 28, 2019, first Buddha-Bar in this part of the world


Marina Abramovic is a Serb of supposed Orthodox religious background and was educated in Belgrade, Serbia. As you can see from the pictures below her parents were communists who served in the military but had a tempestuous marriage devoid of love. She grew up with communist/socialist/marxist ideology permeating her unhappy home environment and influencing her thinking extensively. I suspect but cannot prove that her parents were Jews masquerading behind christian orthodoxy, concealing who they really were. Historically documented, secular Jews will publicly convert to anything in order to escape persecution or death and conceal their true identity and resume covert activities against society .

In addition to this it is clear from Abramovics' own accounts of childhood that she was emotionally and psychologically 'traumatised' by her 'distant' mother. This explains a lot about what we see today re: Abramovic's robotic, and persistent obsession with 'self,' and willingness to risk whatever it takes to command respect. I suspect, that she like many in the culture field is a crypto Jew. Note also that she was influenced by Joseph Beuys' humanistic activism and his blurring of art / life realities which has accelerated ideas spawning 3 generations of 'pseudo art!'

Note: No artist will be successful (fame, status, wealth etc.) in this world unless they sell out and follow the satanic agenda which controls art, culture and indeed the whole world system! I mean 'nobody!'

Communism and the 5 pointed red star are synonymous with occult 'Talmudic Judaism' and the 'so called' 5 pointed 'Star of David' which in fact has nothing to do with King David but is in fact the same as the satanic 5 pointed star used in Witchcraft rituals. There is 'no' distinction between them. They are one and the same!! It is imperative for the reader to understand this, otherwise, Abramovic's art doesn't make sense. Her 'performance' art is meant to obfuscate the 'emptiness' at the heart of it (her emptiness.) The goal is to make it 'appear' profound when in fact it is 'empty' and an insult to intelligence. Her art is totally riddled with hidden (to the uninitiated) 'spiritual' terms, slogans and symbols and presented as 'satanic ritual' to the deluded and unsuspecting. She says she incorporates the 'star' in her work in order to exorcise its power over her life but i believe this is a convenient 'lie.'
Her art is not art but actually concealed ritual worship of Satan in public view ... absolutely diabolical! Art is being totally denigrated and made filthy and ugly! This self proclaimed witch is not an artist; she is a magician performing occult ceremonies to audiences and getting wealthy while doing it. 'Money for nothing ...'

I suspect but cannot prove that Marina Abramovic is also a mind controlled slave and dupe to the elite who control this world from the shadows. She is simply promoting their occult agenda unwittingly or not, in order to subvert the morality of the masses! Abramovic was emotionally starved as a child and craves attention and promotes 'performance art' in order to command and 'control' that attention and adulation in spontaneous and macabre, theatre type spectacles, which other art forms can't replicate!

Abramovic has made herself the subject of her (art) but the office of her practice is one of conjurer, sorceress and illusionist in order to deceive the ignorant masses. This was and is the very same goal of communism which first deceives then controls and finally destroys its victims. All done under the guise of so called, progressive 'art.'

Communism/Judaism/Satanism have always promoted 'man' as 'god' and the end result of this ideology is always terrifying!!

OD3SSA ago

There is something rotten in Serbia indeed:

Close to 6.000 parents believe that their newborn children were abducted from birth clinics throughout the country. The scandal erupted years ago when parents went public about their suspicion that their children didn't die at birth, as they were told at the hospital but kidnapped and sold abroad. The parents were not supplied with adequate documentation confirming the death of their child, often told that those docs were destroyed in floods...

Now they are introducing a new law establishing a mechanism that seeks to answer the questions of parents. If the circumstances can not be determined parents get a compensation of EUR 10.000


Thanks @OD3SSA .

Thats awful. This is Gov. / Child Services type organization? ((birth clinics))

Have any sources?

EUR 10.000

Seems laughably inadequate as a slaver might ask around the same price.

OD3SSA ago

10k EUR is laughable indeed. I think that you are onto something with this research. I can't post url for some reason - b/c this was my first post probably - which sucks because I think this could be important. Search for "Parents slam Serbia bill in chilling 'missing babies' case" - there is an ABC article with this title.


Thank you. You can always send me a direct message if you find anything. We will UPVOAT you so you can start contributing.

Wutt ago

Svetlana Legetic who found Brightest Young Things (a website that was on comet pizza friends link) is from Serbia.

According to Wikipedia: "a former Architecture Designer from Serbia, Brightest Young Things."

This website back in the day had a ton of oddities regarding pizza, satanism, etc..

MercurysBall2 ago

Brightest Young Things:

The Standard Hotel's new owner is Gaw Capital. Connections with Alphy's Soda Pop Club to Brightest Young Things and Transformer DC. -

The Standard Hotel is now owned by Goodwin Gaw, of Gaw Capital. They also own the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel which hosted a notorious nightclub for underage actors. In April of this year NakedHub was taken over by the WeWork company. One of their locations is in the China Town area of DC. Previous voat posts have already made the link between WeWork, BYT Media Inc and Alefantis.

millennial_vulcan ago

From previous yearsā€™ posts on AbramoWITCH:

M.Aā€™s popularity soared when, in 2003, a character was based on her in tv show SEX AND THE CITY. For fans, it was the episode when Sarah Jessica Parker (ā€˜carrieā€™) meets Mikhail Baryshnikov (ā€˜The Russianā€™) at an art gallery in Chelsea, Manhattan.

Outside of the show, M.A ended up becoming best buddies with actress KIM CATTRALL (ā€˜Samantha.ā€™)

M.A was slowly drip fed to sheeple as ā€˜artā€™ and ā€˜cool.ā€™ Likely paving the way for similar artists to be ā€˜accepted.ā€™

Another interview from 2005: ā€œI went to the former Yugoslaviaā€”I was interested in the roots of the culture, which has a lot of pagan elements, and the idea of the ā€œerotic.ā€ How we see ā€œeroticā€ today is so limited; we think erotic equals pornography. The woman with her breasts exposed is a kind of erotic thatā€™s very vulgar, very predictable, and we are fed by these very standard images. In Balkan culture, the sexual organs, male and female, were used as tools for taking evil away, connecting with the forces of nature.ā€ She really does talk a lot of shit.

hellno ago

Marina abromavich is 74 years old. She looks 50. Adrenochrome user




Serbia removes jihadi kebab temple dedicated to warmonger pedophile & Moongod al-Lah. illegal mosque on the outskirts of Belgrade lay in ruins after authorities destroyed it overnight


Serbia the birthplace of "THE VAMPIRE"



Best pasta and pizza in the Orbit







Belgrade (/ĖˆbɛlÉ”reÉŖd/ BEL-grayd; Serbian: Beograd / Š‘ŠµŠ¾Š³Ń€Š°Š“, lit. 'White City', pronounced [beĒ’É”rad] (About this soundlisten); names in other languages) is the capital and largest city of Serbia. It is located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers and the crossroads of the Pannonian Plain and the Balkan Peninsula.[8] Nearly 1.7 million people live within the administrative limits of the City of Belgrade, a quarter of the total population of Serbia.[4]

One of the most important prehistoric cultures of Europe, the Vinča culture, evolved within the Belgrade area in the 6th millennium BC. In antiquity, Thraco-Dacians inhabited the region and, after 279 BC, Celts settled the city, naming it Singidūn.[9] It was conquered by the Romans under the reign of Augustus and awarded Roman city rights in the mid-2nd century.[10] It was settled by the Slavs in the 520s, and changed hands several times between the Byzantine Empire, the Frankish Empire, the Bulgarian Empire, and the Kingdom of Hungary before it became the seat of the Serbian king Stefan Dragutin in 1284. Belgrade served as capital of the Serbian Despotate during the reign of Stefan Lazarević, and then his successor Đurađ Branković returned it to the Hungarian king in 1427. Noon bells in support of the Hungarian army against the Ottoman Empire during the siege in 1456 have remained a widespread church tradition to this day. In 1521, Belgrade was conquered by the Ottomans and became the seat of the Sanjak of Smederevo.[11] It frequently passed from Ottoman to Habsburg rule, which saw the destruction of most of the city during the Austro-Ottoman wars.

The Vinča culture, [Ź‹Ć®ĖntŹƒa] also known as Turdaș culture or Turdașā€“Vinča culture, was a Neolithic archaeological culture in southeastern Europe, in present-day Serbia, and smaller parts of Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania (particularly Transylvania), dated to the period 5700ā€“4500 BC or 5300ā€“4700/4500 BC.[1][2][3] Named for its type site, Vinča-Belo Brdo, a large tell settlement discovered by Serbian archaeologist Miloje Vasić in 1908, it represents the material remains of a prehistoric society mainly distinguished by its settlement pattern and ritual behaviour.

The Tărtăria tablets /tərtəria/ are three tablets, reportedly discovered in 1961 at a Neolithic site in the village of Tărtăria (about 30 km (19 mi) from Alba Iulia), in Romania.

The tablets bear incised symbols and have been the subject of considerable controversy among archaeologists, some of whom claimed in the past that the symbols represent the earliest known form of writing in the world. The symbols are thought to be Vinča symbols, although some scholars have considered them to be Sumerian.


The Rothschilds in Serbia

The second lane of Nathaniel Rothschild's progress in Serbia is occupied by investment funds from Virgin and other exotic islands, which are seemingly owned by "Russian Jews" (in fact, Khazars). The most important one is Salford, from Virgin Islands, behind which stand Boris Berezovski (a Khazar) and Rothschild capital.


Belgrade, Serbia has an abundance of religious architecture. The city has numerous Serbian Orthodox churches and temples and it is also the seat of the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Its two most prominent Orthodox Christian places of worship are the Saborna Crkva (the Cathedral Church) and the Temple of St. Sava, the largest Eastern Orthodox church in the world.

Other notable Belgrade churches include St. Mark's Church, in which rests the body of the first Serbian Emperor, Stefan DuŔan. The architecture of this church was greatly inspired by the Gračanica monastery in the province of Kosovo. The church of Sveta Ružica in the Kalemegdan Fortress is one of the holiest places in Belgrade for Serbian Orthodox Christians since this was the site where the body of St. Paraskeva was preserved for several years after the Ottoman conquest, before being taken to Romania where it still rests today. St. Paraskeva (Sv. Petka) is one of the most important saints to the Eastern Orthodox Christians.

Belgrade is the seat of a Catholic archdiocese, with a small Catholic community and several Catholic churches. One of these, St Anthony's, was designed by the noted Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik.

There is also a Muslim community in Belgrade and only one mosque, the Bajrakli Mosque built in 1526 by the Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent. It is one of the oldest surviving structures in contemporary Belgrade.

The Jewish community is served by the Belgrade Synagogue, which is the only currently active Jewish place of worship in the entire country, although not the only such structure within the city limits.

Belgrade also had an active Buddhist temple in the first half of the 20th century. It was built by East Russian expatriates fleeing the outcome of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.


Belgrade, Serbia has an abundance of religious architecture. The city has numerous Serbian Orthodox churches and temples and it is also the seat of the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Its two most prominent Orthodox Christian places of worship are the Saborna Crkva (the Cathedral Church) and the Temple of St. Sava, the largest Eastern Orthodox church in the world.

Other notable Belgrade churches include St. Mark's Church, in which rests the body of the first Serbian Emperor, Stefan DuŔan. The architecture of this church was greatly inspired by the Gračanica monastery in the province of Kosovo. The church of Sveta Ružica in the Kalemegdan Fortress is one of the holiest places in Belgrade for Serbian Orthodox Christians since this was the site where the body of St. Paraskeva was preserved for several years after the Ottoman conquest, before being taken to Romania where it still rests today. St. Paraskeva (Sv. Petka) is one of the most important saints to the Eastern Orthodox Christians.

Belgrade is the seat of a Catholic archdiocese, with a small Catholic community and several Catholic churches. One of these, St Anthony's, was designed by the noted Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik.

There is also a Muslim community in Belgrade and only one mosque, the Bajrakli Mosque built in 1526 by the Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent. It is one of the oldest surviving structures in contemporary Belgrade.

The Jewish community is served by the Belgrade Synagogue, which is the only currently active Jewish place of worship in the entire country, although not the only such structure within the city limits.

>>>>Belgrade also had an active Buddhist temple in the first half of the 20th century. It was built by East Russian expatriates fleeing the outcome of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.


Belgrade is the city with a long history that was completely destroyed and built up again for the 44 times during many wars that have happened on its territory. There are many layers of history hidden in its grounds. There is actually a kind of underground city below the surface of Belgrade. One part of this underground city you can actually visit during your Belgrade tour, but there is a much bigger underground labyrinth of passages under the city streets.

In Belgrade there are many underground tunnels which were built in great secrecy. Such was their original purpose and, even now, when they have become less important or insignificant, theyā€™ve remained as mysterious as they were in the times when they were built.

In Resavska Street, at number 38, there is still an unusually beautiful building, with a large bow that covers six evenly distributed entrances. This building was made before World War II, with the Naval Administration funds, and it was intended for habitation of the highest ranking officers of the time. The building is still exceptionally well preserved and it adorns the street with its exceptional architecture. Beneath it, but in accordance with the time when it was built, there are the underground corridors, which led to the present building of the Generalstab that was demolished during the 1999 NATO bombing of Belgrade.

Underground tunnels beneath this building were also leading to military facilities in the area and at the time they were built, they had a conspiratorial purpose. At that time there was no way for the immediate evacuation of important people by helicopters or similar transport, which would be efficient enough, as these secret underground corridors. After the World War second, the entrance to these underground passages was sealed with the wall. Today, it is just a basement space for the building tenants, and only the sealed part of the wall recalls the mysterious role it once had.


Clinton Podesta and Serbian Bombing

British professor Philip Hammond noted that the 78-day bombing campaign ā€œwas not a purely military operation: NATO also destroyed what it called ā€˜dual-useā€™ targets, such as factories, city bridges, and even the main television building in downtown Belgrade, in an attempt to terrorize the country into surrender.ā€

https ://

fogdryer ago

clinton had to clear a path for trafficking the children


Devil worshippers using ashes of legendary inventor Nikola Tesla for 'Satanic ritual'

https ://

Lansing-Michigan ago

Tesla in his short autobiography purports to be schizophrenic and cured himself. He did not have the greed factor which seems to be so wide spread with satanists. His work for free energy was used by the US govt for weaponry.


He did not have the greed factor which seems to be so wide spread with satanists

I agree, if anything I feel that his influence was what some describe as the "holy spirit" or conscious access to realms of higher thought. Perhaps this is just how the story is told. Or one can have pure intent and still come under demonic influence, or satanic realms. I don't think it is that simple. The knowledge is not inherently good or evil, but how it is used.

The butterfly shaped part of our brain that MKUltra gets its symbol from, is enlarged in spiritual/psychic people, shamans, and schizophrenics. Knowing how disruptive this information/technology accessed from this realm is, it makes sense those in power would be quick to call those like him crazy or Saturnic.

Then again, this is where Jack Parsons was taught how to make the bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think it just depends if in your heart, your spirit is here to fight for creation or destruction.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Tesla was likely a Satanist himself,


I've heard that angle. Though Edison seems more inherently evil. He certainly does seem like a haunted man with ties in another realm-like a nicer Jack Parsons. I believe Abramovic's new upcoming performance has to do with Tesla tech "Sending enormous amounts of electricity through her body".


A Serbian Film

https ://

Directed by Srdjan Spasojevic. With Srdjan 'Zika' Todorovic, Sergej Trifunovic, Jelena Gavrilovic, Slobodan Bestic. An aging porn star agrees to participate in an "art film" in order to make a clean break from the business, only to discover that he has been drafted into making a pedophilia and necrophilia themed snuff film.

Milos (Srdjan Todorovic), a middle-aged man struggling to provide for his family who is lured back into the industry for one last film. He has been offered enough money to set him up for life but, in return, has signed a Faustian pact with the director Vukmir (Sergej Trifunovic). Milos will have no control over the scenes in which he appears. The most notorious scenes are the rape of the new-born baby, and the one in which the star decapitates a woman and continues to have sex with her headless torso.

https ://

We Are Not Angels (1992)

Mi nismo andjeli (original title)

1h 38min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 30 May 1992 (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)

We Are Not Angels Poster

Angel and the devil fight for the soul of a Belgrade playboy who made a young girl pregnant.

millennial_vulcan ago

Comment here is NSFW.

Trigger Warning. STOP READING NOW if easily offended.

I hate that I know this, but according to my college friend who saw it (the movie is freely available online) the worst part is in fact when Milos is tricked into anally raping his own five year son. This is gratuitously shown, ending with Milos vomiting over his sonā€™s head when he finds out.

Thank you for this post, @OTI and @MercurysBall2 The devil truly walks among us. I pray hard every night for the angels on earth who work tirelessly to protect children. The ones who have to watch this filth as part of their job.


Serbia: Police arrest man suspected of killing two in satanic ritual 2007

BELGRADE, Serbia: A man was arrested Saturday on suspicion that he killed a 5-year-old boy and his uncle and dismembered them in a satanic ritual, Serbian police said. The suspect, identified only as Danijel J., 27, is accused of cutting off the victims heads, arms and legs on Monday in Novi Banovci, a village just north of Belgrade, before he dumped their bodies into the Danube River, a police statement said. Earlier, a police official speaking on condition of anonymity, had said the suspect admitted to the killing, but the statement made no reference to that. The dismembered bodies of the boy and his 26-year-old uncle were discovered by fishermen on Friday, police said. Zoran Lukovic, a police inspector involved in the investigation, told B-92 TV that a search of Danijelā€™s flat in the village showed he possessed ā€œsatanic literatureā€ ā€” including a manual on how to dismember a human body ā€” which showed he belonged to an unidentified religious sect. Belgradeā€™s B-92 TV, quoting police investigators, said the suspect used a hacksaw and knives to cut the victims at his home and in a nearby forest. It said he did not state the motive for the murders which have spread panic among the local population. Serbiaā€™s Interior Minister Dragan Jocic said ritual killings are on the rise in Serbia. Lukovic, the police inspector, said that police discovered ā€œa room with an altarā€ at Danijelā€™s home where he performed satanic rites.



What it's like to be a new student?

School Connected to EU Youth and Culture Org/Agendas:

EU Funded, European League of Institutes of the Arts ā€“ ELIA has experience with operational

and project grants within the **Culture Programme and the Lifelong Learning

Programme, administered by the Executive Agency for Culture, Education and Youth.**

The answers have been developed together with Culture Action Europe.


added to the post

think- ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagateart submission by @think-.

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Vindicator ago

Wow! GREAT follow-on reserach, OTI. Well done!


Thank you! It's a pleasure working so well with everyone. We've got a rare breed here.

Vindicator ago

We've been through a lot together

think- ago

On a sidenote:We've always assumed that one boy in a Djurdjevic painting was Anderson Cooper (son of the deceased Gloria Vanderbilt).

But I recently looked at his childhood pics and pics that show him as a younger adult, and decided that boy cannot be Cooper - Cooper had brown hair and was quite chummy, only in later years, way into his adulthood, his hair became a light grey.


Could be representation of his inner vulnerability? His frozen (by trauma) child psyche? These Occultists like layering symbolism.

I agree with you however, it is more likely yet another forgotten child victim, not Cooper.

think- ago

Could be representation of his inner vulnerability? His frozen (by trauma) child psyche? These Occultists like layering symbolism.

Idk. Maybe it is a relative of his? Or just a coincidence? You might want to check the link I just added to my comment above.


I will check it out. Relative sounds more likely - as we know theyre obsessed with DNA and bloodlines, we know they torture and program their own. I think this is when The Conspiracy Minded can be led astray with what WE know rather than what THEY know. For example we know COOPER from TV, so we draw the connection, but for them it may be simpler : young boys with light hair are perfect for some particular ritual. We see Maddy they see Colomboma Eye. etc

darkknight111 ago

Flairing this a potential new lead.

Iā€™ll have to find my old threads where I suspected this personā€™s art was depicting actual murders. Keep in mind its merely deduction.


Purely nonviolent speculation here as well.

If people give artists who depict dead children a break, then we probably deserve one too for questioning otherwise.

Thank you @darkknight111 look forward to anything you can add. I just learned Abramovic's uncle was high up in Serbian Religious Leadership. Whats with Serbia?


Came across this Massimo Introvigne defending spirit cooking and Abramovic. He seems to be a career defender and dismisser of Evil Rituals and Cults whose website contains Scientology ,

John of God,

and Mormon ritual abuse .

to name a few relevant evils.

Likely worth a dig...

My topic there in fact is ā€œThe Fear of the Occult and Politics.ā€ There is little doubt that populist politicians like to depict their enemies as part of secret groups involved in the occult. It started with accusations against Queen Marie Antoinette in revolutionary France, and went on with the campaigns against Freemasonry in the 19th century, where Freemasons were accused ā€“ falsely ā€“ of worshiping the Devil. Basically, it never stopped. It is part of a certain populist rhetorics. The fear of the occult becomes the fear of the elites.

-Massimo Introvigne

Massimo Introvigne is an Italian sociologist and intellectual property consultant. He is the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions, an international network of scholars who study new religious movements

see site here: CESNUR Centre for Studies on New Religions


ā€œSome media accuse the Serbian artist Marina Abramovic of being Satanist. I, who wrote a 700-page academic book on Satanism - Satanism, a Social History - consider this accusation ridiculous. "

It is Massimo Introvigne - to begin the defense of Marina Abramovic, the 'performer' who - it appears from certain emails - invited the two Podesta brothers (see Pizzagate) to his ritual called "Spirit Cooking".

A real defensive harangue, that of Introvigne, which I find in an English site, to which I refer. An almost incredible piece.

Spirit Cooking, Satanism - Art and the Occult

Introvigne feels the need to exonerate Abramovic; because, he knows. Of course, it has changed a lot in recent times, since he left Alleanza Cattolica - a traditionalist group - at the end of a long journey as an "esoteric scholar", a neo-pro-Israeli, appointed by Lithuania (sic) to represent the OSCE "Fight against racism, xenophobia, discrimination", to end up being the papist from Bergamo, the extender of lists of "traditionalist" Catholics who according to him are hostile to "Francesco".

The article is, in any case, deeply interesting, revealing more of our papist than the sorceress dear to the Podestas. Introvigne is full of sympathy for the so-called artist, esteem, he wants to let us know that he knows it well: "Recently I attended a conference at the University of Belgrade on the esotericism of Marina Abramovic". So if you talk about the lady in university, you see that she is respectable. Introvigne brings his art closer to that of Mondrian, of Arte Povera. He values ā€‹ā€‹its "spirituality". Remember that an uncle of the artist was patriarch of the Serbian Church, "so that we cannot exclude the Christian element in the formation of his spirituality". It is true that Marina's parents, however, were in the inner circle at the top of the Yugoslav communist regime; but rest assured,"You have always declared that your performance has a therapeutic content". A healer. ā€œIn a more discreet way, in less public activities, she has developed what she calls the Abramovic Method, which heals through something that, once again, is an artistic and ritual work at the same time. The method uses quartz, crystal and other sacred stones, magnets, research of the energy lines of the Earth, and an ancient oriental technique such as counting rice grains ".

A method that "has been secret for decades", during which Abramovic gave "lessons on the Method to private customers, including Lady Gaga", that angelic creature.

think- ago

of his spirituality

Introvigne brings his art closer to that of Mondrian, of Arte Povera.

NB: Google Translate always uses 'his' instead of 'her', so in this case, he is talking about Abramovic and her art, not his own art.


Abramovic's art certainly has nothing to do with Mondrian's - or did I miss some of his early work?


Thank you for your eyes on this @think-

Yes I think 'his art' is just his work defending these devils.


Per your point @KillerKap see above

think- ago

think- ago

Thank you so much, OTI! :-) Can I crosspost this to v/pizzagateart?

Hey guys, could we get a 'Potential Lead' flair for this post, please? And would you consider sticking it for a while? Thanks!

Imo we've found something really important.

@vindicator @EricKaliberhall @darkknight111

Vindicator ago

Yep. Stickied.

think- ago



No need for my permission @think- this is as much your work as mine. Thank you for your help all!

think- ago

Thanks! :-)

derram ago :


This has been an automated message.

KillerKap ago

Listen to this author try to shill for Marina and say how she can't be satanic

*Hates God and the concept of God

*Decidedly anti christian

*Uses 666 and satanic symbols "ironically" lol

*Bathes in blood and performs rituals

*Says she doesn't think Satan exists because that would valdiate the Judeo Christian framework

*Definitely not Satanist

The same retarted logic that makes Antifa think they can just say they must be the good guys because they are against fascism even though they are authoritarian communist shitbags. The state of leftist reason.


Great add @KillerKap thank you!

think- ago

The same retarted logic that makes Antifa think they can just say they must be the good guys because they are against fascism even though they are authoritarian communist shitbags.

LOL. Yes.

KillerKap ago

This is fucking incredible work. Ill be digging through and finding links from this for days. Way to go!