SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @Heisenberg123.

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blackhut_noise ago

Oh I checked this my alt just now... so, yes, she says that "she never use models". She says never, bc allegedly she is an artist and she paints only about her personal problems...

Tbh, that really means nothing, she could have seen something and painted that from her memory, so saying that she never uses models is irrelevant. That said, whole article reads like damage control.

If you need any more translations, I'll PM you my original account, I don't look into this so much, since I created it for purpose which is solved now.

volunteerwork2020 ago

She definitely has connections to organ traffickers and sex slavers in that region of Europe. Keep digging.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS.

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think- ago

@IShallNotFear, can I crosspost this submission to v/pizzagateart - thanks!

IShallNotFear ago

Of course! Thanks for asking though.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Great work! My word this must have taken hours to complete

IShallNotFear ago

Yes, roughly 4 hours. If I wasn't passionate about the cause I wouldn't have done it. Definitely deflecting, but the more she explained the more suspicious she seemed.


I dealt with my fear, and I believe not only with my fear of nudity, without hesitation, in that most miserable standing in front of others at the school doctor waiting [to be] systematically reviewed, without the possibility to choose, The name itself [review?] was enough to scare me and then reviewed everything we passed.

I read this to mean her first trauma to be experienced at SCHOOL with ("WE") her classmates, in which they were naked and "reviewed" by a Doctor. The images of school girls lined up, as well as the doctor looking character she paints, lead me to investigate her past SCHOOLING as a potential institutionalized predator/ MK situation.

Biljana Đurđević born 1973.

in Belgrade, Serbia,

1997. Finished Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.

2013. Received DA at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade on theme Hypnerotomachia Poliphili or Yearning for Love in the Dreams.


Marina Abramovic

Nationality Serbia

Vocational training Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb

Formation Academy of Fine Arts, Belgrade (in) (-1970) Academy of Fine Arts (in) (-1972)Translate

I'm sure someone has made this connection already, but it blew my mind. Something rotten in Belgrade.

I recently participated in a session in a conference at the University of Belgrade about the esotericism of Marina Abramovič.

Devil worshippers using ashes of legendary inventor Nikola Tesla for 'Satanic ritual'

Clinton Podesta and Serbian Bombing

British professor Philip Hammond noted that the 78-day bombing campaign “was not a purely military operation: NATO also destroyed what it called ‘dual-use’ targets, such as factories, city bridges, and even the main television building in downtown Belgrade, in an attempt to terrorize the country into surrender.”

think- ago

Gosh, OTI, I had no idea Djurdjevic and Abramovic went to the same art academy!!!! @MercurysBall2 @swordfish69 @9217


Please do a post about it!! You can just copypaste your comment above into a submission sheet!

Thank you!!


Will do. Thank you for confirming this would not be a regurgitation.

siegnagel ago

Paloma Faith turns my fucking stomach. My daughter watches the Voice, kids. Which is basically a reality talent show along the lines of Britain's got talent or X factor. Something really weird with Paloma though.


I hadn't heard of her. Until now...

IShallNotFear ago

Great Info!


Did we know they went to the same school?!

Angelis_Solaris ago

I certainly didn't...

KillerKap ago

excellent original work and research! thank you


Will you elaborate on

She is holding water and shilling for Marina.

Im about to do a post on their connections and want to hear if you have anything to add.

KillerKap ago

The character of Marnna Abramović is also unused as one of the symbols in this story, and the details from her performances are not fitted into the desired context.

This is a rough translation but what she is saying is the same talking point degenrate leftists say. "Marina is being taken out of context and is just a misunderstood artist".

While she paints pigs blood on walls and pours it on statues of infants, we are just taking her "out of context". Im sick of hearing leftist excuses for sociopathic sickness.


Agreed @KillerKap . Help me dig their origins in my latest PG post.


Tonk Podesta

It was with the image of Sussemašskc cpejleč, which was shown for the first time in the Cultural Center of Belgrade in 2005, that I dealt with my fear, and I believe not only with my fear of nudity, without hesitation, in that most miserable standing in front of others at the school doctor waiting for systematically reviewed, without the possibility to choose, The name itself was enough to scare me and then reviewed everything we passed.

Going Down. Great effort @IShallNotFear and thanks for the tag.

She comes up on a doctor finder site : anything here ?

think- ago

I think that's a different woman with the same name.


thanks I'll strikethrough

think- ago

Idk whether she has a PhD. I just remembered from past discussions that there are two women with the same name.


Ya you were right, thank you.

think- ago


Vindicator ago

"Sometimes I don't use models." You mean most of those paints of children hanging in swimming pools and lined up in their underwear to be paddled she DID use models?

Well, I'd say this clearly shows where this "survivor" artist stands on pizzagate. She's a perp getting rich off child exploitation. Sick.

-It was with the image of Sussemašskc cpejleč, which was shown for the first time in the Cultural Center of Belgrade in 2005, that I dealt with my fear, and I believe not only with my fear of nudity

Anyone know which image she's referring to, here?

Excellent work IShallNotFear. What a great addition to the board. I'm giving this the New Evidence flair, since it confirms the artist is not just a victim.

IShallNotFear ago

In @blackhut_noise's new translation, it is "never" used models.

kazza64 ago

more or less knowingly generating and supplying child porn to known pedophiles like tony podesta

think- ago

I tried to google it, but to no avail. :-/

IShallNotFear ago

IShallNotFear ago

I think the name of that piece was in a different language, and because of that, the translation of the name is probably not correct.

think- ago

Google translate claimed it was Czech.

IShallNotFear ago

What I typed into google translate probably wasn't correct because the ū character didn't appear on my Serbian keyboard. Re-looking at the picture of the article, the title is something like "Cucūeмaūeкu ūpeiлeg" but google translate couldn't make sense of that either.

Vindicator ago

Maybe post on v/whatever to see if anyone speaks Serbian?

IShallNotFear ago

I just did, Thanks for the suggestion!

Heisenberg123 ago

Thank you very much. Good job. She has a lot to tell us - she should explain why she is close friends with James Alefantis and Tony Podesta and why she was at the same fundraising event as Podesta brothers and Tamera Luzzatto. But obviously she won't.

think- ago

Yes. I don't buy her excuses. It's true that she experienced the horrors of war in former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s.

(Remember, there were concentration camps where women and little girls were raped and often killed. Lots of women and little girls were also raped by their neighbours and random strangers).

If she is a survivor, it would explain why she chooses these kind of topic. But it's really impossible to study Tony Podesta's art collection and to think he's just a collector of torture art because he is a victim himself. He also has a collection of photographs depicting teenage nudes.

And artists like Kim Noble, who paints pictures of ritual violence, don't even sell their art for the very reason that pedos are attracted to it. (That's one problem I have with former Epstein employee and victim Maria Farmer, who gave Epstein and the Wexners paintings showing little girls in underwear, and even high stockings in one case).

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Also, Kim Noble's art is highly stylized and simplified to the point that it can't be used to arouse. The people in it are almost like stick figures, but her work is no less powerful for it, while Biljana Djurdjevic seems to creating something that is meant to make the horrifying seem alluring. It's a great cover story to say "oh, I'm just calling attention to abuse, how dare you want to silence me". But it gets used a lot, and I'm not buying it.

think- ago

Also, Kim Noble's art is highly stylized and simplified to the point that it can't be used to arouse.

Good point.

771423x1 ago

Well done. Plenty of effort in that one. 7

Piscina ago

Deflection, deflection and then some gaslighting. What a horribly and soulless human being she is.