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Angelis_Solaris ago

"Those who condemn are usually those who are a part of the problem." The West has been conditioned to be tolerant and to treat tolerance as a virtue. Tolerance is not a virtue; rather, forbearance is a real virtue----patience in dealing with evil, giving space for repentance and change, but not tolerance of evil and not obstructing justice. Tolerance of evils such as pedophilic art is not acceptable.

PGIssStupid2 ago

showing abuse of children of which some are in Tony Podesta house

Invent demonstrably false allegations, then complain about how people don't get arrested over the demonstrably false allegations you made up. Hurr durr pizzagate =))

Heisenberg123 ago

Are you inbred? Look at few comments above your own. Artistic description of those exhibitions is simple, those are children to whom something bad happened and very likely in pedophilic manner. Tony Podesta has at least three paintings from such described collection and is personal friend of the author, James Alefantis is her personal friend as well.

PGIssStupid2 ago

those are children to whom something bad happened and very likely in pedophilic manner

This sentence alone(that is an opinion, a personal interpretation of the paintings by the way) disproves the claim that the paintings are "showing abuse of children".

You're simply trying to distort facts as much as possible in order to fit your agenda.

Angelis_Solaris ago

There comes a point when the number of morbid and sick paintings says more about the buyer than the artist's intent.

Heisenberg123 ago

This is true too.

Heisenberg123 ago

Why is James Alefantis personal friend of the artist as his Facebook friends evidence?

And btw, that is not personal opinion, that's exhibition description from years ago, Djurdjevic must have agreed to such description, she didn't protest. So that's at least something she ALLOWED because all of her art at some point must be allowed by her to be on any exhibition.

PGIssStupid2 ago

So from the invention of "showing abuse of children" you have moved to the invention of

Podesta has paintings of dead kids

The level of detachment from reality surrounding pizzagate is absurd. Dealing with pizzagaters is like dealing with someone who is clearly mentally challenged and blatantly disregards or simply can't get a grasp on reality.

Heisenberg123 ago

So from losing arguments you have moved to ignoring my arguments. So let's state it again:

Biljana Djurdjevic allowed her art to be shown under such description, back in 2006/2007 exhibition:

The eyes are those of the young teenagers in the paintings Living in Oblivion (2006), Hanging On (2006), and Dummies (2006). Something appears to have happened to the children. Perhaps something sinister. They seem to be the victims of some act of cruelty. But we don’t know what. Apart from the eyes and the body language, there are no indications of vulnerability.

Hardly a day goes by without a paedophile ring or a child labour scandal being exposed somewhere in the world. Are there more paedophiles and more child workers today than before?

Pay intention that it mentions Living in Oblivion, Hanging On and Dummies. And to be precise - Tony Podesta owns 2 paintings from all 7 from Living in Oblivion, which are "School Girl" and "Synchronized Swimming". So he owns such described art and James Alefantis is personal friend of Biljana, I would like you to address this issue as James himself has some interesting in taping kids on his own. What is interesting too is that Djurdjevic doesnt show duct taped boy in any of her site shows. Why is that? If it's normal art? Tony also own one painting showing two underage dead girls from collection of her called "Hotbed".

PGIssStupid2 ago

So from losing arguments you have moved to ignoring my arguments.


Hey you reality denying psycho, the Biljana paintings owned by Podesta DO NOT SHOW THE ABUSE OF CHILDREN like you claimed.

Your statement:

showing abuse of children of which some are in Tony Podesta house

Is demonstrably false. Period. No matter how much you try moving the goalposts.

Heisenberg123 ago

So why they were approved by Biljana to be shown under such description? ->

Something appears to have happened to the children. Perhaps something sinister. They seem to be the victims of some act of cruelty. But we don’t know what. Apart from the eyes and the body language, there are no indications of vulnerability.

Hardly a day goes by without a paedophile ring or a child labour scandal being exposed somewhere in the world. Are there more paedophiles and more child workers today than before?

PGIssStupid2 ago

In order for the Biljana paintings owned by Podesta to show abuse of children like you claimed, they would have to show children being abused, which is demonstrably not the case.

Case closed.

And let me get this straight, what did the pizzagaters accuse Podesta of exactly? mass raping and murdering of children in satanic rituals? claiming that they had mountains of evidence to prove it?

After 4 years since pizzagate came out, what are the pizzagaters still doing? distorting facts about some paintings that he owns?

Let me burst out laughing at you pizzagaters again.

This type of conspiracy beliefs are based on faith and are impervious to facts and reason.

PGIssStupid2 ago

So why they were approved by Biljana to be shown under such description? ->

How does your retarded loaded question change the demonstrable fact that the Biljana paintings owned by Podesta do not show abuse of children, like you claimed?

Heisenberg123 ago

Something appears to have happened to the children. Perhaps something sinister. They seem to be the victims of some act of cruelty. But we don’t know what. Apart from the eyes and the body language, there are no indications of vulnerability.

Hardly a day goes by without a paedophile ring or a child labour scandal being exposed somewhere in the world. Are there more paedophiles and more child workers today than before?

How is that not description of abuse?

PGIssStupid2 ago

You have a problem in accepting demonstrable reality.

Heisenberg123 ago

Demonstrable reality is that she allowed to her work be described as showing abused children - which is btw visible even without her approval - Years before Pizzagate. And James Alefantis seems to be interested in this type of art, why would he have her in friends otherwise?

PGIssStupid2 ago

Demonstrable reality is that she allowed to her work be described as showing abused children.

What a stupid made up statement. You are a disgrace for the human species.

Heisenberg123 ago

Made up? 2006/2007 exhibition description disagrees.

PGIssStupid3 ago

No it doesn't. Your continaly distorting facts, whics is irrelevant anyway.

Like I preiously said, in order for the Biljana paintings owned by Podesta to show abuse of children like you claimed, they would have to show the act of children being abused, which is demonstrably not the case.

Case closed, stop being a retard.

Heisenberg123 ago

Something appears to have happened to the children. Perhaps something sinister. They seem to be the victims of some act of cruelty. But we don’t know what. Apart from the eyes and the body language, there are no indications of vulnerability.

Hardly a day goes by without a paedophile ring or a child labour scandal being exposed somewhere in the world. Are there more paedophiles and more child workers today than before?

Even "pedo" word is used. If she disagrees with that, why she allows that to be description of her official exhibition.

Piscina ago

Why is there a preponderance of Eastern European women doing this sick stuff ie Abramovic and Biljana are just two.

kazza64 ago

you paint what the punter wants you get paid

Benkitchen105 ago

Skippy podesta is a filthy piece of shit. Fuck needs the rope.

IShallNotFear ago

Can we get a translation of the actual article please?

Heisenberg123 ago

I'd love to. I'm looking for person who can translate it/identify the source.

IShallNotFear ago

I just made one myself:

fogdryer ago

in psychiatry they call this "deflection". I call it disturbing clues

SearchVoatBot ago

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Screenshot links are dead FYI

Heisenberg123 ago

Good findings man.

Heisenberg123 ago

Dead? They work for me. Hmm


I was wrong sorry. Only the imbed links didn't work (to be expected as they arent JPG) the links to discord PNGs worked. My bad.

Marku1 ago

Kill her and pedopodesta

KillerKap ago

"if my art bothers you, you are evil"

what a bunch of kikery. Arrest. Execute. next. Also she is a disgusting mongrel looking filthy gypsy.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

She's highlighting the problem by creating jack-off material for pedophiles? Epic fail at covering your tracks, ma'am. Nobody's buying it.

Gytr82 ago

What a fucking cunt. The old "I'm rubber you're glue" argument. Yes you created pedophilia art and if I point out how fucking weird and distasteful it is and the fact that very powerful ppl seem to be very intrigued by it in fact makes me guilty. Ok you fucking demon.

completely- ago

I'm wondering if she's getting at "It's okay and if you disagree you're a bigot"

Ashton Kutcher spoke out about the sex rings, and said he's seen kids so brainwashed they thought they were "playing". There seems to be a common ideology among pedos where if the kid is brainwashed or groomed it's fine.

Piscina ago

Those kids will grow up so messed up. They will either live their lives in denial and get sick, or come to the horrible realisation they were abused in the sickest way and then try to heal from it.

Call_Of_Goat ago

Most of these pedophiles who have been getting away with it so long and have seen 50+ kids all for their selection all their life and much thousand + members all organized and all in control for most of their lives so see us as a problem

But not that much

They aren't in fear and never stopped