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letsdothis3 ago

Biljana Djurdjevic (Belgrade, 1973), painter She completed her painting department at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 1997, in the class of Professor Cedomir Vasic, she completed her master's studies with the same professor in 2000.

The first annual exhibition by the Soros Center for Contemporary Arts was held in October 1995 at two alternative venues in Belgrade: the Veljkovic Pavilion and Cinema Rex.

Themes For Big Cities consisted of two exhibitions: Branko Pavic was the only one exhibiting in the Pancevo gallery. He exhibited large format graphics in wood, combined wood cutting and photography and hand-made paper. The second part of the project was in Cinema Rex by several artists. It included three large graphics made for the exhibition (Branko Pavic) with art college professor Cedomir Vasic, the SKART group - Dragan Protic and Djordje Balmazovic (designers) and Ivan Kucina (architect) called in to help.

The work with graduate students of art at the Department of Multimedia Arts – young artists whose primary education belongs to various areas of art – was for me a great challenge...I am nonetheless concerned primarily with the sonic layer of multimedia projects, sharing the responsibility for their overall content with Professor Čedomir Vasić..

Together with my vice-deans Zoran Erić, Fern Rašković, later Zorica Dimitrijević-Stošić, I managed, especially after the signing of the Dayton Accords and loosening of the sanctions, to secure the most essential means for work, for artistic and scholarly activities; we even managed to maintain modest international cooperation. We were given occasional support by certain individuals from the establishment, and after 1995 by the Soros Foundation.

voat links on Soros and contemporary art: