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BrennKommando ago

because the angel investor Putt announced last year "must" be the VPN provider that offered free trials to a few goats, PIA, despite zero evidence of that being true.

Scroll down to How can I contact you? and look up the email address that used to be [email protected] but is now [email protected]. Now scroll down to Technology and there you will find the link to the domain Then have a look around Here. Those are facts!

The part about Voat shutting down or rebranding to a Jew friendly version on the other hand is admittedly still just speculation on my part. Between Putt distancing himself from Voat, cynabuns also disappearing, Voat being overrun by spambots and actual shills no longer needing ccp to post and statements from another PIA related asset such as this, you have to admit something is terribly off with the state of Voat. Something that to me looks very much like by design.

I could be wrong of course, let's hope I am, but if I'm right there are people here on Voat that deserve a fair chance to set up a backup plan.

argosciv ago

Furthermore, why is it that you are using an "about" link which is not the current "about" link used in the site's footer as the basis for this fear of Voat being compromised?

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MadWorld @PuttItOut

Vindicator ago

Furthermore, why is it that you are using an "about" link which is not the current "about" link used in the site's footer as the basis for this fear of Voat being compromised?

On December 12, 2019 someone archived and it looks exactly like it does today -- no "edon". has a bunch of snaps of several different urls

There are also about/ and about/intro urls. Not to mention a bunch of different content/about urls.

So what is the difference between the two about urls? Where does the /about url link from, since it's not the link at the bottom of the page? Who first found it and how did they find it, since it's not the About page linked at the bottom of the screen?

@BrennKommando Thoughts?

BrennKommando ago

Ehh.. I'm about to head to bed shortly, but this was the topic where we stumbled upon the edon thingy. We're a bit all over the place so it might be difficult to read through. One problem we had with finding exact dates was that public access got turned off and hadn't yet set up the camfex account so there are some unknowns in there we simply couldn't find.

I'll have a look at it tomorrow.

Vindicator ago

Wow. That page is cancer. My eyes! o_0

So Nadesha was the first person to find it?

Okay if you want to read how I got here: archive of the thread is here:

There is no archive at that location. I find that highly suspicious. It's also highly suspicious the submission was deleted.

Also, I couldn't see anything on that page that showed where on Voat one clicks to end up at /about instead of /content/about.

What are the odds Putt tweaked a non-used About url just to fuck with the Gangs of Voat? Can't help wondering if maybe this was his way of creeping out nefarious Voat abusers like Kev and EsotericShade so they'd kill their accounts.

Deshy ago

There is no archive at that location. I find that highly suspicious. It's also highly suspicious the submission was deleted.

Naw someone overwrote it:

See here:

This is how I stumbled on it.

@argosciv I believe @sandhog was the first, that I know of, to notice something but I only found this out afterwards.

Searchvoat by term: Edon /oldest indicates that I'm not the only one nor the first one, I think, to notice this.

The post was deleted as a lot of evidence was circumstantial at the time and I was not keen on spreading fires where there wasn't any need.

Putts had made comments shortly after this so kinda left it there as life got busy.

It’s only been two months since he last said something public. @peaceseeker just being curious but what is the longest Putts has been quiet, that you know of?

argosciv ago

The post was deleted as a lot of evidence was circumstantial at the time and I was not keen on spreading fires where there wasn't any need.

Ah, so it's everyone else who ran with it and cooked up a new "VOAT COMPROMISED!" narrative then, because they do indeed just want to see Voat burn.

The question is, though, how did you find your way to the old "about" page – given that it stopped being used in the site footer as of July 14th 2019 (months before your post)?

Deshy ago

I managed to copy my first post as my edit was overwritten when someone archived it.

Here I was speaking to @terannotterran about that very thing ->

Seriously a stumble upon as you read through the mumbo jumbling waffling you’ll see I added a mere line or two about it.

Yes, finding it disturbed me a bit but I didn’t know enough about it to go hollering off the rooftops, I was hoping someone could fill me in more.

So you noticed it in the code a long time ago?

Well when talking to several tech dudes, some plug-ins presented themselves as candidates for a potential option to the in-code Edon mentions.

@chempergrill might know more here.

Secondly, an optional thought at the time, Putts could have wanted to broaden his work portfolio by adding Edon to the code work as a front for future business as the name Voat doesn’t always win interviews I would think.

Or, another idea that I recall, the funding was a venture that PIA lost interest in and it literally fizzled out as what happens often in the tech world.

This could have really knocked Putts’ confidence back on top of all the drama. I genuinely hope he is doing okay.

Aneeway, that’s as far as my thinking got. When Putts said he is the only one that has access to the keys of Voat. I believed him, seriously what else can one do... I still have faith in him, I hope it’s not in vain...

Vindicator ago

Naw someone overwrote it:

What do you mean "someone overwrote it"? That's not how works. It makes an additional capture. You can see them all if you put an asterisk at the end of the base url. There are some submissions on here where I have made numerous archives of the same post over time in order to document vote brigading, so I know this to be true.

Furthermore, there was no archive of that url at all.

Deshy ago

You can see them all if you put an asterisk at the end of the base url.

I didn’t know that. Thanks.

That must be bum archive link, sorry.

I found the original post here:

Unless your talking about another url??

Vindicator ago

I found the original post here:

Unless your talking about another url??

Thanks. But that's not the link you provided at the top of this post, which @BrennKommando said was where this whole thing started.

In that thread, you said:

Okay if you want to read how I got here: archive of the thread is here:

But that link,, the original evidence cited in your December submission, goes nowhere.

I found the original post here:

Now you are giving a link that has the same url ending as the link you gave on December 30, 2019 in the SBBH post? This link just goes to your original Edon Garden submission, not where you found the evidence you cite that led you to make it.

Why are you going round and round in circles?

I'd like to know how you found the unused /about page mentioning "edon" if it has never been linked from Voat. Or I'd like to see evidence of it being linked from Voat and where on Voat that happened.

Edit: links added

BrennKommando ago

From memory.. @Deshy found the alternative "about" link from looking at old posts. For the sake of it, she was also then one that talked me out of dropping the doxx 2 months ago.

I suspect that she disapprove of me dropping the doxx, but she's not me and I'm not her. I'm still not sure I made the right call either.

Other than that I don't think I understand your question?

Vindicator ago

From memory.. @Deshy found the alternative "about" link from looking at old posts.

Yes. That is what I would like to know. Which old posts? The one she cites in the deleted 12/30/2019 submission is a link that goes nowhere. See the links in the comment of mine you just replied to.

When I asked where she found the "edon" info, she linked me to that 12/30 submission, not the source material for it.

No one has been able to say where on Voat they found a link to the unused /about page that had "edon" on it. In @Deshy's original 12/30 submission, @Rotteauxx just pops up with a SearchVoat of previous comments mentioning it. None of those explain how that page was found, or offer any actual replicatable evidence of their claims, either.

In my experience, when you have inflammatory claims made by difficult-to-vet submissions based on broken links or information presented by deleted accounts, eyebrows should go up.

Deshy ago

Is this what you are talking about?

Vindicator ago

No. I was talking about what you have waved off as a "bum link". In that submission, you gave a bad link to show how you'd come to your conclusion. Now you are saying @Sandhog DMed it to you.

All this going around and around ends up in one place: No one can show when or where that unused /about page ever linked from Voat.

Sandhog said he thought it linked from the faq or User Agreement pages, but both of those pages are /content/ urls. Neither of them has links to the About information, other than the link that is on the bottom of every page of Voat, which is also a /content/ url. Nor has anyone put up any archives showing links to the About section ever in the text of thos pages.

@BrennKommando @argosciv

Deshy ago

You seem confused, sorry about that. Conversations with Argo in this thread just pointed to Sandhog finding it first, that’s all.

Scan to the bottom of these pages to see the Edon links and the dates shown when they were live and archived.


Archive link:

Still not sure I understand what you are referring too if this ain’t it.

Man just ELI5 me Sir. I aint too proud for you to break it down, let’s hope yer patient unless you are in a rush with this for some reason...

@brennkommando @rotteuxx @argosviv

Vindicator ago

No, I'm not confused at all. I asked for some kind of evidence showing those /about pages were ever linked to from anywhere on Voat. Clearly, they exist. However, there is no evidence they have ever been "in use".

Putt said after the last DDoS that there was a mole. Someone he trusted wasn't trustworthy. If that person was someone who had the ability to edit old UI pages at some point without anyone realizing it, the unused /about page could easily have been tampered with so that it could later be cited to undermine confidence in Voat.

Therefore, if we want to get to the bottom of what is going on, whoever first found that page needs to be identified and needs to explain exactly how they found it.

Otherwise, this whole thing -- especially this "confusion" -- just looks like disinfo pushing. We've seen it a thousand times on v/pizzagate since November 2016.

Rotteuxx ago

Got pinged, mustered the bare minimum of interest & motivation to find out what this convo is about.

Confused as fuck @Deshy

What does this mean ?

I managed to copy my first post as my edit was overwritten when someone archived it.

That doesn't make any sense to me and thus I ain't jumping into this one. You're on you're own.

Vindicator, putting aside fact that I don't like you & you don't like me, nothing nefarious could ever come out ofthat woman. She can get weird & confused but not nefarious.

As far as all this Edon mumbo jumbo, I just hope Voat opened doors for Putt and that he's working on his next platform or something of the sort. I seriously doubt that Imperial Family would bank roll a honeypot even though I think they have a fucked up track record between Kape & PIA, trust issues in those two entities are on another level.

Deshy ago

What does this mean ?

I managed to copy my first post as my edit was overwritten when someone archived it.

When I edited the post that next day with everyone’s new foundings, someone archived that new page, I had no idea till yesterday that one can use an archive web address plus an * to get all timestamps. I must have put a wrong archive link in thread, not sure how tbh.

So I thoughts it was lost, overwritten per say but had the copy on my pc which I linked in the article.


I think @Vindicator is trying to establish how I got to that page. It was a stumble upon so when I have time I’ll dig into it and try retrace my steps.

Otherwise Edon is still very much visible in the code as seen here but a moment ago.

Yeah catch ya later dude...

Vindicator ago

Otherwise Edon is still very much visible in the code as seen here but a moment ago.

So this means Voat is using an edon product? Or is using it?

Deshy ago

Probably Voat but I have had nooo time to dig into it any further...

When I do, I’ll be sure to let you know. :)

Vindicator ago

Probably Voat but I have had nooo time to dig into it any further...

I would have thought that this would be a vital piece of information to include before posting serious research about the "Edon owns Voat" theory, for anyone concerned in good faith.

Surely it would be straightforward to find out what product "Edon-light" is and how it works and post an explanation?

@argosciv @MadWorld @BrennKommando

Deshy ago

I would have thought that this would be a vital piece of information to include before posting serious research about the "Edon owns Voat" theory, for anyone concerned in good faith.

True, thank goodness I didn’t post serious research and it was a stumble upon.

Geez your writing does come over as quite condescending towards me. Is there a reason why, I cannot recall us ever personally having a run in with each other.

Hope your day hasn’t been to hectic and you are doing okay?

I am not a programmer Vin, I am suspecting it’s probably an add-on, but honestly I am not sure. Maybe some techies can delve into the code for us and check?

Laters, gotta run

Vindicator ago

Geez your writing does come over as quite condescending towards me. Is there a reason why, I cannot recall us ever personally having a run in with each other.

In what way was I condescending? I am making a good faith attempt to understand whether this Edon theory has any actual basis. You posted the main submission drawing attention to it, I assume because you came across evidence that made you concerned. I attempted to make sense of that submission, and ran into:

  • Hellish formatting making it exceedingly difficult to read
  • Links to nowhere
  • Self-deletion

And when I tried to ask clarifying questions:

  • Got circular "confused" replies
  • Was told I was confused and condescending
  • And asked if I was "doing okay" implying there is something not okay about me asking these questions

True, thank goodness I didn’t post serious research and it was a stumble upon.

This looks like pretty serious research to me. You went to the trouble of documenting some of the path of how you "stumbled upon" the Edon /about page, formatting, citing and copypasting text from various posts...though strangely none of the posts you cited actually linked to the /about page or an image showing when it was linked to Voat. You left out that key piece:

Yeah this post is getting too long now I did continue jumping around a bit and found my way back to About Voat page. Now I actually read this before I joined and I would suggest you all read it or read it again but this part stands out...

You copypaste from...somewhere....the text of the About page and then add:

I digress a bit as I ponder this and scroll further down I notice the contact us section is different, must be an old page.

Just strange, was this the original email used?

[email protected] ?? @heygeorge...

And you provide a tantalizing screencap of....someplace...which we can't identify because the page borders are cropped out. Still no explanation of how you got there.

Luckily, you did remember at 3:55am to add a handy link to the edon About page at the end...a page that Voat did NOT link to on December 30, 2019.

How do I know that? Because if you go to the Wayback Machine capture of Voat for that day, scroll down to the footer at the bottom of the page and hover over "About", you will see that it linked to, not the page you added to the end of your submission.

July 13, 2019 at 7:31 clearly shows the About link in the footer linking to the old page.

However, the Wayback Machine for that page on July 12, 2019, the day prior to the switch to the current page, shows no mention at all of "edon". Nor does the capture the prior week on July 6.

In fact, the only archive showing "edon" was the one made on the day of your submission, December 30, 2019. Weird!

You can check all of the captures. A look at all the Wayback Machine crawls of clearly shows the page was no longer accessible after July 13. Especially if you compare it to the crawls of, which replaced it.

You say you "stumbled" onto it -- yet you can't show from where or how, despite having screencapped it and copypasted from it over five months after it was no longer linked from Voat.

This looks like a bullshit operation to me. One in which someone changed an old page that was no longer in use that @PuttItOut would not notice in order to spin a tale to hurt Putt and Voat.

heygeorge ago

bullshit operation to me. One in which someone changed an old page that was no longer in use that @PuttItOut would not notice

Do you have a theory on who and how someone made a change to Voat’s codebase unbeknownst to Putts for the purpose of disruption?

Deshy ago

With Jedi powers perhaps...

argosciv ago

You say you "stumbled" onto it -- yet you can't show from where or how, despite having screencapped it and copypasted from it over five months after it was no longer linked from Voat.

Also says that it was PM'd to her some time between November 2019 and December 2019 (inclusive).

Deshy ago

You do realize that Voat has been using Edon assets/tech since before PIA made any offer to Voat users, right?

Dude, how do you know this? You seem to know way more then I do about all if this...

Please help @Vindicator to get to the bottom of this.

argosciv ago

Dude, how do you know this? You seem to know way more then I do about all if this...

Because I've poked around in the front-end code many times over the years, seen a few critical errors, etc. I may even have my timeline off about "edon" being in the scripts anyway, but that doesn't take away from the royal thrashing this "Voat compromised!" narrative has taken.

Please help @Vindicator to get to the bottom of this.

I already have xD

Deshy ago

Because I've poked around in the front-end code many times over the years, seen a few critical errors, etc. I may even have my timeline off about "edon" being in the scripts anyway, but that doesn't take away from the royal thrashing this "Voat compromised!" narrative has taken.

Indeed, thanks for helping Vin, so he knows it’s in the code, wonder why he asked me then, oh well... he probably likes you more, lol.

Yeah, sadly Voat being thrashed is a favorite past time for some conspiracy theorists and is a horrible thing.

As soon as I get a chunk of time to potter in the past and see how that page was linked to Voat I’ll let ya know, until then please know I did not create it and you know that Sandhog told me after my post about him finding it too.

Why is Vin not hounding him on how he found it? Do you know?

argosciv ago

Indeed, thanks for helping Vin

LOL! You really shouldn't be thanking me.

Might wanna just stop replying to me.

SandHog ago

What the hell? I've already explained all that I know about that edon stuff, how I found it, and the circumstances surrounding that. All that I have said on the matter is the simple truth and you can either accept it or not but you are way off base in suggesting that @Deshy and I are involved in some sort of conspiracy about this stuff. Furthermore, I find it rather insulting for you to make an accusation like this and not even have the decency to ping me. I didn't downvoat your comment but it certainly is one that is deserving of it.

argosciv ago

No, you didn't lol.

Your 'evidence' is circular bullshit and does not reveal a verifiable chain of discovery. Don't even bother trying to sell that comment as proof.

It's over, SandHog.

I'm going to bed, but do please try to dazzle everyone with something solid – spoiler alert, you already have no leg to stand on.

I now bid a g'night to @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MadWorld & @PuttItOut.

SandHog ago

You're way off base with your accusations here. I'm sorry that the evidence is not up to your standards. Although, I can't help but wonder if any amount of evidence would be in all of this. Feel free to provide any evidence to the contrary. Think whatever you like but you are flat out wrong in this.

Deshy ago


Sandhog you are an honest man, I truly appreciate that. We will most certainly speak more about this.

I may have some time this week actually :) It’s been a long hard slog in my life so far since we last spoke.

Thanks for being a stand-up guy!

SandHog ago

I do try to find truth in things although sometimes it is a lot more difficult than others. I'm not sure what this stuff is all about or even what it means exactly or if it's important. Mostly, I'm just confused by it. All I know is that I've not done anything wrong and I don't believe that you have either. Something, something, good intentions, I suppose.

Aw, sorry to hear you have been going through a slog recently. I hope things take a turn for the better with whatever it is you have been dealing with! I nearly whacked a chunk of my thumb of chopping vegetables last week so no guitar playing for me for a while. Which is a bummer. Thank God it didn't go all the way through. I much prefer that all my parts and pieces remain intact! It was really close though.

Deshy ago

Oh you, don’t loose a finger!

Dude, let’s just say in the last year my whole world was turned upside down and has been ebbing it’s toe on the brink of this chaos long before that.

Oh well, nevermind it is not relevant to this topic, but maybe.

Yeah same here, I didn’t do no wrong but somehow find a stupid page that was probably a bug or something. It exists and as far as I know only those with access can do stuff like that.

I sat down last night and tried to retrace my steps, pretty much found what Madworld was speaking of.

I am at work atm as soon as I compile my thoughts, hoping later tonight, I will drop you a message.

Take care you Mister! So happy you are here... :)

SandHog ago

Dude, let’s just say in the last year my whole world was turned upside down and has been ebbing it’s toe on the brink of this chaos long before that.

I feel ya. It's been the exact opposite for me but comfort and complacency are a motherfucker. Sneaky like a crocodile if you don't pay attention. If I had to choose between the two extremes... I' think I'd rather constantly be on watch for the tiger if that makes any sense at all. At least you are on the lookout for that fucker. Crocs are sneaky sonsuvbicthes. Live and learn...and I'm still learning! Seems like no matter what you are experiencing in life it's a struggle. It just comes in different forms.

Has anyone checked the preview site? Could be that's where you jumped links and reached it. I'm still not sure why it even matters if the page had been phased out. Much like everyone else, I've criticized Putts out of frustration with all of this stuff but I do trust him. He's like the zen master of patience. Near as I can tell most everyone that gives a shit about Voat wants the same thing in all of this. Or at the very least there is common ground to be had. That charity post was pretty epic btw; I saw that. Both funny and also helped a good cause :)

And I'll take that massage whenever it's convenient ;P

argosciv ago

Oh, and a g'night to @MolochHunter. ^^^

Deshy ago

Ninja edits now? No ping just for appearance?

What games are you playing?

Deshy ago

But why?

perplexed look I don’t wanna... huh?