eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Wow. Great research 👍

carmencita ago

I Love Love 💕 Love Vedmore! Les is so gay he reeks it. I met him briefly like my time ago while shopping. His cos. have that special pass through customs so they are not inspected like others. We have discussed this here before. He and his fake beard wife are connected to the Arts and we know what they buy with their art. He is corrupting our young girls making all that disgusting slutty lingerie in teeny bopper sizes. Stupid moms getting them V.S. credit cards etc. I swear those models are under 18. The just barely had their b days. Leslie has been ducking under the radar for a long long time. He and wifey are involved with Columbus Hosp. also.

21yearsofdigging ago

So agree and to add, it is high time that the Giustras, Bronfmans, Speilbergs are all getting outed, thanks to a large degree with those on here digging.

carmencita ago

Lynn likes girls so I have read. Perfect friend for Jeffrey and Ghislaine. I don’t want to overhear any of their conversations. Steven is going to be found out. Hopefully Prince Andrew will fall soon so people will sit up and take notice. So sick of people with their Director Idols on pedestals. Nauseating.

think- ago

He is corrupting our young girls making all that disgusting slutty lingerie in teeny bopper sizes.

Yep. Padded bras for 7-year-olds....

carmencita ago

Creating 7 year old little tarts. So sad. Sexualizing Our Children is their goal.

letsdothis3 ago

Les is gay.. YUP.

And a nu,ber of institutions in OH are on my radar. Thanks for the comment.

YogSoggoth ago

I guess Arlen Spook and Voinovich, but I could be wrong. I mean look at the list? They are all corrupt! Great work as always. I wish I had more time.

septimasexta ago

Google is the BEAST. They seem to be gobbling up all BIG DATA, bit by bit. Total control over YOU.

carmencita ago

I bleeping hate Google. If I hear friends say Google it I go ballistic on them. I truly stand my ground on them. I hate them. I so agree.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago


carmencita ago

Google Siri Alexa. I’ve had enough of it. I only had 12 yrs of education and I know not to trust them. So many are dazzled by these bright new shiny toys.

Not me.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Only 12 years of indoctrination, you mean. ;-)

carmencita ago

You sly fox. I get your drift.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Well, not sure what years you attended school. I started pre-school in 1984 at the age of three. I can say it was pretty much obvious indoctrination by the mid-90s on. Jee, about the time ol' Slick Willy took control! Who'da thunk.

carmencita ago

Well I went through the Elvis stage during the 50s and 60s in school. Actually it was Catholic Schools. When I think back I kind of enjoyed school. I was an only Child so being around other kids was just great. Sex Ed was very minimal and we didn’t get most of it. Duh.

septimasexta ago

"In 2013, Nicole Junkermann was part of a group of investors in Songza, an application developed to provide playlists and due to the company’s popularity in 2014, Google announced its acquisition of Songza, for which it paid an estimated $39 million"

Google Buys Songza

"Songza uses information about the user and context to determine the best playlists for you at any given time, all of which are curated by music experts"

"Very few services look to human curation to enhance the music experience — Pandora, Spotify, and other big players rely heavily on algorithms — making this one of the key selling points of the service. Plus, Songza has tons of data around what people like to listen to based on the time of day, the weather, location, and activity, which can be immensely valuable to a company like Google who is looking to seamlessly integrate technology into every corner of your life."

YogSoggoth ago

Yeah, I noticed that way back, only now, instead of "recommended for you", it has turned into, 'We are Shoving this Down your Throat,' app.

septimasexta ago

"On June 16th 2019, Nicole Junkerman’s NJF holdings website issued an article under the title “London Hospital’s Could Offer Patient Data to Google-backed AI Startup in a Bid to Develop Better Drugs.” It was exactly as I had expected. The convoluted title was celebrating the fact that OWKIN had already been promised NHS patient data, and they’re already confidently announcing it to their investors, and their other associates. We need to call for Matt Hancock to remove Nicole Junkermann from the Healthtech Advisory Board as of immediate effect, and we should have an inquiry into how NHS data can be protected from hostile foreign intelligence agencies."

letsdothis3 ago

Interesting. There are some weird patents around to do with sound and autism. I need to find my notes.

septimasexta ago

Please post on this!

pimplepeter ago

likewise. please enlighten us.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow. Excellent research as usual. These people are absolute demons. Abigail Wexner is involved in many children’s charities and organizations.

letsdothis3 ago

Ohio did you say? Wexner and Epstein have a few developments there. As well as: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

The Wexner Medical Center Board is the governing body, responsible to The Ohio State University Board of Trustees, for operation, oversight and coordination of the Wexner Medical Center.

Current Trustees:

YogSoggoth ago

What do yo make of this? Wexler University | The Library | FANDOM powered by Wikia. Is this a TV show or disinfo? I do not watch TV so I am not sure of what I am seeing online a lot. There is Sandy Wexler 2 |2019| Will there be a sequel? Which is obviously a TV show that has Rob Reiner as Marty Markowitz, and Arlen Specter's son, Allen Covert as Gurvy. Zohar sucked, and America hated it Sandler. (just in case he is listening)

YogSoggoth ago

Not sure if Allen Covert is his son, but they are both probably related to "Carlos Allende".

swinston79 ago

Try living here,that fucking Jew was in the news every other day in the 80s and 90s.

NotHereForPizza ago

New Albany was virtually created by the man himself. I guarantee that town has some fishy shit going on. Maybe some model agencies, some sketchy clothing stores, etc.

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septimasexta ago

Who Is Christiane Amanpour Of CNN And PBS?

"As a journalist, Christiane has been seen covering news all around the world especially in the Middle East"

"Christiane is an English-Iranian television host, journalist cum media personality who currently works as an international correspondent for CNN. She was born with the full name Christiane Maria Heideh Amanpour on January 12th, 1958, in London, UK but grew up in Tehran, Iran.."

"Her father is said to have come from a rich and influential Persian family (related to the Shah) in Tehran and happens to be a Muslim faithful while her mother, on the other hand, was a Brit who was born in Paris, France, and was also a Christian faithful."

"Afterward, she studied at the New Hall School, owned by the Catholics in Essex then proceeded to the University of Rhode Is. in the US where she earned a degree in Journalism."

"Upon graduation from the university, Christiane Amanpour was employed by the Cable News Network (CNN) in Atlanta, Georgia as a desk assistant. She soon became a reporter and her first significant task as a reporter was to cover the Iran-Iraq war and subsequently, she was transferred to the New York Bureau of CNN as an international reporter. She has also worked on other assignments like the Bosnian War, the Persian Gulf War..."

"Christiane Amanpour is happily married to the journalist James Rubin – a one-time Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs in the Clinton Administration and also former Ambassador." (They divorced in 2018)

"JFK Jr.

and his dear friend Christiane Amanpour on his wedding eve. They lived in a house with other school friends in Providence. Christiane said she was like the Mom of the group, cleaning up and making sure everyone ate."

"Amanpour talks about her friend JFK Jr." (after his plane crash)

"Bombshell QAnon Posts Link Clintons & CIA to JFK Jr Plane Crash"

septimasexta ago

Plugging Clinton's Haiti garment industry investments?

Amanpour on Haiti

SEE 3:26 to end

"April 2012 – The memo to Clinton that helped kill a half million people in Syria"

Clinton email leak:

"Iran's nuclear program and Syria's civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. For Israeli leaders, the real threat from a nuclear-armed Iran is not the prospect of an insane Iranian leader launching an unprovoked Iranian nuclear attack on Israel that would lead to the annihilation of both countries. What Israeli military leaders really worry about -- but cannot talk about -- is losing their nuclear monopoly. An Iranian nuclear weapons capability would not only end that nuclear monopoly but could also prompt other adversaries, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to go nuclear as well. The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today."

"Back to Syria. It is the strategic relationship between Iran and the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria that makes it possible for Iran to undermine Israel's security — not through a direct attack, which in the thirty years of hostility between Iran and Israel has never occurred, but through its proxies in Lebanon, like Hezbollah, that are sustained, armed and trained by Iran via Syria. The end of the Assad regime would end this dangerous alliance. Israel's leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests. Speaking on CNN's Amanpour show last week, Defense Minister Ehud Barak argued that "the toppling down of Assad will be a major blow to the radical axis, major blow to Iran.... It's the only kind of outpost of the Iranian influence in the Arab world...and it will weaken dramatically both Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza." Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel's security, it would also ease Israel's understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly."