Zoldam ago

I said kikes were behind 9/11 in a user-heavy public channel last night and everyone agreed with me. Just five years ago people would of tore me apart and called me all sorts of things, more goyim know by the day.

satisfyinghump ago

Not sure if that's why Voat was attacked, but it is a true statement about 9/11. The sneaky jews, israeli jews, were behind 9/11.

SpreeFeech ago

The jew is behind every tragic event.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm fucking telling you guys, it was because of Jack Dorsey frequenting the Standard Hotel. This same day, the DNC lawsuit against Wiki leaks got dropped by a judge. This is also the same day or two that Seth Roch reentered the news cycle (don't remmebe rhow, though) and new broke that the FBI helped HRC dslestroy classified information.

You idiots are so quick to jump to conclusions. Putt will not be honest with us. He hasn't been for well over a year now at least.

Infinity got flooded the day that shit with Voat supposedly started too.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Its the longest DDoS in history apparently.

toobaditworks ago

I wonder if Guinness book of world records will record it?

mxcviel ago

Somebody needs to apply, with full personal details.. so I don't think so :)


toobaditworks ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

IDK but I'm getting suspicious

Crackrocknigga ago

and yet @MagnusVeritas and his alt @IsaacJan will ensure shit memes will flood our front page. We have been infested with glow nigger shills who won't answer WPN-136

NotHereForPizza ago

Tallest_ski is a shill

Crackrocknigga ago

Maybe, but not govt funded since he addressed the Israeli nuclear question

NotHereForPizza ago

So you just lack the propensity to produce logical thoughts... is that it?

None of that is the product of a working, logical and honest brain. Try again, please.

Crackrocknigga ago

Are you another alt of Magnus? Jesus, how many accounts does he have?

NotHereForPizza ago

No, I was just expecting you to not be a complete retard and say things that make absolutely no sense at all.

tallest_faggot doesn't have to be govt funded to be a "shill". learn what that word means. on top of that, just because someone can't answer that question (that israel has nukes... so don't even fucking try, retard) doesn't mean they aren't some type of federal employee, whether they're the type to follow rules or not.

put effort in to things. you just wreak of brainlet

Goys-R-Us ago

Maybe, but not govt funded since he addressed the Israeli nuclear question

tallest_faggot doesn't have to be govt funded to be a "shill".

You have zero reading comprehension nigger.

NotHereForPizza ago

Ahh good point. Aren't you one of the tallest_faggot shills?

Goys-R-Us ago

No but at least you admitted you're a dope. There's hope for you.

NotHereForPizza ago

Damn I meant alt.

Whatever, I give up. You're still a faggot though.

Crackrocknigga ago

And, funny thing is you're a q shitfuck who actually pointed out this against another user YOU thought was a shill


How's the weather in Tel-Aviv?

NotHereForPizza ago

Dude, I antagonize people on this website all of the time. You didn't notice me and gabara going back and forth for a while? Again, learn what "shill" means.

How is this not getting through to you? I'm not working against you here. I'm just calling you a retard because you deserve it. I even agree with you... Is that what you're getting worked up about - that you think I disagree?

You're clearly a brainlet, if you're really this dense.

Crackrocknigga ago


Show me where your post got people talking about it, brainlet

Crackrocknigga ago

Oh, ok. I haven't put effort yet I caught @syriansfuckcorpses and @tendiesonfloor who went inactive over this. You seem really, REALLY mad. Maybe you're a @crensch alt? In any case, you've got a dog in this fight. I simply said he wasn't a govt shill, could be a Jewish ngo or an unofficial snitch. However, the real motivated fucks are SEO social media professionals who are govt paid. I think you may be slightly stupid for not believing that they would hire professional influencers to spam our front page. Actually, I don't think you're stupid at all, probably just JIDF.

NotHereForPizza ago

I've been called worse.

If you simply look through my history at this website, it would be glaringly obvious to you that not only are none of those accusations fruitful to any degree, but I've literally made swaths of posts about all of them (or comments, at least).

I'm just annoyed that you're echoing the same things I've been saying here but look like a complete retard while doing it. Use logic when you form these ideas. That will help you greatly.

Try again, brainlet.

Crackrocknigga ago

Look like a complete retsrd, yet I got people talking and you didn't. So who's really stupid, honestly?

antiliberalsociety ago

Magnus has accrued 28,700 SCP in the 12 months he's been here, you have 1,500 in the same time frame. Perhaps outposting him would serve you better than crying about it.

Crackrocknigga ago

Okay, you've got a great point.

Would you care to briefly provide some information on israels nuclear program, and a guesstimate of nukes? A front page influencer like you wouldn't mind, surely since you have so much SCP.

antiliberalsociety ago

You are one paranoid faggot if you think that's real

Crackrocknigga ago

Bahahaha! Works every time

IsaacJan ago


This guy HATES that I posted this yesterday. Wonder why?

Crackrocknigga ago

I'm not him ans I don't give two shits. Tallest addressed the question, WHy can't you answer on either of your accounts?

IsaacJan ago

So all I have to do is not answer you, and you’ll be whipped into a frothing hysteria?

Sounds good.

toobaditworks ago

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and rescue will arise for the Jews from elsewhere, and you and your father's household will perish.

-Adolf Hitler

IsaacJan ago

Good quote.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Israeli Jews did 9/11

Purged ago

They had a LOT of local help, amiright, Mr. Bush?

70times7 ago

Englin Airforce Base. Tavistock.

ScannerDarkly ago

Invalid argument - logical fallacy.

This post is just plain dumb.

Vindicator ago

Please explain, in light of the submission I linked.

letsdothis3 ago

You noticed. It happened very shortly after I posted. My computer went dead too. Had to reboot.