Purged ago

  • Will the Real 'Tallest Skil' please stand-up.

Crensch ago

I am ashamed of my pidgin... that's a lie. Did the best I could with an actual grasp of English.

Tallest_Skill ago

I am @Tallest_Skil and my services are $5 to eat your ass, no pokie pokie it is all scabbed up.

illuminalto2 ago

Yeah, I get it flung at me constantly. It's that nature of where we are with spooks lurking all the time.

I feel that some of them are actual "thou dost protest too much" shills who accuse you of doing the things they are currently doing, some of them are legitimately 15 years old and have a hard dick to try to earn that sweet sweet forum street cred from pointing out a shill, and the rest of them are trolls from reddit/resetera/etc...

Just an opinion from my limited observations and run ins.

WhiteChickens ago

Why do you have a jewish screen name?

What does "IsaacJan" stand for.

Isaac Janovsky? If I'm wrong, what then? lol

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that IsaacJan has never, once, proven a single thing that I have said incorrect. He’s just salty about that.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're an absolute retard.

Tallest_Skil ago

Are you one of his alts? If not, why would you reply to this? You realize that he’s so much of a fucking coward that he won’t even post the original claim he made (which I disproved) that caused him to act this way, right? He’s so ungodly terrified of his own beliefs–much less them being proven wrong–that he won’t even state them anymore.

NotHereForPizza ago

Your incessant shilling makes you deserving of being completely shit on.

Fuck yourself, you stupid nigger.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a shill because… uh…

lol shit i win now ha ha u shill i say so

Why can’t you answer the questions you’re asked? Why do you make up lies that everyone knows you can’t prove?

Watch, you won’t even answer those. Fuck off, yid.

NotHereForPizza ago

You don't even have any idea what's going on, do you?

You're really this stupid, aren't you?

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a shill because… uh… shit, fuck, YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON

Best you can do, huh? Thanks for proving me right. No questions answered.

NotHereForPizza ago

Officially triggered

Sick double post, my guy.

Tallest_Skil ago

refuses to answer any questions he’s asked

lol u shill i say so i win now

u triggered not me

doesn’t know what a double post is

4/10, you got me to reply. We’re done here.

Tallest_Skill ago

Thanks for admitting you are wrong

Answer my question you coward..... How do you get a car key FOB out of your ass?

Sadly yes I am very dumb.

NotHereForPizza ago

You seem upset.

Tallest_Skill ago

You would be upset if you had all this shit stuck up your ass like me. The worst part is the sponge bob doll, every time I fart it sounds like sponge bob laughing.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re also my alt because you didn’t immediately suck his cock without question, and also because you’ve proven him wrong at least once.

Tallest_Skill ago

but I do eat ass.

Crackrocknigga ago

He also didn't answer the Israeli nuclear question. The Jews are after you Tallest

Tallest_Skil ago

He didn’t? You’d think he would be one of the first…

Crackrocknigga ago

I think his act got hijacked or sold like @crensch

Tallest_Skil ago

Well, he had another one before that with a pretty similar name and it did the same thing. I tend not to care about “drama” except insofar as it’s libelous, so I don’t know anything about what happened to Crensch. Last I saw it was a Q-LARPer, which seems odd. I also don’t remember much about what it used to be, so I couldn’t say.

Crackrocknigga ago

I don't care about drama either, but I ask the question to find out if they are a shill or jew and put them on fucking blast. It's actually pretty shocking now how many are amongst us

Tallest_Skil ago

Compared to how few real users the site has and how little traffic there is, absolutely.

Tallest_Skill ago

I like to eat ass I am @Tallest_Skil watch me eat.

Crackrocknigga ago

@tenidesonfloor and @syriansfuckcorpses have dissapeared since i called them out. @crensch has become a lot less vocal, and downright inactive. My next project is @magnusveritas , he is posting unshielded twitter links to get ip addresses for the feds or tel-aviv.

@IsaacJan , your days are numbered bitch change alts while you still can rabbai

Tallest_Skil ago

Hmm… Magnus Veritas seems like one of the more legit users here. Consistent in his ideology and very open about naming the jew. Everyone posts bare links at some point. I wouldn’t call that grounds for datamining.

Crackrocknigga ago

he refused to answer the question

Tallest_Skil ago

The… Israeli nuke question?

Crensch ago

Rent free.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

The state of Israel has 75-400 nuclear weapons.

State this fact.

Crensch ago

I don't negotiate with friends of pedophiles.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

You're the one covering for Jews. Or are Jewish.

Crensch ago

You drove across the country to tag team an admittedly overweight cat lady with a violent convict.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

You did a serious blow to free speech on Voat, and seem to think that mods are gods and should not be questioned.

Crensch ago

You did a serious blow to free speech on Voat

Only for the untouchable leftist Jew and his crew of speech-silencing halfbreed subhumans.

and seem to think that mods are gods and should not be questioned.

Nah, I get questioned all the time. I even reverse bans and apologize for removals if I was wrong. I just don't give a fuck if someone that rubbed elbows with you wants to whine about what I do or don't do for the users of my sub.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Zyklon is far more of a man than you. If he was still here, he would type loud and proud about Israel's nuclear weapons program.

Crensch ago

Zyklon is far more of a man than you. If he was still here, he would type loud and proud about Israel's nuclear weapons program.

And then he'd not criticize Obongo after the Obongo phones plan, find some parent's child to threaten with rape for over a month, write vacuous, pidgin-tier comments showing that his mind operates at the level of a nigger, then fantasize about that kid riding a bicycle without a seat while posting pics of dead children in the subverse meant for his buddies.

Crackrocknigga ago

nope, youre just another name on a list

just like your fellow kikes who were lined up and shot for spreading communism

how's the weather in tel-aviv rabbai?

Crensch ago

How's the grape drank, nigger?

Crackrocknigga ago

He answered the Israeli nuclear question. Anyone who wants to call shill I would ask the same of.

@IsaacJan , how many nukes does israel have, please provide a brief discussion of their nuclear activity.

I would ask anyone else who wants to call shill do the same

IsaacJan ago

You’re a fuckin retard faggot if you think he isn’t anything but a kike, kike.

Crackrocknigga ago

You didn't answer the question. You are jidf.

@tallest_skil , you've made some rabbinical enemies in Tel-Aviv , good job goyim

IsaacJan ago

You’re pathetic lmao

toobaditworks ago

Wow. It really works. You really won't answer the question. lol.

IsaacJan ago

Apparently if I don’t they freak the fuck out. So I choose not to. The question is:


toobaditworks ago

I'm laughing because you've been found out by such a simple trick with your high IQ. lol

IsaacJan ago

T-thanks? That’s really nice of you to say.

Neral ago

I thought everyone was a tallestskill alt

Masaze ago

Everyone who matters agrees with him, everyone else is a useless do nothing.

hello_reddit ago

retard, i'm not an alt

IsaacJan ago

Gayest_shill, it must be harder to shill when registration is blocked.

This account and mde1488 appear all the time around your shill posts.

hello_reddit ago

Still not an alt.

Barfin ago


IsaacJan ago

Too late for you.

IsaacJan ago

Pointing out shills gets you all hot and bothered huh

ArchmageMordenkainen ago