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21937038? ago

Original post: copied and pasted as I luckily had a window left open.

A humble stroll down memory lane my dear friends brought me to the

about Voat page.

Lol, I know right? Firstly, I said a stroll, I was following a post from @Chempergrill, who I blame for this detour. Please post complaints directly to him, thank you.

So his post about Amalek being Q, lol wutt??

Yip, this is what started it... Dude why?:)

It’s here if you missed it.

Anyway, now Amalek was a bit before my time, so I thought I’d take a gander on the account who posted it and honestly I was trying to get a list of his alts.

Does anyone have that archived anywhere? I am still intrigued. He posted that post under /u/Heaven_and_Hell btw but I cannot actually see the content.

Man, I hate it when people delete stuff, /u/kevdude looking at you, lol just poking at least searchvoat didn't delete your comments, you were bit of a stickler for that. So I’ll let ya off the hook.

Then I stumbled on conversations about what Voat is and what censorship means etc, etc.

I found a cracking post from @go1dfish here:

For those who do not want to jump around like I did, here it is...

I disagree, both moderation and down votes are a form of censorship.

Down votes are IMO more acceptable than moderation because it is a distributed form of weak censorship. People can still view the underlying content if they want to dig deeper into the listing/thread.

Moderation is potentially quite strong censorship and is part of the reason reddit has gotten as shitty as it is. The decisions of a hyper-minority of users deciding what the rest are capable of seeing at all is potentially much more dangerous than letting the collective voice decide the sorting of content (through voting)

It is true that none of this would be considered 1st amendment violations, and those that scream 1st amendment rights when they are censored this way come off as ignorant. But it's still very much a form of censorship.

He certainly has some valid points. The thread has @cynabuns and amalek (alt) in there. Interesting read.

Yeah this post is getting too long now I did continue jumping around a bit and found my way back to About Voat page.

Now I actually read this before I joined and I would suggest you all read it or read it again but this part stands out...


So why create this site?

We're driven by the desire for an aggregator website that goes back to the days of quality content and friendly atmosphere.

hold on this last year has not been very friendly amongst many here and many will blame the infestation whoops, migration of certain LARGE groups of people and I don’t mean Fat People Hate Sub.

Like many others, we found other media aggregator sites lacking in features and usability and knew we could improve. There are so many amazing ideas out there in the community, yet those who can implement these ideas don't seem to be listening. We thought we'd help them along.

There's no doubt we can build a better home for those of us that enjoy aggregated content, if we simply listen to those that use it, and hold that as an ongoing priority for us.

So umm putts and atko have fallen down on things here as honestly how are they listening to us and making us a priority?

I digress a bit as I ponder this and scroll further down I notice the contact us section is different, must be an old page.

Just strange, was this the original email used?

[email protected] ?? @heygeorge...

I cannot access any contact info from previewvoat or normal voat. This was a link to a link jump, not even sure how I got here, possibly just an old page as the last contact I had from putts was on this email [email protected] and it was a long time ago. That’s the email right?

Anyway whats the point of all this?

It seems we have all forgotten why Voat was created including those who started it.

So, yeah I guess goat on guys and let’s focus on quality content and a friendly environment a bit, it’s certainly worth a try.

Over and out!

EDIT: link to that “old” about Voat Page