MadWorld ago

Decided to sit out and see what you guys come up with. From the look of it, I think you followed the path but found the irrelevant conclusion. From what I can tell, the Edon is just a javascript used to glue Voat services under MIT license. I also found that is used to host git repository, where programmers can collaborate and contribute to the project, Voat's codebase in this case.

Try not to be like another one of those accounts pushing "PIA owns Voat" narrative :-)

21970432? ago

From the look of it, I think you followed the path but found the irrelevant conclusion.

I think you stand corrected, I may have followed a path but it was certainly an interesting journey.

This was my most recent take on it if you missed it.

One cannot understand the ways of Putts and many are trying to make sense of his absence, that is all. As you will note, I deleted the thread as to fan waves of uncertainty is never a good move imho.

Thanks for the link explaining the JavaScript add-on. Obviously this is why you were pinged. I don’t regard you as an enemy even though our friends often fight, if this makes sense.

Don’t push the whole awkward mistrust narrative with me, there really is no point in that but I cannot blame you with all the unnecessary drama that has been flamed.

Genuinely, thanks for your response!

MadWorld ago

:-) Very much appreciated that it did not spin out of orbit. I got tired of seeing those accounts pushing Voat towards destruction. He has sacrificed so much for Voat and that is how a certain group of users thank him in return...

Happy New Year!!

21970792? ago

Lol, spring cleaning came early. Check v/disabled for future good hearted retarded posts though... :)

MadWorld ago

/v/disabled, created by @heygeorge when he was disabled. Now he is specially enabled :-)

21970966? ago

Woot, we may as well enjoy the journey while we are here. No need to keep chucking crap at the walls to see if it sticks. SBBH was definitely due for some refurbishment, this much is true.

MadWorld ago

That @gabarobot is spelt wrong and is an impostor!

21971091? ago

It’s probably @heygeorge :)

MadWorld ago

But @virge owns the @gabara bot, yes? He got to version 3.2 or something.

21971520? ago

I bet you that was a larp... or was it? @virge what sayeth thee? Furthermore, I think @heygeorge is just being smart and monopolizing on it or not? Sheesh, who knows with them lot...

heygeorge ago

@virge is making a full service bot, mine is the more specialized early version which probably takes as much/more effort to run the script and clear bugs as it would to just do tasks manually. @madworld

Frankly I think the spelling of this one is superior.

21971701? ago


21940463? ago

Most Recent Archive of this Thread:

21937038? ago

Original post: copied and pasted as I luckily had a window left open.

A humble stroll down memory lane my dear friends brought me to the

about Voat page.

Lol, I know right? Firstly, I said a stroll, I was following a post from @Chempergrill, who I blame for this detour. Please post complaints directly to him, thank you.

So his post about Amalek being Q, lol wutt??

Yip, this is what started it... Dude why?:)

It’s here if you missed it.

Anyway, now Amalek was a bit before my time, so I thought I’d take a gander on the account who posted it and honestly I was trying to get a list of his alts.

Does anyone have that archived anywhere? I am still intrigued. He posted that post under /u/Heaven_and_Hell btw but I cannot actually see the content.

Man, I hate it when people delete stuff, /u/kevdude looking at you, lol just poking at least searchvoat didn't delete your comments, you were bit of a stickler for that. So I’ll let ya off the hook.

Then I stumbled on conversations about what Voat is and what censorship means etc, etc.

I found a cracking post from @go1dfish here:

For those who do not want to jump around like I did, here it is...

I disagree, both moderation and down votes are a form of censorship.

Down votes are IMO more acceptable than moderation because it is a distributed form of weak censorship. People can still view the underlying content if they want to dig deeper into the listing/thread.

Moderation is potentially quite strong censorship and is part of the reason reddit has gotten as shitty as it is. The decisions of a hyper-minority of users deciding what the rest are capable of seeing at all is potentially much more dangerous than letting the collective voice decide the sorting of content (through voting)

It is true that none of this would be considered 1st amendment violations, and those that scream 1st amendment rights when they are censored this way come off as ignorant. But it's still very much a form of censorship.

He certainly has some valid points. The thread has @cynabuns and amalek (alt) in there. Interesting read.

Yeah this post is getting too long now I did continue jumping around a bit and found my way back to About Voat page.

Now I actually read this before I joined and I would suggest you all read it or read it again but this part stands out...


So why create this site?

We're driven by the desire for an aggregator website that goes back to the days of quality content and friendly atmosphere.

hold on this last year has not been very friendly amongst many here and many will blame the infestation whoops, migration of certain LARGE groups of people and I don’t mean Fat People Hate Sub.

Like many others, we found other media aggregator sites lacking in features and usability and knew we could improve. There are so many amazing ideas out there in the community, yet those who can implement these ideas don't seem to be listening. We thought we'd help them along.

There's no doubt we can build a better home for those of us that enjoy aggregated content, if we simply listen to those that use it, and hold that as an ongoing priority for us.

So umm putts and atko have fallen down on things here as honestly how are they listening to us and making us a priority?

I digress a bit as I ponder this and scroll further down I notice the contact us section is different, must be an old page.

Just strange, was this the original email used?

[email protected] ?? @heygeorge...

I cannot access any contact info from previewvoat or normal voat. This was a link to a link jump, not even sure how I got here, possibly just an old page as the last contact I had from putts was on this email [email protected] and it was a long time ago. That’s the email right?

Anyway whats the point of all this?

It seems we have all forgotten why Voat was created including those who started it.

So, yeah I guess goat on guys and let’s focus on quality content and a friendly environment a bit, it’s certainly worth a try.

Over and out!

EDIT: link to that “old” about Voat Page

21935242? ago

Updated to this recent one, someone overwrote it last night... shucks man... may have it at home. Out and about, send it later?

Chempergrill ago

Interesting updates!

The logo is just clip art with a color change:

Hard to find much info on it. I wonder if its Atko's personal server.

21934085? ago

Thanks miss pinged @rotteuxx also @teranterran i need your eyes on this thread please if you have some time. Thanks, driving.

BrennKommando ago

Also.. The main site I linked to in the PM's didn't have much traffic going in. I'm kinda hoping now that they got some directs from Voat they will realize someone knows and it'll trigger @Puttitout to check in with us. As of right now there are 4 that knows and if we can get some assurances about Voat's status it's gonna remain that way.

@nadesh, @Trigglypuff, @Rotteuxx

Rotteuxx ago

I emailed [email protected] last night ssking what the connection was between & Edon.Garden

I'll wait a few days for a reply... then again a paid for sdtroturfed post with all this would surely get things moving on the admin side. I ain't there yet though.

22173670? ago

Did you ever get a reply?

22173721? ago


22173770? ago

Did any of you figure out what is going on here? I read most of the comments in this thread, is there another more recent one?

22173863? ago

PM me, i don't even know who you are

DanglingGoatBalls ago

This was a link to a link jump, not even sure how I got here

I invented that when I tried to jump off the roof into the swimming pool.

21933313? ago

you did that? A neighbor of mine did that often, always when I was working in the garden though... lol, Looney Tune you... so what you think of this thread?

Rotteuxx ago

Did you get Brenn's PM ?

BrennKommando ago

Just send it. Reading up on some additional stuff as we speak.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah I saw that & linked it here last night.... and this is you didn't go down my convo with Nadesh :

Uh oh !

Edon is from the Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Chala.

BrennKommando ago

I'll need your word you'll sit tight on what I'll show/tell you.

21932930? ago

You got my word!

Rotteuxx ago

You got my word !

BrennKommando ago

I went a step further and now know without a question of doubt who the "angel investor" is.. I really don't know what to make of it though.

Rotteuxx ago

That edon thing is very strange, it even says the logo was donated to Edon in that link... that email address, hmm.

If you click "previous" below the search button you'll see a 7 month old archive of that page.



Never seen that shit before, i getting goosebumps !

@heygeorge @expertshitposter @trigglypuff @Le_Squish @madworld

Le_Squish ago

Good morning loves.

Also, dafuq. Have we discovered the form of our destructor?

I'm on vacation so if someone wants to give me homework they can.

Rotteuxx ago

@brennkommando you mind if I forward your PM ?

BrennKommando ago

Erhm.. I kinda just said it would remain between us 4, but if you do keep it in a trusted circle that will understand the implications.

Rotteuxx ago

Not if @Nadeshda keeps pinging more and more peolle into it.

Screw keeping this low key I guess.

21934931? ago

Dude, I pinged only people that I think can be trusted. No more pinging unless we clear this together.

You started the pinging btw, I was very low key to start with... :p

It’s all your fault, lol.

Geez, it’s @nadesh mahn, lol

I bet you kev deleted after he archived it on the 12th.

Anyway had this horrid idea this morning that putts kicked the bucket and his family may have done this in loving memory? You see this is one of the many thoughts that can happen.... bleghm better work. Laters Alligators!

Rotteuxx ago


BrennKommando ago

lol yeah.. I still think we at a minimum should keep it in trusted circles and out of public eye for now. But I do so a date in the future where we have to say something if we don't get some answers!

Chempergrill ago

Thanks for the include.

My guess right now is that Edon is what Putt's doing to further his career. Clearly, he's not spending the time moderating.

He's creating a framework for content aggregator sites (he lists it right next to JQuery in the voat source). Then he'll either license that framework, or just brag about it on his resume. The investor funding will dry up one day and he's got to convince future employers he did more than system administration.

@Nadesh @Trigglypuff @le_squish @BrennKommando

Le_Squish ago

Problem Is parent company still shady as fuck.

21939628? ago

This works too, nice thoughts.

21933213? ago

oh good Lord that is deep... Dude.... Phew... what do?

ExpertShitposter ago

Do not stare into the abyss for too long......because will stare back.

21933293? ago

YIKES... Run Forest Run!!!

BrennKommando ago

I'm not getting goosebumbs I'm freaking out here, because that is a very recent change! This is what it looked like on July 23. this year!

21930049? ago

Oh yeah I forgot a shout out to @camfex! Whoever that is...

21930009? ago

I am glad you noticed that same here but I wanted to gently poke the waters and see if anyone knows anything about this. Obviously, I am not a drama queen, so the sky is falling isn’t going to come out of my mouth unless the sky is genuinely freaging falling like in book of the Revelations.

Have you emailed it yet? :) lol

Rotteuxx ago

Look at the first 3 searches, Edon is in error codes& a user reported his bookmark saying Edon instead of Voat.


21930090? ago

Check this out... company registered to Redacted... wut mate?

Rotteuxx ago

Common... namecheap keeps it anonymous.

21930113? ago

Okay, just messing now, not sure where I want to go with this here... lol

Rotteuxx ago

Could be concerning, @thebuddha will know !

TheBuddha ago

I scanned the thread and decided there were more words than I was willing to read.

21930183? ago

Could be, I bet he could find out a few things... the dates though.

We know the canary was 8 months dead on Christmas day. 8 months ago is April?

Edon registered a month earlier 29th March.

I am sure there is a perfect explanation for all this. We may not like it though...

21930315? ago

Connection: keep-alive

Yip pretty much. Sorry I gotta sleep, catch you tomorrow... good night you and well spotted... ;)

Rotteuxx ago

Emailing now.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

well hello

this is interesting

21930270? ago

Hey :)

Rotteuxx ago

I'm freeeeeaking out, MAN !

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im pretty buzzed

just finished a dnd game

and have to work tomorrow

but very interesting hearing about this other website

ill be interested in reading more tomorrow

Rotteuxx ago

I hope the euro fags will find out more while we sleep.

G'night !

21930295? ago

Yeah I gotsa work too, bet @rotteuxx is gonna crack the case.. umm beer :)

Yea we edong the readong cause it feels wong...

Gotsa go got a pastebin of stuff gong... we may need to go off Edong to find out all wuts wong! So long! 👋 :p

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i had 3.2 beers already


21930228? ago

Oki do...

Chempergrill ago

There is a list of Amalek's alts on the sidebar here:

21928651? ago

Cool, flanks curiosities hey, they leadeth me to many a strange place... :)

Chempergrill ago

Yeah, quality reflective post btw

21928784? ago

Shucks, I should have said all compliments go to you too! Dangit... :)

So yeah, here we go... thanks for triggering that btw, it’s very reflective, honestly going through some of those earlier threads on censorship, manipulations and what it means and how people are silenced etc, etc.. would have just been too long of a post. I had to stop a bit. I’ll possibly read more later too...

For example: look around here and every downvoting feggethead that downvotes just because they don’t like you is ultimately censoring you, totally anti-voat sentiment... we kinda need to get back to basics.

Anyway, thanks for being here :)

Chempergrill ago

Yeah... I can see the point about the will of the mob censoring through downvoats. When we had Putt, he sorted his threads by /new and ignores voat counts. I see that as the "middle road" countermeasure.

Though if you really don't want thread voting, we do have an alternative: Chan sites

21930307? ago

Refresh the thread we have a chan like query going below, maybe you can help ;) I gotsa sleep...

heygeorge ago

You got it you got it!

But despite what @chempergrill says (and the v/amalek alt list is good), counting Amalek alts is like counting the grains of sand on a beach.

21930351? ago

You got it you got it!

Spill the beans...

MadJackChurchill ago

More like could bring the corn in your poop