Shillaxe ago

Lets all be happy ES is a CHOMONOMO 👊

blumen4alles ago

Crensch, get in the box.

SearchVoatBot ago

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argosciv ago

Lol at the trickle-voting (up and down voting staggered over days) here in an attempt to create an illusory consensus.

Crensch ago


Shillaxe ago

-Tour Israel with Rensch Tours - Review of Bein Harim Tourism Services, Tel Aviv ...

Bein Harim Tourism Services: Rensch Tours - See 8621 traveler reviews, 1517 candid photos, and great deals for Tel Aviv, Israel

-Russell R. Rensch


at Boulevard-Riverside Chapel, a Jewish funeral home.

-O. B. RENSCH, Research Department, National Jewish Hospital

Foundation of Northeast Florida - Staff | Jewish Federation

[email protected]. Jennifer Rensch | Campaign Coordinator


If ya don't know, now ya know.

Shillaxe ago

"Avotaynu › books › MenkNames

List of Surnames in Dictionary of German-Jewish Surnames

... Rennert • Renno • Rens • Rensburg • RENSCH • Renseburg • Rensiburg"


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not interested in your lying internet drama, when @NOMOCHOMO is not able to defend himself against your lies.

When you delete this, we'll talk. @Vindicator @heygeorge @MadWorld @think-

Crensch ago

Nobody cares enough about you to "talk".

Guess you're okay with being silent about the fact that you find the worst dregs of this sub to be valuable.

Vindicator ago

@Crensch most certainly did not leave his Owner position "in humiliation". He handed it off to me because he saw that some users were afraid of him and his vigilance against shills, and he had his hands full with pursuing them. He kept at it, and not long after, both ES and Kev ended up having to delete their accounts. He did what an honorable dude does: make a sacrifice for the sake of those he protects.

Shillaxe ago

in re:Collin Rensch

"His area of focus is 20th century Germany & WWII. HIS ADVISOR IS Eli Rubin."

Eli Rubin ? No need to guess who you shill for. Oy vey !

SaturdaysForTruth ago

DO NOT FORGET - Voat members were threatened, doxxed, attacked and murdered, and the mods were not only involved, but mocked it all and continue to lie and cover it all up.

What happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt after they met in Racine where George Webb Sweigert was exposed?

What did corrupt mods lie about after it was found out that Jenny was killed?

Who was the target of the long series by SoberSecondThought culminating in death threats acted out in real life?

Who was the target of Argosciv’s series and why would moderators partner with someone who openly admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking to lie about, censor and ban The Truth?

We were also directly threatened by Crensch also before he and Vindicator banned The Truth in association with Great Awakening moderators.

Crensch is lying again with fabricated associations and manipulation, exactly like Srayzie and Shizy and other corrupt moderators that are part of an agenda to silence The Truth.

Assassins were hired to murder @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and ever since the moderators have worked overtime to cover everything up and destroy the Pizzagate community.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down.

We are the reason why Voat was closed and censored. It was not the submissions by letsdothis3, it was the comments about The Truth in Racine.

We are the reason why 8chan was targeted and closed - what MAP was found on 8chan posted here and immediately deleted by mods?

Crensch and Vindicator both are working toward the same goal as Srayzie, Shizy, MolochHunter and others involved.

The real hub of Pizzagate and the entire network of Global Criminal Corruption is Racine, Wisconsin.

Donald Trump made The Deal in Racine for the 8th Wonder of the World to enable the Agenda.

The Deal was signed with a family of Satanic pedophiles in a building designed by Satanic pedophiles - directly involved in the real definition of Pizzagate - they essentially established the Art in Embassies program. Why?

Why was the World Core Curriculum established in Racine? What was Zika a test for? What is the purpose of the Coronavirus?

The NXIVM doctor practiced in two locations - New York and Racine. What was Frank Lloyd Wright’s NXIVM?

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of all Evil and the model for the Real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 forged by the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Racine is also the Bellwether of America that will determine the national election.

What is The Truth they cannot allow the World to Know?

What is the Path of Souls?

What is The Parousia?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

@NOMOCHOMO is almost assuredly @ESOTERICshade

Please understand that I'm not necessarily saying these users are the same people

DanglingGoatBalls ago

She got zero dick picks. Zero. At least not from me.

SearchVoatBot ago

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DanglingGoatBalls ago

I am warning you all, that crensch is getting paid to pull people into scenarios, that might have future ramifications. crensch is getting paid to divide this community because he is a cripple in a wheelchair, has no choice, but stir shit for his own survival. This should be obvious to those who are paying attention. crensch got bought by the devil,

and now you know the rest of the Paul Harvey said...

RothschildsofRacine ago

Just a reminder - the Rothschilds live in Racine, Wisconsin.

Who controls Y Combinator and who threatened Voat resulting in the system being closed down? What is the mascot?

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name? Bauer.

Why did Kristin Bauer van Straten change her name, what fake religion does she practice, how is she connected to the Podestas and Emanuels, and what roles does she almost exclusively play?

What does her family do, and how are they connected to the global model for Smart Cities, UN Agenda 2030, World Core Curriculum and Eugenics?

What was the Racine Commune?

How were the Astors linked to the Pilgrims Society?

Is Donald Trump a “good” Jesuit Freemason?

Why won’t QAnon admit that Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting?

Why did Trump make The Deal in Racine and what does The Deal enable?

Why would Trump sign The Deal with a family of Satanic pedophiles in a building designed by Satanic pedophiles?

What was Frank Lloyd Wright’s NXIVM, and how does it relate to global Eugenics and the real Agenda?

What is the World’s Most Valuable Resource and why would Trump give it away to China?

Sustainability is the Great Deception (Satan’s Ability), and Racine is the Root and Model of the real Agenda.

What is The Truth they cannot allow the World to Know? What is The Parousia?

Socratic_Question ago

Ok Triple T, you state that "the Rothschild's live in Racine". Where and under what name? Yes, I know you've mentioned Bauer, but it's not that easy, is it?

Also, is it worth the time to look at the Leopold family?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I would be willing to feel sorry for him if he was not such a complete dickhead. but he is....this thread has fuck all nothing to do with pizzagate and im sure @vindicator will delete it, but its a huge road sign pointing to the degree that his mind has eroded. He is lucky that I don't care enough to spend the time to create an epic troll scenario and fuck his shit up. He just mad because I twisted his dradle in the past :)

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You have a working dick, right?

Been a while since I used it, but last time I used it, everything was in working order and accounted for. All systems are go NASA.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I can almost

Come on now, we gotta get past this "almost" hump in the road :)

DanglingGoatBalls ago

What benefits entails being ESOTERICshade anyhow?

In the past I was a diligent and dedicated pizzagate researcher. I made sure that Q and pizzagate stayed seperate so that pizzagate could survive. What we see now is the massive butthurt of a frustrated control freak. I mainly just sit back and watch these days, and it ain't pretty. But I have to admit that watching @crensch have a total nervous breakdown has been interesting.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Psychotic episode alert. Please stand by. Looks like we got another chimpout on our hands.

Let me count the fucks I give.................................can't find any

Crensch ago

This is also @ESOTERICshade.

The shill admitted it and so did @DanglingGoatBalls himself.

"Yes I am esotericshade"

Crensch ago

@Vindicator I'd like to ask that this be stickied.

SBBH troll basically confirmed that NOMOCHOMO is ESOTERICshade.

If successful pedophile shills have been manipulating users on this sub, I'd consider that far more relevant and sticky-worthy than most posts. The researchers themselves are under attack and under the spell of "mods bad" from these fucking pedo-protectors.

Vindicator ago

Nomochomo is still banned, and whatever alt he may be using is not attempting to undermine subverse moderation.

ES's account and reputation has been completely decimated, to the point where he is reduced to a bitter parody alt, the username of which will never seduce any user on this subverse, though I gave him his username flair just to pique him when he decided to try to ingratiate himself in my Wexner thread. I've thought about banning him, but the truth is, every time he shows up it just encourages the folks that pizzagate is real and Shareblue still cares about what we're researching here.

WOS hasn't been seen here in recent memory, perhaps because of the disastrous association with Kevdude and his grave error in doxing people. It's easy to show those two worked together from the very beginning of this subverse, so once Kev was exposed as a fraud, he has limited his scope.

I think you've beaten these turds so thoroughly that stickying this would give them power they've already lost.

One thing I might sticky, though, is an analysis of shill narratives, which you touched on but didn't fully develop. What specifically are they trying to convince people of? At what points in time (what else was in the news or being revealed by Q at the time)? To what end? When did they shift narratives? Of those who only comment -- which users or thread topics do they target? What do they ignore?

There are a number of folks here like @carmencita who have a habit of believing and supporting almost anything that comes across the board who I think inadvertently validate nefarious users who could benefit from that kind of analysis.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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DanglingGoatBalls ago

I deleted the username because YOUR President will make it a crime, criminal, to be anti-semitic. I am always a few years ahead of the curve because I understand some things you have not learned yet. You would do well to follow my lead. I won't hold your hand much longer. These are dangerous waters. Large sharks cruise here, and they ain't playing. I appreciate what you do. You have my support.

Vindicator ago

I deleted the username because YOUR President will make it a crime, criminal, to be anti-semitic. I am always a few years ahead of the curve because I understand some things you have not learned yet.

Really? You should immediately delete this GoatScrotum alt, too, then. Apparently one of the things you don't understand is that the Internet is Forever:

Here is you admitting with this account to being EsotericShade:

And here is EsotericShade on an anti-semitic rant about a bunch of Jews and Trump:

Even better, here you are trying to convince people Jews harvest babies and drink their blood:

Babies are harvested for blood, and, babies are also fed blood as infants so that they will grow up addicted to blood. This keeps them faithful to the cult because the cult is also the source of the addict's blood supply.

For thousands of years victims have been held captive and had their blood harvested regularly. Sometimes the people finally get so weak they die from blood loss. Willing donors in the cult also give their blood to others.

(notice the word "chef" in the url above? cook) Also notice a reference to "irritable bowel" syndrome in the following article. Jews are known to have irritable bowel syndrome. (cough cough)

Here you are claiming Trump is murdering millions at the behest of the Jews:

And chimping out, spamming the same 300 word comment pushing the lie that QAnon referenced the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, using a fake Q post:

And just for good measure, in case the Trump antisemite Tribunals really need evidence to hang you, here is you trying to cover up the exposure of our research into Rachel Chandler's Instagram post of the Epstein Island tunnels possibly showing children being sacrificed:

Cat_anon posts “Anon finds child in Epstein Island tunnel!

Maybe your uncle the senator will be able to save you from the Trump Tribunals. LMAO

DanglingGoatBalls ago

your attempt to glean info from me failed. sorry dawg.

Vindicator ago

If you look at the archive dates, you'll notice I've been keeping notes on your for years. I'm happy to turn all of it over to the authorities any time they come knocking, too. :-)

DanglingGoatBalls ago

save you from the Trump Tribunals. LMAO

should i bust out in laughter now, or wait till later?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

damn, i did not read all that, but it looks like a mouthful. I wont read it. I don't give a fuck anymore. If you dont respect the position me and kevdude put you in, i can assure you that neither of us give a fuck.

Vindicator ago

You didn't read it...yet you were compelled to reply three times. LMAO

Night night, GoatScrotum

SearchVoatBot ago

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DanglingGoatBalls ago

What specifically are they trying to convince people of?

That Q is a Zionist fraud and pizzagate deserved to live uncontaminated by Q.

argosciv ago

One thing I might sticky, though, is an analysis of shill narratives, which you touched on but didn't fully develop. What specifically are they trying to convince people of? At what points in time (what else was in the news or being revealed by Q at the time)? To what end? When did they shift narratives? Of those who only comment -- which users or thread topics do they target? What do they ignore?


Crensch ago

Thanks, retard.

Crensch ago

For those wondering:

This comment comes 3.5 minutes after mine.

This user researched and found out that @ESOTERICshade is likely @rarepeeks in that amount of time? Or is this user also ESOTERICshade(or working with him and knows what happened)?

Crensch ago


Sorry to interrupt your coffee, but this might change your mind about who is what.

Actually, do your thing. Comment will be here later.

Crensch ago

337 posts to the pedophile support group SBBH

Crensch ago

ESOTERIC is also @rarepeeks. Your comment suggests he cannot be more than one username at a time, despite the fact that my submission suggests he is likely a few other usernames, too.

Again, ESOTERIC is also @rarepeeks.

Want to make a bet where whoever is wrong about him being rarepeeks deletes their username?

Crensch ago

And I'm going to go ahead and say it:

Every one of you that was afraid of me because of my banning of NOMOCHOMO owes me an apology.

Every one of you.

I left you all alone early on because you all thought you could recognize and deal with shills all on your own. ESOTERICshade manipulated and ran off some of the best early talent. WEBOFSLIME is almost assuredly the one that doxxed your early mod team and forced them to leave.

@Vindicator warned you of ESOTERICshade early on, but his words fell on deaf ears.

NOTHING happened to either of them until I finally started paying attention.

And now NOMOCHOMO. I said he was ESOTERICshade, here to cause a divide with the users and mods. Doesn't matter; you all ate it up.

Take a look at how /v/greatawakening is functioning and tell me you don't want @Vindicator to be able to do the same for you. What this place could be if users like ESOTERICshade, WEBOFSLIME and NOMOCHOMO were outed right away... really sad.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago


Since you might not have been pinged, and may want to find a way to get ahead of this before it blows up in your face.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, it's this absolute thrashing of every position she holds, and the fact that she is constitutionally incapable of reason, logic, or supporting her claims about anything.

kestrel9 ago

I don't think they're the same user, the IQ discrepancy spans too far imho. The only thing to account for that would be if they were both someone else. kek.

Crensch ago

As @argosciv pointed out, they needn't be the same actual person to be part of the same shill outfit.

Seems another certain panicking user is here trying to do damage control, too.

kestrel9 ago

Seems another certain panicking user is here trying to do damage control, too.

and sounds more like ES than Nomo does imho

argosciv ago

/sips coffee

Well... was not expecting such an explosive discussion while I slept. Guess that explains the odd dream; someone out there is stewing in their hatred of me lol. It's really quite amusing that they emit so much negativity that I can literally pick up on it in my sleep.


As to the "ES is NOMO" thing... frankly I became less inclined to think that as time went on and even, on the off chance I was wrong about his intentions, set all else aside at least once to engage in collaborative research with him (NOMO) – but let's not mention that out loud, it's much easier to pretend I don't ever admit when I may be wrong.

Not only do I not think they're the same person these days, I frankly couldn't care less. What does remain true is that they post the same talking points, and both aligned with SBBH & the anti-mod campaigns waged against v/pizzagate and v/GreatAwakening. That alone says all that need be said about the poisonous bile they bring to the table.


If you'll excuse me now, though, I'm going to finish my coffee and get straight back to working on this login/security system for my website project.

argosciv ago

/tabs back briefly to catch up on developments...

You got BTFO by agrosciv


@Crensch @Vindicator

argosciv ago

He told you in a very nonchalant way that you were wrong

Nowhere in the above chain here did I say that @Crensch is wrong or that I am right.


cc: @Vindicator

argosciv ago

Your position isnt so clear


Now reconcile that with your repeated and continuing failures in attempting to read/interpret me and my beliefs/allegiances.

@Crensch and @Vindicator know more about my position abroad than you think they do, so this petty attempt to once again drive a wedge is just another abject fail on your part.