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Vindicator ago

Folks, I've been poking around in our archives and editing this to include interesting stuff, and I think we need more diggers, particularly into this National Children's Hospital, it's directors, and the research they are doing on children. The Abigail Wexner Research Institute page says there are over 1,000 clinical studies going on.

Who are those scientists? What are they researching? Please help dig!

Vindicator ago

@jangles, as I recall, you have a background in the field of medical research. Could you skim over the research at the Abigail Wexner Research Institute mentioned above and see if there is anything suspicious we should dig further into? I am wondering if it wasn't Junkermann that lead to Voat's last DDoS outage, but the further buried activities of Abigail Wexner.

, , ,

DanglingGoatBalls ago

@jangles is smart as hell. If you can convince him to put his big brain on it, i'm betting he can come up with something. You cracked a huge nut with this post vindicator. You just split into another seam of serious evil corruption. Great job bro. Much respect....

argosciv ago

Fuck off outta here with your fake respect for @Vindicator, @ESOTERICshade.

You're so fucking full of shit it's laughable. Remember that time you tried to convince everyone (most especially srayzie) that you aren't @rarepeeks? I remember. I also remember the time you, while pretending that you aren't RP, threatened me from said account in PM. I also remember all the times you tried to convince myself and others to join your anti-mod / millennial_falcon / Vindicator / @Crensch campaigns.

You can pull out all the propaganda, chilling effect, smear flashcards in response to this, but it only serves to further the point that you're a bullshit artist who'll make up anything and twist others' words to serve your own divisive agenda, to fraudulently compliment others in order to buddy up to them and have them push your narrative/agenda.

If @jangles has any sense, they won't take your confidence-trap bait.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Yes I am esotericshade, and you can go fuck yourself you self pronounced satanic blood drinking mod ass kissing creep. You don't run me. You don't tell me what to do.

You think you are important because crensch lets you kiss his ass? Think again. Crawl back in your hole and drink some fucking blood you little fame seeking cretin.

I have always respected @vindicator even though we had a death match about Qanon being in pizzagate. I chased the Q kids into their own subs instead of diluting pizzagate with confusion and guess what?


so fuck off

SearchVoatBot ago

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argosciv ago

"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <insert flashcard smear talking points here>"

Pathetic fuckin' cunt.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Me: blows smoke off fingernails, deciding if I should waste my time tormenting a blood drinking satanic mod kissing lizard....naaaa...the blood drinking lizard ain't pissed me off bad enough yet for me to waste my time, yet.........

argosciv ago

A lizard now? Careful, mate, you're dipping into "reptilians from Mars!" territory there. Fuckin' dunce.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You're beyond obsessed with trying to silence me for seeing through the propaganda you spew.

Nigger you paranoid. I would not waste ten minutes a day thinking about you. But spending one minute triggering you into an argo fit, makes me SMILE. I just contributed a link to a site that can track the Wexler yacht, named Limitless, where Ghislaine Maxwell is likely to be hiding to this thread, what have you done lately?

argosciv ago

Nigger you paranoid.

COINTELPRO 101. Call them crazy/paranoid.

Fuck off outta here.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I had no idea licking crensch anus could make a satanic blood drinker so important. I would try it myself, except, I don't need to feel like "Big Argo On Campus." If that shit taste in your mouth makes you happy, go for it. Mix that crensch anus with the blood you drink. You might actually turn into that "Dragon" you claim to be. roflmao

argosciv ago

That the best you got, mate? Fucking lol. Still no denial of threatening me via @rarepeeks ey?

Keep churning out the bullshit. It sucks that I'll have to put more work on @PuttItOut, but as I promised, I'll be talking to the police about you specifically. I'll have a track record of honesty and being forthcoming. You, on the other hand, will have a track record of being dishonest, divisive, threatening and attempting to subvert this subverse and v/GreatAwakening for your own perverse agenda of brainwashing and malicious psychological warfare against benevolent pizzagaters, including mods like @Crensch, @Vindicator, @srayzie and @EricKaliberhall.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I'll be talking to the police about you specifically.

About what? You smoking mushrooms again. Its argo chimpout day. I'm gonna smoke a cigar....nigga you is crazy.

I complimented @vindicator on a massive well done thread, I added a link to track the Wexler yacht, and you chimping out like a bitch. One of us had a good day, and trust me, it wasn't you. You just trashed the best thread @vindicator ever made with you petty little hatred. Well done.

Vindicator ago

No, you showed up to create drama to toxify a dig. I've given you your Esoteric username flair GoatBalls, so all our members know you deleted your account and can't be trusted.


kestrel9 ago


create drama to toxify a dig.

Just another day in the life of PG's resident narcissist.

Vindicator ago

So true.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Cool. Next time you make a good post, and I want to add good info to it like how to track the Wexler yacht where Ghislaine Maxwell might be hidng, I will just use a different name. I aint petty. I don't care. I was just adding good info. I post here on a regular basis. You just don't know it. I add info through the comments several times a month, you just don't realize it.

Vindicator ago

Fine with me. It amuses me to have a Brock shill throwing his brethren under the Swamp Draining bus, even if it's a lame attempt to legitimize sock puppet accounts. I am confident the minute you fuck up with one of them, we'll notice.

argosciv ago

Cool. Next time you make a good post, and I want to add good info to it like how to track the Wexler yacht where Ghislaine Maxwell might be hidng, I will just use a different name. I aint petty.

HAHAHAHA! "Look gaise, I'll try to manipulate readers by using yet another alt which I'll pretend isn't me, like I did with @rarepeeks – bit it's okay, I'll drop 'good info' because that totally absolves me of my ongoing disinformation and attempts at brainwashing, right?"

"Also, I'm not petty, but I'll resort to my petty lies and contortions to silence the only pizzagater with experience to back what they say"

DanglingGoatBalls ago

The smell of hurt Q Butt is sort of obnoxious, but ok, if you say so. I ran the Q kiddies to their own subs. That is my greatest contribution to pizzagate, EVER. I cannot even tell you how proud I am of that accomplishment because as far as I am concerned the life of v/pizzagate hang in the balance. I fought like hell to drive them to their own subs, it worked. v/pizzagate, instead of being a noisy airport of "disinformation is necessary" just still sits here in its own little pocket, functioning, like it should, with people that really care. That was my goal. I met my goal. I fought tooth and nail to get rid of MilFalcon and put @vindicator in the lead role.

  1. Q is in its own sub
  2. @vindicator is the lead mod

I wanted both of those. I feel pretty damn good about it all. My time was well spent.

Vindicator ago

You've attempted to remove every mod in recent history, GoatBalls.

Q has not been "run out of this sub". As Q reveals more and more pizzagate truths, our research will spread far and wide. I get new followers every day on Twitter, most of them woken by Q, and they regularly see our research. In fact, Q himself taps it from time to time. You succeeded in hurting a few pizzagate researchers who had to delete their accounts. The fact that you take pride in this is all anyone needs to know about your evil intentions.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You've attempted to remove every mod in recent history,

Except you. I helped removed MilFalcon and put you in his place. Me and @kevdude worked to put you in the lead spot. I'm happy about it. You are the best mod pizzagate EVER had. You have exceeded my expectations. I had to fight you to drive Q to its own subs but it would have destroyed pizzagate. Sorry about that bro, but it was necessary for pizzagate to survive. I hope you realize that. My time was worth it.

As Q reveals more and more pizzagate truths,

That nigger has done nothing but piggyback on our research.

our research will spread far and wide.

I hope so. Thats all we ever wanted.

I get new followers every day on Twitter, most of them woken by Q, and they regularly see our research.

I am genuinely happy about that, AND THAT IS EXACTLY HOW THIS SHOULD WORK. v/pizzagate should be the incubator and research think tank, and the Q crowd should learn from pizzagate and spread the news.

This is working perfectly and this was my vision the whole time. I'm not sure what you are missing about that. If you had "disinformation is necessary" crowding the nest egg (v/pizzagate) it would be a madhouse and the goodness would not develop.

Q himself taps it from time to time.

No shit sherlock. Thats because he is not a super secret intel agent. He watches the news, gleans from v/pizzagate, does a little research, and spins it into cryptic questions so that people are spurred to research on their own. I'm fine with all that and it is driving the evil people crazy, and thats good.

You succeeded in hurting a few pizzagate researchers who had to delete their accounts.

You wrong about that.

about your evil intentions.

My evil intentions were exactly these:

  1. Get rid of MilFalcon and put Vindicator as leader of v/pizzagate
  2. Stop putting "Qanon intel drops" into pizzagate because they didn't follow the rules and it was a nightmare for our little research facility.
  3. Get rid of crensch. And you have to admit, getting rid of crensch and you being in charge is the best thing that ever happened to pizzagate.

I wanted all three of those, so I am evil. Ok. It all works. It was ugly at times, and it took work, a lot of hours. So look at it now?

v/pizzagate is the research facility, and the Q community is the distribution output. THOSE HAD TO BE SEPERATE AND THAT IS WHAT I WANTED.

I'm happy.

argosciv ago

You smoking mushrooms again.

Are you that retarded or just plain out of bullshit to spin? Smoking mushrooms? Jeezuz fuck mate, think before you respond. Or, y'know, take that extra minute and learn when you should stop with the bullshit instead of continuously proving my point about your dishonest contortion of fact.

argosciv ago

cc: @EricKaliberhall (sorry, 1 too many pings in above comment)