@NOMOCHOMO is almost assuredly @ESOTERICshade (pizzagate)
submitted 5 years ago by Crensch
~Please understand that I'm not necessarily saying these users are the same people behind the keyboard. I don't consider shill outfits to be separate entities, since they push the same harmful narratives and make the same kinds of harmful actions towards users and mods.
My first exposé on @ESOTERICshade dated 10/9/18
NOMOCHOMO's creation date 10/17/18
Mentioned 145 times by ESOTERICshade
232 from the rest of Pizzagate combined. Many from the KNOWN SPAMMERS of the sub.
Other users posting it? @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt(7 times), Jem777 and Mej777 and... @carmencita(21 times).
https://searchvoat.co/?u=nomochomo&o=on Pic
CLAN OF WORMS: The Vampires of AHEPA (Pt. 1 Alefantis)
... through part 7. He pushed those out as the first actions on his account.
"The Order of AHEPA" is totally a household name in PG now, isn't it?
Mods called him out on his bullshit right away. Even the shill @kevdude said ESOTERICshade raised the EXACT same concerns
Which users start pinging him seemingly out of nowhere?
The other shill usernames I've mentioned before: @fogdryer, @carmencita, @TrustTheTruth, and...
@shewhomustbeobeyed. Whom I had not mentioned before thanks to @think- believing she was just a useful idiot/victim of his.
Hmm... and @letsdothis3. Will dive into that user if I feel like it later.
These are the users that pinged him in a friendly way, consistently.
Looks like @R3BIRTH has a dog in this fight given his 8? responses to my comments here, and telling me "NOMOCHOMO is a good dude" despite NO CONTACT WITH HIM at all.
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DanglingGoatBalls 5 years ago
Psychotic episode alert. Please stand by. Looks like we got another chimpout on our hands.
Let me count the fucks I give.................................can't find any
Crensch 5 years ago
This is also @ESOTERICshade.
The shill admitted it and so did @DanglingGoatBalls himself.
"Yes I am esotericshade"
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DanglingGoatBalls ago
Psychotic episode alert. Please stand by. Looks like we got another chimpout on our hands.
Let me count the fucks I give.................................can't find any
Crensch ago
This is also @ESOTERICshade.
The shill admitted it and so did @DanglingGoatBalls himself.
"Yes I am esotericshade"