shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't want or need apology. I want PG separate from all politicians and political parties. That's all.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Excellent work at showing just how inept the mods of the Q subs are at recognizing the truth about anything.

It's so sad that @Vindicator got involved with that mob. I wish he could just wake up.


ES, you know the rules of this subverse. Posts about moderation of v/pizzagate belong in v/pizzagatemods. I don't know where posts about moderation of GreatAwakening go. Certainly not on v/pizzagate.

Since I know you are well acquainted with our rules, and you have a years-long documented history of ignoring them under many different alts, your time here is now fini. Thanks for making a rule-breaking submission.

Take your GoatBalls and go play with SWMBO. Bye bye.

Removing per Rule 4 and finally giving you the ban you so richly deserve.

"You have the wrong twin!"

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the heads up Scrotus. They're all banned, now.


Because I did trigger him ;)

Vindicator ago

I don't see anyone having to burn an account around here but you, Kev, and Grandpa Truther, the microwaved Senator's nephew.

While you're busy congratulating yourself on how clever you are, the genuine pizzagate researchers who were unhappy about me not removing Crensch's ban when you would not make a personal commitment to me in good faith not to sabotage v/pizzagate are now disgusted that they fell for your dedicated researcher act, because you have revealed your true colors.

Worked out great for me; a few genuinely wanted you unbanned.

argosciv ago

Grandpa Truther, the microwaved Senator's nephew.

Should be Senator's microwaved nephew. The way you wrote it implies that the Senator was microwaved.

That aside, I laughed way too hard at that one.

Vindicator ago

Ha, you are correct. Tired...grammar challenged.

They were probably both microwaved, honestly.

argosciv ago

They were probably both microwaved, honestly.

That puts way too much weight on his LARP in the first place, though.


thank you @Vin you're doing your god's work

argosciv ago

The funny part is that you had Moon pegged as Nomo within 48 hours of the account being created.


Qurious. I definitely don't trust this guy^

@shewhomustbeobeyed @heygeorge

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I just don't care anymore. Gonna work on my archives, and let the truly 'awake and aware' among the men here deal with these people.

I AM in fact, someone who knows I can't compete with the lies, and all the alts and manipulations that are going on around me. I have no skills.

So I pray.
