SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatemods submission by @DangIingGoatBaIIs.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @DangIingGoatBaIIs.

Posted automatically (#94864) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@MoonMooch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @DangIingGoatBaIIs)

Vindicator ago

@Moonmooch, since you have elected not to correct this submission as requested, I have to give this the "Possible Disinfo" flair and leave this up rather than removing per Rule 2 so that folks know there is questionable information being promulgated by If you want to call attention to their error, and edit this submission so that it is not spreading a bogus ESP claim, I will gladly remove the flair.

Vindicator ago

@Moonmooch, what's up with this submission? The first part about Epstein's first suicide attempt likely being false is okay (pg related), but everything after that...not so much.

Your second point about misspelling Epstein as "Esptein" in the title of a Qpost is not a valid avenue for this board, because it is merely a typo created by the people who operate the Qmap board. Q does not post titles for his crumbs. Here's a screencap of the same Q leak #3497 on, one of the aggregator boards that does not editorialize. And here is the archive of the original 8chan drop. Neither of them have Epstein misspelled referencing ESP. That is either an error, or someone is pushing Disinfo. There is no evidence Q is hinting that Epstein was into ESP.

While the info on Seckel and Mindshift is interesting, you have not explained any linkage between that material and the abuse of kids by the global elite.

So Epstein Island becomes "ESP-Teen Island" "1st boom revealed last will be magical" (Magic Al?)

^^^Because these propositions are based on a false conclusion drawn from an erroneous headline, not on something QAnon actually said, they need to either be removed from this submission or the whole thing needs to be moved as is to v/pizzagatewhatever, our speculative subverse. I will give you our 24 Hour Grace flair, in case you choose to edit.


Heads up @MolochHunter: Note that is spawning disinfo (whether on purpose or by accident). Someone may want to alert them. This is a good reminder to always go to the source to avoid "Fake Q".

Shillaxe ago

Check out the Mindshift Institute logo.

Vindicator ago

Interesting. Not the pedo swirl, but possibly an MK Ultra brainwashing reference. That org is definitely worth investigating, all right.

Shillaxe ago

Lets see...a conference on an island that abuses children, including specialists in these fields:

Cognitive Neuroscience (programming children)

Minimally Invasive Surgery (altering them surgically)

Encryption and Decryption (securing the islands database)

New Financial Systems and Methods ( setting up ways to funnel the ill gotten gains)

Nice 👍

Shillaxe ago

....and another Dave Goodman company....

Spiral Experience ? Are you fugging kidding me (pun intended)

Shillaxe ago

In regards to Espteen & Disney I have a nother lead and possible 🐰 hole;

Espstein co owned a marina in St Thomas with Andrew Farkas , Farkas just leased property, in St Thomas,to former Disney exec Dave Goodman .

Dave Goodman's company is called Mindshare Network and you'll probably guess what his logo is....yep you got it, yet another spiral.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Is it painful, being that retarded?