Crensch ago

It's amazing how much effort you all think I put into this.

That sort of thing is easy for me, I enjoy it, and there is a purpose behind it. I am more capable, more rewarded, and actually accomplish something.

You're still doing on the internet what I did 15 years ago as an angsty teen.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Yeah, @Crensch is fun. @argosciv , he's just painful to talk to. Like, I cant imagine he actually has real life friends or anyone who can tolerate him

Well, with one little single comment, you can make crensch stay up late at night, wasting his time on searchvoat, and then whatever he will post makes his case weaker. He is the full clown show.

Argo settled down and started acting more respectable, much to my surprise. He went from heavy metal music satanic blood drinker to dry intellectual. He is still an idiot, but more tolerable than crensch.

Crensch ago

At least you admit you spend so much effort on something that is meaningless to you.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks if you don't care about your image online you probably don't have one in real life to care about, either.

Crensch ago

I'm not the only one that thinks you're zyklon-b now.

You should really work on your image if you don't want people to think that about you.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Man, you're not nearly as fun as cripple boy.

You speak trufe. Just one carefully crafted comment can send @crensch to searchvoat for hours. Then we get to laugh at at whatever he posts. Making crensch waste dozens and dozens of hours is easy. He the biggest and best lolcow show on Voat for sure. :)

Crensch ago

I made a typo. You revealed the fact that you know esoteric and his alts.

There's a pretty big difference there, and one of them is due to being over-emotional.

The other is due to an algorithm misunderstanding your words.

Crensch ago

Jews make a lot of mistakes when they get emotional.

argosciv ago

Are you really that dense?


  • You have a hissy fit at me, which pinged me back to that submission.
  • I replied, then checked the latest comments because I always sort by new.
  • ???
  • You're an idiot.

Crensch ago

The Jew doesn't like being called out and uses words he doesn't know the meaning of.

"Stalking". Kek.

argosciv ago

How did you get to this theeas then, genius?

Assuming you mean "this", See B above (y'know, actually click the link).

As an aside, you couldn't possibly be more wrong about this, just like how you were wrong in claiming @Crensch was "BTFO" by me.

argosciv ago

You are really stalking me now?


A: You went to the effort of replying to me with your hissy fit.


Crensch ago

Got to love speech to text.

That was meant to say Jews make lots of mistakes when they get emotional.

Crensch ago

I wonder what those things have in common?

And yes, it's clear you're an over-emotional Jew, because Jews make lots of mistakes for me get emotional. It's a function of low IQ.

Crensch ago

And yet you seem to have a very specific knowledge of the players despite never interacting with them on this username.

You pushed exactly the narrative that esoteric would push.

It's so funny when Jews are forced to respond while still emotional about being caught.

Crensch ago

You panicked and responded eight times in about 20 minutes. You also revealed quite a lot about who you are and who esoteric is.

argosciv ago

And totally derped by thinking I "BTFO['d]" you, then had a hissy fit upon reading my clarification.
