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letsdothis3 ago

Catalyst Maritime Advisor - D. Brian Peterman

Brian Peterman is the President and CEO of Command At Sea International, a super yacht security company.

Command at Sea website

Belongs to the Command Group

Command Group, "CG", founded as Command Consulting Group, is an international security and intelligence consulting firm, founded in 2009, headquartered in Washington, D.C., United States. CG provides advisory services for governments, corporations, and high net worth individuals.

The firm is mostly made up of career law enforcement, homeland security, military and intelligence officials with U.S. government operational backgrounds, but also includes political appointees from the Clinton, Obama and both Bush administrations.

So,the Deep State then.

Command Group was founded in 2009 by W. Ralph Basham, Joe Hagin, Steve Atkiss and Thad Bingel, all former senior officials in the United States Government.

W. Ralph Basham

William Ralph Basham, Jr. (born November 17, 1943)[1] has served at the head of four of the eight U.S. Department of Homeland Security agencies, including as Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the largest federal security force in the United States government, Director of the United States Secret Service, Director of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and as one of the first employees as Chief of Staff at the Transportation Security Administration...

..In January 2002, Basham was recruited as one of the first employees and leaders of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), a new agency within the Homeland Security created to secure America's aviation system following the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack.

Joe Hagin

Joseph Whitehouse Hagin II (born January 6, 1956) is an American political aide who served as White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations under President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2018,[1][2] a role he also served in for President George W. Bush from 2001 until July 2008.[3] In September 2008, he was interim CEO of Jet Support Services Inc. Joe Hagin co-founded Command Consulting Group in April 2009.

..He returned to politics during the 1988 presidential campaign where he aided Bush in his successful run. He continued his service during the administration as Appointments Secretary to the President until he took a job as vice president of corporate affairs at Chiquita Brands International in 1991. Hagin also served as a volunteer firefighter for the Madeira Indian Hill Joint Fire District before moving to Washington D.C. and while working for Chiquita Brands International.

Voat post re Chiquita Brands International:

Taking a look at the richest banker in the world whose family has been in banking since the Ottoman empire and uses ancient secret code for discretion and assoicated with Child Mind Institute

...Joseph Safra runs the Brazilian banking and investment empire, Safra Group. He serves as the chairman of all Safra companies, among them Safra National Bank of New York and Banco Safra headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil....

The Safra Group is an international network of companies controlled by the Safra family, comprising banking and financial institutions, industrial operations, real estate and agribusiness. It is present in the US, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and the Caribbean.

The Safras came to be known for their discretion, keeping all formal records in an ancient Arabic script known only to the Middle East’s well-educated Sephardic communities.

in 2015, Safra Group acquired Chiquita , formerly United Fruit, which had ties to Dulles Brothers who ran the CIA and State Dept. during MK ULtra program.

...On May 3, 1998, the Cincinnati Enquirer published an expose titled “Chiquita Secrets Revealed” by Mike Gallagher and Cameron McWhirter. The articles detailed Chiquita’s complicity in international drug trafficking, bribing foreign government officials, suppressing the unionization of workers and poisoning employees with hazardous pesticides....Before Chiquita Brands International, the company started in 1899 as United Fruit Company. Both a representative of J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation and a law partner at Sullivan & Cromwell, Allen Dulles had economic and legal ties to United Fruit. From 1946-1950, Allen Dulles served as Director of the Council on Foreign Relations. On August 23, 1951, he was appointed Deputy Director of the CIA. Exactly a month before Allen Dulles became appointed the Director of the CIA on February 26, 1953, his brother, John Foster Dulles, became the US Secretary of State. In 1952, democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz succeeded in passing the Agrarian Reform Act. Arbenz reimbursed the company at their declared tax value of the land. United Fruit lost millions of dollars. On June 27, 1954, CIA officers E. Howard Hunt and Phil Roettinger orchestrated the coup d’etat ousting Arbenz in a covert operation designated PBSUCCESS. Arbenz fled the country while United Fruit regained the land. Corporate raider Eli M. Black renamed the company United Brands in 1970. Black mismanaged the company and eventually committed suicide by jumping out of his office from the 44th floor, The SEC was investigating him at the time for bribing Honduran President Oswaldo Lopez Arellano with $2.5 million.

Shipping Bananas requires many ships. United Fruit Company had the Great White Fleet of ships used in transporting banana, ,

Brother Edmond J. Safra died a mysterious 'Death in Monaco'

A connection to the Rothschilds through Edmond Safra Foundation

Nathaniel Charles (Jacob), 4th Lord Rothschild Bt, OM, GBE, FBA (b. 1936) is a British investment banker and financier. He is the eldest son of Nathaniel (Victor), 3rd Lord Rothschild and Barbara Judith, Lady Rothschild (née Hutchinson). Jacob Rothschild has also followed the Rothschild family's charitable interests in Israel and is the chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the family foundation which gave the Knesset and the Supreme Court buildings to Israel. He is also President of The Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe, and Patron and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Rothschild Foundation. In addition, he is Honorary President of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research. He has served as a Member of the Arts & Humanities Research Board, set up by the British Government, is an honorary fellow of the British Academy and a Trustee of the Prince of Wales’ Prince’s Charities Foundation. In the past, he has been a Member of the UK Main Honours Board, (retired 2008); Chairman of the Honours Committee for Arts and Media (retired 2008); Trustee of the Edmond J Safra Foundation (retired 2010) and a Member of committee of the Henry J Kravis Prize for Creative Philanthropy (retired 2010).

letsdothis3 ago

Catalyst Maritime Advisor - Juliette Kayyem

Juliette N. Kayyem has spent nearly fifteen years in the counterterrorism, homeland security and emergency management arenas..She most recently served for President Obama as Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA) at the Department of Homeland Security.

..As Assistant Secretary, Ms. Kayyem was responsible for coordinated and consistent planning between the Department and all of its state, local , tribal and territorial (SLTT) partners on issues as varied as immigration, intelligence sharing, military affairs, border security, and the response to operational events such as H1N1, the Haiti earthquake and the BP oil spill...

..Before joining the Obama Administration, she served as Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick’s homeland security advisor, overseeing the National Guard, the commonwealth’s strategic security planning, and the distribution of homeland security funds consistent with the Governor’s priorities

Voat post re Deval:

My story isn't so much about Muslims, but more about how Obama tried to flood America with illegal aliens from Central America. I live on Cape Cod, and back in 2014 Obama and our liberal black Governor (Patrick "tax it all" Deval) agreed to ship hundreds of "unaccompanied minors" who had been caught trying to cross the Mexican border to an Air Force base on the Upper Cape. The plan wasn't announced to the locals mind you, and most of these "children" had no identification. Many were young adults who knew they would get preferential treatment if they said they were under 18, and were from MS 13 hot-spots like El Salvador. We first discovered the plan when local contractors were hired to renovate living quarters on the base and someone spilled the beans. Residents of the towns surrounding the base were furious, as part of the plan included integrating these "children" (many of whom didn't speak a word of English) into their schools. The locals protested, had town meetings condemning the plan, and finally under a great deal of pressure, the governor cancelled it. If we hadn't caught on in time, it would have happened, and I suspect this is how Obama managed to get so many of these people into the country.

letsdothis3 ago

Continuing with a look at Catalyst Maritime as Borgerson is an advisor there:

Another advisor - Dr. Stephen Flynn

In January 2010, Dr. Stephen Flynn became the sixth President of the Center for National Policy, founded in 1981. Prior to being selected to lead CNP, he spent a decade as a senior fellow for National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. Following the election of President Barack Obama, he served as the lead policy advisor on homeland security for the presidential transition team. He currently serves as a member of the bipartisan National Security Preparedness Group, co-chaired by former 9/11 commissioners, Governor Tom Kean and Congressman Lee Hamilton.

Dr. Flynn is the author of the critically acclaimed The Edge of Disaster: Rebuilding a Resilient Nation (Random House, 2007), and the national bestseller, America the Vulnerable (HarperCollins 2004). He is a Consulting Professor at the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University and a Senior Fellow at the Wharton School’s Risk Management and Decision Processes Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 9/11 he has provided testimony on twenty-two occasions on Capitol Hill. Dr. Flynn is also a member of the Marine Board of the National Research Council. Prior to September 11, 2001, he served as an expert advisor to U.S. Commission on National Security (Hart-Rudman Commission), and following the 9/11 attacks he was the principal advisor to the bipartisan Congressional Port Security Caucus, and advised the Bush Administration on maritime and homeland security issues.

A 1982 graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Dr. Flynn served in the Coast Guard on active duty for twenty years, including two tours as commanding officer at sea, received several professional awards including the Legion of Merit, and retired at the rank of Commander. As a Coast Guard officer, he served in the White House Military Office during the George H.W. Bush administration and as a director for Global Issues on the National Security Council staff during the Clinton administration....

Dr. Flynn received the M.A.L.D. and Ph.D. degrees in International Politics from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, in 1990 and 1991. He was a Guest Scholar in the Foreign Policy Studies Program at the Brookings Institution from 1991-92, and in 1993-94 he was an Annenberg Scholar-in-Residence at the University of Pennsylvania. He has been a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations since 1999.

Dr. Flynn is the principal for Stephen E. Flynn Associates LLC, where he provides independent advisory services on improving enterprise resiliency and critical infrastructure protection, and transportation and maritime security.

letsdothis3 ago

Borgerson shared this article on FB 3 years ago:

Arctic nations joust but North Pole payoff may be years away

By DAVID J. LYNCH | Bloomberg News | Published: August 28, 2015

WASHINGTON — Even as melting Arctic glaciers threaten to swamp shorelines, nations from Russia to the United States are betting that warming temperatures also will unlock trillions of dollars in new wealth.

"It is potentially the biggest strategic opportunity in America since the Louisiana Purchase in 1803," said Scott Borgerson, a former Coast Guard officer and now an adviser at Catalyst Maritime.

President Barack Obama begins a three-day Alaska trip on Monday to underscore the urgency of combating climate change. His visit comes as the Arctic's potential for oil and gas production and shorter trade routes when the ice melts puts it at the crossroads of economics and geopolitics.

Already, the polar economic dawn includes server farms for companies such as Facebook and Google, which enjoy lower cooling costs in the north. Possible future rewards include an estimated 90 billion barrels of oil and 1.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas that await discovery in the Arctic, with the vast majority located offshore, according to a 2008 U.S. Geological Survey report.

Any big financial payoff, however, is probably decades away. Falling commodity prices are discouraging exploration for Arctic oil and gas, while new trade routes across the top of the world are falling short of expectations.

"Arctic development is a lot slower than people thought," says Malte Humpert, executive director of the Arctic Institute, a Washington-based policy group. "The hype is wearing off. It'll be many, many years before we see the development people have been talking about."

That hasn't deterred Russia, which has been the most assertive, and theatrical, in advancing its claims. In 2007, a pair of Russian mini-subs descended more than two miles below the polar icecap to plant a titanium flagpole on the North Pole's seabed, a purely symbolic gesture.

Russia, which boasts half the Arctic coastline and depends on the region for roughly a fifth of its national economic output, is expanding its Northern Fleet, upgrading regional facilities and staging unannounced military exercises.

"The Arctic's incredibly important to Russia," says Heather Conley, a former State Department official now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. "They're basing their future economic development on it."

Russia's not alone. Canada and Norway are preparing their militaries to defend territorial claims and forestall a 19th century-style resource grab. The cash-strapped U.S. Navy is concentrating for now on improving its ability to operate in the unforgiving north.....

Article continues...

letsdothis3 ago

Catalyst Maritime

Catalyst Maritime is a consortium of experts and companies that view the maritime domain as a vital system driving a country’s economic growth. All of the elements of the maritime domain system are related and should be managed accordingly. Oil and natural gas development, port development, and coastal tourism are all connected to maritime environmental protection, pollution prevention and response, and safe waterways management. Fisheries and other maritime resources, search and rescue, and sovereignty assertion are also part of the maritime domain system...

Management Team

Randy Beardsworth; Albert Antoine; Jeffrey C. “Jeff” Robertson


Dr. Stephen Flynn; Juliette Kayyem; Dr. Scott Borgerson; D. Brian Peterman; Cosmo Perrone



Prior to co-founding CargoMetrics, Dr. Borgerson was the Visiting Fellow for Ocean Governance at the Council on Foreign Relations. He also served as a Senior Research Scholar at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. An expert on the Arctic, Dr. Borgerson has published numerous landmark articles on the subject; he advises national and international leaders on emerging Arctic issues; and he is a co-founder of The Arctic Circle, a global NGO. ...

He has testified before a number of congressional committees, contributed to White House strategic policy making, and his op-eds and articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Atlantic and Foreign Affairs, among other publications.


Scott Borgerson, CEO of Boston-based tech company CargoMetrics, is denying a Daily Mail report that Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's alleged madame, is hiding out in his Massachusetts home.

What he's saying: "I'm in Europe right now and there isn't anyone in my house but my cat," Borgerson tells Axios, adding that he's asked local police to check the residence. He says he knows Maxwell, but is not dating her, as the Daily Mail has asserted.

darkknight111 ago Weather modification research was active as early as the late 50’s.

Geoengineering related info that came up during the Judith Barsi case.

Look at the patent dates. I’m absolutely convinced the 1988 heat wave was a haarp false flag to promote the global warming hoax.

NowThatsInteresting ago

100% correct, HAARP was and is used to exaggerate climate change and make a few catastrophes so the clintons can “clean up”. Haiti anyone?

darkknight111 ago


Regarding 1988, that false flag inadvertently undermined Pedowood’s cover up of their murder of Judith Barsi.

Claim: She was killed by her father then he killed himself 2 days later.

Hole in Narrative: How does a dead body lie around in a record heatwave for over 36 hours and no one smell a rotting corpse?

letsdothis3 ago

Re Caryle Group: Voat posts here