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18408508? ago

This story isn't so much about Muslims, but more about how Obama tried to flood America with illegal aliens from Central America. I live on Cape Cod, and back in 2014 Obama and our liberal black Governor (Patrick "tax it all" Deval) agreed to ship hundreds of "unaccompanied minors" who had been caught trying to cross the Mexican border to an Air Force base on the Upper Cape. The plan wasn't announced to the locals mind you, and most of these "children" had no identification. Many were young adults who knew they would get preferential treatment if they said they were under 18, and were from MS 13 hot-spots like El Salvador. We first discovered the plan when local contractors were hired to renovate living quarters on the base and someone spilled the beans. Residents of the towns surrounding the base were furious, as part of the plan included integrating these "children" (many of whom didn't speak a word of English) into their schools. The locals protested, had town meetings condemning the plan, and finally under a great deal of pressure, the governor cancelled it. If we hadn't caught on in time, it would have happened, and I suspect this is how Obama managed to get so many of these people into the country.