18425307? ago

i wonder when all the 'friendly muslims' who fear the radical muslims, will ever stand up and oppose them. or are they all hijacked by these few psychopaths.

18412767? ago

Omar does not represent Islam. She is a plant and doing the bidding of those that put her there.

If you want to learn how Israel works gets to people who will support them in office, you need to listen to this below podcast discussion.

Ilhan Omar was financially supported by Geroge Soros (Move On.org) and Michael Adam Latz (Rabbi) http://www.shirtikvah.net/Staff

Analysis of Ilhan Omar by JONATHAN AZAZIAH (Iraqi American Activist, and Muslim)

Michael Lazi has been working with Omar for years https://unv.is/haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-minnesota-muslim-candidate-becomes-target-of-alt-right-troll-1.6367804

She is bought and paid for.

18408687? ago

The Kalergi plan in action, been a hundred years in the making

18408508? ago

This story isn't so much about Muslims, but more about how Obama tried to flood America with illegal aliens from Central America. I live on Cape Cod, and back in 2014 Obama and our liberal black Governor (Patrick "tax it all" Deval) agreed to ship hundreds of "unaccompanied minors" who had been caught trying to cross the Mexican border to an Air Force base on the Upper Cape. The plan wasn't announced to the locals mind you, and most of these "children" had no identification. Many were young adults who knew they would get preferential treatment if they said they were under 18, and were from MS 13 hot-spots like El Salvador. We first discovered the plan when local contractors were hired to renovate living quarters on the base and someone spilled the beans. Residents of the towns surrounding the base were furious, as part of the plan included integrating these "children" (many of whom didn't speak a word of English) into their schools. The locals protested, had town meetings condemning the plan, and finally under a great deal of pressure, the governor cancelled it. If we hadn't caught on in time, it would have happened, and I suspect this is how Obama managed to get so many of these people into the country.

18408007? ago

They are trying to start a religious war between Muslims and Christians. This is what the NWO wants...don't fall for it. She is a plant like AOC.

18405685? ago

Can you say "there are a ton of research"? Surely it should be "there IS a ton...".

18405280? ago

re: Sharia and Islam are not a religion. It is a political system disguised as a religion

The penalty for leaving islam is death. Think about that.

18404091? ago

An impeachment campaign against Omar the Anti-American needs to appear. If people don't push back she will get ouder and dumber and start inciting some riots. A slow constant barrage of her own words would piss normal people off.

18403905? ago

Except she was right as to not want to go to war in Venezuela, and is correct about Israel's influence in the US government. Other than that, sure, her views suck.

18403812? ago

Excellent history. I always keep this guy bookmarked. Share everywhere

18403732? ago

What does Omar say about Israel, and is it correct?

18406250? ago

The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.

18407005? ago

She seems to know more about patriotism than the establishment, so I'll stick it out with my girl.

18407774? ago

You're retarded.

18403668? ago

But but but, united! ~ Spoken in Jew

18403661? ago

So your saying she is a good guy for trying to warn us??? Fuck that nasty bitch and fuck islam.

18403318? ago

OP seems to have done his homework. It is called Political Islam.

18408055? ago

redundancy is redundant

18403216? ago

OP is afraid the Muslims will capture America from the Jews.

18403352? ago

so you're saying ISIS are good guys?

18403723? ago

Israel Secret Intelligence Service is not the good guys.

18403164? ago

I think that no matter how successful The President and Q may be there is no avoiding the bloodbath that is coming in this nation because no one has the political will to send these scumbags OR the beaner contingent packing. So here's is what I see happening. BOTH groups will continue to invade and push and rinse and repeat until even the most placid amongst us are forced into action. When it becomes clear to even the most pacified normies that this will be allowed by our politicians and L.E. and that they will defend the INVADERS then its going to be shit hits the fan time. And all those people that were called nothing but loudmouths with guns and no balls will suddenly find theirs and these invading bastards will start disappearing. It wont be an in your face out in the street kind of thing but you'll see neighborhoods suddenly experiencing declines in the population of invaders. And God help the idiots that decide to get in the way.

18403030? ago

I did see the public speech on this. She makes some bold untrue statements. Yes, she is one to watch, but so are the groups behind her, supporting her.

18402977? ago

This invasion was planned. Dont be fooled by politicians that lie about their objectives. This is the Luciferian take down of America and the world. From political correctness, diversity, right speech, they have came in while the brain wash keep watching the Television.

18402925? ago

Hussein scattered them throughout the midwest purposely.

18402802? ago

It's important to remember most all her talking points are coming from the Justice Democrats leadership which is a group of disgruntled Bernie supporters from 2016.

When AOC, Omar, Talib, and Pressley get off their prewritten talking points, their true characters come out. AOC is a complete airhead. Omar and Talib are full blown anti American racist. I have not heard much from Pressley.

Abolishing ICE which is at the top of their list of things to accomplish would lead to an invasion of the USA. No American would every consider something that could lead to the destruction of the country they live in. So it tells you about their anti American notices.

18404751? ago

Abolish ice, activate rednecks .

18408046? ago

right wing death squads when

18424278? ago

Not soon enough.

18404465? ago

518_720_6028 https://indivisible.org/candidates

I received pre-election comms from this group to get my support in NY elections. Haven't lived in NYS for close to 5 years.

I told them I don't support commies and people who hate America. I asked if they taken donations in shekels then these stop asking for my support. Hmmmm

18403363? ago

I agree. What happened to Europe, is exactly playing out here now. They penetrated Government through their locality/municipality channels. Next thing you know, their senators and then so forth over time. Big problem is that they take over a city by increasing population through migration then get the voting power. Their like locust and it has to stop before it get totally out of hand. Thank God for Trump.

18405691? ago

You are half-right. What happened to Europe, is their plan for here now, but not exactly, AND IT WILL FAIL. For one, they are using more bitchy women here than in Europe—and this is really a strategy against American men (who used to have cowboy-honor and not shame a woman). Secondly, although not in the greatest shape, the US has a "hotter" Christianity that knows it cannot do the ☪☮℮✡i☯✝ compromise; and not only is more gung-ho, but it is also is more prevalent in America than Europe. And third, Trump is not beholden to them like Hillary, delusional like Merkel, or under their thrall like Obama. And finally, Americans were able to wake up sooner in the invasion process than Europe, which is a big advantage in stopping Islam.

18411565? ago

Well put anon. I agree 100%. Especially the utilization of bitchy women as their mouth pieces and a hotter Christianity. One thing I will say is that: "Their letting us know their here" anon whilst they lay silenced here for decades.

18407260? ago

I think america is also way more nationalistic. Europe is made of little countries and a lot dont want to request visa's and all that stuff, I think the people here are more 'europe-focused', but the problem then isnt neccesarily the individual national security, but the border of europe as a whole. They dont check who you are & just let you in. Im very sad about this because there's at least 10000 years of my history here in europe and it is depressing how many savages come in

18411167? ago

Thanks for the perspective. Sounds very true.

18403693? ago

I cannot think of one of the other 17 GOP Pres candidates that could have survived three months in office with the shit that’s been thrown at Trump. But if Trump had not won the nomination, Clinton most likely would have won the General meaning we’d all be dead by now and this is a moot point.

Regarding sanctuary cities storing up illegals - just cut off their funding from the federal government and see how quick those Dems get voted out.

18403344? ago

been saying it for years. BernieBros = muslim bortherhood/antifa/blacklivesmatter/ISIS/MS13 members.

18402790? ago

She needs to put on her hijab and go back to the kitchen. Women are suppose to be silent in Islam.

18402557? ago

"America will not be a white country"

I mean you can try to blame this on her being muslim, but christians managed to turn the country into a multicultural wonderland long before she got here. In that instance she was speaking the truth, nothing more.

Even friendly Muslims fear the radicals. And now we have one inside our government.

If you really think she's actually a radical you're just adorable. I doubt she even qualifies for islamist, let alone radical islam.

18402791? ago

We see you. You're not adorable. Taquia.

18403800? ago

"We see you"

Aint that cute darling. I do appreciate you being woke about taquia, just as long as you're also woke about pilpul.

But I am neither muslim, nor practising taquia. What I am doing is stating OBJECTIVE. FACTS, you stupid fucktard..

Did america turn itself non-white before any substantial muslim presence? Well hmmm let me think.


Is she a radical muslim?

lol no, they're full on isis chopping off peoples heads tier. Again, you don't understand the words you or I use, you stupid faggot. radical muslims = straight up ultra religious types. Think say amish on steroids. Islamists = those who hold true to most of the tenents of islam, but are not radical in seeking to implement this. For example, an Islamist would approve of sharia law, or the use of punishments dictated via the quran, but would not chop peoples heads off to do so.

So you tell you, you braindead little shit for brains maggot, which one do you think the female muslim cunt who works a nice sane no head choppy off job in congress, a job she was elected into, is, really? Do you think she's the "lets play this game subtly and implement our laws later and with minimal violence" or do you thinks she's in the "fuck it all allah knows best we should just decapitate all non believers"

You stupid, stupid, STUPID fucks deserve everything you get in america, because you're too stunningly mentally retarded and arrogant to be reasoned with. I hope a nigger rapes you to death.

18403071? ago

Taquia = Deception, Lying in Islam to gain the upper-hand over an enemy