GrillFlame ago

Monitors, you need to find me faster. I am constantly blocked and inundated with other 'concerns' hour by hour. A clear form of obfuscation and IIED.

Newfoundland is not on radar.

SunStreak ago

They'll find us, as the saying goes.

letsdothis3 ago

Ghislaine Maxwell, 57, has been hiding out at a secluded $3M oceanfront property in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, can exclusively reveal ..

The property is owned by her tech CEO boyfriend Scott Borgerson, 43, who has been seen running errands in the area and walking Maxwell's dog..

Dr. Scott G. Borgerson is an international affairs fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and an adjunct senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center for Energy, Marine Transportation, and Public Policy. At the Council, Dr. Borgerson is examining the foreign policy implications of increased access in the melting Arctic Ocean, opportunities for U.S. coastal shipping, and the geography of global shipping networks.

Before joining the Council, Dr. Borgerson was the director of the Institute for Leadership and an assistant professor at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. During a decade on active duty, he also contributed to Coast

Guard strategic planning efforts and served several tours at sea on narcotics interdiction and search and rescue missions, holding positions as navigator aboard the Cutter Dallas and commanding officer of the Patrol Boat Point Sal.

He is the author of The National Interest and the Law of the Sea

Dr. Scott G. Borgerson is the visiting fellow for ocean governance at the Council on Foreign Relations

(CFR) and an adjunct senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center for Energy, Marine

Transportation, and Public Policy. At CFR, Dr. Borgerson is examining the foreign policy

implications of increased access in the melting Arctic Ocean, opportunities for U.S. coastal shipping,

and the geography of global shipping networks. Dr. Borgerson directs CFR’s roundtable series on

strategic ocean governance as part of the program on international institutions and global governance,

funded by the Robina Foundation.

Data-driven hedge fund looking for partnership in dry bulk -

Hedge fund Cargometrics, which counts Maersk Tankers as investor, is looking for a dry bulk shipping company willing to form a digital partnership, the fund's CEO tells ShippingWatch.

..Cargometrics has already developed a digital tool in collaboration with Maersk Tankers, but the fund is now looking to do a similar deal in the dry bulk segment.

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Cargometrics was launched in 2010 as a provider of shipping data, but the company has since then developed into a quantitative hedge fund. As such, it relies on algorithms to analyze large swaths of trade data to find investment opportunities which others might not see. It uses information from a wide range of sources, including satellite data about ships' movements, commodity prices and energy consumption, which are combined in an effort to spot lucrative patterns in global trade....

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In recent years Boston-based Cargometrics has caused quite a stir in the US shipping circles. One reason is the cooperation with Maersk Tankers, which will test the tool Simtankers starting from July. The shipping company has also invested in the fund alongside prominent business people such as former Google Chairman Eric Schmidt.

Investors include prominent names such as .. shipping magnate Idan Ofer.

..Cargometrics is also somewhat shrouded in mystery, as the fund keeps its cards close to its chest. The ultimate goal is to create "full transparency over the supply chain," and use this to achieve higher returns than the competitors – or "to generate alpha."

Uh huh..


Scott Borgerson, CEO of Boston-based tech company CargoMetrics, is denying a Daily Mail report that Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's alleged madame, is hiding out in his Massachusetts home.

What he's saying: "I'm in Europe right now and there isn't anyone in my house but my cat," Borgerson tells Axios, adding that he's asked local police to check the residence. He says he knows Maxwell, but is not dating her, as the Daily Mail has asserted.

Related post -

Ghislaine Maxwell and boyfriend Scott Borgerson are involved with GEOENGINEERING - Connections with Harvard, Al Gore and UN's Climate Change Initiative connections..

FakAwf ago

Sharing this thread that expands research leads. Negroponte Brothers, Bill Bradley, Hakluyt and more...

letsdothis3 ago

That's an EXCELLENT thread. Thank you. So much to work from there.

061916 ago

Just posted this in pizzagatewhatever, maybe this is related as well?

La Famiglia

Nicole Junkermann is one of the investors in the venture capital fund La Famiglia. Among the investors are known families like Miele, Viessmann, Fürstenberg etc

One of the 7 companies that the fund invested in (this was in 2016 after the funds founding) was FreighHub

Book and control your overseas transports with our logistics experts along digital

processes. Nothing falls down anymore: Compare competitive freight rates,

immediately receive an instant quote, book directly online and track your shipment in

real time. Should delays occur, we will contact you proactively to

act in time and to ensure the satisfaction of your customers. Optimize your supply chain continuously.

Could be nothing again but seeing that Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein's ex) is dating a guy who owns a company that tracks ships this might be related

letsdothis3 ago

Good stuff. Thanks. Will take a look.

FakAwf ago

Adding to this Junkermann connection is

It specifically states " it has the power to track shipping containers across oceans". Notice at the link page bottom that Swarm was founded in 2017 by 2 folks from both JPL and the NASA Johnson Space Center.

another research link

letsdothis3 ago

Again, thank you. How did I miss Swarm? And more excellent connections in that research thread.

plancktonne ago

The UK Daily Mail has added "Epstein's consort" to their repertoire of almost respectable descriptions of her, along with socialite, madame and Epstein's pimp or procurer. Still no mention of kidnapper, international trafficker of children or all around incredible scumball. Imagine if this were some peasant person of the lower castes. The Daily Mail would be leading the mob with torches and pitchforks and call for a good old fashioned burning at the stake.

letsdothis3 ago

If you've seen my post where she is connected to the Al Gore climate change crowd and Harvard geoengineering program then .. I think now it's unlikely she will be arrested.

SilentImage ago

Lol "Please don't copy and share this article"

Bengyclayton ago

I wonder if Cocaine Mitches wifes (Elaine Chao) families shipping business is involved....The Foremost Group

carmencita ago

Yes! She’s married to The Turtle. Her father left her the biz after his death. Some of the ships were caught with large amount of drugs on board. So Mitch is now owner as well.

Blacksmith21 ago

Industrial. Scale. Trafficking.

letsdothis3 ago

FedNav partners with CARGOMETRICS, Executive vice president: Michel Tosini

The core companies include Fednav Limited, Fednav International Ltd., Fednav Atlantic Lakes Line (FALLine), Federal Marine Terminals, Inc. (FMT), Fednav Direct, Arctic Operations and Projects, and Enfotec Technical Services. The company is headquartered in Montreal with offices in Tokyo, Antwerp, Hamburg, Rio de Janeiro, Singapore, Barbados and ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland and Labrador.[2] It also operates terminals in Canada and the United States

According to Tosini's Linkedin account, FedNav works with Port of Milwaukee, https://www.

Port Director Adam Schlicht and Kate Ferguson, Director of Business Development at Duluth Cargo Connect, coordinating efforts for the promotion of Wisconsin-Minnesota agribusiness (including US grain & soy) at this week's "U.S. Soy Global Trade Exchange and Midwest Specialty Grains Conference" in Kansas City. [Note: Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System]

..Schlicht brings significant experience in transportation, international marketing, and Great Lakes shipping to his new position. For the past decade, he has been employed by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). Since 2010 he has held positions at the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC), an operating administration of the USDOT. Schlicht most recently led the SLSDC’s Great Lakes Regional Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio, focusing on foreign trade, maritime and economic development activities throughout the United States and Canada, including frequent work directly with Port Milwaukee...

another partner :

Federal Marine Terminals, Inc. (FMT) is a subsidiary of Fednav Limited and has for over five decades operated stevedoring facilities at ports in the United States and Canada. With ten operations covering twelve ports, FMT operates in the US East Coast and Gulf Coast and in the Great Lakes.

Another partner : Port Manatee

Port Manatee is a county-owned deepwater seaport located in the eastern Gulf of Mexico at the entrance to Tampa Bay in northern Manatee County, Florida. It is one of Florida's largest deepwater seaports and also regarded as the closest U.S. deepwater seaport to the Panama Canal.[3] The port handles a variety of bulk, breakbulk, containerized, and heavy-lift project cargoes.

septimasexta ago

The East India Company never just changed names. These are very old ports. Barbados was an early 17th century English sugarcane plantation Island. This was the early origin of the African "chattel" slave system, later exported to the Carolinas and beyond. The white gold was an early economic engine for the English crown and rising merchant class. The Drax brothers and Myddeltons had early plantations there.

Here is what one of the Drax descendants is up to currently:

No this isn't Afghanistan: Stunning field of opium poppies that is actually in DORSET

"Sweeping through this field of poppies, gardener Hannah Taylor enjoys a remarkable display of the flowers in a field in Dorset today.

The striking display of colour was on show at an estate owned by a Conservative MP Richard Drax who has given up his land to grow the flowers for the NHS.

And the hot dry spring, alongside the weekend downpour has resulted in the bumper blooming of the crop, which will now be turned into morphine."

TrustTheTruth ago

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

What were the first two Corporate Nations?

What roles do organized mafia and gangs play?

What is the Chicago outfit?

Where is the 2020 DNC convention being held and why?

Why did Kushner correct the record when Kanye misspoke about The Deal?

Where is the original Chicago and world invention headquarters?

Who are the Dutch Brotherhood, Sons of Norway and Knights of Pythias?

Who is John Jeffry Louis?

How is he connected with John McCain and the Johnson family from Racine, Wisconsin?

Why did Chris Kutcher blow John McCain a kiss?

Why did Trump lie to The World about how The Deal was conceived with Reince Priebus?

Why did Paul Ryan resign, why did the mayors of Racine resign, and why did Scott Walker throw his re-election campaign?

Who was Paul Ryan’s running mate, who was Racine’s first NFL quarterback, and what are FLDS and Strangite?

What is Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name?

What roles does Kristin Bauer van Straten play and what role does her brother play?

Why is a young Russian boy being groomed as the next mayor of Racine?

What was Mayor Pete doing in Racine?

What is the relationship between Racine and Brazil?

What was decided at the Earth Summit?

What is the foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030?

Where are their other locations around the world, and who are their global partners?

What are social and community policing, and what is the Clinton’s model?

Who was a key general from Racine in Afghanistan?

Who was the first responder at Sandy Hook?

Where was The Deal Trump made signed, and what does The Deal enable?

What is The Mark of the Beast?

How do you measure Sustainability (Satan’s Ability)?

What is the Club of Rome?

Who are the Committee of 300 and Council of 13?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

septimasexta ago

The Sugar Trade in the West Indies and Brazil Between 1492 and 1700

"The European discovery and colonization of Madeira and the Canary Islands would prove fateful precedents for the new world, because the plantation system and colonial governments instituted on these islands became models for the great sugar plantations in the new world.2 Since sugar cane had been introduced to Madeira and the Canaries after their colonization during the last half of the fifteenth century, the techniques of sugar production, exploitation of labor, and economic organization developed on these islands were easily exported to the new world.3 Ultimately, the adoption of these production techniques and the system of colonial government from the Atlantic islands, with the institution of slavery, made sugar production the most profitable cultivation in either the Americas or Europe."

"By the middle of the seventeenth century the Brazilian sugar industry had begun to expand rapidly with support of capital from the Dutch East India Company, which had seized Pernambuco from the Portuguese in 1630, and the Dutch importation of slaves from equatorial Africa."

"However, the 1660 the focus of sugar production began to shift from Brazil to Barbados and other islands of the West Indies."

"Surviving evidence shows that despite increases in production, Brazil was not able to keep the sugar refineries in Amsterdam adequately supplied, forcing the Dutch refiners to look elsewhere for the product.11 Barbados, which had been developing the sugar industry under the leadership of the Englishman John Drax, proved to be a perfect complement. Drax, who had been a student of Portuguese and Dutch production methods and organization in Pernambuco, adapted sugar production to the limited resources of the islands and proved that, despite their relatively small size, the West Indies were capable of producing significant amounts of muscovado, or raw sugar."


"The division of the New World by the Pope ignored the claims of the rest of the European powers to the New World. England, France, and Holland all had either sent explorers to the New World, or simply wanted a piece of it. They felt they needed colonies to both supply them with raw imports and to provide a market for their industrial output. In 1630, the Dutch West India Company sent a fleet to attempt to conquer the city of Recife, located at the northeastern edge of Brazil. Jewish soldiers and explorers were among the Dutch on this successful mission. The new Dutch territory was renamed New Holland. As in Holland, religious freedom was proclaimed.

In 1636, a synagogue was built for the "Holy Congregation" in Recife. Jews began arriving from Poland, Turkey, and Hungary as well as more from Spain and Portugal. In 1642, a large group of

Jews arrived from Amsterdam. In this group were Rabbi Isaac Aboab de Fonseca and Cantor Moses de Aguilar. The population of Recife reached a high point in 1645, with 50% of the white population being Jewish.

The Jews who had settled early on in Brazil were the landowners and sugar barons. Those arriving later became involved in trade. Brazilian Jews formed an overseas trading network with Jews still

in Amsterdam, forming partnerships to bring supplies to Brazil. Jews even became successful slave traders. In 1645, a Jew was granted permission by the West India Company to practice law.

The New Holland Supreme Court refused to accept his license, but the Jewish community in Amsterdam interceded on his behalf and he was eventually allowed to practice law in New Holland. The Christian businessmen were jealous of the success of the Jews, particularly in the lucrative slave trade, and more than once petitioned the government to limit Jewish trading practice. The government refused to take action: the business generated by the Jews was too important to the economy of the colony to be hindered in any way."

septimasexta ago

"Behind the lack of prosecution: Alexander Acosta, former U.S. Attorney for Southern Florida, who is now President Trump’s secretary of labor, responsible for overseeing international child labor laws including protections against sex trafficking."

Why did Trump put Acosta in in the first place?

letsdothis3 ago

That's very interesting. Thank you.

septimasexta ago

What we see now has historical pattern. Some of the old bloodlines are still in play. Slavery never went away. It just moved and went more underground. The truth is, the only way to amass huge fortunes is to steal labor. Catering to human vice and addictions is always profitable. The proceeds are used to buy power to keep the system rolling. This is the NWO.

SearchVoatBot ago

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nzmc ago

Why is Google everywhere today?

letsdothis3 ago

Yep. Very Interesting indeed.

Why would a woman, alleged to be part of a large sex-trafficking operation that includes sex with the victims themselves see in a tech guy who tracks and measures sea-borne trade in real time?

I know, he’s so smart

And handsome

Right? I’m fascinated with this. Really fascinated that this guy has created a way to track tankers and ocean traffic in real time. It takes millions and millions of data points and he managed to do that. He also partnered with 2 other companies

FedNav and Western Bulk. Canada and Norway

Before you think I’m all tin foil hat here, I’m not quite doing that. The investors in this company like Google, Renaissance Technologies, Paul Tudor Jones and Isarael’s Idan Ofer, kind of make me what to look harder.

Yes, it’s good business to be efficient.

think- ago

Considering this -

I'm wondering whether they are trying to mislead the public about her whereabouts.

I can't imagine that she didn't flee the country.

But if she should -still be in the US, why doesn't she get arrested - they must have found pics and footage of her when she was abusing the girls. They already found cp on her computer.

new4now ago

I agree

Someones trying to pull a fast one

think- ago


septimasexta ago

What was Aaron Schwartz downloading from Jstor? It was a supposedly a competing "public" version of Maxwell's former operation.

Springer Verlag, a German publisher of scientific journals - Butterworth-Springer Publishing Company. - Pergamon Press - Pergamon Press (now Imprint of Elsevier) - Elsevier - Science Direct.

Control of all published scientific research.

carmencita ago

Aaron. I life cut way too short. No wonder They did away with him. So sad.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

Like Q team doesn't know where she is.

NowThatsInteresting ago

Maybe she will magically commit suicide too lol. Plastic surgeries cost nothing for these people, getting a brand new passports i.e new identity should also be no problem. Then they can keep abusing somewhere else. Happy days for those monsters. Barr will show his real face soon enough and i pray he shows us he’s on our side.

think- ago

He has shown his real face already. Shortly before he recused himself from the old Florida case, the federal prosecutors refused to agree to a reopening of the case. Funny that he worked for the law firm that represented Epstein in Florida.

NowThatsInteresting ago

Personally I can’t blame every employee at that law firm for what the leaders decided to do but recusing himself was already fishy to me. I guess I really wanna believe that he will do something to put things right again but my hopes are faint. I agree with you, it doesn’t look good.

letsdothis3 ago

I'm wondering the same... but I have a new company to look into regarding my yachts and shipping containers network :-)

think- ago
