TrishaUK ago

Some of these video reports regarding The Clinton Foundation is where a lot of the money laundering took place. I am annoyed I can't find the video, MLordandGod did last year about Comey or his brothers involvement in HSBC where they created 10,000s of 'private accounts' to launder just under $10,000 a time then closed them down straight after, so the amounts would not flag up as suspicious. - "Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire U.S. Government" - FBI Source. - BUSTED: Massive Clinton 'Money Laundering Scheme' Unveiled from HSBC Prosecution - - HSBC Prosecution Unveils Massive Clinton Money Laundering Scheme (1/2) - - HUGE 'CLINTON Money Laundering' - Hillary, Chelsea Clinton & Foundation Scheme REVEALED, HSBC. (pt3) - - HSBC Prosecution Unveils Massive Clinton Money Laundering Scheme (2/2) - - “Too Big To Jail” - US Refuses To Charge HSBC Money Laundering, It Could Hurt Finance - - BOOM: Hillary's Campaign Funded by Laundered Money, Obama DELETED Emails of Scandal - - BOMBSHELL: NYPD's 'Hillary Emails' -Money Laundering, Sex Crimes, Child Exploit, PayPlay, Perjury. - HSBC Prosecution Unveils Massive Clinton Money Laundering Scheme (2/2) - - CREEPY JOHN PODESTA IS CONVERTING $40 BILLION in CLINTON FOUNDATION ASSETS -

A86 ago

This might be of importance, its a new Canadian party hell bent of fighting corruption and supporters of pizzagate

Mbailey63 ago

Great post but I feel creeped out now.



Piscina ago

That is great work Commoner. I'm now beginning to think that there's no such thing as a wealthy person who is altruistic and not involved in some nefarious, illegal criminal acts.

The brother, Edmond, supposedly died in a fire. Whispers around Monaco were that he was found with two bullets in him. A witness reported that two masked intruders had broken into the apartment. Rumours swirled that an incendiary had been thrown into his apartment from outside. The nurse who died with him was found with her throat crushed.

It was rumoured that Edmond had been pressed to allow his jet to be used to move money during the Iran-Contra affair. It was said that he laundered money for Noriega and the Columbian drug cartels. A few days before his death he was seen in Cannes arguing angrily with two Russians. At Cape D'Antibes he was said to have met with Russian oligarch Berezovsky (who was complicit in funnelling tens of millions of dollars from Aeroflot, which was government-owned). Edmond had worked with the FBI re. the Russians laundering money through his bank. Word is that the Russians were none too happy about this.

Edmond had two nurses with him at the time, one of whom was Maher. Maher lit a fire during the intrusion to let off the smoke alarms in an effort to alert someone and get help. But Maher was set up as the patsy. He was held and tortured for three days and forced to sign a French confession--although Maher spoke no French.

Jean-Christophe Hullin, chief investigative judge on the case disclosed that a hush-hush, pre-trial meeting was held among himself, Monaco’s chief prosecutor and another member of the defense team headed by Griffith. The three allegedly agreed Maher should be convicted and get 10 years in jail. A jury of three judges and three laymen did just that.

Where there's money there's corruption and crime.

AngB23 ago

Great info...need to archive it

Dressage2 ago

Great post. Bananas too, eh? Sheesh now throw those in the pile with pizza, hot dogs and ice cream.

LongDongKeyhote ago

The crux of this post is a 2015 acquisition of a very old company. Why would you not then draw a conclusion? The CIA is an arm of Jewish influence and thats why their interests always seem to coincide.

Black was hired through the legendary firm DLJ founded by Bonesmen.

Commoner ago

Well, thank you,

remedial ago

Btw: regarding NCMEC. You may wish to review the U.S. Marshall service. Private air force and protects 94 Federal judges.

remedial ago

Excellent work. May be the single best post I've ever read here! Congratulations!

Commoner ago

Wow, thanks for that.

Rmm ago

again, truth is oh so much stranger than fiction. wonderful report

Commoner ago

Thanks so much.