3141592653 ago

Do we have any update on the kids since the 2017 ebay awards video?

KaptXan ago

Look into the "Wonderful Slime" product line. Extremely strange stuff for a satanic cult leader to be getting into. Makes me think of Nickelodeon's Slime Time Live show that used to air. Upon further googling I saw that Nick's CEO resigned when pedos began getting taken down.

3141592653 ago

I'm familiar with their involvement in the "slime business." Yes it is so bizarre. Thanks for the info.

crownedfive ago

they're on facebook, ricky dearman renamed himself as "gab williams," alisa is now alisa grace williams

3141592653 ago

The accounts are private though, right?

letsdothis3 ago

EBay is linked to a lot of shady stuff. We have many posts related to them. I've just pulled out a couple here:


IN CHARGE OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING AT MCCAIN INSTITUTE ...Randy Newcomb is President and CEO of Humanity United, one of the largest private donors in the field of international human rights. Founded by Pam and Pierre Omidyar...Prior to joining Humanity United, Randy was a Vice President of Omidyar Network


About connections between the Military/Intelligence complex, Bain Capital, Toys R Us, eBay and pedophilia - oh, and James Alefantis too

3141592653 ago

Thanks for this info

letsdothis3 ago

No, not really. People have said that they live in California with the father. I'm not sure how true that is because they were spotted a few times in a shopping mall in the south of England with their father selling the slime stuff. There was also an ad in a local newspaper for the Brighton/Hove area for someone to help sell their stuff. From that ad I tracked down an address in the Hove area (England). Hove is run by an MP for the Green Party who I think has some interesting connections...

3141592653 ago

Wow. Thanks. Where did you get the info about them being spotted in shopping malls?

letsdothis3 ago

I first picked it up from one ot two comments on their Youtube channel, I think it was. Then found an ad in the Hove newspaper for someone to help them sell their stuff.

3141592653 ago

Thanks for the info

plowboys ago

did she do the AUDI add which aired during Superbowl ? Superbowl being a hot bed of sex trafficking.

3141592653 ago

It really does look just like her. I've watched it frame by frame alongside her picture

Z11Mama ago

Excellent post. Your attitude and thoughts are spot on imo.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

hamdoguhoh ago

spare me with the "proper attitude" bullshit. Our president has always had "attitude problems" according to the media too.

Otherwise, keep fighting the good fight and let's get these fucking child molesters off the street.

Z11Mama ago

I think you need to read my comment again. Your tirade against the President was completely unprovoked. I was obviously speaking to the POSTER. Not the President.

hamdoguhoh ago

Haha tirade? I am saying the president doesnt have a "proper attitude," according to many people. He doesn't care and still gets results. Telling someone they "have a proper attitude" is just as offputting.

Either way we are on the same side. I just don't like being told how to act, even in a positive reenforcement way, and assume many share this sentiment.

Z11Mama ago

What you are saying in no way connects to my comment. What is offputting is that you do NOT sound like we are on the same side and seem to think that by saying we are it makes you sound special. What you sound is drunk. I was specifically addressing the poster. You seem to think I was addressing you or someone else. If you don't like my telling the poster they have a good attitude, shut the fuck up and move on. No one was talking to you!

EricKaliberhall ago

And events are certainly moving very swiftly now.


Sessions began the Epstein investigation. When that is revealed those who doubted may see the light.

The wheels of Justice turn slow but when they turn they are powerful.

10x speed now underway.

We are back online (Pelosi attempted block).


10x speed now underway. I love the sound of that.

Hopevoats ago

The Q source and its followers are not a "tribe". The Qanon operation is arguably the most intricate and well-crafted military intelligence PSYOP in the history of mankind.

The POTUS is one of the operatives.

As evidenced by the results, not all PSYOPS are nefarious. This one has utilized the collective research and dissemination power of patriots to change history.

I suggest putting aside your prejudice and read Q from the beginning. It will help ease the shock of what will soon be revealed.


NotHereForPizza ago

Good job, anon.

Many will soon tear down the false dichotomy and again begin to use tools like shame, which it has long been taught is something we should avoid.

Understanding everything isn't black and white like they want us to think it is is a giant first step. Hell, this concept branches out in to so many other things. It's like we're evolving again, except this time humans are widely developing a better grasp for how logic works.

Indeed, Q is certainly a psyop. We need to explain its goal though - which is to instruct /us/ to prepare the normie. What needs to be better explained is that ANONS are the ones running the psyop, NOT MIL. MIL is merely instructing us. Of course, there's guaranteed to be some overlap, but what we're seeing is largely just a deployment of the "digital soldiers", as the General called us.

Very good post, anon.

Hopevoats ago

Thank you. 😀

Lansing-Michigan ago

Thank you. the political correctness here is a different sort. You cannot like Q or be aware of the top of the pyramid of pedophilia ..vatican and UK which are being systematically taken down. It is being shown daily that Epstein, queen and pope had powerful backers all along which enabled them to get a pass on wide spread torture, rape and killing of babies and children.......this site is great for the details, comprehensive view , not so much.

letsdothis3 ago

You cannot like Q or be aware of the top of the pyramid of pedophilia

Care to expand?

letsdothis3 ago

The Q source and its followers are not a "tribe".

Q followers are a tribe of sorts. And that's not meant in a derogatory way, it's from an anthropological perspective. I'm more of a 'lone wolf', that's all I meant by that.

The Qanon operation is arguably the most intricate and well-crafted military intelligence

You may be right. I don't yet know for sure about that. .. That's just my critical nature talking... as I'm a forensic thinker.

not all PSYOPS are nefarious


I suggest putting aside your prejudice

I'm not prejudiced.. you don't need to be defensive about Q.. we are on the same team.. (though I don't do tribes :-))

and read Q from the beginning

I'm a researcher.. no time for that.. I'll leave that for others who do not contribute content...

It will help ease the shock of what will soon be revealed.

Looking forward because I know that people will be shocked INCLUDING many in the Q tribe :-)

Blacksmith21 ago

This is absolutely true > Q followers are a tribe of sorts. And that's not meant in a derogatory way, it's from an anthropological perspective.

Hopevoats ago

Fair enough. 😀

think- ago

<§Thi-s i-s ther 3Trump töweet ü4-


@letsdothis3, could you give us a timeline, please - when exactly was the Q drop published - was that before or after the Trump tweet? Thank you.

Also, would you consider adding the text of the Q drop to your OP, that would be terrific! Thanks. :-)

letsdothis3 ago

Also looks like Twitter might be up to its usual tricks : https://voat.co/v/QRV/3329702

NotHereForPizza ago

The brits took it offline on us basically instantaneously.

letsdothis3 ago

Q drop 3420 https://qmap.pub/read/3420 was today at 6am. I'm still not certain what 'he' was implying, I'm just glad Hampstead is going mainstream.

think- ago

Would you maybe have an archive, or add the text to your OP - thanks! :-)

letsdothis3 ago

Just did that too ;-)

think- ago

Thank you! :-)

letsdothis3 ago


derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/johnjam02545194/status/1149527546033086465 :

Johnjames on Twitter: "Trump just retweeted an account (dropped by #QAnon) who's name is "Save the Littles". Their cover photo is of two children from an interview (here: t.co/8pZOjZmvI2) talking about secret pedo and human sacrifice rings being exposed. DARK > LIGHT. t.co/XOtDJpkzIK"

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=N7_epvNbaPQ :

Papa kills babies - Secret UK Pedophile ring is being exposed - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=N7_epvNbaPQ :

Papa kills babies - Secret UK Pedophile ring is being exposed - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Dnomen ago

Another way of looking at it, even if after the first few proofs Q became a LARP, if the LARPERS went on fishing expeditions re-using old codes, Trump's analysts could easily play the game and verify some.

In this particular case it seems to be valid but I haven't run the proof myself.

NotHereForPizza ago

le muh LARP

letsdothis3 ago

Absolutely. I'm just very interested to see Hampstead being brought to a wider audience now.

Dnomen ago

Nobody in the UK will hear about it. They covered for Jimmy Savile for two decades.

letsdothis3 ago

I don't care about the UK anymore. It's over.

think- ago

What exactly do you mean by 'it's over'?

letsdothis3 ago

Don't mind me. I'm in a cynical mood this morning. Most if not all of the people I know don't seem to recognize the fact that the country is being destroyed from within. I don't even recognize it anymore. And whoever is the next PM, Johnson or Hunt, will finish off the job. Meanwhile the entire political debate in the UK is about anti-semitism. It's pathetic.